
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・33 北海道大學 2013 (1) 全文

2013-08-30 | 出題英文讀解

  以下の英文[I]は二人の友人による対話で、英文[Ⅱ]はその要約である。英文[I]と内容が合致するように、英文[Ⅱ]の空欄 (  1  )~(  12  )に入るもっとも適切な語を下の枠の中からそれぞれ1つずつ選びなさい。



Sachie(S): Tatsuya, great to see you again!  How have you been?

Tatsuya(T): Fine, thanks.  I have been keeping busy as usual.  The shop seems to be doing reasonably well, despite the overall state of the economy.  How have you been?  Are you still working at the library?

S: No, I have changed jobs.  I am now at a home for the elderly.  The hours are long and the pay is not great, but it is rewarding work.  So, I am happy.  But I am a little concerned about the upcoming rise in consumption tax the government has passed.

T: How come?

S: Well, workers in old people’s homes are not very well paid.  It will affect me quite badly.  I assume that you are also quite worried about the effect it will have on your business.

T: Not really.  I think it is inevitable that taxes will have to rise inJapan, and raising consumption tax is probably the best way to do it in my view.  I am more worried about a financial crisis like the one they have had inGreece than having to raise the prices of my goods a little.

S: But a consumption tax rise will surely reduce your sales, and maybe even bankrupt the business.  Another friend of mine is really worried about this.

T: It’s a possibility.  But I am not losing any sleep over it at the moment.

S: That’s good to hear.  There have been so many people going through tough times after the earthquake on 11 March 2011.  The people in the disaster  areas certainly need a lot of financial assistance in the coming years.  But I also think we should not forget other pressing issues.  As I see at work every day, someone has to pay for the increasing costs of care of the elderly.

T: Yes, and there is also the problem ofJapan’s national debt.  We cannot continue generating debt for future generations to pay off.  In my view, we have to start reducing the debt right now.

S: I agree with you there.  So, what’s the best way to do it?  I think we should raise income tax for the wealthiest people in society.  They earn most, so they should pay most.  The problem with consumption tax is that people on low wages have to pay the same rate as people with high wages.  That really hurts them financially.

T: I agree with the basic principle of taxing the rich, but income tax is not the right way to do it.  The tax system must give incentives to people to work hard.  I believe in low income tax to reward business people and entrepreneurs.  One possibility is to raise consumption tax on luxury goods, for example expensive watches and alcohol.  But there might be other better alternatives, too.

S: Yes, I am sure this debate will continue inJapan over the coming years.



     This is a conversation between two people about the rise in consumption tax inJapan.  Sachie is a care worker in a home for the elderly.  She (  1  ) raising consumption tax.  Tatsuya runs his own small business.  He is in (  2  ) of the consumption tax rise.

     They consider how the tax changes will affect their places of work.  Changes in the consumption tax rate will reduce sales at Tatsuya’s shop, and may even (  3  ) him out of business.  Sachie says that the increasing costs of caring forJapan’s aging population have to be paid for (  4  ).

     Ultimately, they both agree that (  5  ) must be done by the government to raise money for reconstruction after the 11 March earthquake.  The tax increase is also essential (  6  ) the size ofJapan’s national debt.  Leaving (  7  ) a burden to future generations is irresponsible, they think.  It is not a question of (  8  ) to raise taxes, but how.

     Sachie proposes an income tax rise for the wealthiest people in society.  This would (  9  ) the poor less, she argues.  While Tatsuya is not (  10  ) the principle of taxing the rich, he believes strong incentives are needed to encourage entrepreneurs.  Instead, he says that consumption tax (  11  ) be raised on luxury goods (  12  ) expensive watches.  【682 words ※(カッコ)に入る語を含む】



(A) make   (B) somehow   (C) for   (D) favor   (E) whether   (F) given   (G) proposes   (H) must   (I) as   (J) some   (K) which   (L) could   (M) such   (N) reduction   (O) something   (P) supports   (Q) help   (R) like   (S) against   (T) someone   (U) opposes   (V) kind   (W) put   (X) harm




パート 1Sachie(S): Tatsuya, great to see you again!

パート 2T: Not really.  I think it is inevitable

パート 3S: I agree with you there.

