
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・117.1 A feature of English in …

2017-08-28 | 出題英文讀解

①   A feature of English in the last 200 years or so has been the birth of a number of national varieties.  It is important to note, however, that the different varieties are relatively similar to each other; for the most part, speakers of one variety can understand speakers of another without much difficulty since the grammar of English is essentially the same around the world.  The varieties differ in a relatively small amount of vocabulary, which usually serves to make a variety interesting rather than particularly, difficult to understand.  The main difference between varieties is usually in the pronunciation, which can make comprehension difficult, but which has little to do with the underlying structure of the language itself.  English started its international expansion only a few centuries ago and that has not been enough time for major differences among varieties to develop.  Also, English-speaking countries tend to be highly literate.  This, combined with the development of mass communications, has exposed most speakers to the standard forms of English, and this in turn has tended to limit major variation.  Therefore, when we speak of the differences in national varieties, it is important to remember just how similar all the forms of English are.



(1) Choose the best way to complete the following sentences about paragraphs to .  Do not use the same answer twice.

1  Paragraph describes

  A  an example text message together with a standard English version of the same message.

  B  how electronic communication compares to spoken and written English.

  C  how publishers in Asia are beginning to produce materials for English teaching.

  D  how students are beginning to use e-mail abbreviations in their homework.

  E  how the design of mobile phones has had an effect on the way English is used in text messages.

  F  how the different national varieties of English are still quite similar despite differences in pronunciation.

  G  how World Standard English will develop thanks to the establishment of satellite broadcasting.

  H  the effect of e-mail and text messaging on the use of capitalization in English.

  I  the fact that educated and wealthy people are likely to be promoters of World Standard English.

  J  the fact that English speakers are becoming accustomed to different forms of English for different purposes.

  K  the functions of language which work to make the varieties of English more similar or more diverse.

  L  the ways in which satellite broadcasters are adapting their programs to local audiences.

  M  why people around the world prefer to use teaching materials produced in the U.S., U.K., or Australia.




1.1  A feature of English in the last 200 years or so has been the birth of a number of national varieties.

1.2  It is important to note, however, that the different varieties are relatively similar to each other; for the most part, speakers of one variety can understand speakers of another without much difficulty since the grammar of English is essentially the same around the world.

1.3  The varieties differ in a relatively small amount of vocabulary, which usually serves to make a variety interesting rather than particularly, difficult to understand.

1.4  The main difference between varieties is usually in the pronunciation, which can make comprehension difficult, but which has little to do with the underlying structure of the language itself.

1.5  English started its international expansion only a few centuries ago and that has not been enough time for major differences among varieties to develop.

1.6  Also, English-speaking countries tend to be highly literate.

1.7  This, combined with the development of mass communications, has exposed most speakers to the standard forms of English, and this in turn has tended to limit major variation.

1.8  Therefore, when we speak of the differences in national varieties, it is important to remember just how similar all the forms of English are.



  設問(1)の指示文は Choose the best way to complete the following sentences about paragraphs ① to ⑨.  Do not use the same answer twice. (パラグラフ①~⑨についての以下の文を完成させる最も適切なものを選びなさい。同じ解答を二度使つてはいけません。)といふもので、各選擇肢は①~⑨のパラグラフを簡潔に紹介する内容になつてゐます。限られた時間でこの設問に對應するには、讀みとつた各パラグラフの(大體の)内容(や主題)を、脇に簡潔にメモしておく方法が有效です。文にまとめる必要はありません。よくわからないパラグラフはとばして進みます。









1.1  national varieties:さまざまな國で使はれる多樣な英語のすがたを指してゐます。イギリス、アメリカ、オーストラリアなど英語を母語とする國々、インド、シンガポールなどかつて植民地であつた國々、さらには外國語として英語を使ふ國々で使はれる英語を指してゐるのかと思ひます。所謂 “World Englishes” です。 a variety / varieties の譯語に困りましたが、以下の文では「さまざまな(種類の)英語」などとしてゐます。

