
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・鳥取大學 2007 (3) 1パラつづき

2011-12-30 | 出題英文讀解



1.6  When Kabul was captured by U.S.-supported armies, it was reported that one Afghani anxiously retrieved his TV and VCR in order to view his copy of the film Titanic.



preparatory itit は形式主語で、眞主語は that~です。





in order to-不定詞()



[意味]  1.6 カブールがアメリカに支援された軍隊に占領されたとき、映畫『タイタニック』の録畫を見るため、躍起になつてテレビとビデオデッキを取りもどしに行つたアフガニスタン人がゐた、といふことが傳へられた。


1.7  Judging whether or not globalization is good, however, is complex.



whether or not ~: 「~かどうか」whether or not といふかたちになることがあります


[意味]  1.7 しかしながら、globalizationが良いかどうかを判斷することは複雜(な問題)である。



[用例研究]  <關係代名詞+插入節>

  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  What do you think?

  ・感想を訊ねる文です。what の位置に how を使ふと別の意味になります。



1  It needs something.



2  Let me try a few more.

  a few more を修飾してをり、「いくつか」ほど「もつと多くもの」の意味になります。



3  Hmm…it needs …um…



3  What I think it needs is a larger plate.







・鳥取大學 2007 (2) 1パラ

2011-12-30 | 出題英文讀解


   There are some aspects of globalization that most people will agree are good and some that most people will agree are bad.  An example of the former would be the spread of medical technology.  An example of the latter would be the increased global trade in illegal drugs.  Events during the war in Afghanistan in 2001–2002 revealed the dramatic contrast between friends and foes of globalization.  Due to the Taliban’s rejection of many aspects of Western culture, some Afghanis apparently buried their televisions and VCRs in their backyards.  When Kabul was captured by U.S.-supported armies, it was reported that one Afghani anxiously retrieved his TV and VCR in order to view his copy of the film Titanic.  Judging whether or not globalization is good, however, is complex.



1.1  There are some aspects of globalization that most people will agree are good and some that most people will agree are bad.



・<關係代名詞+插入節>: 關係代名詞 that に續けて most people will agree が插入されてゐます。英文での意味把握は容易ですが、譯文はつくりにくいことがあります。


John, who I remember was good in math in high school, is now specializing in engineering in college.



[意味]  1.1 globalization には、ほとんどの人が同意するやうな、いくつかの良い面といくつかの惡い面とがある。(←大部分の人が良いものであると意見が一致する(であらう)いくつかの樣相と、……)


1.2  An example of the former would be the spread of medical technology.



・假定法過去由來の表現: would be~ は假定法に由來するもので、主部に假定條件が見出せます。假に條件を補ふとすれば、「前者の例を擧げるなら」でせう。1.3にも同じかたちが見えます。




the former - the latter



[意味]  1.2 前者のひとつの例は醫學技術の擴大であらう。


1.3  An example of the latter would be the increased global trade in illegal drugs.


[意味]  1.3 後者のひとつの例は、非合法の麻藥における地球規模の取引の増大であらう。


1.4  Events during the war in Afghanistan in 2001–2002 revealed the dramatic contrast between friends and foes of globalization.


[意味]  1.4 2001年から2002年にかけてのアフガニスタンでの戰爭中の出來事により、globalizationに於ける好い面と惡い面の間の劇的な相違が明らかになつた。


1.5  Due to the Taliban’s rejection of many aspects of Western culture, some Afghanis apparently buried their televisions and VCRs in their backyards.





due to





it seems (that)  ※斷定を避けたのでせう。


[意味]  1.5 西歐文化の多くの様相をタリバンが拒んだために、アフガニスタン人の中にはテレビやビデオデッキを裏庭に埋めた人もゐたやうである。


【この項 (3)へつづく】


・鳥取大學 2007 (1) 全文

2011-12-26 | 出題英文讀解



   There are some aspects of globalization that most people will agree are good and some that most people will agree are bad.  An example of the former would be the spread of medical technology.  An example of the latter would be the increased global trade in illegal drugs.  Events during the war in Afghanistan in 2001–2002 revealed the dramatic contrast between friends and foes of globalization.  Due to the Taliban’s * rejection of many aspects of Western culture, some Afghanis* apparently buried their televisions and VCRs* in their backyards.  When Kabul* was captured by U.S.-supported armies, it was reported that one Afghani anxiously retrieved his TV and VCR in order to view his copy of the film Titanic.  Judging whether or not globalization is good, however, is complex.

