
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・38 センター試驗 2014 (4) 3パラ

2014-01-31 | 出題英文讀解

(3)     Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality. In the 1950s, the term “high fidelity,” or “hi-fi” for short, was commonly used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment providing the highest possible quality of sound reproduction.  Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance.  Ideally, if we listen to a recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert hall.  Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.


問2  In Paragraph (3), the author suggests that today’s best audio equipment [  48  ].


  ①  almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert

  ②  is used to play live music in the best concert halls

  ③  makes recordings sound better than original performances

  ④  reproduces great performances from the 1950s



3.1  Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 音樂の樂しみに影響を及ぼす別の(/第二の)要素はその音質である。



・不定代名詞 another: 1パラでふたつの焦點を指摘し、2パラでそのうちの「便利さ」を解説し、3パラでもうひとつの「音質」に言及しようとしてゐるやうに見えます。ふたつのうちの殘りひとつなら the other を使ひさうなものですが、筆者は another を用ゐてゐます。つまりさらに別の(第三の)要素があることをここで仄めかしてゐるのでせう。このため another に「もうひとつの」は使ひにくく思へ、[意味把握チェック]では「別の(/第二の)」としました。


3.2  In the 1950s, the term “high fidelity,” or “hi-fi” for short, was commonly used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment providing the highest possible quality of sound reproduction.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2 1950年代には、「ハイ・フィデリティ(忠實性)」、略して「ハイ・ファイ」といふ用語が、可能なかぎり最高の再生音質を提供する録音とオーデイオ裝置を宣傳するため諸會社によつてひろく用ゐられた(/~用ゐられ、…宣傳した)。





for short







3.3  Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3 フィデリティは、「忠實性」を意味するが、もとの演奏にできるだけ近い音樂の録音と再生のことを言ふ。



・比較表現(原級): 〈asas possible〉のかたちは「できるだけ~」を意味します。


He read as many books as possible.







(形容詞) [klous]


3.4  Ideally, if we listen to a recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert hall.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4 (フィデリティとは、)理念としては、もし目を閉ぢて録音された交響曲を聽けば、まるでコンサート會場にゐるやうな氣がする(といふものである)。



・〈with O+C〉: 「OがCである状態で」。CがOの説明をしてをり、いはば「O=C」です。拙稿でも何度か扱つてをり、Cの位置には現在分詞、形容詞、副詞(句)、不定詞の例がありました。ここでは過去分詞乃至は形容詞 closed [klouzd] が置かれてゐます。「目が閉ぢられた状態とともに」→「目を閉ぢて」と解します。

・假定法過去(were): as if のあとに置かれる假定法過去の動詞(ここではwere)は、直説法の動詞(ここではfeel)と同時の、事實ではない事態を表はします。事實としてはコンサート會場にゐるわけではありませんが、「まるでコンサート會場にゐるかのやうに感じる」と述べてゐます。(※〈as if・假定法過去〉のかたちについては2011年6月1日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります)


3.5  Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.


[意味把握チェック]  3.5 1950年代以來の科學技術の進歩の結果、聽き手をハイ・フィデリティの目標間近に到らせてくれる現代の録音技術や(録音)再生裝置が生まれてゐる。





result in





(副詞) [klous]







問2  In Paragraph (3), the author suggests that today’s best audio equipment [  48  ]. (パラグラフ(3)で筆者は、今日の最高のオーディオ裝置は~ことを示唆する)


  ①  almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert(ライヴ・コンサートの音質をほぼ再現する/に近い音を再現する) (※ recreate の表記については、ハイフンを入れて re-create とすることがあります。發音は [rì:kriéit] です)

  ②  is used to play live music in the best concert halls(最高のコンサート・ホールで生演奏をするために使はれる)

  ③  makes recordings sound better than original performances(録音を元の演奏より良い音に聞こえるやうにする)(※ sound は原形不定詞です)

  ④  reproduces great performances from the 1950s1950年代の名演奏を再生する)


・38 センター試驗 2014 (3) 2パラ

2014-01-27 | 出題英文讀解

(2)     Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning.  The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well.  Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside.  These days, we are able to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to them with tiny earphones.



