
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・120.4 There are two big power …

2015-12-28 | 出題英文讀解

・120.4 There are two big power …

4   So that means that things that were previously restricted to very large organizations like governments or corporations are now [8] (1. meaningful  2. useless  3. available) to anyone.  And this has a significant impact on world politics.  It does not mean that governments are being replaced or that the nation-state is obsolete.  What it [9] (1. does  2. does not  3. could not) mean is that the stage on which governments act is now crowded with many more, smaller actors.  Some of those smaller actors are good ―― let’s take Oxfam International, an NPO which serves to relieve poverty ―― and some of them are bad ―― let’s take Al Qaeda, which is obviously trying to kill people.  But the main point is that it is a new type of international politics and we have [10] (1. already  2. often  3. not yet) come to terms with how to think about this.  So, for example, we need to realize that in an age in which information technology is so powerful and important, it may often be the case that it is not only whose army wins, but whose story wins.  The ability to tell an effective story is [11] (1. persuasive  2. crucial  3. risky).







[24]  In the 4th paragraph, the phrase “a new type of international politics” is used in the sense that

 1.  governments or big corporations play a bigger role in world politics.

 2.  smaller actors play a bigger role in world politics.

 3.  information technology has become more important than governments.

 4.  information technology has become more accessible to everyone.




[8]  1. meaningful(意義のある)  2. useless(無駄な)  3. available(利用できる/手に入れられる)

[9]  1. does(動詞を強調する用法)  2. does not(meanしない)  3. could not(meanできなかつた/できないだらう): 文脈から考へて否定しては意味が通りません。

[10]  1. already(すでに)  2. often(しばしば)  3. not yet(まだ~ない): 直後の文とのつながりから判斷できます。

[11]  1. persuasive(説得力のある)  2. crucial(極めて重要な)  3. risky(危險な)

[24]  In the 4th paragraph, the phrase “a new type of international politics” is used in the sense that(第4パラグラフで、「新型の國際政治」といふ言葉は~といふ意味で使はれてゐる。)

 1.  governments or big corporations play a bigger role in world politics. (政府或は大企業が世界の政治で一層大きな役割を果す):逆のことを述べてゐます。

 2.  smaller actors play a bigger role in world politics. (一層小さい關係者が世界の政治で一層大きな役割を果す)

 3.  information technology has become more important than governments. (情報技術が政府より重要になつてゐる): 大いに影響してゐるとは言へさうですが、「新型の國際政治」の意味としては不適です。

 4.  information technology has become more accessible to everyone. (情報技術が誰にでも一層使へるやうになつてゐる):この趣旨について述べてはゐますが、「新型の國際政治」の意味としては不適です。



[8]  3

[9]  1

[10]  3

[11]  2

[24]  2



4.2       have an impact upon/on ~      ~に影響を與へる

4.3       a nation-state            言語、宗教、文化などを共有する共同體としての國家


 4.4  動詞の強調<do/does/did +原形動詞>: 「~にほかならない」で表現してみました。

 4.4   more の後に複數名詞がつづく場合は、many、a few、數詞が用ゐられます。不可算名詞がつづく場合は、much、a little、a great deal などが用ゐられます。

4.5       NPO                           非營利組織 (NonProfit Organization)

4.6       come to terms with ~      ~について折合がつく / ~を認める

 4.7  <It is the case that ~>: 「~が事實(/實情)である」 it は形式主語です。

 4.7  that節の it は「漠然と事態を指してゐる」ものと解すると讀みやすいでせう。或は強調構文と見て最後に、例へば that matters と補つてみることもできるでせうが、文が錯綜してしまひます。

