karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu's flowers

2008-01-21 19:53:24 | ノンジャンル
My daughter went to work.
I spent most of the day at her house.

While waiting for koharu, one of my grandchildren,
to come home from school---

I cut away dead branches from trees in her flower bed.
I was sweeping up fallen leaves.
I saw some crocuses coming up again under fallen leaves.

How amazing ! Spring is coming around here in Tokyo.

first snowfall in Tokyo

2008-01-17 12:42:57 | ノンジャンル
The radio said that we had the first snow
of the year here in Tokyo.

It snowed very early in the morning.

On the way to the community center,
I saw a little snow still left in the shade.

I looked up at the sky,
Oh, how beautiful !

The wind was blowing hard.
The white clouds were moving fast.
My hands were numb with cold.

I really miss that bitterly cold winter in Niigata.

Mitsuo Aida Museum

2008-01-14 22:32:32 | ノンジャンル
Mitsuo Aida Museum is in Tokyo International Forum,

This museum now holds a special exhibition
of Tomihiro Hoshino and Mitsuo Aida.

Yesterday I visited the museum with Mrs. Y.

Mitsuo Aida is a calligrapher and poet.
Tomihiro Hoshino is a painter and poet.
You know both of them, don't you?

I was deeply impressed with their works
--love for life and nature.

After visiting the museum, we walked up and down
Ginza Street. It being Sunday, the street was only
for pedestrians.

We had a fine lunch.
We walked a lot.
We talked and laughed a lot.

We spent a pleasant day in the center of Tokyo.