2.1  Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 蓄音機は音樂鑑賞をたいさう簡便にしたが、それはほんの始まりに過ぎなかつた。



・強調: much が比較級 more convenient の意味を強めてゐます。


2.2  The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 1920年代に車用ラヂオが導入されると、道路上でも音樂が樂しめるといふことになつた。





as well



2.3  Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 持ち運びできる音響裝置への關心は1980年代に、外を歩きながら(でも)聽き手にヘッドフォンを通して音樂を鑑賞させてくれる個人用音樂プレイヤーの開發に伴ひ、實際飛躍的に大きくなり始めた。



・〈allowto-不定詞(…)〉のかたちは、1.5let の用法に似た意味になります。

・省略: while walking outside は、接續詞 while の後に「主語+be 動詞」が省略されてゐると考へることができます。(※進行形にしない動詞の場合、分詞構文に接續詞がついたものと解することもあります)






take off

出發する/飛立つ (※ここでは比喩的に使用)


2.4  These days, we are able to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to them with tiny earphones.


[意味把握チェック]  2.4 最近では、小さなデヂタル方式のプレイヤーに何百枚もの(音樂)アルバムを收めて携行し(/持ち囘り)、極く小さなイアフォンでそれらを聽くことができる。





these days




hundreds of


・38 センター試驗 2014 (2) 1パラ

2014-01-24 | 出題英文讀解

Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?


(1)     In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that could record and play back sound.  For the first time, people could enjoy the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience of their own homes.  A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life.  These early products represent two major focuses in the development of audio technology ― making listening easier and improving the sound quality of the music we hear.  The advances over the years have been significant in both areas, but it is important not to let the music itself get lost in all the technology.


問1  According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories’ phonograph could [  47  ] than Thomas Edison’s.


  ①  be built more quickly and cheaply

  ②  be operated with less difficulty

  ③  play more musical instruments

  ④  reproduce sound more realistically



Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?

( 聽く便利さと音質: また別に重要なことがある?)


1.1  In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that could record and play back sound.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 1877年に Thomas Edison は蓄音機、(つまり)音を記録し再生できる新しい(機械)裝置を發明した。



・説明後置: ,コンマ)を置いて、前の語 the phonograph の説明をしてゐます。


1.2  For the first time, people could enjoy the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience of their own homes.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 初めて(人々は)勢揃の樂團の音樂演奏を自宅で便利に(/自分の家といふ便利さで)樂しむことができた。





for the first time



1.3  A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 數年後、ベル研究所が一層良い音質を提供する新しい蓄音機を開發した、つまり(良い音質といふのは)音聲や樂器が一層鮮明で一層本物らしく(/迫眞的に)聞えるのである。



・説明後置: セミコロン)のあとに better sound quality の詳しい説明を加へてゐます。


1.4  These early products represent two major focuses in the development of audio technology ― making listening easier and improving the sound quality of the music we hear.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 これらの初期の製品にはオーディオ技術の開發(/發達)における二つの主眼點(/主要な焦點)が表現され(/示され)てゐる - (つまり)聽くことを一層容易にし、私たちが耳にする音樂の音質を改善してゐることである。



・説明後置: (ダッシュ記號)のあとに two major focuses in the development of audio technology を具體的に説明してゐます。


1.5  The advances over the years have been significant in both areas, but it is important not to let the music itself get lost in all the technology.


[意味把握チェック]  1.5 何年にもわたつての進歩(/前進)は兩方の領域において顯著であつたが、あらゆるオーディオ技術のなかに音樂自體を埋もれさせない(/音樂自體の良さが見失はれるままにしておかない)ことが大事である。



preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は not to let ~です。

not が直前に置かれて、不定詞を否定してゐます。

・使役表現:〈let ~ 原形不定詞(…)〉のかたちで「~に(~がしたがつてゐることを許して)…させる」「~が…することを許す」などの意味を表はします。(※使役表現のかたちについては2011年6月27日付の拙稿にまとめがあります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください)