4.7       for example                例へば

4.7       the case                      眞相 / 實情 / 事實



  だからそれは、以前は政府や會社といつた非常に大きな組織に限られてゐたものが今や誰にでも利用できるといふことを意味してゐる。そしてこのことは世界の政治に重大な影響を與へる。それは、政府(/統治組織)がとり代へられてゐるとか、もはや國民國家の時代ではない(/國民國家がすたれて時代遲れになつてゐる)、といつたことを意味してゐるのではない。それが意味してゐるのは、政府(/統治組織)が活動する舞臺が、もつと多くの、より小さい活動主體で混みあつてゐるといふことにほかならない。さうしたより小さい活動主體のなかには良いものあるし―― たとへば貧困救濟に役立つNPOである Oxfam International のやうに ―― また、惡いものもある ――たとへば Al Qaeda を例にとつてみれば、それは明らかに人々を殺さうとしてゐるのである。しかし重要な點は、それは國際政治の新類型であり、その受けとめ方(/それについてどう考へたらいいのか)については私たちはまだ合意に達してゐない(/共通の認識を持つに到つてゐない)、といふことである。だから、例へば、私たちは情報技術がこれほど強力で重要な時代にあつては、どこの軍隊が勝つかばかりではなく、誰の物語が勝つかなのだといふことが眞相としてしばしばあり得るのだ、といふことを理解する必要がある。效果的な物語を語る能力が極めて重要なのである。


・120.3 There are two big power …

2015-12-25 | 出題英文讀解

・120.3 There are two big power …

3   Let me say a word about what I mean by power diffusion.  That is best understood in terms of the way technologies, and particularly information technologies, are [4] (1. increasing  2. sustaining  3. affecting) the costs of participating in international affairs.  The price of computing power declined a thousand-fold from 1970 to 2000.  That is an extraordinary number, so big that it is hard to know what it means.  The best way to think of this would be that if the price of an automobile had declined as rapidly as the price of computing power, you should be able to buy an automobile today, for, let’s say, 10,000 yen.  It is [5] (1. just  2. hardly  3. nonetheless) an extraordinary change.  When the price of something declines that much, it removes the barriers to entry.  Now others can do what previously was [6] (1. prepared  2. reserved  3. preserved) for governments or big corporations.  If you wanted to communicate instantaneously from Tokyo to New York to London to Johannesburg in 1970, you could do that.  Technologically you could do it, but it was very, very expensive.  [7] (1. Still  2. Now  3. However), anybody can do it and it is virtually free.  If you have Skype, it is free.







[21]  The author of the article assumes that

 1.  power transition has never happened in international politics.

 2.  power diffusion has never happened in international politics.

 3.  power transition is now centered in Asia.

 4.  power diffusion is now centered in Asia.

[23]  The author of the article refers to information technologies in the 3rd paragraph in order to

 1.  demonstrate how their development has been influenced by power diffusion.

 2.  illustrate how their development has facilitated power diffusion.

 3.  criticize the close ties with governments or big corporations.

 4.  celebrate the changes of everyday life brought by their development.




[4]  1. increasing(~を増加させてゐる)  2. sustaining(~を維持してゐる)  3. affecting(~に影響を及ぼしてゐる): このパラグラフではコストの低下が論じられてゐます。

[5]  1. just(正に)  2. hardly(ほとんど~ない)  3. nonetheless(それにも拘らず): 1ドルの自動車を例に擧げて變化の大きさを強調してゐます。

[6]  1. prepared(準備ができた)  2. reserved(取つておかれた)  3. preserved(保存された): for governments or big corporations といふのがカギになります。

[7]  1. Still(依然として)  2. Now(今日では)  3. However(しかしながら): 1970年當時高くても可能であつたと直前で述べてゐるので however は不自然です。

[21]  The author of the article assumes that(記事の筆者は~ものと考へてゐる)

 1.  power transition has never happened in international politics. (力の移行は國際政治に於いて生じたことはない)

 2.  power diffusion has never happened in international politics. (力の擴散は國際政治に於いて生じたことはない)

 3.  power transition is now centered in Asia. (力の移行は今アジアが中心である)

 4.  power diffusion is now centered in Asia. (力の擴散は今アジアが中心である)

