
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・52 上智大學 2014 (5) 4パラ

2015-03-30 | 出題英文讀解

     (  34  ).  However, it remains one of the most meaningful and deeply felt life experiences and has become an important new way of finding one’s satisfaction in life.  Happiness has come to be established as a new measurement with important implications for individuals and policymakers alike.  Japan’s leaders should take note that the past emphasis on economic growth and material gains is out of date.  New measures of happiness, such as Bhutan’s well-known Gross National Happiness concept, are growing in importance and need to be included into government initiatives.

△ (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

△ (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

△ (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure




4.1  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure



[意味把握チェック]  4.1 幸福は、主觀的でつかみどころがなく、定義がむつかしくて、測定することはなほむつかしい性質のものと見えるかもしれない。



・that は關係代名詞です。


4.2  However, it remains one of the most meaningful and deeply felt life experiences and has become an important new way of finding one’s satisfaction in life.


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 しかしながら、幸福は、最も意義深くてこころに深く感じられる人生經驗のひとつであり續け、人生の滿足感を見出す、重要で新しい方法となつてゐる。


4.3  Happiness has come to be established as a new measurement with important implications for individuals and policymakers alike.


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 幸福は、個人と政策擔當者に等しく重大な影響を及ぼす新しいはかりとして確立されるに到つてゐる。



4.3     come to-不定詞(~)   ~するやうになる


4.4  Japan’s leaders should take note that the past emphasis on economic growth and material gains is out of date.


[意味把握チェック] 4.4 日本の指導者たちは、經濟成長と物質的利得に對するかつての重視(/過去經濟成長と物質的利得を重視したこと)が時代遲れとなつてゐることに注目すべきである。



4.4     take note                    注目する/注意する

4.4     out of date                 時代おくれの/古くさい/舊式の


4.5  New measures of happiness, such as Bhutan’s well-known Gross National Happiness concept, are growing in importance and need to be included into government initiatives.


[意味把握チェック]  4.5 幸福といふ新しい尺度が、例へばブータンの有名な「國民總幸福」の概念などであるが、重要性を増してをり、それが政治決定に含められることが必要である。



4.5     such as ~                  例へば~など

4.5     gross national product    GNP/國民總生産




  「1パラグラフ1主題」を原則として、多くの論説文は記されてゐます。その主題を述べる中心的な文(topic sentence)は各パラグラフの先頭に置かれることが多いとされます。このパラグラフの主題は何か、また4.2の it が何を指すかを推察すると、「幸福」について論じてゐると見當がつきます。


(34) - (f)

・52 上智大學 2014 (4) 3パラ

2015-03-27 | 出題英文讀解

     The worldwide poll found that happiness was only indirectly connected to material-centered lifestyles.  Canada has the highest college graduation levels, Qatar the highest income, Germany and France relatively high income and long vacation time, but none of these countries were found in high ranks.  (  33  ). Guatemala’s civil war and gang violence did not keep it from reaching seventh place.



 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

△ (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

△ (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure




3.1  The worldwide poll found that happiness was only indirectly connected to material-centered lifestyles.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 世界で廣く實施された(ギャラップ)調査で、幸福は物質重視(/もの中心の)のライフスタイルとは間接的な關聯しかないことが判明した。


3.2  Canada has the highest college graduation levels, Qatar the highest income, Germany and France relatively high income and long vacation time, but none of these countries were found in high ranks.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2 カナダは大學卒業者數では最高水準であり、カタールは收入が最も多く、ドイツとフランスは比較的高い收入と長い休暇があるが、これらの國はいづれも高いランクになかつた。



3.2     Qatar                       [k:t:r]


3.3  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20.