   We can identify three main areas that are affected by globalization

politics, economics and culture.  Each of these has aspects which can be considered positive and negative.  A key aspect of political globalization is the weakened ability of the state to control both what crosses its borders and what goes on inside them.  In other words, globalization can reduce the state’s sovereignty ( the state’s ability to govern matters within its borders ).  This can be viewed as good, because undemocratic governments are finding it increasingly difficult to control the flow of information to and from outside democracy groups.  E-mail and the Internet are two examples of technology that have weakened state sovereignty.  But decreased state sovereignty also means that the state has difficulty controlling the entry of illegal drugs and unwanted immigrants, including terrorists.

   In the area of economics, increased globalization has given consumers more choice.  Also, multinational corporations are creating jobs in poor areas where people never before had such opportunities.  Some critics, however, argue that increased foreign investment and trade benefit only a small group of wealthy individuals and that, as a result, the gap between rich and poor grows both within and between countries.  These critics point out that the combined wealth of the fifteen richest people in the world is more than the gross domestic product (GDP)* of southern Africa.  Related to this is the argument that many factory jobs are moving from the richer developed nations to the poor countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia.

   At the cultural level, those who view increased cultural contact as positive say that it gives people more opportunities to learn about (and purchase goods from) other cultures.  But critics of cultural globalization see things differently.  Samuel Huntington has argued that the shrinking world will bring a “clash of civilizations.”  In this scenario, clashes will occur among many civilizations, including the Christian countries in the West against Islam.  Other critics of cultural globalization argue that the wealthy countries are guilty of cultural imperialism that their billion-dollar advertising budgets are destroying the cultures of non-Western areas, as illustrated by the aggressive sales strategy of some cosmetics corporations in the Amazon region.  The fear of cultural imperialism is certainly a key component in the strong negative feelings of some Arabs towards the United States.  Other critics are increasingly fearful that more and more national languages will disappear as foreign languages, especially English, penetrate borders.

   The degree to which cultural values can be “exported” is the subject of some debate, according to Huntington.  He argues that drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese.  “Throughout human history,” he says, “fashions and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly altering the basic culture of the recipient society.”  Similarly, others argue that globalization brings only superficial change.  As one scholar has noted, “McDonald’s hamburger restaurants may be in nearly every country, but in Germany they sell beer, while in Japan they serve teriyaki burgers.  In some countries, such as India, hamburgers are not even on the McDonald’s menu.”  Thus the global product is often altered to take on a local flavor.  The term “glocalization” has combined the words “global” and “local” to describe such hybrid products.

   Is globalization improving human capacity to deal with global issues? Or is it making it more difficult?  It is up to each one of us to make our own decisions about this.  Of course, each individual’s perspective will be influenced by whether he or she evaluates these issues based on self-interest, national interest, a religious view or a global humanitarian viewpoint.  For example, how can we evaluate a moral question such as, “Is free trade good or bad?”  Those concerned first and foremost with self-interest will ask, “How does free trade affect me?”  A national point of view will consider one’s country and the effects of free trade on it.  If people identify with a religion, they will ask how their religion would instruct them on this question.  Finally, the global humanitarian view would ask, “What is best for humanity in general?”  Therefore, people must ask themselves which viewpoint is most important to them when evaluating globalization.  831語】

  出典: Michael T. Snarr & D. Neil Snarr (Eds.), Introducing Global Issues (Lynne Rienner, 2005, 3). 一部を変更している。

*Taliban  タリバン(アフガニスタンの原理主義武裝集団)  *Afghani  アフガニスタン人  *VCR  ビデオカセットレコーダ  *Kabul  カブール(アフガニスタンの首都)   *gross domestic product (GDP)  国内総生産


・金澤大學 2011 (10) 8パラ

2011-12-23 | 出題英文讀解


   It is this living culture, this affinity for nature, and this shared tradition that can inform Japan’s economic revival. When my Afghan friends visit to study the lessons of Japan’s reconstruction for Afghanistan today, it is this ability to maintain tradition, alongside advanced technology, that impresses them the most. For example, anyone who has sat in the bullet train, seen neatly cultivated rice fields through the train window, and admired the precision of rail staff in their clean uniforms, realizes that it would be a mistake to judge the decline of Japan so easily. As Benedict herself stated: “The system was singular. It was not Buddhism and it was not Confucianism. It was Japanese the strength and the weakness of Japan.”



