
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・上智大學 2009 (6) パート 4

2012-02-27 | 出題英文讀解

Part 4

   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.

   “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.

   “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.

   The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.



4.1   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.


[意味把握チェック] 4.1  現在の發掘によりErtugrul號が再度脚光をあびてゐるが、大島では忘れられたことはなく、そこには溺死した水兵の墓地の隣に記念碑が立つてゐる。



・關係副詞の非制限用法( , where~): 情報、説明を追加します。and there「そしてそこで(は)」といつた意味と解します。





next to

~と竝んで / ~の隣に


4.2  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.


[意味把握チェック] 4.2  5年ごとに事故の追悼式典が行はれてゐる。



every five yearsは副詞句で動詞を修飾してゐると思ひますが、文末ではなく主語の直後に置かれてゐるため a ceremonyの説明を添へてゐるやうに見えなくもありません。たとへば、a ceremonyのあとに conductedと補つて讀むやうなケ―スで、「5年毎の(/に行なはれる)式典が事故を追悼する」と解するわけです。

  five yearsをひとつのかたまりととらへ、それに everyがついてゐると考へると、「5年毎に」といふ表現の意味が分かりやすいと思ひます。





every five years



4.3  “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.


[意味把握チェック] 4.3  「島民は誰もがその話を知つてゐます」と、トルコ記念館の館長のOishiは言ふ。


4.4  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.


[意味把握チェック] 4.4  Oishiの云ふところによると、事故の夜、水兵の一部が幸運にも島の海岸に打ち上げられた。







by luck

運よく(= by good luck



according to

~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて


4.5  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.


[意味把握チェック] 4.5  地元の漁師が彼らを見つけて手當(世話)をしたのはそこであつた。(※ local fishermanが無冠詞單數で使はれてゐるのが氣になつたので確認してみましたが、テクストはこの通りでした。集合名詞のやうに使つてゐるのでせうか?



preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/wasthat…>のかたちで~の部分を前に置いて強調し、文の殘りの部分を…に置きます。本稿1.3と同じ構文です。





care for



4.6  “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.


[意味把握チェック] 4.6  「當時はこの島はとても近づきにくい場所でした」と、彼は補足した。





in those days



4.7  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.


[意味把握チェック] 4.7  大島は9年前に初めて本土と橋でつながつたばかりであつた。





for the first time



4.8  The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.


[意味把握チェック] 4.8  當時の島人たち(←この島の人々)は、負傷者が神戸に運ばれるまで、食料を出し合つて、手當をした。





the injured



4.9  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.


[意味把握チェック] 4.9  結局、救助された水兵69人の全員が恢復した。

・上智大學 2009 (5) パート 3 つづき

2012-02-24 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  sothat…>  「とても~なので…」


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Tootsie watched the shop while I went shopping this afternoon.

  「今日の午後私が買物に行つてるあひだ Tootsieが店をみてくれたのよ」


1 That was nice of her.



2 But I felt so guilty about leaving her there by herself…

  ・<sothat…>の構文です。「とても~なので…」 3 that~ に續きます。

  by oneself: ひとりぼつちで / 獨力で



3 that I never got into much of a shopping mode.

  get into ~: ~(ある状態)になる






・上智大學 2009 (4) パート 3

2012-02-24 | 出題英文讀解

Part 3

   Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.

   In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.

   By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.




3.1  Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 それから1890915日に船は横浜からトルコに向けて出帆した。





set sail for



3.2  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2  79メートルの快速帆船に乘つてゐたのは600人以上の水兵と士官であつた。



・倒置: on boardが前に出て、V-Sと續く構造になつてゐます。





on board



3.3  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.


[意味把握チェック] 3.3  一部の記録によれば、台風の季節であると警告されてゐたことが示されてゐるが、彼らはなんとしても故國に向ふことにした。



indicateの目的語はコンマまでです。 but that they~ と續くなら、全部が indicateの目的語といふ判斷になります。


3.4  In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.


[意味把握チェック] 3.4  結局、その日は初め晴れてゐたが、まもなく天氣が變はり、Ertugrul號は台風に出くはした。



clearは形容詞で、補語として主部 that dayを修飾してゐます。





in the event




start out




be caught in



3.5  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.