[意味把握チェック]  3.3 對照的に、イタリアとギリシャは、經濟が負債に苦しめられてゐるが、上位20位に入つてゐる。


3.4  Guatemala’s civil war and gang violence did not keep it from reaching seventh place.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4 グアテマラでは内戰やギャングの暴力(的活動)があるが7位に到達した。



・〈keep~from…〉は「~に…させないでおく」と解します。「内戰やギャングの暴力(的活動)がグアテマラに7位に到達させないでおくことはなかつた」、つまり「内戰やギャングの暴力(的活動)があるのに7位になつた」と述べてゐるのでせう。prevent や stop に似た語法があります。


3.4         Cold weather keeps many plants from blooming.







(33) - (a)

・英文讀解のヒント (22) 《there is+名詞+分詞》

2015-03-25 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (22) 《there is+名詞+分詞》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   Perhaps this is why until the 1980s most researchers focused on negative emotions; they seemed to cause the most suffering and trouble-for both the individual and for society.  An analysis of Psychological Abstracts, a summary of books and articles published in psychology, found that from 1887 to the mid-1990s there were 136,728 titles referring to anger, anxiety, or depression, but only 9,510 referring to joy, satisfaction, or happiness.  And it was not until the late 1990s that a focus on positive emotions began to emerge.

(15 國際基督教大學 2010 3パラ; 2012年4月6日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  there were の後に名詞 136,728 titles / 9,510(titles) が置かれ、それぞれに現在分詞 referring の句がつづいてゐます。名詞の説明を現在分詞の句が加へてゐる、つまり「136728の表題が怒り、不安、抑鬱に言及してゐたが、わづか9510の表題しか歡喜、滿足、幸福に言及してゐなかつた」と解されます。

2.2  <there is/are 名詞+現在分詞/過去分詞>: there is/are につづく名詞の後にさらに現在分詞や過去分詞が置かれることがあります。このかたちは、時に「ある・なしを述べる」よりも、むしろ「名詞のあり樣を分詞によつて説明してゐる」やうな印象を與へることがあります。名詞の後に分詞が置かれると、讀者は名詞の説明がつづくと受けとめ、第二文型(SVC)におけるやうに、名詞部分を主語(S)に、分詞部分を補語(C)ないしは動詞(V)のやうに解するのだと推察されます。


□參考例文: 現在分詞がつづく例です。

23.2         There were some Haitians working in the building at the time of the crash.


■諳誦例文: 現在分詞がつづく例です。

23      There is a sale going on at Macy's.


□參考例文: 過去分詞がつづく例です。

23.3      There were twenty people hurt in the accident.


23.4      There is only a little time left before my plane leaves.



3  意味把握チェック

  ことによるとかういふ理由で1980年代までほとんどの研究者が否定的な感情に關心を集中したのであらう。それらは、個人に對しても社會に對しても最大の苦痛と迷惑を引き起すやうに思はれた(からである)。Psychological Abstractsこれは心理學の領域で刊行された書籍や記事の概要をまとめたものであるが、その分析により、1887年から1990年代半ばまで、136728の表題が怒り、不安、抑鬱に言及してゐたが、わづか9510の表題しか歡喜、滿足、幸福に言及してゐなかつたことが判明した。そして1990年代をはりになつて初めて肯定的な感情への關心集中が現はれ始めた。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・52 上智大學 2014 (3) 2パラ

2015-03-23 | 出題英文讀解

     (  32  ).  Panama ranked No. 1 followed by, in order, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.  In Asia, only Thailand and the Philippines, with economic levels significantly lower than Japan’s, broke into the top 10.



 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

 (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

△ (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure



2.1  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 經濟發展が比較的低水準であるラテンアメリカの國々が最も幸福な國の上位10位内で優勢を占めた。


2.2  Panama ranked No. 1 followed by, in order, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 パナマが1位となつたが、以下順にパラグアイ、エルサルバドル、ベネズエラ、トリニダード トバゴ、タイ、グアテマラ、フィリピン、エクアドル、コスタリカが續いた。



・主文は Panama ranked No. 1 で、過去分詞の句が情報を加へてゐます。



2.2     Panama                   [pǽnəm:]

2.2     Paraguay                 [pǽrəgwài]

2.2     El Salvador             [el sǽlvədɔ̀:r]

2.2     Venezuela               [vènizwéilə]

2.2     Trinidad and Tobago  [trínidᴂd ənd təbéigou]

2.2     Thailand                 [táilæ̀nd]

2.2     Guatemala               [gw:təm:lə]

2.2     the Philippines        [ðə fíləpì:nz]