パート 4This is a conversation between two people

パート 5Ultimately, they both agree that

・32 京都大學 2012 (6) 5パラ

2013-08-26 | 出題英文讀解

     On one occasion with a patient in grave peril, I begged my father to operate.  He stood silent at the bedside.  In his taut expression I saw complete concentration.  With utmost care he weighed one option against another.  At last, he shook his head, and turned away.  I followed.  “Dr. Stone,” I said, using his title though I longed to cry out, Father!  “An operation is his only chance,” I said.  In my heart I knew the chance was infinitesimally small, and the first whiff of anesthesia might end it all.  My father put his hand on my shoulder.  He spoke to me gently, “Marion, remember (B) you shall not operate on the day of a patient’s death.




2 下線をほどこした部分(B)の意味に最も近い文をそれぞれ以下の1~4の中から選び、その番号を書きなさい。



1  After a patient dies, don’t perform an operation because you must pay respect to the dead.

2  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because it is a bad day for a surgeon.

3  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because you are very exhausted.

4  You must decide not to perform an operation when you know for sure that a patient will die.




5.1  On one occasion with a patient in grave peril, I begged my father to operate.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1 ある患者が危篤の時に、私は父に手術をしてくれと頼んだ。



・<begto-不定詞(…)>: 「~に…してくれと頼む」


5.2  He stood silent at the bedside.


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 彼はベッドの脇に默して立つた。


5.3  In his taut expression I saw complete concentration.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 彼の張り詰めた表情からすつかり集中してゐるのが看て取れた。


5.4  With utmost care he weighed one option against another.


[意味把握チェック]  5.4 彼はこの上ないほどの注意を拂つて、さまざまな選擇肢を比較檢討した。



one option against another: ある選擇肢、次いで別の選擇肢、また別の…といふ風にさまざまな選擇可能な治療方法を對置して檢討してゐるさまがうかがへます。


5.5  At last, he shook his head, and turned away.


[意味把握チェック]  5.5 つひに彼は首を横に振つた、そして立ち去つた。





at last




turn away



5.6  I followed.


[意味把握チェック]  5.6 私は彼のあとを追つた。


5.7  “Dr. Stone,” I said, using his title though I longed to cry out, Father!


[意味把握チェック]  5.7 お父さん!と叫びたかつたが、私は彼の肩書を使つて「Stone博士(/先生)」と言つた。





cry out



5.8  “An operation is his only chance,” I said.


[意味把握チェック]  5.8 「手術が唯一のチャンスなんです(/彼が助かる可能性は手術にしかないんです)」と私は言つた。


5.9  In my heart I knew the chance was infinitesimally small, and the first whiff of anesthesia might end it all.


[意味把握チェック]  5.9 (彼が助かる)可能性は無限に小さいと内心承知してゐたし、(手術に先立つ)麻醉藥の最初の一かぎで(/麻醉藥を一かぎするだけで)一卷の終りになるかもしれなかつた。


5.10  My father put his hand on my shoulder.


[意味把握チェック]  5.10 父は私の肩に(片)手を置いた。


5.11  He spoke to me gently, “Marion, remember you shall not operate on the day of a patient’s death.”


[意味把握チェック]  5.11 彼は私にやさしく言つた、「Marion、患者の亡くなる日には手術をしてはならない(/しないものだ)といふことを覺えておきなさい」



・意志未來: shall はここでは「話し手の意志」をあらはし、「君(たち)に~させよう」といふ風に、話し手の命令、約束、警告、決意などを傳へます。ここでは「手術をしない」ことが話し手、つまり筆者の父の意志であるといふことになります。フォーマルかつやや古めかしい言ひ方をしてゐます。




2 下線をほどこした部分(B)の意味に最も近い文をそれぞれ以下の1~4の中から選び、その番号を書きなさい。

(5.11)  He spoke to me gently, “Marion, remember (B) you shall not operate on the day of a patient’s death.



1  After a patient dies, don’t perform an operation because you must pay respect to the dead.  (患者の死後には手術を行なふな。死者に敬意を拂はなくてはならないから)

2  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because it is a bad day for a surgeon.  (患者の死後に手術を行なつてはならない。その日は外科醫には惡い日だから)

3  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because you are very exhausted.  (患者の死後に手術を行なつてはならない。あなたは疲勞困憊してゐるのだから)

4  You must decide not to perform an operation when you know for sure that a patient will die.  (患者が死ぬと確實にわかつてゐる時には手術をしないと決斷しなくてはならない)


※正解は 4 です。



[用例研究129]  意志未來の shall


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Why don’t you do something with poor Daisy, dear?

