
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・122.10 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-31 | 出題英文讀解

・122.10 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   Extensive reading is not the only way to learn a language.  Most language scholars would agree that language students still need to spend a lot of time practicing speaking, listening, writing, and so on in order to become advanced in the language.  However, adding extensive reading to your private study can certainly do some great things for your language ability.  Not only is extensive reading effective, but it can be a very enjoyable way to learn a new language.  Give it a try and see what it will do for you!


問8 次の英語の質問(1)~(3)にたいしてもっとも適切な解答をそれぞれ①~④より一つずつ選びなさい。(※問8は本文全體に關はる設問です。本文全體は2015年7月27日付の拙稿をご覽ください)

(1)  According to the passage, what was done in the “secret method?”

① The Japanese students were taught how to read a great many English books using dictionaries every day.

② The Japanese students were instructed to read relatively difficult English books every day.

③ The Japanese students were told to read a lot of rather easy English every day.

④ The Japanese students were instructed how to enjoy easy English books.


(2)  According to the passage, which of the following is true?

① Extensive reading helps improve students’ speaking skills but not so much as their listening skills.

② Extensive reading helps students to improve writing skills as well as reading skills.

③ Extensive listening strengthens students’ language ability far more than extensive reading.

④ Extensive reading helps to build students’ self-confidence, but reading for pleasure does not have the same positive effects on them.


(3)  According to the passage, what does the author say as a conclusion?

① The author believes TOEFL or TOEIC can be used to see if extensive reading affects these test scores.

② The author believes there is no other way to improve English than extensive reading.

③ The author believes students who read a lot of simplified English books improve in speaking and listening, but not in writing.

④ The author believes in extensive reading, as well as in training other skills, such as speaking and listening. in order to be advanced learners of English.



(1)  According to the passage, what was done in the “secret method?” (本文によれば、「秘密の方法」で何がなされたか  ※第3パラグラフに「祕密の方法」の説明があります)

① The Japanese students were taught how to read a great many English books using dictionaries every day. (日本人學生たちは、毎日辭書を使つてすごく多くの英書を讀む方法を教へられた  ※「辭書を必要としないで本文が理解できるかなり易しいレベル」と3パラで述べてゐます)

② The Japanese students were instructed to read relatively difficult English books every day. (日本人學生たちは、比較的難しい英書を毎日讀むやう指示された  ※「難しい」ではなく「易しい」と3パラに記されてゐます)

③ The Japanese students were told to read a lot of rather easy English every day. (日本人學生たちは、やさしめの英語を毎日たくさん讀むやうに言はれた  ※本文の趣旨に合致します)

④ The Japanese students were instructed how to enjoy easy English books. (日本人學生たちは、やさしい英書の樂しみ方を指導された  ※趣旨がやや逸れてゐます。「樂しみ方」ではなく、「樂しめる本を多讀することによつて言語を操る力を伸ばす」指導を受けました)


(2)  According to the passage, which of the following is true? (本文によれば、次のどれが正しいか)

① Extensive reading helps improve students’ speaking skills but not so much as their listening skills. (多讀は學習者の話す力を伸ばす助けにはなるが、聽く力ほどではない  ※ 7パラで、「聽く力」については「程度は落ちる」と述べてゐます)

② Extensive reading helps students to improve writing skills as well as reading skills. (多讀は學習者の讀む力ばかりではなく書く力を伸ばす助けになる  ※ 6パラの趣旨に合致します)

③ Extensive listening strengthens students’ language ability far more than extensive reading. (多聽は、多讀よりはるかに學習者の言語能力を強化する  ※ 7パラの説明に反します)

④ Extensive reading helps to build students’ self-confidence, but reading for pleasure does not have the same positive effects on them. (多讀は學習者の自信をつける助けにはなるが、樂しみのための讀書では同じ良い效果はない  ※ 「自信」への言及はありません。また4パラでは「樂しみのための讀書」が肯定的に扱はれてゐます)


(3)  According to the passage, what does the author say as a conclusion? (本文によれば、筆者は結論としてどう述べてゐるか)

① The author believes TOEFL or TOEIC can be used to see if extensive reading affects these test scores. (筆者は、多讀が TOEFL や TOEIC の得點に影響があるかどうか知るために、それらが利用可能と信じてゐる  ※ 8パラでは、「多讀が TOEFL や TOEIC の得點を伸ばす」と論じられてをり、それらを手段とする議論ではありません)

② The author believes there is no other way to improve English than extensive reading. (筆者は、英語力をつけるには多讀のほか方法はないと信じてゐる  ※ 10パラには「多讀が言語習得の唯一の方法といふわけではない」と述べてゐます)