1.1      or so                           (數量のあとに用ゐて)くらゐ / かそこら / ほど

1.1       a number of ~             (漠然とした數を指して)若干數の / 相當數の

1.2  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は to note ~です。

1.2      for the most part                  たいていは / ほとんど

1.2      without much difficulty       さしたる困難もなく

1.3  , which (關係代名詞の繼續用法): 先行詞は前文です。前文で語られた内容を which が仄めかします。

1.3       ~ rather than …        …よりはむしろ~

1.4  1.3に同じ , which の用法ですが、ここではふたつの 關係代名詞節が竝べられてゐます。

1.4       have little to do with ~         ~とほとんど關係がない

1.5  不定詞の意味上の主語: for major differences among varieties は不定詞 to develop の主語を示します。

1.5      only a few                  ほんの少しの

 1.5   enough ~ to-不定詞(…): …するに十分な~

1.6       tend to-不定詞 (~)         ~する傾向がある

1.7  分詞構文(過去分詞による): combined ~は分詞構文です。

1.7      in turn                             今度は / 同樣に / 順に / 交代で

1.7       tend to-不定詞 (~)            ~するのに役立つ

1.8  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は to remember ~です。

 1.8  forms   言語の表現形式、構造、文體、語形、發音、ルールといつたものを想起すると良いでせう。



1.1  この200年ばかりの英語の(目立つた)特徴は、國ごとに多樣な英語が相當數生れたことであつた。

1.2  しかしながら、さまざまな(種類の)英語が互ひに割に似通つてゐることに着目しておくことが大事である。英文法は本質的に世界中で同じだから、ある種類の英語を使ふ人達は、たいていの場合、さしたる困難もなく別種の英語を使ふ人達の言ふことを理解することができるのである。

1.3  さまざまな(種類の)英語は比較的少量の語彙が異なるのであるが、そのことは、ある種類の英語を特にわかりにくくするといふよりは、通例はむしろ興味深いものにするのに役立つてゐる。

1.4  さまざまな英語の主要な相違は、通例は發音にあるのであり、そのことは理解を難しくすることもあるが、英語自體の基本的な構造とはほとんど關はりがない。

1.5  英語はほんの數世紀前に國をまたいで廣がりはじめたのであり、(今日までの時間は)さまざまな英語の中で大きな違ひが現はれるほどの時間ではなかつた。

1.6  また、英語(を母語として使ふ)國は讀み書き能力の程度(/教育程度)が高い傾向にある。

1.7  このことは、マスコミ(/大量情報傳達の手段)の發達と一體となつて、大方の英語使用者を英語の標準的なすがたに觸れさせ、同樣にして大きな變化を制限するのに役立つてきたのである。

1.8  それゆゑに、國による(英語の)相違について話すとき、あらゆる英語のすがたがいかに似てゐるか(/すごく似てゐる)といふことを念頭に置くことが大切である。

・英文讀解のヒント (80) 《未来完了時制》

2017-08-23 | 英文讀解のヒント

※お知らせ: 2014年4月から第2、第4水曜に連載してきた「英文讀解のヒント」の記事ですが、(81)以降は不定期掲載といたします。


・英文讀解のヒント (80) 《未来完了時制》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     That makes trying to predict tomorrow’s materials landscape too risky over timescales of mere decades, let alone millennia.  “Within 50 or 60 years we will have made so much progress that it’s almost impossible to make any predictions beyond that,” says Ian Pearson of Futurizon, a consultancy specializing in future technologies.

     The *rare-earth metals are a case in point.  Shortages of these elements, whose applications range from touchscreens to batteries and energy-efficient light bulbs, are widely predicted within the next decade or so.  Much beyond that, though, and it seems implausible to argue that we won’t have innovated our way around supply bottlenecks.

*rare-earth metals: 希土類金属

(39中央大學 2013 5、6パラ: 2014年3月3、7日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  ①の will have made は未來完了形で「50年乃至は60年經たないうちに、長足の進歩を遂げてしまつてゐるだらう」の意味。《so~that》の構文と組合されてゐます。

  ②の won’t have innovated our way も未來完了形で「(その頃にはまだ)技術革新により(供給の障碍を切拔ける)道を見出してはゐないだらう」の意味を傳へます。

2.2  未來完了時制は、《will/shall have+過去分詞》のかたちで、未來のある時點での状況を、それ以前とつなげて豫測する表現です。未來完了時制が表はすのは、(1)(その時點には)完了してしまつてゐることや、完了の結果の状態の豫測(完了・結果)、(2)(その時點までの)經驗の豫測(經驗)、(3)「(その時點での)繼續の豫測(繼續)といつたものです。