  ・Why don’t you...?: 1.4 で紹介した修辭疑問です。

  「かはいさうな Daisy に何かしてやつたらどう(/してやりなさいよ)、あなた」


2  Shall we go for a walk or play with the ball?

  ・shall: 「意志未來」の用法で、ここでは「相手の意志を訊ねる」ことによつて、相手に對して申し出・提案をしてゐます。5.11 で述べたやうにフォーマルでやや古めかしい言ひ方になります。



3  Don’t blame me...it was her idea.




・ソファの上は Dagwood お氣に入りの「定位置」です。普段は愛犬に對して使はないやうな言ひ方で「相手の意志を訊ね」て、それが通じず、かういふ仕儀になつたといふわけでせうか……。

・32 京都大學 2012 (5) 4パラ

2013-08-23 | 出題英文讀解

     Thirty years later, I am not known for speed, or technical genius.  Say I adopt the style and technique that suits the patient and the particular situation and I’ll consider that high praise.  (2) I get encouragement from my fellow physicians who come to me when they themselves must suffer the knife.  They know Marion Stone will be as involved after the surgery as before and during.  They know I have no use for sayings such as “When in doubt, cut it out” or “Why wait when you can operate” other than for how reliably they reveal the shallowest intellects in our field.  My father, for whose skills as a surgeon I have the deepest respect, says, “The operation with the best outcome is the one you decide not to do.”  Knowing when not to operate, knowing when to call for the assistance of a surgeon of my father’s caliber –– that kind of “brilliance” goes unheralded.



1 下線をほどこした部分(2)を和訳しなさい。



4.1  Thirty years later, I am not known for speed, or technical genius.


[意味把握チェック]  4.1 30年後(の今)、私は(手術の)速度や腕前(/技術的才能)で知られてはゐない。


4.2  Say I adopt the style and technique that suits the patient and the particular situation and I’ll consider that high praise.


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 假に私が患者や特定の病状に合つた手術法・技術を採用するといふのであれば(/するので知られてゐるとすれば)…それなら私はそれを大いなる稱讚だと考へる(/看做す)だらう。



say: 命令法で用ゐて後にthat節(~)を續け、「假に~としたら」。ここでは接續詞 that が省略されてゐます。








4.3  I get encouragement from my fellow physicians who come to me when they themselves must suffer the knife.


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 自身が外科手術を受けなければならないときに私のもとを訪れる(/私に執刀を依頼する)同僚の醫師(/内科醫)たちがゐて私は勵まされる。



・強意(再歸代名詞 oneself): 強く發聲され、意味を強調します。「~自身」「~自ら」

・同僚の醫師たちが自分の style and technique を支持してゐることがわかり、結果として勵ましを受けることになる、と述べてゐます。


4.4  They know Marion Stone will be as involved after the surgery as before and during.


[意味把握チェック]  4.4 Marion Stone は手術後にも、手術前や手術中と同樣に熱心にみてくれると彼らは承知してゐる。



・<asas >: 「…と同樣に~」「…と同じくらゐ~」。beforeduring の後に the surgery が省略されてゐます。


4.5  They know I have no use for sayings such as “When in doubt, cut it out” or “Why wait when you can operate” other than for how reliably they reveal the shallowest intellects in our field.


[意味把握チェック]  4.5 たとへば「疑はしいときは切除せよ」とか「手術が可能なら待つなかれ」といつた言ひ囘し(/格言)について、外科醫の世界で最も淺はかな知性をそれらがいかに確實に明らかにするかといふ場合以外は、私が(さういふ言ひ囘しを)無用にしてゐる、といふことを彼らは承知してゐる。



use のあとの forhow の前にも置かれてゐます。how~は名詞節と捉へ、for の目的語になつてゐると解します。上記の格言は、外科醫の知性を否定する目的以外には使途はない、つまり筆者はさういふ格言・やりかたに對して批判的だといふことを同僚の醫師たちが承知してゐる、と述べてゐます。





have no use for




in doubt




cut out ~/cut ~ out




other than



4.6  My father, for whose skills as a surgeon I have the deepest respect, says, “The operation with the best outcome is the one you decide not to do.”