③ The author believes students who read a lot of simplified English books improve in speaking and listening, but not in writing. (筆者は、易しくされた英書を多讀する學習者/學生は話す力や聽く力を伸ばすが、書く力は伸びないと信じてゐる  ※ 6パラに「多讀によつて書く力が伸びる」といふ記述があります)

④ The author believes in extensive reading, as well as in training other skills, such as speaking and listening. in order to be advanced learners of English. (筆者は、英語の學習で高い水準に到る(ため)には話す・聽くなどの他の技倆の訓練ばかりでなく、多讀が良いと信じてゐる  ※ 10パラの趣旨に合致します)




(1)  ③

(2)  ②

(3)  ④



10.2       spend ~ -ing(…)             …して~を過ごす

10.2       and so on                        など/ その他

10.2       in order to-不定詞(~)         ~するために

 10.2   private       發音・アクセント注意  [práivit]







・122.9 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-28 | 出題英文讀解

・122.9 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   How is it that just reading alone can bring all of these benefits?  Extensive reading allows students to see a lot of the language in context over and over again, giving them the exposure they need to understand, organize, remember, and use it.  It builds and strengthens fundamental vocabulary, and grammar knowledge.  In short, extensive reading provides a very strong foundation on [  4  ] to build all language skills.


問7 空欄 [  4  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① which

② who

③ where

④ what



・不定詞の形容詞的用法或は關係代名詞の用法の知識を問ふ設問です。<前置詞+關係代名詞+to-不定詞>のかたちで、a very strong foundation on which they/you can build all language skills ほどの意味を不定詞を使つて簡略に表現したものです。文法書では「不定詞の形容詞的用法」や「關係代名詞」の項に解説や例文がみつかります。このかたちでは前置詞が關係代名詞の直前に置かれます(後ろには置きません)。


122.9     The teacher gave us an extension of the time in which to prepare our papers.






9.4      in short                       要約すれば/手短に言へば







・英文讀解のヒント (32) 《助動詞+have+過去分詞②》

2015-08-26 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (32) 《助動詞+have+過去分詞②》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     It might seem that the twenty-first-century revolution of information technology (IT) and digitization ought to have completed the job.  Teleworking can remove the need to transport people to the workplace or even have a physical workplace at all.  And yet several of the cities that seemed to be dying in the 1970s ―― New York, Chicago and London ―― have since had remarkable revivals.

(35 一橋大學 2013 3パラ; 2013年10月14日掲載)

※先行するパラグラフで、製造・物流據點都市の衰退・人口減少が述べられてゐます。ここでの the job はさうした推移を指してゐるものと思はれます。全文は2013年10月4日付の拙稿を御覽ください。


2  下線部の解説

2.1  〈ought to/should+have+過去分詞〉: このかたちは ①實現されなかつたことに對する非難・遺憾の氣持を表して「~すべきだつたのに」  ②推量・當然の意味を表して「當然~したはずだ」「~していいはずだつた」「もう~してゐるはずだ」  などの意味を傳へます。意味については、讀解や發信に際して文脈に留意すると良いでせう。

  should は ought to よりもやや弱い意味合ひとされますが、アメリカ英語ではほぼ同樣に扱はれます。使用頻度は should のはうが高いやうです。


■諳誦例文: 〈ought to+have+過去分詞〉① の意味

31(32.1)  I ought to have phoned Ed this morning, but I forgot.

       私は今朝 Ed に電話すべきだつたのに、忘れた。

□參考例文: 〈ought to+have+過去分詞〉② の意味

32.2  Bill ought to have got back home yesterday.  Has anybody seen him?

     Bill は昨日には歸宅したはずだ。誰か彼を見かけたかい?

32.3  Ten o’clock. She ought to have arrived at her office by now.


□參考例文: 〈should+have+過去分詞〉

32.4  You should have submitted your application by the end of January.


32.5  The match should have started at 3 o'clock, but there was a delay.


□參考例文: not の位置に注意します。

32.6  We ought not to (/should not) have turned left at the last corner.



2.2  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は that 節です。

2.3  過去形による婉曲表現(might): may よりも可能性が低く、控へめな表現になります。


3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・122.8 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-24 | 出題英文讀解

・122.8 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   Do you want to have a good TOEFL or TOEIC score?  Maybe you should start thinking about extensive reading.  Researchers have found that students who often read in English in their free time tend to have high TOEFL scores, while those who do not, tend to have low scores.  They found that reading was a better predictor of TOEFL performance than even the number of years studying English and living in English-speaking countries.  Another study showed that students who only read enjoyable books made consistent [  3  ] on their TOEFL scores, averaging 3-4 points on the test each week.