■諳誦例文: 未來のある時點までに何かが「完了」してゐることを豫測します。

80         The concert will have finished by three.



□參考例文: 未來のある時點で、完了の「結果」がどういふ状態にあるかを豫測します。

80.2      This lake will probably have frozen by Christmas.



80.3      Professor Powers, how many countries will you have visited by the time your trip through Asia comes to an end?


□參考例文: 状態を表はす動詞で、未來のある時點での「繼續」を豫測します。

80.4      Next month we will have been married for twenty years.


□參考例文: 動作を表はす動詞で「繼續」を表はすには進行形にしますが、長くなつてわづらはしい感じを與へますから使はれることはあまり多くないやうです。

80.5      Next year I will have been working at the company for 30 years.


□參考例文: 受動態の例です。

80.6      The new gym will have been completed by the end of this year.


□參考例文:未來時制で濟ませてしまふ例です。80.7 は80.6とほぼ同意です。

80.7      The new gym will be completed by the end of this year.

□參考例文: 「時と條件の副詞節」では、未來時制を現在時制で代用するのでしたが、同樣に未來完了時制は現在完了時制で代用されます。

80.8      Your order will be shipped as soon as payment has been received.



3  意味把握チェック

  そのため、將來の素材展望(/の見通し)を豫測しようとすることは、何千年單位はもちろんのこと、ほんの何十年といふ時間尺度でもあまりにもあやふく難しい。① 「五、六十年のうちには私たち(の科學技術)は非常に進歩を遂げてゐるでせうから、その先を豫測することはほとんど不可能なんです」と、未來の科學技術を專門とするコンサルタント業者である FuturizonIan Pearsonは言ふ。希土類金屬はその適例(/それに該當するケース)である。これらの元素―その應用範圍はタッチスクリーンから電池や省エネ(/エネルギー效率の良い)電球に及ぶ-の不足はこれからの十年かそこらのうちに起こると廣く豫測されてゐる。②shortages of these elementsは)それよりずつと先ではあるが、(その頃にはまだ)技術革新により供給の障碍を切拔ける道を見出してはゐない(だらう)と主張するのは信じ難いことに思はれる(/妥當とは思へない)


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・117.0 A feature of English in …

2017-08-21 | 出題英文讀解

Answer the questions below after reading the following passage.

①   A feature of English in the last 200 years or so has been the birth of a number of national varieties.  It is important to note, however, that the different varieties are relatively similar to each other; for the most part, speakers of one variety can understand speakers of another without much difficulty since the grammar of English is essentially the same around the world.  The varieties differ in a relatively small amount of vocabulary, which usually serves to make a variety interesting rather than particularly, difficult to understand.  The main difference between varieties is usually in the pronunciation, which can make comprehension difficult, but which has little to do with the underlying structure of the language itself.  English started its international expansion only a few centuries ago and that has not been enough time for major differences among varieties to develop.  Also, English-speaking countries tend to be highly literate.  This, combined with the development of mass communications, has exposed most speakers to the standard forms of English, and this in turn has tended to limit major variation.  Therefore, when we speak of the differences in national varieties, it is important to remember just how similar all the forms of English are.


②   So the varieties of English are relatively similar around the world at present, but will this situation last?  In the short term, the answer is probably yes.  Language change takes time, and we are unlikely to see big changes in the near future.  But beyond this, language change is very difficult to predict.  It depends on the factors that support or suppress language diversification, and to understand these, we need to understand the purposes for (  a  ) a language is used.  According to David Graddol, a British linguist who has written on the future of English, English has two main functions in the world: as a means of international communication and as a means to create cultural identities.  The first function serves to push English toward greater uniformity, with the ideal being a “standard international variety” of English that people all around the world could speak, thus making international communication easier.  However, the second function leads to an increasing number of local or regional varieties, each of which is identified with a local culture.  In this way, the people of a particular place can possess their own version of English, thus maintaining their cultural identity while at the same time gaining the benefits of using a language which is well-known internationally. 