[意味把握チェック] 3.5  翌日はずつと恐ろしい風と波と雨とに激しくうたれた。


3.6  By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.


[意味把握チェック] 3.6  916日の日暮れまでに、Ertugrul號は非常な損壞を被つたので、水夫たちは船を制禦することができなかつた、そして船は嵐のなすがままに和歌山縣の岩の多い海岸のはうへ漂流した。



sothat…>構文:  「とても~なので…」(結果) →[用例研究]參照





at the mercy of



3.7  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.


[意味把握チェック] 3.7  眞夜中頃、船は大島沖の岩礁にあたつて粉々に碎け、沈没した。





to pieces



【この項 (5)へつづく】

・上智大學 2009 (3) パート 2

2012-02-20 | 出題英文讀解

Part 2

   Ironically, the tragic shipwreck helped cement a friendly relationship between Turkey and Japan that has continued to this day.

   “Ertugrul is the Titanic of Turkey,” says Tufan Turanli, 56, the director of a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed.

   “It has so much importance [because] it was on a voyage just for the sake of friendship.”

   In 1887, Japan’s Prince and Princess Komatsu visited Istanbul and presented the Ottoman sultan with the Order of the Chrysanthemum, Japan’s highest award.  Three years later, the Ottoman government dispatched the Ertugrul on a reciprocal mission to bestow the Ottoman Medal of High Honor on Emperor Meiji.  The ship arrived in Yokohama in June 1890, and its commander, Admiral Osman Pasha, presented the medal and other gifts to the Imperial family.  For the rest of the summer, the ship and its crew remained in Japan.



2.1  Ironically, the tragic shipwreck helped cement a friendly relationship between Turkey and Japan that has continued to this day.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1皮肉にも、この悲劇的な難破が、今日まで續いてきたトルコと日本の友好關係を堅固にするのに役立つた。






發音注意  [simént]  ※ここでは原形不定詞です


2.2  “Ertugrul is the Titanic of Turkey,” says Tufan Turanli, 56, the director of a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 Ertugrul號はトルコのタイタニック號です」と、まだ海底に殘つてゐる難破(船)の最も重要な殘存物のいくつかを發掘する、つまり掘り出す計畫の責任者であるTufan Turanli56歳)は言ふ。




・言換説明: , orで、直前のことばを平易な表現に言ひ換へて、讀者の理解を助けます。

still remaining~: 現在分詞による「説明後置」です。視線を前に戻さず、そのまま前から順に頭にはふりこんでゆくやうな讀み方をします。



2.3  “It has so much importance [because] it was on a voyage just for the sake of friendship.”





[意味把握チェック]  2.3 「友好を主眼として航海してゐたからこそ、Ertugrulは極めて重要なんです」





for the sake of



2.4  In 1887, Japan’s Prince and Princess Komatsu visited Istanbul and presented the Ottoman sultan with the Order of the Chrysanthemum, Japan’s highest award.


[意味把握チェック]  2.4  1887年、日本の小松宮夫妻がイスタンブールを訪れ、オスマントルコの皇帝に日本の最高の勲章である菊花章を贈つた。








2.5  Three years later, the Ottoman government dispatched the Ertugrul on a reciprocal mission to bestow the Ottoman Medal of High Honor on Emperor Meiji.


[意味把握チェック]  2.5  3年後、オスマントルコ政府は明治天皇にオスマントルコの名譽勲章を授けるといふ答禮の使命を與へてErtugrul號を派遣した。



・不定詞: to bestowは、直近の名詞 a reciprocal missionを説明するものと解しました。「目的」を表はす用法と解することも可能です。

  不定詞は曖昧なところがあり、「目的」を示す時は in order to-不定詞 としたり so as to-不定詞 のかたちにすると意味がはつきりするのではないかと思ひます。








2.6  The ship arrived in Yokohama in June 1890, and its commander, Admiral Osman Pasha, presented the medal and other gifts to the Imperial family.