2.2     Ecuador                  [ékwədɔ̀:r]

2.2     Costa Rica               [kstə rí:kə]


2.3  In Asia, only Thailand and the Philippines, with economic levels significantly lower than Japan’s, broke into the top 10.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 アジアでは、日本(の經濟水準)より經濟水準が著しく低いタイとフィリピンだけが上位10國に食ひ込んだ(/しか10位内に入らなかつた)。






(32) - (c)

・52 上智大學 2014 (2) 1パラ

2015-03-20 | 出題英文讀解

     Japan may have a relatively high standard of living and the longest life expectancy in the world, but it does not have the happiest people.  (  31  ).  The results showed just how little economic levels connect with life satisfaction.


 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

 (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

 (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure



1.1  Japan may have a relatively high standard of living and the longest life expectancy in the world, but it does not have the happiest people.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 日本は、生活水準が世界でも比較的高く、平均餘命は世界最長であるが、最も幸福な國民を持つてはゐない。


1.2  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 148の國を對象とした最近のギャラップ調査によれば、日本は世界幸福水準(/世界の幸福度)では中ほどの順位である。



1.2     according to ~         ~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて

1.2     the Gallup poll        [ðə gǽləp poul]


1.3  The results showed just how little economic levels connect with life satisfaction.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 その結果により、經濟水準と人生の滿足感との關聯がいかに小さいか、といふことが示された。



・(closely / much ではなく)little を用ゐて兩者の結びつきの少なさを示唆し、just でさらに強調してゐます。



(選擇肢)  ※短くかつ粗いメモを附記してみます。

 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20(借金のイタリア、ギリシャが20位内)

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little(高收入は重要ではない)

 (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries(低經濟のラテンアメリカの國々が10位内に)

 (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels(ギャラップ調査で日本は中位)

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same(金持は幸福が買へぬが、貧しい人は金持にならうと必死)

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure(幸せは定義も測定も難しい)



・英語論説文は「1パラグラフ1主題」が原則です。筆者は、さうしたパラグラフを積み重ねて、何らかのことを論じます。選擇肢から、各パラグラフの主題にふさはしい(/主題を支へる/主題に矛盾しない)内容のものを選びます。ここは導入部ですから、(d)が適切でせう。直後の the results もヒントになります。



(31) - (d)

・52 上智大學 2014 (1) 全文

2015-03-16 | 出題英文讀解


     Japan may have a relatively high standard of living and the longest life expectancy in the world, but it does not have the happiest people.  (  31  ).  The results showed just how little economic levels connect with life satisfaction.

     (  32  ).  Panama ranked No. 1 followed by, in order, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.  In Asia, only Thailand and the Philippines, with economic levels significantly lower than Japan’s, broke into the top 10.

     The worldwide poll found that happiness was only indirectly connected to material-centered lifestyles.  Canada has the highest college graduation levels, Qatar the highest income, Germany and France relatively high income and long vacation time, but none of these countries were found in high ranks.  (  33  ). Guatemala’s civil war and gang violence did not keep it from reaching seventh place.

     (  34  ).  However, it remains one of the most meaningful and deeply felt life experiences and has become an important new way of finding one’s satisfaction in life.  Happiness has come to be established as a new measurement with important implications for individuals and policymakers alike.  Japan’s leaders should take note that the past emphasis on economic growth and material gains is out of date.  New measures of happiness, such as Bhutan’s well-known Gross National Happiness concept, are growing in importance and need to be included into government initiatives.

     Like Singapore, last on the Gallup Poll, Japan’s relatively high economic level has been achieved through high pressure, tight schedules and a work-life balance tipped very far toward work.  What most Latin American interviewees cited as the source of their daily happiness ― taking pleasure in friends, family, nature and religion ― have been neglected in many economically developed countries.  (  35  ).


