karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

what a disaster!

2015-09-11 15:15:00 | ノンジャンル
After the severe summer heat we had typhoons
one after another.

We had a lot of rainy days.

A powerful atmospheric depression after the typhoon #18
caused a heavy rain in the Kanto and the Tohoku districts.

The river banks were breached.
Some thousands of houses were flooded above the floors.
A lot of houses were swept off their foundations.

Those were lucky who were able to go to emergency shelters.

There are still a lot of people awaiting for rescue
at their floor-deep flooded houses.

22 people are still missing in Josou City, Ibaraki.

I am deeply thankful
to 警察・消防隊・自衛隊・海上保安庁
for their rescue operation!

Please, please, help them all!

(on the way to Friday English Class, this morning)