8.1  It is this living culture, this affinity for nature, and this shared tradition that can inform Japan’s economic revival.



preparatory it(強調構文): <it is that …>のかたちで、~の部分が強調されるのでした。この文では~の部分が長いため讀み辛さがあります。[既出(201152日、1212日付拙稿)]


[意味]  8.1 日本の經濟的復興を告知できるのは、かうした現存する文化、かうした自然愛好、そしてかうした傳統共有である。


8.2  When my Afghan friends visit to study the lessons of Japan’s reconstruction for Afghanistan today, it is this ability to maintain tradition, alongside advanced technology, that impresses them the most.





[意味]  8.2 今日のアフガニスタンのため、日本復興の教訓を學ぶ目的でアフガニスタンの友人たちが訪れるとき、彼らにもつともつよい感銘を與へるのは、先進的科學技術と竝んで、傳統を保持するかうした能力なのである。


8.3  For example, anyone who has sat in the bullet train, seen neatly cultivated rice fields through the train window, and admired the precision of rail staff in their clean uniforms, realizes that it would be a mistake to judge the decline of Japan so easily.



・假定法(條件節がかくれてゐるケース): it would be は假定法過去の歸結節です。條件は眞主語である to judge the decline of Japan so easily の部分にあると思はれます。強ひて條件節をつくるなら、「もし日本が衰頽してゐると輕々に判斷するなら」です。

preparatory it(形式主語): <it is to-不定詞>のかたちになつてゐます。この部分は「日本が衰頽してゐると輕々に判斷することは間違ひだらう」といふ意味を傳へてゐます。


[意味]  8.3 例へば、彈丸列車(新幹線)の席に坐り、列車の窓を通してきれいに耕された水田を見て、清潔な制服姿の乘務員のきちんとした對應に感心した經驗を持つ人は誰でも、日本の衰頽を輕々に判斷するのは誤りだらうと實感するのである。


8.4  As Benedict herself stated: “The system was singular. It was not Buddhism and it was not Confucianism. It was Japanese the strength and the weakness of Japan.”


[意味]  8.4 Benedict自身が述べたやうに、「(觀念や行動などの)體系は例を見ないものであつた。佛教(によるもの)ではなかつたし、儒教(によるもの)でもなかつた。それは日本風(のもの)であつた- 日本のもつ強みも弱みも含めて」


※この引用部分は『菊と刀』の第1章の最後にあり、長谷川松治氏は「その体系は全く独特のものであった。それは仏教的でもなく、また儒教的でもなかった。それは日本的であった- 日本の長所も短所も含めて。」と和譯してゐます。(ルース・ベネディクト,菊と刀  日本文化の型, 長谷川松治訳, [講談社, 2005], p.33

  拙稿では the strength を「強み」、 the weakness を「弱み」としてみました。



[用例研究]  強調構文 <it is that …>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Blondie, you’re my inspiration, my role model, my heroine.


  heroine.hero の女性形で、「敬慕の的となる人物」  →發音、アクセント注意



1  Really? How nice!



2  And it’s because of your success that I’ve started my own business.

  because of ~: ~のゆゑに(~には名詞か名詞相當語句が置かれます)



2  Well, I’m delighted.



3  What sort of business did you begin?



4  My own catering company.




Blondie と同じ業種なので、商賣敵といふことになります。


・金澤大學 2011 (9) 7パラつづき

2011-12-19 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  not only but (also)


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  What’s wrong, dear?



1  Mr. Dithers accused me of being a clock-watcher at work today!

  accused me of …: …のかどで~を非難する /責める)

  clock-watcher 終業時刻ばかり氣にして仕事をしない怠惰な勤め人(勉強しない怠け者の學生にも使ひます)



2  Can you believe that?



3  Not only that, but he did it every seven minutes, right on the dot!

  every ~: ~毎に

  on the dot 時間どほりに / 時間きつかりに

  right on the dot を強調してゐます。




・絶えず時間を氣にする Dagwood Dagwood ですが、社長も負けてはゐません。「どつちもどつち」といふことになり、奧さんが呆れます。


・金澤大學 2011 (8) 7パラ

2011-12-19 | 出題英文讀解


   There are thousands of festivals Matsuri across towns and villages throughout the year, allowing what was originally an agricultural society to remain connected to its roots. Seasonal products are celebrated – every locality is proud to have its own brand of rice, sake or plum wine, sweets, noodles, fish, fruit, or fowl. What is impressive is not just that all this survives, but how it is so widely and deeply shared, binding ordinary people to their land.