問6 空欄 [  3  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① values

② profits

③ gains

④ steps



① values(値段/評價 ※「價値」は不可算名詞)

② profits(利益/儲け/利息  ※ make a profit 利益を得る)

③ gains(利益/得點  ※ make gains 増大する)

④ steps(足どり/足跡  ※ make a step 一歩を歩く)





8.1  TOEFL: Testing of English as a Foreign Language  「米國留學英語能力テスト」

8.1  TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication  「國際コミュニケーション英語能力テスト」



  TOEFL あるひは TOEIC での高得點を望むのか?(それなら)多讀についての檢討を始めると良いだらう。自由な時間にちよくちよく英文を讀む學生は TOEFL で高得點をとる傾向があるが、(一方)さうしない學生は得點が低くなる傾向があることを、研究者たちは明らかにしてゐる。英語學習の年數や英語圈の國々で暮す年數に比べてさへ、讀書(/英文を讀むこと)のはうが、TOEFL の出來具合については一層よく豫言してくれる(/より良い指標となる)ことを、研究者たちは見出した。また別の研究では、おもしろい讀み物しか讀まない學生でも、TOEFL の得點を一貫して伸ばし、週毎のテストで平均3-4點(づつ)上げてゐることが明らかになつた。




・122.7 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-21 | 出題英文讀解

・122.7 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   Surprisingly, extensive reading can also help speaking skills, as well as listening skills to a lesser extent.  One study on learning strategies found reading outside of the classroom to be the most significant predictor of oral communicative ability.  Students who read a lot are more likely to speak well.  Other researchers have found that students just reading graded readers (simplified books especially made for language students) improved in both fluency and accuracy of expression in their speaking, even though the students did very little speaking during the course of the study.





7.1       as well as ~                  ~だけでなく/~に加へて


7.1       to ~extent                     ~の程度にまで


7.4       both ~ and …          ~もも/~いづれも








・122.6 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-17 | 出題英文讀解

・122.6 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   What is more surprising is how much extensive reading improves students’ writing skills.  In one study on extensive reading, students in extensive reading programs were evaluated as 2-3 times better in writing when compared with students who did not read much yet actually practiced writing more!  Many other researchers have come to similar conclusions.  Students who just read a lot can make equal or better progress in writing skills than students who actually practice writing, at least in regards to beginner and intermediate students.



6.4       at least                        少なくとも

6.4       in regards to ~             ~(の點)に關しては/~について







・122.5 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-14 | 出題英文讀解

・122.5 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   It should come as no surprise that extensive reading helps [  2  ] skills.  Several studies have shown that students doing extensive reading for more than one year were almost always better readers than students who did the usual “difficult” readings in the classroom.  Extensive reading also allows students to improve reading speed much more quickly than by reading difficult texts.  In short, people can learn to read well simply by reading a lot at an appropriate level.


問5 空欄 [  2  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① to improve reading students

② improve students to read

③ students improve reading

④ students improving to read



・help の語法を問ひ、併せて reading skills(讀解の技倆)といふ語句の知識を問うてゐます。〈help 目的語(~) 原形不定詞またはto-不定詞(…)〉のかたちで「~が…するのを助ける」「~を助けて…させる」の意味を傳へます。後で 使われる writing skills / speaking skills / listening skills といつた用語もヒントになるでせう。





5.2      almost always             ほとんどいつも

5.3       allow ~ to-不定詞(…)         ~に…させてくれる/~が…するのを許す

5.4      in short                       要約すれば/手短に言へば







・英文讀解のヒント (31) 《助動詞+have+過去分詞》

2015-08-12 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (31) 《助動詞+have+過去分詞》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.

(15 國際基督教大學 2010 1パラ; 2012年3月30日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <助動詞(may/must/cannot)+have+過去分詞>のかたちは、「過去の事柄に關する現在の推量」を表はします。助動詞 may の場合は「~したもしれない」「~だつたかもしれない」といつた意味となります。may を過去形 might にしても同樣の意味を表はすことができますが、現在から遠ざけた分、可能性は稍低くなり、婉曲な表現になります。確信の度合が強い推量だと<must+have+過去分詞>(「~したにちがひない」)や<cannot+have+過去分詞>(「~したはずがない」)となります。

  〈will+have+過去分詞〉(「~してしまつてゐるだらう」) の場合は「現在または未來のある時點までに何ごとかが完了してゐることを豫測する」ことになります。また〈need+have+過去分詞〉(「~する必要はなかつたのに(實際には~してしまつた)」)と、「實行された行爲に對して、その必要はなかつたのに」といふ氣持を表はすものもあります。(※ should や ought to にhave+過去分詞がつづくかたちは別項でとりあげる豫定です)


  Michael Swan の Practical English Usage の may and might (2) 項では、「may と might における事實との距離感」に微妙なものがあることが窺はれます。以下に引用します。假定法過去完了の歸結節でこのかたちが使はれることがあるのも、かうした距離感に依據する表現なのでせうか。


  To say that something was possible but did not happen, we can use might have ...

