karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to koharu’s school festival

2016-09-11 20:00:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu, my granddaughter, is a second-year student
in a public high school.

I can't believe it!

She was only 6 months old when I came to live
in Tokyo.

Yesterday I went to koharu's school festival.

As I often writes, she belongs to a brass band
and plays the oboe.

I arrived at her school around 11 a.m.

First I went to koharu's class event---おばけ屋敷.

I wanted to go into the room and see おばけ.

But I gave up the idea, because there was a line
of people waiting in front of the room.

I went outside the school and had onigiri-lunch
in the cool shade of trees.

The brass band concert started at 2 p.m.

The hall was full of people.

koharu played the oboe and conducted a few pieces
from Star Wars and Mary Poppins.

She also invited us to join the concert by shaking
handmade plastic-bottle-maracas which had been
delivered at the entrance..

She explained to us how to shake the maracas
to the music.

Her way of speaking was excellent!

koharu is not my baby any longer.

She is growing up to be a young lady.

It's natural that I should grow older.