7.1  There are thousands of festivals Matsuri across towns and villages throughout the year, allowing what was originally an agricultural society to remain connected to its roots.



・分詞構文(付帶状況):主文に續けて、状況の説明を追加してゐます。connected は過去分詞で受身の意味を持ちます。つまり農村が「根つこにつながれた」状態のままにとどまることを allow してゐる、といふことになります。ここでは「つながり」が肯定的に受けとめられてゐます。





thousands of




allow to-不定詞(…)



[意味]  7.1 一年を通して、町や村の到るところで何千ものお祭があり、(そのおかげで)もともとは農業社會であつたものがその根源とつながれたままになつてゐる(/根源とのつながりが保たれてゐる)。


7.2  Seasonal products are celebrated – every locality is proud to have its own brand of rice, sake or plum wine, sweets, noodles, fish, fruit, or fowl.





be proud to-不定詞(~)



[意味]  7.2 季節(季節)の産物が廣く知られてゐる - あらゆる地域が、米、酒や梅酒、菓子、麺類、魚、果物、あるひは鷄といつた地域自體の銘柄をもつことに誇りを持つてゐる(/銘柄を誇つてゐる)。


7.3  What is impressive is not just that all this survives, but how it is so widely and deeply shared, binding ordinary people to their land.



not just but not only but also の變形と考へられます。

howthat のやうな意味で、接續詞的に使はれてゐます。

・分詞構文(付帶状況): binding~は分詞構文で、状況の説明が追加されてゐます。





bind to



[意味]  7.3 深い感銘を覺えるのは、かうしたものすべてが生き殘つてゐるばかりでなく、(かうしたものすべてが)非常に廣くまた深く共有され、一般の人々をその土地に結びつけてゐることである。


【この項 (9)へつづく】

・金澤大學 2011 (7) 6パラ

2011-12-16 | 出題英文讀解


   Pottery, lacquer-ware, woodcarving, metal-work, paper-making, glass-blowing, fabric-dyeing, basket-weaving, and calligraphy all survive. The martial arts and sumo wrestling remain popular. Although the post-war glory years of Japanese films are long over, traditional performing arts such as Noh (musical drama) and Kabuki (dance-drama) have survived.




6.1  Pottery, lacquer-ware, woodcarving, metal-work, paper-making, glass-blowing, fabric-dyeing, basket-weaving, and calligraphy all survive.



pottery 以下、製造の技藝面にスポットを當てて列擧してゐます。


[意味]  6.1 製陶、漆藝、木彫、金工、和紙作り、ガラス吹き、生地染めつけ、籠編み、書道がすべて生き殘つてゐる。


6.2  The martial arts and sumo wrestling remain popular.



 6.2   martial arts    東洋に起源をもち、廣くスポーツとして行なはれる挌鬪技を指します。ここでは柔道、劍道など日本獨自のものを指してゐると思はれます。


[意味]  6.2 挌鬪技(/武道)や相撲は人氣を保つてゐる。


6.3  Although the post-war glory years of Japanese films are long over, traditional performing arts such as Noh (musical drama) and Kabuki (dance-drama) have survived.





such as



[意味]  6.3 戰後の日本映畫全盛期は過ぎて久しいが、能(音樂劇)や歌舞伎(舞踊劇)といつた傳統的舞臺藝術は生き殘つてきた。

・金澤大學 2011 (6) 5パラ

2011-12-12 | 出題英文讀解


   In fact, it is in the cultural realm that the country is at its most dynamic. The country has 14 UNESCO world heritage sites, and more than 1,000 artifacts and properties castles, temples, shrines, modern buildings, and objects of art designated as national treasures. As early as the 1950s, Japan gave recognition to its living national treasures, providing protection for the unique know-how of generations of artists and craftsmen.



5.1  In fact, it is in the cultural realm that the country is at its most dynamic.



preparatory it (強調構文 <It is that …>):假に主語 it を置いて、文のうち強調したい部分を前に出して~の位置に置き、接續詞 that に續けて…に文の殘りを置きます。

  It is that をとりのぞいても文が成立するのが、この文體の特徴です。語順は無論變はることがあります。

  留意點としては、動詞を~の位置に置くことはできないこと、過去形の文の場合は、It was ~となることがあること、人間が~に置かれると that who に變はることがあることです。





in (point of) fact



[意味]  5.1 實のところ、日本が最も力強いのは文化の領域に於いて、である。


5.2  The country has 14 UNESCO world heritage sites, and more than 1,000 artifacts and properties castles, temples, shrines, modern buildings, and objects of art designated as national treasures.