・再歸代名詞(-self/selves): ここでは、名詞や代名詞の直後に置かれ、それを強調するはたらきをしてゐます。強く發聲されます。




問1  According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories’ phonograph could [  47  ] than Thomas Edison’s. (パラグラフ(1)のいふところによれば、ベル研究所の蓄音機は Thomas Edison の蓄音機よりも~ことができた)


  ①  be built more quickly and cheaply(一層速く安く作る)

  ②  be operated with less difficulty(一層容易に操作する)

  ③  play more musical instruments(一層數多くの樂器を演奏する)

  ④  reproduce sound more realistically(音を一層原音に近く再生する)


・38 センター試驗 2014 (1) 全文

2014-01-20 | 出題英文讀解



第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)は段落の番号を表している。


Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?


(1)     In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that could record and play back sound.  For the first time, people could enjoy the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience of their own homes.  A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life.  These early products represent two major focuses in the development of audio technology ― making listening easier and improving the sound quality of the music we hear.  The advances over the years have been significant in both areas, but it is important not to let the music itself get lost in all the technology.

(2)     Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning.  The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well.  Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside.  These days, we are able to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to them with tiny earphones.

(3)     Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality. In the 1950s, the term “high fidelity,” or “hi-fi” for short, was commonly used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment providing the highest possible quality of sound reproduction.  Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance.  Ideally, if we listen to a recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert hall.  Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.

(4)     Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an amazing variety of audio technology.  Someone looking for a portable system can choose from hundreds of different earphones, headphones, and digital players that come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes.  For audiophiles - music fans who see high fidelity as a priority - a different section of the store features a range of large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and amplifiers, that often come at high prices.  Faced with all this technology and so many choices, music fans often spend a great deal of time researching and making decisions about the right equipment for their listening needs.

(5)     Even after the equipment is bought, the advances in audio technology sometimes continue to take consumers’ attention away from the music itself.  The convenience of portable systems lets people listen to music while doing something else, like jogging in the park or commuting to work.  In these settings, music may be partly lost in background noise, making it hard for the listener to concentrate on it.  In another case, audiophiles may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of fidelity.

(6)     With so much technology available, actually listening to music can sometimes feel like a secondary issue.  We are lucky to be able to take our favorite recordings with us on the train to work, but if we listen to music while our attention is focused elsewhere, we miss much of its power.  Likewise, although it is good to have access to high-quality equipment, if we worry too much about achieving perfect fidelity, technology itself comes between us and the music.  Music is an amazing and powerful art form, and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate what we hear.  Thanks to the genius of Edison and other inventors, the beauty of music is now more accessible than ever.  It’s up to us to stop and truly listen.



A 次の問い(問1~5)の[  47  ]~[  51  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1  According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories’ phonograph could [  47  ] than Thomas Edison’s.


  ①  be built more quickly and cheaply

  ②  be operated with less difficulty

  ③  play more musical instruments

  ④  reproduce sound more realistically


問2  In Paragraph (3), the author suggests that today’s best audio equipment [  48  ].


  ①  almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert

  ②  is used to play live music in the best concert halls

  ③  makes recordings sound better than original performances

  ④  reproduces great performances from the 1950s


問3  According to paragraph (4), audiophiles are people who [  49  ].


  ①  care deeply about the quality of music reproduction

  ②  perform in symphonies in good concert halls

  ③  prefer live concerts to recorded performances

  ④  work at shops that sell the best audio equipment


問4  Based on paragraph (5), which of the following is true?  [  50  ]


  ①  Background noise often helps people concentrate on music.

  ②  Portable audio systems tend to create background noise.

  ③  Setting up a hi-fi system can take a great amount of effort.

  ④  The busier people are, the more they appreciate music.


問5  The author’s main point in paragraph (6) is that [  51  ].