③   Given the prominent position of English in the world today, it might be assumed that the “international communication” function will win out and that the varieties of English will eventually merge into a single World Standard English.  This may well happen, given English’s very strong position at present, but it is not guaranteed.  There are a number of factors that may cause a World Standard English not to develop.  First, the priority of printing (which leads to a standard form) is weakening, with more electronic forms of information available online all the time.  The new electronic technology often leads to the creation of forms of English that are shortened and which are different from the standard written language in various ways; (  b  ), e-mail is currently one of the most common forms of electronic information transfer, and it is often written in a stream of consciousness fashion and sent without being spell-checked or revised.  In this way, it often resembles conversation more than conventional written language.  This is not surprising, because the original reasons for e-mail were its speed and convenience, and the need to revise carefully would reduce these advantages.


④   Another recent phenomenon is text messaging on mobile phones.  The phones do not have a full keyboard, and keying in text messages via the number keyboard is somewhat awkward, (  c  ), users use abbreviations and symbols to minimize the number of keystrokes required.  Also, some phone companies limit text messages to a certain number of characters (for example, 160 characters, including spaces), which encourages the use of various shortened forms.  Some examples are given below.

     b4       before

     f?       (do you want to be) friends?

     gdm8     g’day mate

     hf        have fun

     musm     miss you so much

     t+        think positively

    ur        you are


⑤   The following text dialogue between two University of Nottingham students contains a number of short forms.

Student A: Hey how r u? went 2 C band last nite wit Matt. Was gr8. Went 4 drink after @ Crown.  U?  x

Student B: Had a good 1 wit Ben.  Cooked me meal, Chick + pasta, notin’ changes! U in 4 dnr?

Student A: Yep, lectures til 5. CU then.  x

The full English translations of these messages would look like this:

Student A: Hey, how are you? I went to see a band last night with Matt. It was great.  We went for drinks after at the Crown pub.  How about you? (kiss)

Student B: I had a good one (evening) with Ben.  He cooked me a meal, chicken and pasta. Nothing changes!  Are you coming for dinner?

Student A: Yes. I have lectures until 5 p.m.  See you then.  (kiss)


⑥   E-mail and text messaging and the shortcuts they use have raised many questions relating to the spelling and presentation of English.  Because speed is important in both, normal rules of capitalization and spelling are often ignored, and shortened forms are common.  Will these developments affect the writing of English generally?  So far, the effects on the writing system seem to be confined mainly to the matter of capital letters.  They are not given high priority, and people who would never normally dream of writing their own name without initial capital letters find themselves doing so in electronic addresses (e.g., firstname.lastname@somewhere.com).  Use of small letters (  d  ) capitals in the texts of e-mails is increasingly common, and teachers have noticed the habit in students’ homework, too.  It is also becoming more common in other areas as well, such as advertising.


⑦   Thus, electronic forms of communication are producing new written forms of English and some of these reduce the distinction between the written and the spoken forms of the language.  This may be more acceptable to societies now than before, as there appears to be a general movement toward a greater tolerance of diversity.  Whereas in former times there might have been complaints about incorrectly written English, nowadays people seem increasingly comfortable with the idea that different types of English might be suitable for different purposes and media.  These trends may push toward greater diversification of English rather than toward standardization.


⑧   A second factor possibly acting against the establishment of a World Standard English is the changing nature of broadcasting.  Initially, the development of satellite broadcasting had a unifying influence on English, as large numbers of people in many countries around the world were exposed to standard varieties.  But the people watching these programs were mainly the educated and wealthy viewers, (  e  ) formed only a small percentage of the potential audience.  Because of this, there is now a trend toward international broadcasters “localizing” their programming to reach wider audiences.  This involves shaping the programming to the local context, with more locally created material, using local talent, and broadcasting in the local language.  Thus, the formerly unifying nature of satellite broadcasting may instead turn into a force for diversification.


⑨   A third factor is the nature of English language teaching (ELT). Previously, most of the internationally available, commercially produced materials have used a small number of varieties, most notably American, British, and Australian English, leading to a similar underlying English being taught.  The existing commercial ELT producers are unlikely to go away, (  f  ) other producers will probably join them.  As regional Englishes develop, and perhaps become widely used within regional economic trade zones, countries in those zones may begin to publish aggressively and promote their own materials.  It is not difficult to predict that this will happen in China, (  g  ) there is a huge internal market, and a number of Chinese publishers are working to meet demand.  These publishers may also attempt to market their material in the wider Asian region, especially as China becomes economically more powerful.  We can already see similar things happening in other countries. Malaysia is working to become a provider, rather than a recipient, of English language education, exporting English materials to other countries around the region and setting up universities to attract students from around the Southern Hemisphere.  The overall effect may be that teaching materials in a number of English varieties will compete for ELT business, thus moving away from the standardized ELT materials in use at present.