[意味把握チェック]  2.6船は18906月に横浜に到着し、司令官のOsman Pasha海軍大將は勲章や他の贈物を天皇一家に贈つた。


2.7  For the rest of the summer, the ship and its crew remained in Japan.


[意味把握チェック]  2.7夏の間(殘りの期間)、船と乘組員は日本にとどまつた。

・上智大學 2009 (2) パート 1

2012-02-17 | 出題英文讀解

Part 1

   The jagged rocks off Oshima Island break the surface of the ocean like so many knives strewn across the shallow water.  Even on a calm day, they are a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs that surround this island in the Pacific just off the coast of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, in central Honshu.

   It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago.  Thrown against the reefs, the ship split apart and sank, taking with it more than 500 men and leaving just 69 survivors, says Kiyoshi Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum on Oshima.



1.1  The jagged rocks off Oshima Island break the surface of the ocean like so many knives strewn across the shallow water.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 大島沖のぎざぎざの岩が海面を切り裂く、淺瀬にばらまかれた數多のナイフのやうに。



strewn~ が so many knivesの説明を付け加へてゐます。






發音注意  [dӡǽgid]






1.2  Even on a calm day, they are a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs that surround this island in the Pacific just off the coast of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, in central Honshu.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 凪いだ(/海のおだやかな)日でさへ、それらの岩は、本州中央部の和歌山縣串本海岸すぐ沖の太平洋上に浮ぶこの島を圍む迷路のやうな岩礁に注意を促す危いしるしである(←岩礁の迷路の怖るべき兆しである)。


1.3  It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3  118年前の嵐の夜、オスマントルコの快速帆船Ertugrul號が風に吹かれて入つて行つたのはこの危險な水域であつた。



preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/wasthat…>のかたちで~の部分を前に置いて強調し、文の殘りの部分を…に置きます。(※~が人である場合に、thatの代はりに whoが使はれることがあります)[既出(20111212日付拙稿)]






發音注意  [frígit]






1.4  Thrown against the reefs, the ship split apart and sank, taking with it more than 500 men and leaving just 69 survivors, says Kiyoshi Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum on Oshima.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 その船は岩礁にたたきつけられ、こなごなになつて沈没し、500人以上が船と共に沈み、生存者は69人だけであつた、と大島トルコ博物館長の Kiyoshi Oishi は言ふ。



・分詞構文: 主文(the ship split apart and sank)の前に、過去分詞の句、主文の後ろに、現在分詞の句がふたつ置かれてゐます。主文との關はりは曖昧で、前者は「時」とも「理由」ともとれます。「(波によつて)岩礁に打ちつけられ(て)」といつた曖昧なつけかたができるでせう。後者は「付帶状況」で、説明をつけ足してゐます。and took and left …と續けるのと同樣の意味になります。






more than




[用例研究]  強調構文<It is/was that…>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Boy, our grass is really long!  I think I’ll surprise dad and cut it for him.



2 Hmm, it needs gas and oil.  I don’t want to mess up my clothes…I’m meeting Lisa at the Burger Den.

  mess up~: ~を汚す

  Burger Den: ハンバーガー店の名稱

  「フム、ガソリンとオイルが要るなあ。服を汚したくないんだよな…Burger DenLisaに會ふんだから」


3 Oh well, it’s the thought that counts.

  the thoughtが強調されてゐます。



・上智大學 2009 (1) 全文

2012-02-13 | 出題英文讀解




   The jagged rocks off Oshima Island break the surface of the ocean like so many knives strewn across the shallow water.  Even on a calm day, they are a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs that surround this island in the Pacific just off the coast of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, in central Honshu.

   It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago.  Thrown against the reefs, the ship split apart and sank, taking with it more than 500 men and leaving just 69 survivors, says Kiyoshi Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum on Oshima.

   Ironically, the tragic shipwreck helped cement a friendly relationship between Turkey and Japan that has continued to this day.

   “Ertugrul is the Titanic of Turkey,” says Tufan Turanli, 56, the director of a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed.

   “It has so much importance [because] it was on a voyage just for the sake of friendship.”