designated~は過去分詞で説明後置のかたちだと思ひますが、has designated とが微妙に響きあつてをり、(特に後半部分は)使役表現<have+O+過去分詞>のニュアンスも感じられます。下の[意味]でも、そのニュアンスを日本文に反映させてみました。





more than



[意味]  5.2 日本には14UNESCO(認定の)世界遺産(地)があり、1000以上の人造物や建物- 城郭、寺院、神社、現代建築や藝術的被造物 - が國寶に指定されてゐる。


5.3  As early as the 1950s, Japan gave recognition to its living national treasures, providing protection for the unique know-how of generations of artists and craftsmen.



providing~ は分詞構文で、主文に説明をつけ加へてゐます。





as early as








give recognition to



[意味]  5.3 1950年代といふ早い時期に、日本は人間國寶を認定し、何世代もの藝術家や職人が傳へてきた獨自の特殊技能を保護してきた。



[用例研究] 強調構文<It is that …>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Sir, I’m a wandering minstrel.

  wander さまよふ



2  For a nominal fee I’ll serenade you with my lute.



4  It’s people like him that keep me wandering!


・金澤大學 2011 (5) 4パラ

2011-12-09 | 出題英文讀解


   Nevertheless, strengths persist: Japan remains unparalleled for the quality of its service, its excellent public transport, advanced technology, safe streets, and cleanliness. The work ethic, ingenuity, and craftsmanship of its people and the depth and range of their culture is impressive, as is the beauty and diversity of the land. Japan’s citizens enjoy universal health care. And with a 99 percent literacy rate, it has as good a starting point as any for educational reform.



4.1  Nevertheless, strengths persist: Japan remains unparalleled for the quality of its service, its excellent public transport, advanced technology, safe streets, and cleanliness.







 4.1  transport = transportation


[意味]  4.1 然うは言つても、力強さは持續してゐる。サービスの質(の高さ)、優れた公共交通機關、先進的科學技術、安全な街(路)、清潔さで、日本は拔きん出た状態を保つてゐる。


4.2  The work ethic, ingenuity, and craftsmanship of its people and the depth and range of their culture is impressive, as is the beauty and diversity of the land.



as: 擬似關係代名詞のやうに、先行する文の一部を受けてゐるものと考へると讀みやすいでせう。たとへば、

  as is often the case (with ) (~には)よくあることだが



[意味]  4.2 日本人の勞働倫理、發明工夫の能力、職人の技藝といつた日本文化の深さと連なりは感銘を與へるものであるし、國土の美しさと多樣さも同樣である。


4.3  Japan’s citizens enjoy universal health care.


[意味]  4.3 日本國民は行き屆いた健康管理(體制)を享受してゐる。


4.4  And with a 99 percent literacy rate, it has as good a starting point as any for educational reform.



・<asas any>のかたちは、「(他の)どれにも劣らず~」といふ意味です。ここでは他のどの國にも劣らず良いのだと述べてゐます。

・語順の變化: asが修飾する goodがすぐ傍に置かれるため、語順の變化が起こつてゐます。本來の語順は a good starting pointです。


[意味]  4.4 そして、99%の識字率があり、教育改革を行なふには、どこ(の國)にも劣らぬほど有利な出發點に立つてゐるのである。



[用例研究]   asas any


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I think you should take dancing lessons.



1  What are you talking about?




2  I’m a good dancer! I can dance as well as any husband on this street.



2  Take me out dancing tonight and prove it!



3  Okay, maybe I’m not that good!





・金澤大學 2011 (4) 3パラ

2011-12-05 | 出題英文讀解


   That kind of broad perspective is again needed today when experts try to insist on Japan’s decline. They point to a series of defects. Japan’s export-oriented economy has taken a serious beating with government debt and a declining population making an early rebound difficult. In the first quarter of 2009, the economy contracted by as much as 3.3 percent, the worst showing since World War II. Meanwhile the population is aging, the rise of unemployment and crime is remarkable, and younger generations find it hard to have hope. Last year, the O.E.C.D. published a report on the slow pace of reforms in Japan’s education system.