[意味把握チェック]  4.6 私の父は、その外科醫としての技倆に私は最大の敬意を抱いてゐるのだが、「最良の結果を生む手術は、實施しないことにした手術である」と言ふ。




・代名詞 one は先行の名詞 operation の言換で、同類のものを指します。

・所有格の關係代名詞 whose については2012年6月13日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります。ブログ畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、出てきたCalendar の該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。


4.7  Knowing when not to operate, knowing when to call for the assistance of a surgeon of my father’s caliber –– that kind of “brilliance” goes unheralded.


[意味把握チェック]  4.7 手術を施すべきでない時を知る、父のやうな力量を有する外科醫の支援を求める時を知る――その種の「明察」は(世に)喧傳されない(ものだ)。




・引用符: “brilliance ”に引用符がついてゐるところに筆者の信念を看て取ることができさうです。手術すべきでないといふ判斷や力量のある醫師の支援依頼のタイミングを知ることは、一見 brilliant でないやうに讀者に受けとめられるであらうと筆者は考へてゐます。しかし、實はそれこそが本當の「卓拔」「才氣」であると筆者は確信してゐるのでせう。さうした事情を引用符が際立たせてゐるやうに見えます。





call for




go unheralded


・32 京都大學 2012 (4) 3パラ

2013-08-19 | 出題英文讀解

     (1) I was temperamentally better suited to a cognitive discipline, to an introspective field –– internal medicine, or perhaps psychiatry.  The sight of the operating theater made me sweat.  The idea of holding a surgical knife caused pain in my stomach.  Surgery was the most difficult thing I could imagine.  And so I became a surgeon.




1 下線をほどこした部分(1)を和訳しなさい。



3.1  I was temperamentally better suited to a cognitive discipline, to an introspective field –– internal medicine, or perhaps psychiatry.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 私は性分上知識を探究するやうな學問(分野)、内觀的領域のはうが向いてゐた――内科醫學とか、おそらくは精神醫學とか。



・外科手術に於ける技術や判斷力と對比して自分の適性を述べてゐると考へます。cognitive は「身體、病状、治療方法などの知識・認識獲得に關はる」といつた意味と解しました。――の後に具體的な專門分野を擧げてゐます。



3.1 接頭辭 intro- は「内方へ」「中へ」「内の」といつた意味を持ちます。元のintrospect はラテン語に由來する語で(intrō-=into+specere=to look)、「中を見(て調べ)る」といつた意味合ひが感じられます。


3.2  The sight of the operating theater made me sweat.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2手術(階段教)室を見ると冷や汗をかいた。



・使役表現: <make+O+原形不定詞>。ここは無生物主語で「~の光景が私に汗をかかせた」。


3.3  The idea of holding a surgical knife caused pain in my stomach.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3 (外科)手術用のメスを握ることを考へると胃が痛んだ。


3.4  Surgery was the most difficult thing I could imagine.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4外科手術は私に想像できる最も難しいことであつた(/~ほどの難事は考へられなかつた)。


3.5  And so I became a surgeon.


[意味把握チェック]  3.5 そしてさうであるからこそ私は外科醫になつたのである。



・自分には外科手術は難事であるとする文の流れに相違するやうな結論で結んでゐますから、ここでは so がかなり強い印象を與へます。そこを酌んで「さうであるからこそ」としてみました。寮母さんの助言に從つたのだといふわけです。

・32 京都大學 2012 (3) 2パラ

2013-08-16 | 出題英文讀解

     “But, Matron, I can’t dream of playing Bach, the ‘Gloria’ ...,” I protested.  I’d never played any kind of instrument.  I couldn’t read music.  “Not Bach’s ‘Gloria.’  Yours!” she said, “Your ‘Gloria’ lives within you.”



2.1  “But, Matron, I can’t dream of playing Bach, the ‘Gloria’ ...,” I protested.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 「でも、寮母さん、バッハの『Gloria』演奏を夢みることなんてできません」と私は異議を唱へた。





dream of



2.2  I’d never played any kind of instrument.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 どんな(種類の)樂器であれ(/も)演奏したことがなかつた。



・過去完了: I’dI had の縮約形です。<had+過去分詞>で過去のある時までの「完了」「經驗」「繼續」などの意味を表はします。「大過去」として、過去のさらに過去であることを示す場合もあります。ここは寮母さんと話をする時までの「經驗」を語つてゐるのでせう。


2.3  I couldn’t read music.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 私は樂譜が讀めなかつた。


2.4  “Not Bach’s ‘Gloria.’  Yours!” she said, “Your ‘Gloria’ lives within you.”