 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

 (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

 (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure



     In another study by Nobel Prize-winning economists Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, Americans felt happier with greater income only up to about $75,000 annually.  After that, more money had little connection to happiness.  Other studies found that rates of happiness in America did not rise at all over the last half-century despite huge economic and technological growth.  In Japan, as in America, it is relative status, not just income that determines much of the feeling of satisfaction in life.  Japanese feel unhappy even with the relative gains they have achieved in the past several decades partially because wealth has become so unevenly distributed.  In addition, social factors such as insecurity, isolation and distrust of institutions contribute to lower levels of happiness.

     The government should include issues of well-being into all planning and policies. National happiness can and should be used as a measure of a successful government.  The government so far helped to build a powerful consumer society, but that too failed to achieve life satisfaction for most Japanese.  Decisions about economic policy and social change should incorporate the findings of the aforementioned studies and focus on nonmaterial improvements to Japanese life.  Instead of continuing to focus on numerical economic growth by exploiting ever more resources, both human and natural, other issues should be given greater consideration.  Top of the list to improve Japan’s level of happiness is higher rates of employment and better quality of work.  The focus, though, should be on quality of work, rather than just income.

     Likewise, finding ways to improve physical and mental health should be given as high a priority as finding economic stimuli.  The government can also focus on the enrichment of community, family life, education and leisure pursuits.  Those issues should no longer be considered exclusively as individual choices or consumer options, but an essential and basic part  of what government supports for its citizens.  Pumping money into the economy might make economic numbers look good.  However, without greater consideration of noneconomic factors, Japan will never achieve the levels of happiness and life satisfaction it deserves.

(Adapted from “Happiest people in the world.” The Japan Times, January 6, 2013. <http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/01/06/editorials/happiest-people-in-the-world/#.UWfX8oKvRFZ>)


(36)  The author of this article states that

 (a)  Americans’ sense of happiness continues to rise as their income level increases.

 (b)  income is not connected to one’s level of satisfaction in life in the U.S.

 (c)  technological advances have raised people’s feelings of life satisfaction in the U.S.

 (d)  Americans do not necessarily find their life more satisfactory with greater income.

(37)  It is suggested in the article that

 (a)  people do not tend to weigh their levels of satisfaction in life simply by absolute gains in income.

 (b)  uneven distribution of wealth has resulted in the increase of unhappy people all over the world.

 (c)  isolated individuals often find greater freedom in life, thus feeling more content with their life.

 (d)  the government should make sure it imposes heavier taxes on wealthy people in the country.

(38)  By “well-being,” the author of this article means

 (a)  a crime-free society where people can live safely.

 (b)  people’s feelings of satisfaction in their lives.

 (c)  the financially prosperous situation to be in.

 (d)  a state in which people exercise their creativity.

(39)  The factor not included in this article for why people feel unsatisfied with their lives is

 (a)  the insufficient amount of employment available in the country.

 (b)  the asymmetrical allocation of money among people.

 (c)  their lack of confidence in organizations in their society.

 (d)  their fear towards natural disasters they may encounter in life.

(40)  The author implies that the levels of happiness that Japan deserves should

 (a)  not be so high considering the current economic situation in the country.

 (b)  not be higher in light of the decreasing population in the country.

 (c)  be higher than they are currently shown in the poll.

 (d)  be equivalent to the level of sophistication in its culture.

・51 お茶の水女子大學 2014 (8) 7パラ

2015-03-13 | 出題英文讀解

     When you lose a loved one, you suffer.  But if you know how to look deeply, you have a chance to realize that his or her nature is truly the nature of no-birth, no-death.  There is manifestation, and there is the end of manifestation in order to have another manifestation.  You have to be alert to recognize the new manifestations of one person.  But with practice and effort, you can do it. Pay attention to the world around you, to the leaves and the flowers, to the birds and the rain.  If you can stop and look deeply, (  A  ).  You will release your fear and pain and again embrace the joy of life.

設問3 (  A  )にあてはまる節として、もっとも適切なものを以下から選びなさい。

(ア) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again after you die

(イ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in many forms

(ウ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in your dreams

(エ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in the features of your children



7.1  When you lose a loved one, you suffer.


[意味把握チェック]  7.1 最愛の人を喪ふと苦しむ。


7.2  But if you know how to look deeply, you have a chance to realize that his or her nature is truly the nature of no-birth, no-death.