  ①  audiophiles tend to enjoy listening to music on portable devices

  ②  convenience is an important factor in buying audio equipment

  ③  music is the primary consideration, regardless of technology

  ④  portable equipment will likely replace high-fidelity equipment


B 次の表は、本文の段落と内容をまとめたものである。[  52  ]~[  55  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。


  Paragraph                Content

     (1)           Two goals of audio technology

     (2)                      [  52  ]

     (3)               The idea of high fidelity

     (4)                      [  53  ]

     (5)                      [  54  ]

     (6)                      [  55  ]


  ①  Advances in music listening convenience

  ②  Concerns about the focus of music listeners

  ③  The value of giving music your full attention

  ④  The wide selection of audio products for sale



・37 横濱國立大學 2013 (4) パート 3

2014-01-17 | 出題英文讀解

     According to the report of an investigative committee on Tepco’s finances and management, damages owed as a result of the accident are estimated to reach \4.5 trillion* by March 2013.  It is not known how far these costs will finally balloon*.  This is equivalent to the final destruction of the idea of low-cost nuclear power.

     (3)Even supposing that such a serious accident were never to happen again, we have to manage the nuclear waste for hundreds of thousands of years, no matter the waste disposal method, and that cost is unimaginable.  In the long term we will probably have no choice but to end the “Concorde” of nuclear power.



3. 下線部(3)を訳しなさい。



3.1  According to the report of an investigative committee on Tepco’s finances and management, damages owed as a result of the accident are estimated to reach \4.5 trillion by March 2013.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 「東京電力に関する経営・財務調査委員会」の報告書のいふところによれば、その事故の結果負ふ損害賠償(金)は2013年3月までに4兆5000億圓に達すると見積られる。



owed は過去分詞で、後ろから damages を説明してゐます。





according to

~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて






3.2  It is not known how far these costs will finally balloon.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2 これらの經費が最終的にどこまでふくれあがるかはわからない。



preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は how ~です。


3.3  This is equivalent to the final destruction of the idea of low-cost nuclear power.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3 このことは低廉な原子力といふ認識を決定的に打ち毀すに等しい。


3.4  Even supposing that such a serious accident were never to happen again, we have to manage the nuclear waste for hundreds of thousands of years, no matter the waste disposal method, and that cost is unimaginable.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4 そんな深刻な事故が二度と起こることはないとしても、放射性廢棄物を、その廢棄物處理の方法はどうであれ、何十萬年もの間管理しなくてはならないし、その經費は想像もできない(ほどの額である)。



supposing(接續詞): 「~と假定すると」「もし~ならば」「~としても」( if の代用)

・〈beto-不定詞〉: ここでは、このかたちが假定法未來(※文法書によつては「were to」/「假定法過去」)で表現され、現實味を遠ざけて「議論のための純粹な假定の條件を提示」してゐると考へられます。(「(假に)そんな深刻な事故が二度と起こらない(ことになつてゐる)としても」)


How dreary nature would be, if plants were not to flower! (もし草木に花が咲かないとしたら、自然はどんなにわびしいであらう)

  元のかたち〈beto-不定詞〉では to-不定詞のもつ「何かを指し示す」はたらきからさまざまな意味合ひが生じます。Michael SwanPractical English Usage (Third Edition)で「be+infinitive」の項を眺めると、以下の記述が見えます。

1 plans and arrangements(計畫・豫定): He is to visit Nigeria.

2 fate(運命): We were to meet again.

3 pre-conditions (in if-clauses)前提條件): If we are to get there in time ...

4 orders(命令): You are to do your homework.

5 notices and instructions (to+passive infinitive)注意書き・指示): It is not to be removed.

  ※5項には受動態・否定文で「(不)可能」の例文も擧げてゐます: There’s nothing to be done.


no mattermatter はここでは「重要」「重大」の意味です。これを強く否定して「どうでもよい」「問題ではない」といつた意味にしてゐます。


No matter about the rain, come at once.雨は大したことはない、すぐいらつしやい)


3.5  In the long term we will probably have no choice but to end the “Concorde” of nuclear power.


[意味把握チェック]  3.5 長期的には私たちはおそらく(/多分)原子力の「コンコルド」を終らせる(/やめる)ほか(の選擇の餘地は)無いのだらう。



but: ここでは前置詞として「~を除いて」「~のほかは」「~以外の」といつた意味で使はれてゐます。but をこの意味で使ふのは no / all / nothing / nobody / anywhere の後や Who / Where / What などで始まる疑問文の後です。

probably: 確信の度合はかなり強いもので八割がたとみて可いでせう。maybe / perhaps /possibly などより公算が大きいとみます。





in the long term





3. 下線部(3)を訳しなさい。




・37 横濱國立大學 2013 (3) パート 2

2014-01-13 | 出題英文讀解

     I get the feeling from the nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 power plant that Japan may have committed (2)the same mistake in its nuclear policy.