[意味把握チェック]  2.4 「バッハの『Gloria』ぢやないの。あなたの(『Gloria』)よ。あなたの『Gloria』があなたのうちに息づいてゐるの」と彼女は言つた。

・32 京都大學 2012 (2) 1パラ

2013-08-12 | 出題英文讀解

     I chose the specialty of surgery because of Matron, that steady presence during my adolescence.  “What is the hardest thing you can possibly do?” she asked when I went to her for advice.  I squirmed, “Why must I do what is hardest?”  She said, “Because, Marion, you are an instrument of God.  Don’t leave the instrument sitting in its case.  Play!  Leave no part of your instrument unexplored.  (A) Why settle for ‘Three Blind Mice’ when you can play the ‘Gloria’?”



2 下線をほどこした部分(A), (B)の意味に最も近い文をそれぞれ以下の1~4の中から選び、その番号を書きなさい。


1  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is much more difficult than the “Gloria.”

2  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is not so famous as the “Gloria.”

3  If the “Gloria” is your favorite piece of music, then you need not practice “Three Blind Mice.”

4  If you are good enough to play a difficult piece of music, don’t be satisfied with an easier one.



1.1  I chose the specialty of surgery because of Matron, that steady presence during my adolescence.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 青春(/青年)時代、あのしつかりした人物(/ゆるぎのない存在)であつた寮母さんのゆゑに私は外科醫(學)といふ專門を選擇した。



・若い頃の囘想ゆゑ寮母さんが時間的に遠い存在となつてゐるため、さらには追慕の情もこめて that を置いてゐるかに見えます。





because of




1.2  “What is the hardest thing you can possibly do?” she asked when I went to her for advice.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 私が助言を求めて彼女のもとに行つたとき、「自分がやれさうなことで一番難しいことは何ですか」と彼女は訊ねた。


1.3  I squirmed, “Why must I do what is hardest?”


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 私は當惑し(て言つ)た、「どうして一番難しいことをしなくちやいけないんですか」



the のない最上級: 形容詞を(直接名詞を修飾するのではなく) be動詞などの後に置く「敍述用法」の場合、 the をつけてもつけなくても可いとする傾向があります。ただし最上級のあとに of ~と續ける場合は the をつけるのがふつうのやうです。


1.4  She said, “Because, Marion, you are an instrument of God.  Don’t leave the instrument sitting in its case.  Play!  Leave no part of your instrument unexplored.  Why settle for ‘Three Blind Mice’ when you can play the ‘Gloria’?”


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 彼女は言つた、「何故つて、Marion、あなたは神樣の樂器だからよ。樂器をケースに收めたままにしておかないで。演奏するのよ!あなたといふ樂器のどの部分でもさぐらないままにしておいてはいけないのよ。『(バッハの)Gloria』を演奏できるときに『(マザー・グースの童歌である)Three Blind Mice』で滿足してはいけないの」



・修辭疑問(why): Why settle? は疑問文のかたちをとつてゐますが、理由を訊ねてゐるわけではありません。「何ゆゑ~で滿足するのか?」の意味は「~で滿足してゐてはいけない」との主張です。settle は原形動詞です。

  修辭疑問は文脈で判斷されるものですが、Why not?(提案などに同意して「うん、さうしよう」「いいですとも」)や Why don’t you? (提案を述べて「~したらどうですか」)のやうにほぼ固定的なかたちで使はれるものもあります。





settle for




2 下線をほどこした部分(A)の意味に最も近い文をそれぞれ以下の1~4の中から選び、その番号を書きなさい。

(A) Why settle for ‘Three Blind Mice’ when you can play the ‘Gloria’?”



