karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

changeable weather

2012-05-18 14:47:00 | ノンジャンル
It was cloudy early this morning.

Around ten o'clock, it was shining.
Around eleven, o'clock, it became cloudy again.
Around half past eleven, it became dark
and the wind grew stronger.

Friday English class ended a little earlier than usual
because our teacher had to go back to the Base earlier.

When I went outside, I found a drop of rain coming down.

I asked Masami-san to take me to my daughter's house in her car.

Thank you so much, Masami-san!
I could take the washing in just before having a

I'm afraid the sudden thunderstorm and hailstones
scared you a lot, Masami-san.

You were driving home at that time.

Yes, I was surprised to see unseasonable hail falling.

The sun appeared from behind the clouds
while I was walking back to my apartment around one o'clock.

We have very changeable weather today.

How is the weather in the evening when koharu comes home
from school?

The sun is now shining bright---now at three o'clock.

walking across the Rainbow Bridge

2012-05-14 15:44:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I joined ‘Green Road Walking Club’.

It was a pleasant early summer day for walking.

We got off the ゆりかもめ at Shibaura-futo Station.

First, we enjoyed walking along the Rainbow Bridge Promenade.
I’ve crossed the Rainbow Bridge many times by sightseeing bus
but never crossed it on foot. I was greatly excited.

We had lunch at The 3rd Daiba Park(第三台場史跡公園),
watching Tokyo Dragon Boat Race.

Then we walked to Odaiba-kaihinkoen.
There were many people enjoying the sunshine.
There were many young couples walking arm in arm.
How heartwarming to see them!

We went to 台場一丁目商店街,too.
It was a shopping floor where good old things Japanese were sold.

We walked to Museum of Maritime Science ( 船の科学館 ).
It was closed but the first floor was open to anyone.
We took a short rest there.

We walked to 船の科学館 Station and returned to Shinbashi
by the ゆりかもめ.

I said goodbye to other members at Shinbashi Station.

I went to Tokyo Station and bought 駅弁 for my supper
and came back to Kokubunji by the Chuo Line.

What a nice Mother’s Day!

I walked 19895 steps in a day.


2012-05-12 22:42:00 | ノンジャンル
In Friday English Circle, our teacher said to us,
“Do you know what 'PC' means?”

I said to myself, “Oh, PC means a personal computer.”

No, PC is the abbreviation of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

we learned about it yesterday.

Our American teacher, who lives in Yokota Air Base, said

/ Family Support Center / was changed into
/ Airman Family and Readiness Center / or

/ Fire Department / into / Fire Prevention Center /.

She told us to write the PC version of the words below.
(PC in Gender this time)

/ Fireman, Firewoman / Policeman, Policewoman /
/ Actor, Actress / Air steward, Air stewardess /
/ Chairman, Chairwoman / Waiter, Waitress /

PC version is as follows:

/ Fire fighter / Police officer / Actor / Flight attendant /
/ Chair / Server /.

In Japanese the following examples are PC, I thought.

看護婦・看護士 ⇒ 看護師
保母・保父 ⇒ 保育士
痴呆症 ⇒ 認知症

Next week we'll discuss the questions about Gender.
Too difficult for me, I’m afraid.

(today's photos)

koharu’s junior high school life

2012-05-09 18:10:00 | ノンジャンル
One month has passed since my granddaughter
koharu became a junior high school student.

Her school has a school uniform.

At first, she found it very difficult to put on a tie.
Her brother showed her how to knot a tie.
Now she can do up a tie by herself.

Anyway, koharu looks nice in uniform.

She belongs to the brass band club.

The music teacher told her to play the oboe.
There was no oboe in the brass band club before.
The teacher bought one this April.

koharu is the first oboe player at her school.
Besides the specialist teaches her how to play the oboe.

koharu's parents wanted koharu to play the saxophone.

They expected to enjoy a jazz ensemble
with koharu and her brother.

koharu comes home around 7:00 in the late evening.

At home she is always singing.
I'm afraid she will have a hoarse voice someday.

I'm glad koharu seems to be enjoying her junior high school
life very much.

(koharu, five years ago)

to Koganei Park

2012-05-05 23:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Today was a lovely day.

I left all the windows open in the morning.

I cleaned my rooms.

I did the laundry and hang it out.
The laundry soon dried off.

After taking the laundry in, I walked to Koganei Park
around 4:00 p.m.

I should have come at the time of cherry blossoms!

All the cherry trees in the 「桜の園」 had
fresh green leaves.

I saw many families playing in the 「いこいの広場」.

I sat on a bench and watched them for some time.
They all looked happy, which made me happy too.

( on the way back—tamagawa-josui)

Wow! I walked 14846 steps today.