     Previously, nuclear power was advertised as a cheap alternative to fossil fuels*.  But critics said that there was still no established way to finally dispose of nuclear waste and, if you factor in* that cost, it becomes very expensive.

     It appears that the people of the “nuclear village” were optimistic that they could find a solution to the problem of nuclear waste.  But half a century has elapsed* since Japan’s first commercial reactor* opened for business and there is still no solution for the disposal of nuclear waste.  Far from it, a terrible “level 7” accident has occurred.



2. 下線部(2)について、その具体例を本文に即して詳しく説明しなさい。



2.1  I get the feeling from the nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 power plant that Japan may have committed the same mistake in its nuclear policy.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 東京電力の福島第一發電所での原子力事故から、私は日本が原子力政策に於いて同じ間違ひを冒したのかもしれないと感じる。



・同格: the feelingthat 節が竝べられ、that 節が前の名詞 the feeling を説明してゐます(「~といふ印象(/感想)を得る」)。兩者が離れてゐるためややわかりにくくなつてゐます。

・〈助動詞(cannot/may/mustなど)+have+過去分詞〉: 「過去の事柄について現時點の評價・判斷を表はす」かたちです。(※助動詞がshould/ought to/need not などであると、「過去の事柄に對する非難、後悔、殘念といつた氣持を表はし」ます)


2.2  Previously, nuclear power was advertised as a cheap alternative to fossil fuels.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 以前、原子力は化石燃料に對する安價な代替エネルギーと(して)喧傳された。


2.3  But critics said that there was still no established way to finally dispose of nuclear waste and, if you factor in that cost, it becomes very expensive.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 しかし核廢棄物を最終處理する方法は依然確立されてゐないと評論家たちは述べたし、もし最終處理の經費を勘定に入れるなら、原子力は甚だ高くつく。





dispose of



2.4  It appears that the people of the “nuclear village” were optimistic that they could find a solution to the problem of nuclear waste.


[意味把握チェック]  2.4 「原子力村」の人々は、核廢棄物の問題の解決策がみつかると樂觀的であつたやうに見える。



・preparatory it(形式主語): that the people ~のやうに見えると述べてゐます。

optimistic であつたと述べた後にthat 節を置いて、理由や根據を説明してゐます。


2.5  But half a century has elapsed since Japan’s first commercial reactor opened for business and there is still no solution for the disposal of nuclear waste.


[意味把握チェック]  2.5 しかし日本の最初の商業原子爐が營業運轉を始めて半世紀が過ぎ去つてゐる、そして核廢棄物の處理の解決策は依然として無い。


2.6  Far from it, a terrible “level 7” accident has occurred.


[意味把握チェック]  2.6 それどころか、怖ろしい「レベル7」の事故が起こつてゐる。





Far from it!






2. 下線部(2)について、その具体例を本文に即して詳しく説明しなさい。


  下線部の the same mistake は「コンコルドの誤り」「コンコルド效果」の類を指してゐます。つまり設問1の解答の趣旨である「採算を割ると判明した時點でやめるべきであるのに、やめることができないといふ判斷上の誤り」についての具體例を擧げれば良いわけです。

1 具體例として、筆者は日本の商業原子爐を擧げてゐます。

2 過大な經費は、その廢棄物處理コストと原子力發電所事故後の賠償金です。

3 「誤り」は、確實に採算を割るとわかつてゐるのにやめる決斷ができないことです。




・37 横濱國立大學 2013 (2) パート 1

2014-01-10 | 出題英文讀解


     There is a phenomenon called the “Concorde mistake.”  Part-way through its development it became clear that the Concorde supersonic* passenger plane, jointly developed by Britain and France, would not recoup* its costs in operation.  But, as they did not want to waste the substantial funds already committed, both the British and French agencies continued its development.  Concorde commenced* operations in 1976.  It was continually in the red, and in 2003 it was taken out of service. 

