karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Morning glories from Yoko-san

2016-08-05 13:56:00 | ノンジャンル
朝顔 is called ‘Morning glory’ in English.

What a nice name!

I do not like summer but I do love morning glories
which bloom in the early morning in summer.

Yoko-san, one of my good old friends in Niigata,
sent me a summer greeting card with a 3-D paper
flowerpot of Morning glories yesterday.

Oh, how refreshing these flowers are!
They make me so happy.

Yoko-san, how have you been since I saw you
last September in Niigata? I hope you’ve been good.

Sorry to say, I am afraid I can't go back to Niigata
this summer.

I'm a little weak in mind and body because I don't have
much appetite.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again-- in Niigata.

I know Yoko-san doesn't use a computer
and I sent her a letter of thanks.