  You were stupid to try climbing up there.  You might have killed yourself.

  If she hadn’t been so bad-tempered, I might have married her.

  May have ... is now sometimes used with this meaning too; some people feel that this is not correct.

  You were stupid to try climbing up there.  You may have killed yourself.

    (More normal ... You might have killed yourself.)

(※ 拙譯: 何かが起こり得るとしても起こらなかつた事態を表はすために might have ... が使はれることがある。



  この意味で現在 may have ... も使はれることが時にあるが、誤りと感じる人もゐる。

(より標準的には You might have killed yourself. である)

( Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, 3rd ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005], p. 317.)



30(31.1)       We may have made a mistake.



31.2 What was that noise?  ~It might have been a cat.

        あの音は何だつたのかな。 ~猫だつたのかもしれないね。

31.3 We must have taken a wrong turning.


31.4 They cannot have gone out because the light's on!


31.5 We can’t go and see them now - they’ll have gone to bed.

        今彼らに會ひには行けないよ - もう床についてしまつてゐるだらう(から)。

31.6 You need not have bought so much meat.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。



※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・122.4 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-10 | 出題英文讀解

・122.4 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   In study after study, researchers are finding that extensive reading can play a big role in language learning success.  In fact, one study investigating language-learning strategies found reading for pleasure and seeking opportunities to read in English as the two most strongly related factors to successful language learning.



4.1       play a role in ~            ~で役割を果す

4.2       in fact                         實のところ/要するに







・122.3 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-07 | 出題英文讀解

・122.3 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   What was this “secret method” that produced such dramatic results on these previously 3 reluctant learners?  The class was an extensive reading course.  Extensive reading is simply reading a lot of English (reading almost every day) at a fairly easy level (being able to understand the text without needing a dictionary).  The students in the course mentioned above spent almost all of their class time simply reading enjoyable books.


問4 下線部 3 “reluctant” の本文中の意味にもっとも近い語を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① unwilling

② unexpected

③ uneasy

④ unreasonable



① unwilling(氣が進まない)

② unexpected(意外な)

③ uneasy(不安な)

④ unreasonable(理性を缺いた)










・122.2 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-03 | 出題英文讀解

・122.2 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   The researchers put these students in a special class for the second semester of the English course.  The class met for the same amount of time as the regular English courses, but the instruction was very different.  At the end of the semester, the students took another language test and the results were [  1  ].  In just one semester, the students in the special class improved so much that their scores on the new tests were almost as high as the regular English students.  Not only had their English ability improved greatly, but many of these students, who used to 2 dread English study, enjoyed the class.


問2 空欄 [  1  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① surprised

② to be surprised

③ to surprise

④ surprising


問3 下線部 2 “dread” の本文中の意味にもっとも近い表現を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① to be very interested in something

② to be very longing to do something

③ to be very afraid of something

④ to be very sorry about something



・問2は日本人にはわかりにくい點をついた問題です。surprise は「(~を)驚かせる」の意味ですから、主語が「驚いた」のであれば、~was surprised (「~は驚かされた」)となります。ここは「その結果は(人を)驚かせるやうなものであつた」といふ意味でせうから surprising が適切であり、①②は不適切です。③は意味が不自然です。

  似た例を擧げると、excite は「(~を)興奮させる」の意味ですから、「試合が胸躍らせるものであつた」なら The game was exciting. となりますし、「私は胸を躍らせた」のなら I was excited. となります。分詞が形容詞化してゐる場合も原理は同じです。


① to be very interested in something(何かにとても興味がある)

② to be very longing to do something(何かをしたくてたまらない)

③ to be very afraid of something(何かをとても恐がつてゐる)

④ to be very sorry about something(何かについてとても氣の毒に/殘念に思つてゐる)







・<the same ~ as …>: the same と as とは呼應してゐます。same ~で「同じ~」とまづ述べ、何と同じかを as で示します。

・<so ~ that …>(結果): 「非常に~なので…」

・<as ~ as …>: 「…と同じくらゐ~」 ここでは almost が置いてありますから「ほとんど同じくらゐの高さであつた」といふ意味になります。 as の前に副詞が置かれる例です。

・倒置(強調): 文中の副詞(語句)(not only)を前に置いて強調效果を出してをり、(主語・[助]動詞の位置が逆轉する)倒置が起こつてゐます。

・<not only ~but (also) …>: 「~ばかりでなく…(もまた)」