⑩   In sum, the prominent position of English in the world today suggests that English may well become more unified in the future.  However, there are also several factors working against this.  Graddol suggests that the most likely scenario for English in the future is that a number of English varieties will continue to compete for usage in the world.


(1) Choose the best way to complete the following sentences about paragraphs to .  Do not use the same answer twice.

1  Paragraph describes

2  Paragraph describes

3  Paragraph describes

4  Paragraph describes

5  Paragraph describes

6  Paragraph describes

7  Paragraph describes

8  Paragraph describes

9  Paragraph describes

  A  an example text message together with a standard English version of the same message.

  B  how electronic communication compares to spoken and written English.

  C  how publishers in Asia are beginning to produce materials for English teaching.

  D  how students are beginning to use e-mail abbreviations in their homework.

  E  how the design of mobile phones has had an effect on the way English is used in text messages.

  F  how the different national varieties of English are still quite similar despite differences in pronunciation.

  G  how World Standard English will develop thanks to the establishment of satellite broadcasting.

  H  the effect of e-mail and text messaging on the use of capitalization in English.

  I  the fact that educated and wealthy people are likely to be promoters of World Standard English.

  J  the fact that English speakers are becoming accustomed to different forms of English for different purposes.

  K  the functions of language which work to make the varieties of English more similar or more diverse.

  L  the ways in which satellite broadcasters are adapting their programs to local audiences.

  M  why people around the world prefer to use teaching materials produced in the U.S., U.K., or Australia.

(2)  Choose the best word or phrase to put in each of the spaces (  a  ) to (  g  ).  Do not use the same answer twice.

A  apart from   B  as a result   C  but   D  for example   E  if   F  in addition   G  instead of   H  where   I  which   J  who 

   [Adapted from Schmitt and Marsden, Why Is English Like That?, 2006]

・116.4 The Internet has made it …

2017-08-14 | 出題英文讀解


     So what should companies do?  They could just remove the temptation entirely and shut down access to most Web sites.  After all, if the people in the Copenhagen experiment hadn’t known there was a video they could have been watching, they would presumably have counted the passes just fine.  There are companies that try to do (3) this, but it creates a tyrannical work environment, and, besides, the spread of smartphones renders such a policy increasingly unenforceable.  A more interesting solution, proposed by the Copenhagen experimenters, would be to create “Internet breaks,” allowing workers to periodically spend a few minutes online.  This may sound like a solution straight out of *Oscar Wilde, who said, “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”  But it’s actually a logical evolution of one of the great inventions of the twentieth century: the coffee break.  (4) In the nineteenth century, letting wage-earners stand around drinking coffee would have seemed outrageous.  But, in the early nineteen-hundreds, a company introduced the idea of short breaks in the workday, and by mid-century it had become an accepted office custom.  The basic insight – that giving people some relief from difficult tasks, along with the chance to let their minds wander, will make them more productive – remains true.  Sometimes, it turns out, (   (5)   ).

  *Oscar Wilde (1854–1900): an Irish playwright, poet, and novelist


問3.  下線部(3) this の表す内容を日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。

問4.  下線部(4)を日本語に訳しなさい。

問5.  空所(5)に入る最も適切なものを次の(a)~(e)から選び、記号で答えなさい。

  (a)  the use of smartphones creates a tyrannical work environment

  (b)  success comes only through devotion to the task at hand

  (c)  to achieve greatness in life, we must also do things which we do not enjoy

  (d)  you have to take your eye off the target in order to hit it

  (e)  the Internet is a wasteful distraction in the work place




4.1  So what should companies do?

4.2  They could just remove the temptation entirely and shut down access to most Web sites.

4.3  After all, if the people in theCopenhagen experiment hadn’t known there was a video they could have been watching, they would presumably have counted the passes just fine.

4.4  There are companies that try to do this, but it creates a tyrannical work environment, and, besides, the spread of smartphones renders such a policy increasingly unenforceable.

4.5  A more interesting solution, proposed by theCopenhagen experimenters, would be to create “Internet breaks,” allowing workers to periodically spend a few minutes online.