   In this case, the correct decision would have been to halt the project at the point they found out that it would be perpetually* loss-making.  But people find it hard to make these kinds of decisions. This is called (1)the “Concorde effect,” and it has become a research theme in behavioural economics*.



1. 下線部(1)はどのようなことを指すか。本文に即して述べなさい。



1.1  There is a phenomenon called the “Concorde mistake.”


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 『コンコルドの誤り(/の誤謬/の錯誤)』と呼ばれる現象(/事象)がある。


1.2  Part-way through its development it became clear that the Concorde supersonic passenger plane, jointly developed by Britain and France, would not recoup its costs in operation.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 その開發の途中で、コンコルド超音速旅客機は、イギリスとフランスにより共同で開發されてゐたのだが、運航して(も)開發經費を取り戻せないであらうといふことが明らかになつた。



preparatory it(形式主語):眞主語は that 節です。



1.3  But, as they did not want to waste the substantial funds already committed, both the British and French agencies continued its development.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 しかし、イギリスとフランスの政府機關は、すでに委託された相當な額の資金を無駄にしたくないので開發を續けた。



・代名詞の先行: theythe British and French agencies を指してゐます。從屬節が先行する時にこのやうな逆順になることがあります。

already committed が後ろから the substantial funds の説明を補つてゐます。


1.4  Concorde commenced operations in 1976.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 コンコルドは1976年に運航を開始した。


1.5  It was continually in the red, and in 2003 it was taken out of service.


[意味把握チェック]  1.5 それは赤字續きであり、2003年には運航がとりやめとなつた。


1.6  In this case, the correct decision would have been to halt the project at the point they found out that it would be perpetually loss-making.


[意味把握チェック]  1.6 このケースでは、正しい決斷はコンコルド(の運航)が永續的に缺損を出し續けると氣づいた時點で事業を中止することであつたらう(に)。



would have been ~は假定法過去完了の歸結節です。假定條件は主語に見出すことができます。例へば、「假に(過去の時點で)正しい決斷があつたとすれば」と假定條件を置き、「それは中止することであつたらう」、しかし事實としては「中止はしなかつた」わけです。(※「いろいろな條件の示し方」については2011年8月17日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります。假定法過去完了については2011年6月15日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります)

・原理的に考へれば the point の後に關係副詞(that/where/when)が入るのでせうが、省略されてをりそのまま自然に讀めます。





find out



1.7  But people find it hard to make these kinds of decisions.


[意味把握チェック]  1.7 しかしかうした種類の決定を下すのは困難(と感じられるもの)である。



・一般の人々を表はす people を主語とし、現在時制で記してゐますから、「眞理・社會通念」として述べてゐるやうに思ひます。

preparatory it(形式目的語):假に find の目的語を直後に置くことにより第五文型(SVOC)のOとCとが隣合ひ、意味が傳はりやすくなります。


1.8  This is called the “Concorde effect,” and it has become a research theme in behavioural economics.


[意味把握チェック]  1.8 これは『コンコルド效果』と呼ばれ、行動經濟學の研究テーマになつてゐる。




1. 下線部(1)はどのようなことを指すか。本文に即して述べなさい。






・37 横濱國立大學 2013 (1) 全文

2014-01-06 | 出題英文讀解






     There is a phenomenon called the “Concorde mistake.”  Part-way through its development it became clear that the Concorde supersonic* passenger plane, jointly developed by Britain and France, would not recoup* its costs in operation.  But, as they did not want to waste the substantial funds already committed, both the British and French agencies continued its development.  Concorde commenced* operations in 1976.  It was continually in the red, and in 2003 it was taken out of service. 