   In 1887, Japan’s Prince and Princess Komatsu visited Istanbul and presented the Ottoman sultan with the Order of the Chrysanthemum, Japan’s highest award.  Three years later, the Ottoman government dispatched the Ertugrul on a reciprocal mission to bestow the Ottoman Medal of High Honor on Emperor Meiji.  The ship arrived in Yokohama in June 1890, and its commander, Admiral Osman Pasha, presented the medal and other gifts to the Imperial family.  For the rest of the summer, the ship and its crew remained in Japan.

   Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.

   In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.

   By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.


   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.

   “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.

   “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.

   The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.

   However, the rescue isn’t a point of pride among the islanders, Oishi says.  “Fishing is dangerous work.  Today you may save someone, but tomorrow it might be you who’s being saved.”

   Nevertheless, the wreck, the rescue and the ensuing return of the survivors to Turkey on Japanese ships laid the ground for more than a century of friendly diplomatic and economic relations.

   “Ertugrul played an important role in establishing a special emotional relationship between the people of Japan and Turkey,” says Bogac Ulker an adviser to the Turkish embassy in Japan.  Official diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1924, following World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.                 [648]

  “History under the waves: Japan’s tragic “Titanic of Turkey” by Winifred Bird (The Japan Times Sunday, April 13, 2008)



パート1: The jagged rocksから

パート2: Ironically, the tragicから

パート3: Then, on Sep. 15, 1890から

パート4: Although the current excavationから

パート5: However, the rescueから

・センター試驗 2012 (10) 6パラ

2012-02-10 | 出題英文讀解

(6) 【第6パラグラフ】

   What are the roots of your procrastination?  Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastinate once in a while.  On the other hand, if you feel that your procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it.  Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.



6.1  What are the roots of your procrastination?


[意味把握チェック] 6.1 何が(あなたの)先延ばしの根本原因なのか。





6.2  Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastinate once in a while.


[意味把握チェック] 6.2 ここに述べられる行動は大概の人に共通してゐると思はれるから、時たま先延ばしをするだけであれば、習慣をすつかり變へるには及ばない。









once in a while

時たま / まれに


6.3  On the other hand, if you feel that your procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it / is identifying the reasons behind it.


[意味把握チェック] 6.3 他方、もし自分の先延ばしが問題だと感じるなら、先延ばし削減への最初の一歩は、背後にある諸原因を見定めることである。








on the other hand

他方(※on (the) one handと對で用ゐることも)


6.4  Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.


[意味把握チェック] 6.4 自己啓發の書籍やインターネット上のサイトは、先延ばし克服(のため)の手法をたくさん提供してくれるが、自身のために自ら適切な方法を選べるのは、(自分の先延ばしの)問題の根本原因を理解することによるほかないのである。



preparatory it(強調構文):it isのあとにby understanding the roots of the problemを置いて強調してゐます。[既出(20111212日付拙稿)]  onlyも「~しかない」と限定して、強調效果をさらに高めてゐます。





for oneself

自分のために(自ら) / 獨力で



[用例研究]  前置詞+動名詞


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 I’m worried about getting big enough to play football when I get to high school.

  be worried about~: ~について心配する

  get to~: ~に達する



2 Elmo, that’s a long way off, just worry about today.

  a long way: 遠い

  off: (時間的、空間的に)離れてゐることを示唆します。

  just: 「~だけ」。結果的に、動詞を強調することになります。



3 Yeah, but worrying about the future is how I keep from worrying about today.

  keep froming: -しないでゐる

  how~の名詞節が補語になつてゐます。howの位置に the wayを置いても似た意味になります。本文の3.15.1では how~の名詞節が前置詞のあとに置かれました。




・小學生 Elmoのワザについ嗤つてしまひますが、やがて自分も同じやうな逃避、囘避をすることがあると思ひ當り、何ともいへないをかしみを味はつたり、微苦笑をもらしたり……これも一種の procrastinationかもしれませんね。

・センター試驗 2012 (9) 5パラ

2012-02-06 | 出題英文讀解

(5) 【第5パラグラフ】


   Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort.  For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present.  However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams.  Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away.  This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.



5.1  Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort.