[意味把握チェック]  7.2 しかし深い觀方を知れば、彼なり彼女なりの本質は、まことに不生不滅のものだと悟る機會がある。



・〈疑問詞+to-不定詞〉: このかたちについては、2014年5月14日付の拙稿「英文讀解のヒント(3)」に解説や例文があります。


7.3  There is manifestation, and there is the end of manifestation in order to have another manifestation.


[意味把握チェック]  7.3 顯現するしるしがあり、しるしには、別の(新たな)しるしを得るため、終りがある。



 7.3 manifestation = a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists


7.4  You have to be alert to recognize the new manifestations of one person.


[意味把握チェック]  7.4 ひとりの人の新たな(顯現する)しるしに氣づくには注意を怠らないでゐなくてはならない。


7.5  But with practice and effort, you can do it.


[意味把握チェック]  7.5 しかし練習と努力で、氣づくことができる。


7.6  Pay attention to the world around you, to the leaves and the flowers, to the birds and the rain.


[意味把握チェック]  7.6 周圍の世界、(例へば)葉や花、鳥や雨に注意を拂ふことだ。


7.7  If you can stop and look deeply, you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in many forms.


[意味把握チェック]  7.7 立ち止まつて深く觀ることができれば、最愛の人が、繰り返しいくつもの形態で顯現してゐるのがわかるだらう。



・ここでは recognize は知覺動詞 notice (「氣づく/わかる」)に近い意味で使はれてゐるとみて〈知覺動詞+目的語+現在分詞〉に準じて解しました。manifest は動詞で「(幽靈などが)現はれる」の意味です。ここでは「顯現のしるしが現はれる」といふことでせう。


We recognize her having superior capacity.






again and again



7.8  You will release your fear and pain and again embrace the joy of life.


[意味把握チェック]  7.8 あなたは恐れと苦しみを手放し、人生の悦びを再び受けとることにならう。



設問3 (  A  )にあてはまる節として、もっとも適切なものを以下から選びなさい。

(ア) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again after you die(自分の死後、最愛の人が繰り返し顯現してゐるのがわかるだらう)

(イ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in many forms7.7參照)

(ウ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in your dreams(最愛の人が夢のなかで繰り返し顯現してゐるのがわかるだらう)

(エ) you will recognize your beloved manifesting again and again in the features of your children(自分の子どもたちの顔つき[/特徴]に、最愛の人が繰り返し顯現してゐるのがわかるだらう)






・英文讀解のヒント (21) 《with+名詞+分詞等》

2015-03-11 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (21) 《with+名詞+分詞等》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   But international language dominance is not solely the result of military might.  It may take a militarily powerful nation to establish a language, but it takes an economically powerful one to maintain and expand it.  This has always been the case, but it became a particularly critical factor early in the twentieth century, with economic developments beginning to operate on a global scale, supported by the new communication technologies ―― telegraph, telephone, radio ―― and fostering the emergence of massive multinational organizations.  The growth of competitive industry and business brought an explosion of international marketing and advertising.  The power of the press reached unprecedented levels, soon to be surpassed by the broadcasting media, with their ability to cross national boundaries with electromagnetic ease.  Technology, in the form of movies and records, fueled new mass entertainment industries which had a worldwide impact.  The drive to make progress in science and technology fostered an international intellectual and research environment which gave scholarship and further education a high profile.

