karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Ueno Park, again

2018-05-02 21:03:00 | ノンジャンル
On the last day of April Mrs. M and I
met just outside the gate 公園口,
Uneno Station.

When we visited Ueno Park on April 14,
it was not crowded at all.

That might be because the weather
was reported to get awful in the evening.

This time Ueno Park was full of people!

I was glad they all looked happy.

“Golden Week” had just started
and the weather was so beautiful!

How peaceful!

Mrs. M and I went to 東京国立博物館
and enjoyed the exhibition:
(The Lineage of Beauty in Japanese Art)

第1章 祈りをつなぐ
第2章 巨匠のつながり
第3章 古典文学につながる
第4章 つながるモチーフ / イメージ

We enjoyed about 130 masterpieces
of Japanese Art.

I've seen some of them in the books
and others in other exhibitions.

Mrs. M and I had a nice day
enjoying Japanese Art----
and a long talk after that.

Thank you so much, Mrs. M.