[意味把握チェック] 5.1 最後に、先延ばしと、努力の報いがわかるまで待たねばならぬ時間(/どれくらゐ~まで待たなければならないか)とは關聯がある。


5.2  For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present.


[意味把握チェック] 5.2 例へば、高校生が學校で勉強を頑張つても、どんな報いもすぐには與へられないだらう。(だから、)學習することが現在(の状況)に對して役に立つやうには思へないだらう。








for instance



5.3  However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams.


[意味把握チェック] 5.3 しかしながら、勉強により、夢の追及に必要な知識あるひは技術のやうな報いが將來高校生たちにもたらされる可能性がある。



necessary to pursue their dreams形容詞と不定詞句がthe knowledge or skillsの説明として後置されてゐます。説明がこのやうに後ろに置かれるのは英語の特徴のひとつと言つて可いでせう。讀む時は、前から順に、意味的かたまり毎に頭にはふりこんで意味をとつてゆきます。









in the future



5.4  Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away.


[意味把握チェック] 5.4  時に、(努力の)報いが得られるまで待つ時間が長過ぎると(←報いが(時間的に)あまりにへだたつてゐるとき)、努力の利點がわかりにくいことがある。





make an effort



5.5  This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.


[意味把握チェック] 5.5 このことにより、どうして多くの人が若い時に老後の資金を貯め始めないか、を明らかにすることができる(/が明らかになる)。

・センター試驗 2012 (8) 4パラつづき

2012-02-03 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  the+比較級,  the+比較級


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 May I have this stamp?



1 You collect stamps?!



2 I’ve been a collector all my life.

  all (of) one’s life: 終生、一生涯



2 Don’t you ever get tired of seeing stamps?

  get tired of~: ~にうんざりする



3 Never!  The more I see ’em, the more I love ’em!

  ・<the+比較級,  the+比較級>の構文です。


  「決してないね! 切手を見れば見るほど、一層好きになるんだ」


4 He’s been looking at stamps so long his brain’s been cancelled!

  ・<sothat…>: 「非常に~なので…」。ここでは thatが省略されてゐます。




cancelには to balanceの意味と to mark ( a postage stamp ) officially to prevent re-useつまり「消印を押す」 の意味があります。ここでは postmanである Mr. Beasleyに對して double meaningとなる洒落た表現をしたところにおもしろみが感じられるのでせう。

・センター試驗 2012 (7) 4パラ

2012-02-03 | 出題英文讀解

(4) 【第4パラグラフ】

   Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control.  Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work.  Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example.  Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.  Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.



4.1  Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control.


[意味把握チェック] 4.1もうひとつの要因は、人が自制心を働かせることができるかどうかである。





whether or not

~かどうか(whetheror notとなることも)


4.2  Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work.


[意味把握チェック] 4.2自制心が比較的弱い人は、自分の用務からたやすく引き離されてしまふ(/そらされる可能性がある)。





draw awayform



4.3  Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation / could be one example.


[意味把握チェック] 4.3提案發表への取り組みを始めるつもりでゐた夜にカラオケで歌はうといふ誘ひにのる、といふのはその一例となり得るだらう。




  最初は動名詞に目的語がつき、その目的語(an invitation)に不定詞の句が説明を加へてゐます。次いで時(a night)が示され、その説明が關係副詞節により加へられます。その後でやうやく動詞部分(could be)が出てきます。





work on



4.4  Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.


[意味把握チェック] 4.4自制心、つまり誘惑に抗して計畫を堅持する能力については、私たちの多くが大變な思ひをしてゐる。



, or(言換説明):前述の言葉について、表現を變へて讀者に説明し、理解の一助とする文體です。





stick to

~にくつつく / ~を手放さない


4.5  Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control.


[意味把握チェック] 4.5興味深いことに、年齡は自制心と關はりがあると言はれてゐる。







 4.5   be said to-不定詞()  ~と言はれてゐる


4.6  Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.


[意味把握チェック] 4.6調査研究によると、人は年をとればとるほど、それだけ(一層)用務をぎりぎりの時間まで遲らせることが少なくなりさうなのである)



・<the+比較級(~),  the+比較級(…)>:「~すればするほど、それだけ一層…になる」→[用例研究]

the less likely they are to delay …:they are likelyto delay…に於いて、上述の構文を構成するためにlikely が比較級になつて前に出て、このかたちになつてゐます。






be likely to-不定詞



【この項 (8)へつづく】