karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Mt. Takao, alone

2014-11-15 23:38:00 | ノンジャンル
It was the ideal weather for hiking.
I decided at once to go on a hike to Mt. Takao.

I left my apartment at half past eight this morning,
and arrived at 高尾山口駅around 10:00am.

I was surprised there were a lot of hikers in front of

More people were waiting their turn to get on the cable car.

I didn’t use the cable car but started to walk from the base.

Oh, I'll finally reach the summit if I go up these steps!
I was completely exhausted.

Here I am!

At もみじ台 I had onigiri-lunch.

もみじ台 was very crowded.

It took a long time to buy a ticket of なめこ汁.

There was no table for me.
Every table was occupied.

I asked three young ladies to let me share their table
with them.

They were so nice young ladies.
I enjoyed talking with them.

Thank you very much, ladies!

I walked 21994 steps in a day.