karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Jan. 12, 2022

2022-01-12 21:50:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I enjoyed English with three housewives
at the community center.

First, we enjoyed talking in Japanese.

Then we started to do an exercise in English grammar
---Adjective. (形容詞)

Do you try some?

(  )内の語句のうち、正しいものを選びなさい。

1.I have a ( few, little ) money with me now.
2.( Thousand, Thousands ) of people attended the funeral.
3.The ( lone, alone ) traveler kept walking day after day.
4.Every student was ( boring, bored ) with his speech.
5.I am ( convenient, glad ) to see you.

answers ( 1. little 2. Thousands 3. lone 4. bored 5. glad )

We, four ladies, think studying English is very good
to stimulate our brain.