(21 東京大學 2012 7パラ; 2012年9月10日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <with O+C>: このかたちは、「OがCである状態で」と解します。この文ではO が economic developments 、Cが beginning~、   fostering~(現在分詞の句)です。さらに過去分詞の句(supported~radio)が插入されて讀みにくくなつてゐます。

2..2  <with O+C>のOの位置には名詞や代名詞が置かれ、Cの位置にはそれを説明する語句-現在分詞や過去分詞のほか形容詞や副詞(句)など-が置かれます。<with O+C>の置かれる位置は文末が多いのですが、文頭、文中の例も見かけます。コンマもあつたりなかつたりです。


  なほ、このかたちは、文法書では「獨立分詞構文」の項に解説されてゐることが多いやうです。前置詞の項に「付帶状況の with」「with構文」として紹介するものもあります。

■諳誦例文: Cの位置に過去分詞が置かれた例です。

22         It is very stuffy in this room, with all the windows closed.


□參考例文: Cの位置に現在分詞が置かれた例です。

22.2      A car roared past with smoke pouring from the exhaust.


□參考例文: Cの位置に形容詞が置かれた例です。

22.3      The street is so dusty that I can't walk with my eyes open.


□參考例文: Cの位置に副詞が置かれた例です。

22.4      Last night I fell asleep with the radio on.


□參考例文: Cの位置に副詞句が置かれた例です。

22.5      Boys ought not to walk about with their hands in their pockets.


□參考例文: 形容詞句として名詞を修飾することがあります。Cの位置には過去分詞が置かれてゐます。

22.6      The girl with her hair cut short is my sister.


□參考例文: 文頭に<with O+C>が置かれた例です

22.7      With so many people unemployed, my father was lucky to have a job.


□參考例文: Cの位置に節が置かれた例です。

22.8      I cannot live on my wages with prices what they are.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・51 お茶の水女子大學 2014 (7) 6パラ

2015-03-09 | 出題英文讀解

     From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed.  All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, or feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet, to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.



6.1  From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed.


[意味把握チェック]  6.1 その瞬間から(後)、母を失つたといふ考へはもはや存在しなかつた。



・副詞の on: (距離的・時間的に)「先へ」「進んで」などの意味を表はします。

[類例]  from now on(これから/今後)



6.1     no longer ~              もはや~ない


6.2  All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, or feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet, to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.


[意味把握チェック]  6.2母が常に私と一緒にゐて、いつでも會へるといふことを想起する(/思ひ出す)には、自分の掌を見さへすればいいのであつた、或は顏にあたるそよ風か、足下の大地を感じさへすればいいのであつた。



・all を用ゐた修辭的表現: all(すべて/全部)と「わづか」「少ない」を意味する語句などを竝べて、「(すべて/全部でも)~だけ」といふ意味合ひを釀し出す文體です。ここでは all のあとに接觸節(/關係代名詞の省略とも)を置き、be 動詞のあとに原形不定詞(look/feel)を續けてゐます。原形不定詞ではなく to-不定詞が續くこともあります。


51.6      All we can do is (to) wait for him.


51.6      All you have to do is click the "Send this message" button and your messages will immediately be e-mailed to your friends.


51.6      Is that all you want me to do?


・分詞構文(付帶状況): (being) available at any time と補つて解します。分詞構文の主語は my mother です。

・51 お茶の水女子大學 2014 (6) 5パラ

2015-03-06 | 出題英文讀解

     I opened the door and went outside.  The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight.  Walking slowly in that soft light through the rows of tea plants, I observed that my mother was indeed still with me.  My mother was the moonlight holding me as she had so often done, very gentle, very sweet.  Every time my feet touched the earth, I knew my mother was there with me.  I knew this body was not mine alone but a living continuation of my mother and father, my grandparents and great-grandparents, and of all my ancestors.  These feet I saw as “my” feet were actually “our” feet.  Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the wet soil.



5.1  I opened the door and went outside.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1 私は扉を開けて外に出た。


5.2  The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight.


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 丘の中腹(/斜面)全體が月の光を浴びてゐた。



5.2     bathe                           [發音注意] [beið]   ※bath [bᴂƟ / bɑ:Ɵ]


5.3  Walking slowly in that soft light through the rows of tea plants, I observed that my mother was indeed still with me.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 柔かい光を浴びつつ茶の木の列をゆつくりと歩いて通り拔ける際に、私は母が確かにまだ一緒にゐるといふことに氣づいた。