1  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is much more difficult than the “Gloria.”  (『Gloria』よりはるかに難しいから『Three Blind Mice』は演奏しないで)

2  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is not so famous as the “Gloria.”  (『Gloria』ほど有名でないから『Three Blind Mice』は演奏しないで)

3  If the “Gloria” is your favorite piece of music, then you need not practice “Three Blind Mice.”  (もし『Gloria』がお氣に入りの樂曲であるなら、『Three Blind Mice』は練習しなくて可い)

4  If you are good enough to play a difficult piece of music, don’t be satisfied with an easier one.  (難しい樂曲を演奏できるほどうまいなら、それより易しい樂曲で滿足しないで)


  ※正解は 4 です。

・32 京都大學 2012 (1) 全文

2013-08-09 | 出題英文讀解


     I chose the specialty of surgery because of Matron, that steady presence during my adolescence.  “What is the hardest thing you can possibly do?” she asked when I went to her for advice.  I squirmed, “Why must I do what is hardest?”  She said, “Because, Marion, you are an instrument of God.  Don’t leave the instrument sitting in its case.  Play!  Leave no part of your instrument unexplored.  (A) Why settle for ‘Three Blind Mice’ when you can play the ‘Gloria’?”

     “But, Matron, I can’t dream of playing Bach, the ‘Gloria’ ...,” I protested.  I’d never played any kind of instrument.  I couldn’t read music.  “Not Bach’s ‘Gloria.’  Yours!” she said, “Your ‘Gloria’ lives within you.”

     (1) I was temperamentally better suited to a cognitive discipline, to an introspective field –– internal medicine, or perhaps psychiatry.  The sight of the operating theater made me sweat.  The idea of holding a surgical knife caused pain in my stomach.  Surgery was the most difficult thing I could imagine.  And so I became a surgeon.

     Thirty years later, I am not known for speed, or technical genius.  Say I adopt the style and technique that suits the patient and the particular situation and I’ll consider that high praise.  (2) I get encouragement from my fellow physicians who come to me when they themselves must suffer the knife.  They know Marion Stone will be as involved after the surgery as before and during.  They know I have no use for sayings such as “When in doubt, cut it out” or “Why wait when you can operate” other than for how reliably they reveal the shallowest intellects in our field.  My father, for whose skills as a surgeon I have the deepest respect, says, “The operation with the best outcome is the one you decide not to do.”  Knowing when not to operate, knowing when to call for the assistance of a surgeon of my father’s caliber –– that kind of “brilliance” goes unheralded.

     On one occasion with a patient in grave peril, I begged my father to operate.  He stood silent at the bedside.  In his taut expression I saw complete concentration.  With utmost care he weighed one option against another.  At last, he shook his head, and turned away.  I followed.  “Dr. Stone,” I said, using his title though I longed to cry out, Father!  “An operation is his only chance,” I said.  In my heart I knew the chance was infinitesimally small, and the first whiff of anesthesia might end it all.  My father put his hand on my shoulder.  He spoke to me gently, “Marion, remember (B) you shall not operate on the day of a patient’s death.”  【450 words】



1 下線をほどこした部分(1), (2)を和訳しなさい。


2 下線をほどこした部分(A), (B)の意味に最も近い文をそれぞれ以下の1~4の中から選び、その番号を書きなさい。


1  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is much more difficult than the “Gloria.”

2  Don’t play “Three Blind Mice” because it is not so famous as the “Gloria.”

3  If the “Gloria” is your favorite piece of music, then you need not practice “Three Blind Mice.”

4  If you are good enough to play a difficult piece of music, don’t be satisfied with an easier one.



1  After a patient dies, don’t perform an operation because you must pay respect to the dead.

2  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because it is a bad day for a surgeon.

3  After a patient dies, you must not perform an operation because you are very exhausted.

4  You must decide not to perform an operation when you know for sure that a patient will die.

・31 明治大學 2013 (9) 8パラ

2013-08-05 | 出題英文讀解

     If we manage to avoid a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all.  There’s a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our (7) stage.  But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong.


問3 下線部(1)~(7)について、最も適切なものをそれぞれ1つ選びなさい。

  (7) この stage と同じ意味で使われている stage を含むものは

    1  It is no use at this stage to think about all of the mistakes you made.

    2  Personal computer development set the stage for the Internet.

    3  The boy was afraid to go on stage and speak before the large audience.

    4  The politician held the stage with confidence throughout the debate.



問4 以下の各群について、本文の内容と一致するものを1つ選びなさい。(※本文全體についての設問です)