3.1  That kind of broad perspective is again needed today when experts try to insist on Japan’s decline.





insist on



[意味]  3.1今日專門家たちが日本の衰頽を強説しようとしてゐる折、その種の幅廣い展望が再び必要とされてゐる。


3.2  They point to a series of defects.





point to




a series of



[意味]  3.2 彼らは一連の弱點を指摘する。


3.3  Japan’s export-oriented economy has taken a serious beating with government debt and a declining population making an early rebound difficult.



with構文<with+O+C>: ここではCに現在分詞が置かれて、Oを説明してゐます。「OがCである状態で」と状況が示されます。[既出]





take a beating


 3.3   -oriented         「~志向の」の意味を持ち、さまざまな語を作ります。


[意味]  3.3 輸出志向の日本經濟は深刻な打撃を蒙つてきた - 政府の負債や人口減少が早期の立直りを困難にしてゐる(状態である)。


3.4  In the first quarter of 2009, the economy contracted by as much as 3.3 percent, the worst showing since World War II.



・同格<文, 名詞>: 先行する文の内容を名詞がまとめて説明するかたちです。[既出(20111121日付拙稿)]





as much as


~も(の多く)の / ~ほども多く



as many as



[意味]  3.4 2009年の第一四半期には經濟は3.3%も縮小し、それは第二次世界大戰以來最惡の發表(數値)であつた。


3.5  Meanwhile the population is aging, the rise of unemployment and crime is remarkable, and younger generations find it hard to have hope.



preparatory it(假目的語): 後の to have hope. it の内容を表はしてゐます。


[意味]  3.5 一方では、人口の高齡化が進み、失業率と犯罪の増加が際立ち、若者は希望を持ち難い。


3.6  Last year, the O.E.C.D. published a report on the slow pace of reforms in Japan’s education system.





the O.E.C.D.

the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (經濟協力開發機構)


[意味]  3.6 昨年 OECDは、日本の教育制度における改革の遲れについての報告書を發表した。



[用例研究]  with構文<with+O+C>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Sknxx-x

  Dagwood の鼾を表現してゐます。一般的な擬聲語とまでは言へないやうです。


1  Z

  ・寢息を表はす擬聲語です。Zzz と重ねるのが一般的ですから、ここはおとなしい寢息だといふことを示してゐるのでせう。


2  Blondie, for Pete’s sake! How can I sleep with you snoring like that?!

  for Pete’s sake: 後生だから / お願ひだから 

  for pity’s sake が變化したものかと推測されますが、もともとは for God’s sake で、さまざまな變化形がありますから、St. Peterに由來する表現かもしれません。

  「お願ひだから、Blondie! 君がそんな風に鼾をかいてゐたら眠れないよ!」


3  Sknxx-x

・金澤大學 2011 (3) 2パラ

2011-12-02 | 出題英文讀解


   In 1946 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture was published. Although she had never set foot in Japan, Benedict produced her picture of the “Japanese character” through various means: historical studies of political, economic, religious and cultural beliefs, interviews with Japanese-Americans, and analyses of movies and propaganda films. The book soon became a must-read for generations of Japan scholars, and is still praised for her deeper insights, especially for her broad cultural perspective on Japan.



2.1  In 1946 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture was published.


[意味]  2.1 1946年に『菊と刀 - 日本文化の型』が刊行された。


2.2  Although she had never set foot in Japan, Benedict produced her picture of the “Japanese character” through various means: historical studies of political, economic, religious and cultural beliefs, interviews with Japanese-Americans, and analyses of movies and propaganda films.



: (コロン): コロンの後に various means の具體的な内容を竝べて説明してゐます。「説明後置」の構造は英語の特徴のひとつですが、コロンがその役割を果してゐる例です。下の[意味]では、「つまり」と置いて續けてみました。





set foot in (/on )

~に足を踏み入れる / ~に上陸する




(通例 means として)手段 / 方法




發音注意 ( 單數形は analysis )

 2.2   character              (主に道徳的・倫理的な特性を指します)


[意味]  2.2  Benedict は日本の土を踏んだことはなかつたが、さまざまな手法を通して「日本人の特性」像を生みだした。つまり、政治、經濟、宗教、文化に關はる信條の歴史的研究、日系アメリカ人との面談、そして映畫や國策宣傳映畫の分析といつた手法を通して。


2.3  The book soon became a must-read for generations of Japan scholars, and is still praised for her deeper insights, especially for her broad cultural perspective on Japan.











 2.3    perspective         全體的に正しく把握する觀方をしてゐることを示してゐます)


[意味]  2.3 その書物はほどなく日本學者代々の必讀書となり、著者の(從來より)一層深い洞察ゆゑに、特に日本についての幅廣い、文化面での的確な展望のゆゑに、今なほ稱讚されてゐる。