・分詞構文: -ing で始まる分詞構文については、「英文讀解のヒント (19)」(2015年2月11日付)に解説や例文があります。


5.4  My mother was the moonlight holding me as she had so often done, very gentle, very sweet.


[意味把握チェック]  5.4 母は、しよつちゆうしてくれてゐたやうに私を抱きしめる月の光であつた。それはとても優しく、とても心地好かつた(/母は月の光であり、その月の光は母が頻繁にしてくれてゐたやうに私を抱きしめてくれ、とても優しく心地好いのであつた)。



・very gentle / very sweet は the moonlight (~) を修飾してゐます。説明を補足したのでせう。


5.5  Every time my feet touched the earth, I knew my mother was there with me.


[意味把握チェック]  5.5 私の足が大地に觸れるときはいつでも、母が私と一緒にゐるとわかつた。



・every time は接續詞のはたらきをしてゐます。「~するときはいつでも」


5.6  I knew this body was not mine alone but a living continuation of my mother and father, my grandparents and great-grandparents, and of all my ancestors.


[意味把握チェック]  5.6 この身體は自分だけのものではなく、私の父母の、私の祖父母の、私の曾祖父母の、つまりは私の先祖すべての生命がつながつたものだといふことがわかつた。



・〈not~but〉: 「~ではなく

・a continuation: 抽象名詞を普通名詞として用ゐてゐます。その性質をもつ人・物・行爲を表はします。

[類例]  She is a great beauty.(彼女はすごい美人だ)


5.7  These feet I saw as “my” feet were actually “our” feet.


[意味把握チェック]  5.7 私が「私の」足とみてゐるこの足は、實際には(/本當のところは)「私たちの」足なのであつた。



・〈see~as〉の~がここでは these feet に當りますが、主語となり前に出てゐます。These feet (which) I saw as と補つてみるとわかりやすいかもしれません。



5.7     see ~ as …              ~をとみる


5.8  Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the wet soil.


[意味把握チェック]  5.8 母と私は濡れた土に一緒に足跡を殘してゐたのである。

・51 お茶の水女子大學 2014 (5) 4パラ

2015-03-02 | 出題英文讀解

     When I woke up, I had a very strong feeling that I had never lost my mother.  The sense that my mother was still with me was very clear.  I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just that: an idea.  It was obvious in that moment that my mother was still alive in me and always would be.



4.1  When I woke up, I had a very strong feeling that I had never lost my mother.


[意味把握チェック]  4.1 起きた時、私は決して母を失つてはゐなかつたといふことをとても強く感じた(/といふとても強い氣持を覺えた)。



・同格: a very strong feeling と that 節が竝べ置かれ、that 節が a very strong feeling を説明してゐます。


4.2  The sense that my mother was still with me was very clear.


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 母がまだ(/依然として)私と一緒にゐるのだといふ感覺がとても鮮明であつた。



・同格: ・同格: the sense と that 節が竝べ置かれ、that 節が the sense を説明してゐます。


4.3  I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just that: an idea.


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 母を失つたといふ考へはただそれだけのもの、つまり「ひとつの考へ(/觀念)」なのだ、と私はそのとき理解した(/わかつた)。



・同格(of): 「同格のof」と呼ばれ「…といふ~」を意味します。ここでは having lost と完了形が使はれてゐますから動詞(understood/was)の時點までのことを表はしてゐて、 the idea that I had lost my mother と同樣の意味を傳へてゐるのでせう。

[類例] the news of the team’s victory(チーム勝利の知らせ) / his habit of smoking(彼の喫煙習慣)

・コロン(:): 「直前の語句を言ひ換へたり、具體的に説明するために使はれ」てゐるとも言へるのですが、ここでは自分の氣持や思考を整理した結果を提示して an idea と置いたやうに見えます。簡潔に述べただけに結論を強調したい思ひも酌みとれさうです。


4.4  It was obvious in that moment that my mother was still alive in me and always would be.


[意味把握チェック]  4.4 母が依然として私のうちに生きてをり、常にさうなのだ、といふことが、その瞬間に明らかとなつた。



・preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は that 節です。

・省略: would beの後に alive が省略されてゐます。