   1  People are generally wary of science because they do not fully comprehend it.


    2  Preventing the progress of science leads to higher standards of living.


    3  The mad scientist created a Frankenstein to generate interest in science fiction.


    4  The public would prefer to have nothing to do with science whatsoever.




    1  The author considers television producers to be the geniuses of our time.


    2  The author desires for the general public to improve its mathematical skills.


    3  The author detests it when jokes are made at the expense of alien civilizations.


    4  The author wishes for increased scientific awareness by the public as a whole.




    1  Many global problems are slow-acting because they can be explained as new developments in books and magazines.


    2  Science education in public schools is not fully trusted because students are not trained to apply their learning.


    3  Science and technology improve because only intelligent people engage in government research.


    4  The general public is scared of equations because they are exceedingly precise.




8.1  If we manage to avoid a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all.


[意味把握チェック]  8.1 私たちが核戰爭をどうにか囘避するとしても、まだ他にも私たちすべてを滅ぼしかねない危險がある。



・if =even if

・could destroy は 7.3 や 7.7 と同じく假定法過去の歸結節のかたちです。other dangers に條件が仄めかされてゐます。「他の危險な事象が起これば、私たち皆を滅ぼす可能性があるだらう」と假定の氣持で述べてゐます。


8.2  There’s a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our stage.


[意味把握チェック]  8.2 私たちがエイリアンの文明にこれまで接觸してゐない理由は、文明が私たちの段階に到達すると自滅することがよくあるからだ(/傾向があることだ)、といふぞつとするやうな冗談話がある。



・同格: a sick jokethat the reason ~は同格で竝び、that節が a sick joke の説明として後置されるかたちです。

the reason のあとに關係副詞 why を補ふとわかりやすいかもしれません。


8.3  But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong.


[意味把握チェック]  8.3 しかし、私は公衆の良識に對して、このことが誤りであると私たちが立證するであらう(/かもしれない)と信ずるだけの信頼を置いてゐる。



・<sufficientto-不定詞>のつながりが見えると解しやすくなります。sufficient は7.5の enough を言ひ換へたものでせう。




問3  (7)  1

    It is no use at this stage to think about all of the mistakes you made. (この段階で君のおかした誤ちのすべてについて考へても無駄だ)


    2  Personal computer development set the stage for the Internet. (パソコンの發達がインターネットのお膳立てをした  ※舞臺が比喩的な意味で使はれてゐます)

    3  The boy was afraid to go on stage and speak before the large audience. (その少年は演壇に上がり大勢の聽衆の前で話すのを嫌がつた)

    4  The politician held the stage with confidence throughout the debate. (その政治家は討論を通して大膽さで注目を集めた  ※舞臺が抽象的な意味で使はれてゐます)




問4 以下の各群について、本文の内容と一致するものを1つ選びなさい。


   1  People are generally wary of science because they do not fully comprehend it. (人々は、科學を十分には理解してゐないので一般に科學に對して警戒心を抱いてゐる)

    2  Preventing the progress of science leads to higher standards of living. (科學の進歩を妨げると生活水準が一層上がることになる)

    3  The mad scientist created a Frankenstein to generate interest in science fiction. (空想科學物語への關心を引き起こすため、狂つた科學者がフランケンシュタインのやうな人物をつくりだした)

    4  The public would prefer to have nothing to do with science whatsoever. (公衆は科學に何の關はりも持ちたくないだらう)

(※ 1 が正解です)



    1  The author considers television producers to be the geniuses of our time. (筆者はテレビ番組制作者たちが現代(/私たちの時代)の天才であると考へてゐる)

    2  The author desires for the general public to improve its mathematical skills. (筆者は一般公衆が數學の力をつける(/技倆を上げる)ことを願つてゐる)

    3  The author detests it when jokes are made at the expense of alien civilizations. (筆者はエイリアンの文明をだしにして冗談話が作られることを嫌がつてゐる)

    4  The author wishes for increased scientific awareness by the public as a whole. (筆者は公衆全體が科學への認識をもつと深めてほしいと望んでゐる)

(※ 4 が正解です)


    1  Many global problems are slow-acting because they can be explained as new developments in books and magazines. (多くの地球規模の問題は、書物や雜誌で新しく發生したものと説明されることがあるから動きが遲い  ※意味をなさない文です)

    2  Science education in public schools is not fully trusted because students are not trained to apply their learning. (公立學校における科學教育は、學生が學びを應用するやうに教育されないので十分には信頼されてゐない)

