karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the word, hopeful

2014-02-12 22:12:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I attended Wednesday English Class at KIFA.

First we talked about the Sochi Winter Olympics.

In the men's half pipe snowboarding,
two teenagers won medals

Ayumu Hirano for the silver and
Taku Hiraoka, for the bronze.

Ayumu is 15 years old Taku is 18.
They made us so happy.


By the way, you know the word “hopeful,” don't you?

The word is used as follows:
I am hopeful of success.〔成功する望みを抱いている〕

In today's class I found out that I had never used the word
“hopeful” as a noun, which is used as follows:

an Olympic hopeful 「オリンピック選手候補者」
a medal hopeful  「メダル候補者」

I am glad to notice that “hopeful” is used as a noun too.

(at 6:00 pm, today)