karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a 48-yen cucumber

2017-10-12 19:55:00 | ノンジャンル
I'm careless
and forget things easily.

Every morning I go to my daughter's house
to make sure the house is locked up.

This morning I went to her house around 10
and on the way back to my apartment,
I stopped by a supermarket.

I put seven articles of food into a green basket,
went to the cashier, paid the money
and put them into a bag.

When I came home, I found I had left
a cucumber in the green shopping basket!

I said to myself, "That's Ok. I'll go without the
cucumber. It's only 48 yen. I'm too tired to go
back to the supermarket again.”

But suddenly I felt so sorry for the cucumber.

The cucumber might be waiting for me to come back.

The cucumber might be sad to think I gave up on it.

I hurried to the supermarket again.

One of the cashiers said, “Oh, I remember a cucumber
left in a basket. It was yours!

Thank you for coming back for the cucumber.”

I don't know why
but I was filled with a warm emotion.