   In this case, the correct decision would have been to halt the project at the point they found out that it would be perpetually* loss-making.  But people find it hard to make these kinds of decisions. This is called (1)the “Concorde effect,” and it has become a research theme in behavioural economics*.

     I get the feeling from the nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 power plant that Japan may have committed (2)the same mistake in its nuclear policy.

     Previously, nuclear power was advertised as a cheap alternative to fossil fuels*.  But critics said that there was still no established way to finally dispose of nuclear waste and, if you factor in* that cost, it becomes very expensive.

     It appears that the people of the “nuclear village” were optimistic that they could find a solution to the problem of nuclear waste.  But half a century has elapsed* since Japan’s first commercial reactor* opened for business and there is still no solution for the disposal of nuclear waste.  Far from it, a terrible “level 7” accident has occurred.

     According to the report of an investigative committee on Tepco’s finances and management, damages owed as a result of the accident are estimated to reach \4.5 trillion* by March 2013.  It is not known how far these costs will finally balloon*.  This is equivalent to the final destruction of the idea of low-cost nuclear power.

     (3)Even supposing that such a serious accident were never to happen again, we have to manage the nuclear waste for hundreds of thousands of years, no matter the waste disposal method, and that cost is unimaginable.  In the long term we will probably have no choice but to end the “Concorde” of nuclear power.  [364 words]

[Louis Barson, “The Concorde mistake,” The Japan Times, December 19th 2011]


  balloon: to become larger in amount

  behavioural economics: 行動経済学

  commence: to begin

  elapse: to pass away

  factor in: to include a particular thing in your calculations

  fossil fuel: 化石燃料

  perpetual: permanent

  reactor: a large machine that produces nuclear energy

  recoup: to get back

  supersonic: faster than the speed of sound

  trillion: 1,000,000,000,000


1. 下線部(1)はどのようなことを指すか。本文に即して述べなさい。

2. 下線部(2)について、その具体例を本文に即して詳しく説明しなさい。

3. 下線部(3)を訳しなさい。




パート 1: There is a phenomenon

パート 2: I get the feeling

パート 3: According to the report

・36 立教大學 2013 (9) 8パラ

2014-01-03 | 出題英文讀解

     These findings provide some of the first evidence that culture influences unconscious thought processes.  It is striking that the culture-based habit of interpreting our experiences either analytically or holistically can influence how people learn a grammar ―― a task many theorists believe human brains are universally programmed to perform.  Mechanisms of grammar learning may be universal, but it appears that culture-based constraints on attention can determine how these mechanisms are applied.  Beyond the lab, these findings raise questions about education in a multicultural society.  Given the same input, Easterners and Westerners acquired different knowledge ―― as if the two groups had been taught two different lessons.  Increasingly, U.S. classrooms include learners from both holistic and analytic cultures.  Can teachers develop ways to help a culturally diverse group of students learn about both the forest and the trees?



6. The underlined word “striking” (paragraph 8) is closest in meaning to

  イ. notable.     ロ.obvious.     ハ. uncertain.     ニ. wonderful.

7. The passage suggests that

  イ. learning processes are basically the same across cultures.

  ロ. culture puts limits on what we’re able to learn.

  ハ. experiments on learning are not very reliable.

  ニ. culture influences the way we learn things.

8. The author suggests that educators in the U.S. need to

  イ. train students’ analytical ability.

  ロ. help students learn different kinds of thinking.

  ハ. incorporate nature into teaching.

  ニ. encourage students to understand international relations.

9. The most appropriate title for this passage is

  イ. Cultural Differences between Japan and the West.

  ロ. The Logic of Ancient Worlds.

  ハ. How Culture Shapes Perception.

  ニ. Current Research on Cognition and Learning.



8.1  These findings provide some of the first evidence that culture influences unconscious thought processes.


[意味把握チェック]  8.1 これらの發見により、文化が無意識下の思考過程に影響を及ぼすといふ第一の證據の幾分かが提供される。



・同格: the first evidencethat節とが竝べ置かれて、that節が the first evidence の説明をしてゐます。


8.2  It is striking that the culture-based habit of interpreting our experiences either analytically or holistically can influence how people learn a grammar ―― a task many theorists believe human brains are universally programmed to perform.