    3  Science and technology improve because only intelligent people engage in government research. (科學と科學技術は頭の良い人々だけが政府の調査研究に携はるから改善される)

    4  The general public is scared of equations because they are exceedingly precise. (一般公衆は非常に嚴密なので方程式に怖れを成してゐる)

(※ 2 が正解です)


true-false questions の對處法については2013318付拙稿の最後のはうに説明があります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・31 明治大學 2013 (8) 7パラ

2013-08-02 | 出題英文讀解

     What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the near future?  ( お ) the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.  Other global problems, such as food supply or the greenhouse effect, are relatively slow-acting, but a nuclear war could mean the end of all human life on earth within days.  The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that (6) the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness.  But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world many times ( か ).  Nuclear weapons are still ready to strike all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.  It would only take a computer error to trigger a global war.


問1 空欄(あ)~(か)に入る最も適切な語を1つずつ選びなさい。

(お) 1  At last  2  By far  3  Just in case  4  Out of hand

(か) 1  below  2  beyond  3  over  4  through

問3 下線部(1)~(7)について、最も適切なものをそれぞれ1つ選びなさい。

  (6)  the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness とは

    1  nuclear war concerns have been completely replaced by personal ambitions

    2  nuclear war is without a doubt no longer a matter of concern for anyone

    3  people no longer think about nuclear war as often as they used to

    4  people only consider nuclear war when conflicts arise in the world



7.1  What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the near future?


[意味把握チェック]  7.1 公衆が近い將來(それについての)決定を下さなければならない科學關聯の問題(/論點)は何なのか?


7.2  By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.


[意味把握チェック]  7.2 圖拔けて切迫してゐるのは核兵器の問題である。



that は<the+前出の名詞>を指す代名詞で、ここでは7.1の the issue を指します。複數なら those が置かれます。





by far



7.3  Other global problems, such as food supply or the greenhouse effect, are relatively slow-acting, but a nuclear war could mean the end of all human life on earth within days.


[意味把握チェック]  7.3 その他の地球規模の問題、たとへば食糧供給や温室效果はうごきが緩慢であるが、核戰爭だと(/が起これば)數日以内に地上のすべての人間生命が終焉するといふことにならう。



mean は「~といふことになる」「~を引き起す」といふ意味です。could mean としたのは假定法過去の歸結節のかたちであり、主部 a nuclear war に條件が込められてゐます。つまり「もし核戰爭が起きたら」といふ條件で、どうなるかを推測してゐる文です。(※このかたちについては2011年8月17日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります)





such as



7.4  The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness.


[意味把握チェック]  7.4 東西の緊張緩和により、公衆の意識から核戰爭の恐怖が薄れてしまふことになつた。


7.5  But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world many times over.


[意味把握チェック]  7.5 しかし、この世界の住人全部を何度でも殺すだけの兵器があるかぎり(核戰爭の)危險は依然として存在する。


7.6  Nuclear weapons are still ready to strike all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.


[意味把握チェック]  7.6 今なほ核兵器は北半球の主要都市すべてをいつでも攻撃できるのである。


7.7  It would only take a computer error to trigger a global war.


[意味把握チェック]  7.7 地球規模の戰爭を起こすにはコンピューター・エラーを要するだけであらう(/コンピューター・エラーだけで~が誘發されるであらう)。



・この take は「要する」の意味で、しばしば it を主語にとります。would take は假定法過去の歸結節のかたちで、この場合あとの不定詞句に條件を看取することができます。「もし地球規模の戰爭を引き起こすなら」




問1 (お)  2  By far

  1  At last (やつと/ついに)  3  Just in case (萬一の場合に備へて) 4  Out of hand (即座に/手に餘つて)

     (か)  3  over (副詞で「繰り返して」)

  1  below (下方に) 2  beyond (彼方に)    4  through (ぶつ通しで)

問3  (6)  3 

      people no longer think about nuclear war as often as they used to (人々はもはや以前程頻繁には核戰爭について考へない)


    1  nuclear war concerns have been completely replaced by personal ambitions (核戰爭への關心は個人的野心にすつかり取つて代はられた)

    2  nuclear war is without a doubt no longer a matter of concern for anyone (核戰爭は確かに誰にとつてももはや關心事ではない)

    4  people only consider nuclear war when conflicts arise in the world (人々は世界に紛爭が起こつたときに核戰爭のことをよく考へるだけである)