karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2013-08-04 11:14:00 | ノンジャンル
I have a backache since the end of July.

Standing up and sitting down makes my backache worse.

Walking is OK. I can walk slowly.

My friend invited me to 長岡花火大会 on August 2nd
and I was planning to go back to my home in Niigata
after enjoying 長岡花火大会.

How sorry I was to miss 長岡花火大会!

When can I go back to my own home in Niigata City?

This morning one of my neighbors in Niigata City
sent me 枝豆・とうもろこし・トマト・茄子・ししとうetc.

How thoughtful of you, T-san!

I'll go back to Niigata as soon as I get well.