karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

splendor in the wild grasses

2010-07-15 22:02:00 | ノンジャンル
One of my friends entered hospital today.
She looked all right last Friday.

Her daughter told me that she had been ill
since Monday.

She had a fever of 38.5℃.
She felt tired and sluggish.
She walked in an unsteady way.
Her comments sometimes seemed unusual,
her daughter said.

I hope nothing is wrong with her heart or brain.
I hope she will soon come back to me.

Wild grasses looked splendid
Wild grasses looked strong.
Wild grasses told me to be strong.

I'm going home to Niigata tomorrow
after attending Friday English class.

I'm going to visit my husband's grave.

See you next week.