4.6  This may sound like a solution straight out of Oscar Wilde, who said, “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”

4.7  But it’s actually a logical evolution of one of the great inventions of the twentieth century: the coffee break.

4.8  In the nineteenth century, letting wage-earners stand around drinking coffee would have seemed outrageous.

4.9  But, in the early nineteen-hundreds, a company introduced the idea of short breaks in the workday, and by mid-century it had become an accepted office custom.

4.10  The basic insight – that giving people some relief from difficult tasks, along with the chance to let their minds wander, will make them more productive – remains true.

4.11  Sometimes, it turns out, you have to take your eye off the target in order to hit it. 



問3.  下線部(3) this の表す内容を日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。

問4.  下線部(4)を日本語に訳しなさい。

問5.  空所(5)に入る最も適切なものを次の(a)~(e)から選び、記号で答えなさい。

  (a)  the use of smartphones creates a tyrannical work environment(スマートフォンの使用は專制暴君的な仕事環境を生み出す)

  (b)  success comes only through devotion to the task at hand(成功は、手近な職務への專念を通してのみもたらされる)

  (c)  to achieve greatness in life, we must also do things which we do not enjoy(人生で大事を成し遂げるために、愉快でないこともやらなくてはならない。)

  (d)  you have to take your eye off the target in order to hit it(標的に當てるためには目を標的から逸らす必要がある)

  (e)  the Internet is a wasteful distraction in the work place(インターネットは職場では無駄な氣晴しである)



問3.  4.2の内容が該當しさうです。

問4.  would have seemed は、假定法過去完了の歸結節にあるかたちです。條件節はありませんが、副詞句 in the 19th century に條件がこめられてゐると考へられます。つまり、「19世紀には」→「假に19世紀であつたなら」。

問5.  coffee breaks のもたらす肯定的な效果・影響の根據が述べられるのが自然でせう。直前の文(4.10)の内容にヒントが見出せます。



問3. 滑稽なビデオの誘惑をすつかり取り除き、ほとんどのウェブサイトにつなげないやうにすること(/大方のウェブサイトへのアクセスを遮斷すること)。

問4. [意味把握チェック]の下線部參照。

問5. d



4.2  could … remove … shut … は假定法過去です。條件節は省略してゐます。

4.2       shut down ~                ~を禁ずる / ~を閉鎖する

4.3  假定法過去完了の文で、「過去の事實に反する假定をして、その結果を推量し」てゐますが、中の was は端的に過去の事實(「ビデオは在つた」)を示してをり、直説法の動詞として使はれてゐます。


4.3       after all                       結局のところ / やはり

4.4  this は4.2の内容を指してゐます。

4.4       unenforceable             un+en+force+able

  ※force は「力」(語源はラテン語 fortis でstrong の意味)、これに動詞を形成する接頭辭en-がついて「強ひる」、形容詞を形成する接尾辭 -able がついて「強ひられる」、反意語を形成する接頭辭 un- がついて「強ひられない」

4.5  would be… は假定法由來の婉曲表現です。言外に假定條件が含まれ、婉曲・ていねいな表現になります。

4.5 online は副詞的に使はれてゐます。「インターネットにつないで / つながれた状態で」といつた意味でせう。

4.6  關係代名詞の繼續用法( , who): 固有名詞に關係代名詞節を續けるときは繼續用法が使はれることになります。

4.6       get rid of ~                   ~を取り除く / ~を免れる

4.6       yield to ~                      ~に屈する / ~に讓る (surrender)

4.8  假定法過去完了の歸結節です。副詞句 in the nineteenth century に假定條件が示されてゐます。(※2011年8月17日付の拙ブログ記事で、さまざまな條件の示し方を解説してをります)ŋ

4.10  ダッシュではさまれたthat節は同格節で、the basic insight を説明するものです。主部が大變長いため、ダッシュではさんで讀みやすくする工夫をしたものと思はれます。

4.10       along with ~                ~とともに / ~に加へて

4.11  it turns out が插入されてゐますが、 it は文全體を指してゐます。つまり、「結局のところ『的を射るためには、時には的から目を離すこともことも必要だ』とわかる」と記してゐるのでせう。その意味を「~だといふことなのである」といふ部分で示さうとしましたが…。