[意味把握チェック]  8.2文化を基にしてゐる、分析的または總體論的經驗解釋性向が、文法習得の過程(/仕方)――人間腦の普遍的なはたらきとして組み込まれてゐると多くの理論家が信じてゐる作業――に影響を及ぼすことがあ(り得)るといふことは注意を引く(/注目に値する)。



preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は that節です。

a task のあとに關係代名詞 which を補ふとわかりやすいでせう。perform の目的語がブランクになつてゐますから、performa task はのつながりが見えてきます。「人間の腦が實行するやう普遍的に計畫されてゐると多くの理論家が信じてゐる作業」といふ意味が傳はつてきます。


8.3  Mechanisms of grammar learning may be universal, but it appears that culture-based constraints on attention can determine how these mechanisms are applied.


[意味把握チェック]  8.3 文法習得の仕組は普遍的かもしれないが、文化を基にした、注意(力)への制約がかうした過程の適用の仕方を規定(/決定)することがあるやうに見える。



preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は that節です。


8.4  Beyond the lab, these findings raise questions about education in a multicultural society.


[意味把握チェック]  8.4 これらの研究結果は、研究室を越えて、多文化社會での教育について疑問(/問題)を提起する。


8.5  Given the same input, Easterners and Westerners acquired different knowledge ―― as if the two groups had been taught two different lessons.


[意味把握チェック]  8.5 同じ情報を與へられたとしても、東洋人と西洋人は異なる知識を得た――まるで兩者が異なることを教へられたかのやうに。



given: 前置詞的に用ゐられてをり「~が與へられたとすると」「~と假定すると」といつた意味ですが、ここでは文脈から讓歩的な意味合ひが感じられます。

・〈as if+假定法過去完了〉: このかたちについては2011年6月22日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります。


8.6  Increasingly, U.S. classrooms include learners from both holistic and analytic cultures.


[意味把握チェック]  8.6 アメリカ合衆國の教室は益々總體論的文化と分析的文化雙方出身の學習者を招き入れてゐる。


8.7  Can teachers develop ways to help a culturally diverse group of students learn about both the forest and the trees?


[意味把握チェック]  8.7 教師は文化的に異なつた學習者集團が森及び木々の兩方について學ぶのを助ける手立て(/方法)を開發することができるだらうか?




6. The underlined word “striking” (paragraph 8) is closest in meaning to  (下線を施した語(8パラ)の意味は~に最も近い)

  イ. notable. (注目に値する)     ロ.obvious. (明らかな)     ハ. uncertain. (はつきりしない)     ニ. wonderful. (驚嘆すべき/不思議な)

7. The passage suggests that  (この文章は~といふことを提唱する)

  イ. learning processes are basically the same across cultures. (學習過程は基本的には(異)文化間で同じである)

  ロ. culture puts limits on what we’re able to learn. (文化は學びとれる内容に限界をもたらす)

  ハ. experiments on learning are not very reliable. (學習についての檢査/實驗はあまり信頼できない)

  ニ. culture influences the way we learn things. (文化は物事の學びに影響を及ぼす)

8. The author suggests that educators in the U.S. need to  (筆者はアメリカ合衆國の教育者は~必要があると提唱する)

  イ. train students’ analytical ability. (學生の分析能力を鍛へる)

  ロ. help students learn different kinds of thinking. (學生がさまざまな種類の思考を學ぶのを手助けする)

  ハ. incorporate nature into teaching. (自然を指導に組み入れる)

  ニ. encourage students to understand international relations. (學生が國際關係を理解するやう勸める)

9. The most appropriate title for this passage is  (この文章に最もふさはしい題は~である)

  イ. Cultural Differences between Japan and the West. (日本・西洋間の文化相違)

  ロ. The Logic of Ancient Worlds. (古代世界の論理)

  ハ. How Culture Shapes Perception. (知覺形成における文化の作用)

  ニ. Current Research on Cognition and Learning. (認知と學習についての最新研究)



6. イ

7. ニ

8. ロ

9. ハ