
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・金澤大學 2011 (7) 6パラ

2011-12-16 | 出題英文讀解


   Pottery, lacquer-ware, woodcarving, metal-work, paper-making, glass-blowing, fabric-dyeing, basket-weaving, and calligraphy all survive. The martial arts and sumo wrestling remain popular. Although the post-war glory years of Japanese films are long over, traditional performing arts such as Noh (musical drama) and Kabuki (dance-drama) have survived.




6.1  Pottery, lacquer-ware, woodcarving, metal-work, paper-making, glass-blowing, fabric-dyeing, basket-weaving, and calligraphy all survive.



pottery 以下、製造の技藝面にスポットを當てて列擧してゐます。


[意味]  6.1 製陶、漆藝、木彫、金工、和紙作り、ガラス吹き、生地染めつけ、籠編み、書道がすべて生き殘つてゐる。


6.2  The martial arts and sumo wrestling remain popular.



 6.2   martial arts    東洋に起源をもち、廣くスポーツとして行なはれる挌鬪技を指します。ここでは柔道、劍道など日本獨自のものを指してゐると思はれます。


[意味]  6.2 挌鬪技(/武道)や相撲は人氣を保つてゐる。


6.3  Although the post-war glory years of Japanese films are long over, traditional performing arts such as Noh (musical drama) and Kabuki (dance-drama) have survived.





such as



[意味]  6.3 戰後の日本映畫全盛期は過ぎて久しいが、能(音樂劇)や歌舞伎(舞踊劇)といつた傳統的舞臺藝術は生き殘つてきた。

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