4.11       turn out                           結局のところ~とわかる

4.11       take one's eye off ~         ~から目を逸らす

4.11       in order to-不定詞(~)         ~するために



  で、會社はどうすべきなのだらう?會社はそんな誘惑をすつかり取り除いて、大方のウエブ・サイトへの接續を禁ずることができるだらう。結局のところ、コペンハーゲン大學の實驗協力者たちが、觀ることができたであらうビデオ映像があつたことを知らなかつたなら、おそらくパスの數を精確に數へたことであらう。かうしたことを行なはうとする會社があるが、專制的な勞働環境がつくりだされるし、その上、スマートフォンのひろまりによりそのやうな方針は益々強制しがたくなつてゐる。さらに興味深い解決策は、コペンハーゲン大學の實驗者により提案されたものであるが、『インターネット休憩』を創設して、從業員に定期的にネット接續で數分を費やすことを許す、といふものであらう。これは Oscar Wilde から直に引き出された解決策のやうに聞こえるかもしれない。彼は「誘惑を退ける唯一の方法は誘惑に屈することだ」と言つたのであつた。しかしそれは實際のところ、20世紀の偉大な發明のひとつである「コーヒー休憩」が理にかなつた發展を遂げたものである。19世紀であつたなら、賃金勞働者がそこらに立つてコーヒーを飮むのを許すなんてとんでもない(/けしからぬ)ことと思はれたであらう。しかし、1900年代初めに、ある會社が就業日に短い休憩の着想をとり入れ、20世紀半ばまでには一般に認められた職場の慣習となつてゐた。難しい仕事からちよつと解放することは、精神をくつろがせる機會を與へることと併せて、生産性を一層上げる、といふ基本的洞察は依然正しい。的を射るためには、時には的から目を離すこともことも必要だ、といふことなのである。

・英文讀解のヒント (79) 《過去完了時制》

2017-08-09 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (79) 《過去完了時制》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     This was a concept of myself that I’d been lacking.  I was an underdog; therefore, I had to control the pace ―― of everything.  This was more than I learned in *English 4W, but the concept was applicable to my *Creative Writing ―― and to all my schoolwork, too.  If my classmates could read our history assignment in an hour, I allowed myself two or three.  If I couldn’t learn to spell, I would keep a list of my most frequently misspelled words ―― and I kept the list with me; I had it handy even for unannounced quizzes.  Most of all, I rewrote everything: first drafts were like the first time you tried a new takedown ―― you needed to drill it, over and over again, before you even dreamed of trying it in a match.  I began to take my lack of talent seriously.

*English 4W: 大学での文学関連の授業名(主に文学作品の読解や批評的分析を学ぶ授業である。)

*Creative Writing: 大学での文学関連の授業名(詩や小説などの創作を行う授業。のちに小説家となった筆者のように、作家志望の学生が受講することが多い。)

(40宮崎大學 2013 9パラ: 2014年4月28日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  下線部は《had+been+現在分詞(-ing)》のかたちで、過去完了進行形と呼ばれます。過去のある時點まで、それ以前からのある動作や出來事が繼續してゐたことを表はします。下線部では was で示された過去の時點まで、それ以前から「缺落する」ことが續いてゐたことが述べられてゐます。ここでは had が縮約形になつてゐます。

■諳誦例文: treated の時點まで患者は待ち續けてゐました。([péiʃənt])

79        The patient had been waiting in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her.


□參考例文: 状態を表はす動詞では、進行形にしないで繼續の意味を表はすのがふつうです。

79.2     They had known each other for ten years when they got married.



2.2.1  過去完了時制は《had+過去分詞》のかたちで、過去のある時までの「完了・結果」「經驗」「繼續」などの意味を傳へます。英文讀解のヒント(78)の現在完了時制が現在と過去とをつなげて示すのに對し、過去完了時制は、過去のある時點(past)と、さらにそれ以前の時點(earlier past)をともに意識し、つなげて表現するものです。

①earlier pastの時點での動作や出來事などが、past の時點までに完了したことや、その結果がpast の時點でどうであつたかを表はす。


79.3     The game had already begun when we arrived at the stadium.



②past の時點までの經驗を表はす。


79.4      He wasn't exactly a stranger ―― I had met him once before.



③earlier pastの時點からの動作、出來事や状態などが、past の時點で繼續中であることを表はす。



2.2.2  過去完了時制は、過去のさらに過去の動作・出來事であることを示す「大過去」として用ゐられることもあります。


79.5     I lost the contact lenses I had bought the day before.



2.2.3  間接話法で過去完了時制が使はれるケースです。


79.6     Jim said he had got a driver's license the Wednesday before.


            ←Jim said, "I got a driver's license last Wednesday."


2.2.4  過去に實現されなかつた願望や期待を表はすために過去完了時制が使はれることがあります。動詞は expect のほか intend、hope、want、thinkなど。


79.7     I had expected you to come.



2.2.5  假定法で用ゐられる過去完了時制については、拙ブログの「英文法ミニ解説・假定法の讀み方(8)~(11)をご參照ください(2011年6月15日、22日、29日掲載)。


3  意味把握チェック

  これが、(それまで)私に缺落し續けてゐた、自分自身についての理解(/解釋/見解)であつた。私は弱い犬(/弱者/劣等者)なのであつた。それゆゑにペースを制禦しなければならなかつたのだ――それもあらゆることについて、だ。このことは私が English 4W (の科目)で學んだ以上のことであつたが、その(自己)認識は私が受けた Creative Writing に應用できた――すべての學業にも。級友が歴史の(授業の前に、指定された分量の文章を讀んでおく)課題(/宿題)を1時間で讀めるとしたら、私は自身に2時間或は3時間を與へた(/かけることにした)。綴が覺えられなければ、綴を頻繁に間違へる語のリストを手許に置いておいた――そしてそれを携行しておき、豫告なしの小テストにも備へて役立て(られるやうにしておい)た。何より、あらゆるものについて書き直しをした。最初の下書(/草稿)は、新しいテイクダウンを初めて試してみるやうなものであつた――それを試合で試してみることを夢みる(に到る)まででさへ、何度も繰り返して練習する必要があつたのだ。私は自分の才能不足(/素質が足らないこと)を眞劍に考へ(/受けとめ)始めたのである。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・116.3 The Internet has made it …

2017-08-07 | 出題英文讀解


     The basic idea here is that for most people willpower is a limited resource: if we spend lots of energy controlling our impulses in one area, it becomes harder to control our impulses in others.  Or, as the psychologist Roy Baumeister puts it, willpower is like a muscle: overuse temporarily exhausts it.  The implication is that asking people to regulate their behavior without interruption may very well make them less focused and less effective.




3.1  The basic idea here is that for most people willpower is a limited resource: if we spend lots of energy controlling our impulses in one area, it becomes harder to control our impulses in others.

3.2  Or, as the psychologist Roy Baumeister puts it, willpower is like a muscle: overuse temporarily exhausts it.

3.3  The implication is that asking people to regulate their behavior without interruption may very well make them less focused and less effective.



3.1  that 節が補語(SVCのC)になつてゐる文はよく見かけるかたちですが、ここでは that のあとに for most people が插入されてゐるため讀みづらくなつてゐます。

3.1  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は to control~ です。

3.1  one と others との對比に注意します。one は不特定のひとつをとりあげ、others はそれ以外の不特定の複數をとりあげます。one を除いた殘り全部を指すときは the others となります。(ここでは others=other areas )

3.1       spend ~ -ing(…)          ~を…して費やす

3.1       control                        アクセント注意  [kəntróul]

3.2      overuse                      (名詞)アクセント・發音注意  [óuvərjù:s]

3.3  長い主語(主部): 補語になつてゐるthat節の主部は asking people to regulate their behavior without interruption です。

3.3      may well ~     たぶん~だらう(※veryが可能性を高めてゐますから、ここでは「多分」としてみました)



3.1  ここでの基本的な考へは、自制力は大概の人には限界のある方策(/手段)である、といふものである。(つまり、)ある領域での衝動(/一時的な感情)を制禦するのに多大なエネルギーを費やすなら、他の領域での衝動制禦が一層困難になるわけである。

3.2  言ひ換へると、心理學者の Roy Baumeister が述べてゐるやうに、自制力は筋肉のやうなものである。(つまり、)使ひ過ぎると一時(的に)力つきてしまふのである。

3.3  その含意は、人に間斷なく行動を規制するやう求めると、多分に集中力が落ち能率が惡くなる、といふことである。