[23]  The author of the article refers to information technologies in the 3rd paragraph in order to (記事の筆者は~ために第3パラグラフで情報技術に言及してゐる)

 1.  demonstrate how their development has been influenced by power diffusion. (情報技術の發達が力の擴散にどのやうに影響されてきたかを論證する)  : 第2文で逆の趣旨のことを述べてゐます。

 2.  illustrate how their development has facilitated power diffusion. (情報技術の發達が力の擴散をどのやうに促進してきたかを例證する)

 3.  criticize the close ties with governments or big corporations. ([情報技術と]政府或は大企業との密接なつながりを批判する)  : 第8文の誤讀を狙つた選擇肢です。

 4.  celebrate the changes of everyday life brought by their development.(情報技術の發達によりもたらされた日常生活の變化を賞讚する)  : 尤もらしい内容ですが、本文の趣旨とは異なります。



[4]  3

[5]  1

[6]  2

[7]  2

[21]  3

[23]  2



 3.2  the way の後に that(關係副詞)か in which を補つてみるとわかりやすいでせう。

3.2       in terms of ~              ~の見地から / ~に關して

3.2       cost                            發音注意  [kɔ(:)st]

  ※[ɔ] の音は、ピンポン球を口に入れたつもりで、口のなかを大きくひろげ、脣を開いて「オ」と發聲すると近い音が發聲できます。外來語として定着した感のある「コースト(coast 海岸)」は英語では二重母音で [koust]。口・脣ともそんなに開きません。

3.3       -fold                         ~倍の / ~の重なりを持つ


 3.4  <so ~ that …>: 「非常に大きいのでわからない(結果)」「わからないほど大きい(程度)」のいづれにも取れます。前の number の説明を後につけ加へてゐるかたちです。

 3.5  こみいつた文構造: 全體はSVCの構造で「S(the best way to think of this)はCであらう」と述べてゐます。Cはthat節ですが、直後に條件節(if~power)が置かれてゐるためにやや讀みにくくなつてゐます。

  would be は、主部に假定の意味を含む假定法の歸結節で使はれてゐるものです。例へば、「もし一番良い方法があるとしたら、それは~であらう」とやゝ婉曲に述べてゐるわけです。

 3.5  that 節の中に假定法過去完了と假定法過去が使はれてゐます。條件節は過去のことに言及して「もし下落してゐたなら」、歸結節は現在のことで「買へるだらう」と推測してゐます。いづれも現實のことではなく、筆者の頭のなかで推量してゐることがらです。(※詳細は2011年8月31日付拙稿をご覽ください)

 3.5     (let's) say ~                  假に~としたら / ~と假定しよう


 3.9   Johannesburg 發音注意  [dӡouhǽnisbə:rg]




・英文讀解のヒント (40) 《no more ~ than …》

2015-12-23 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (40) 《no more ~ than …》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   The degree to which cultural values can be “exported” is the subject of some debate, according to Huntington.  He argues that drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese.  “Throughout human history,” he says, “fashions and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly altering the basic culture of the recipient society.”  Similarly, others argue that globalization brings only superficial change.  As one scholar has noted, “McDonald’s hamburger restaurants may be in nearly every country, but in Germany they sell beer, while in Japan they serve teriyaki burgers.  In some countries, such as India, hamburgers are not even on the McDonald’s menu.”  Thus the global product is often altered to take on a local flavor.  The term “glocalization” has combined the words “global” and “local” to describe such hybrid products.

(11 鳥取大學 2007 5パラ; 2012年1月13日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <no more ~ than …><not any more ~ than …><not ~ any more than …>: このかたちは、明白な否定的な事實を喩へとして引合ひに出すことにより、何かを否定する主張をおこなふための文體です。「~であることは、…でない以上に絶對ない」と強く否定します。not any more のはうが口語的とされます。no(=not any)で強い否定を意味するため、文全體に否定の意味が及ぼされると考へると覺えやすいと思ひます。



40   A whale is no more a fish than a horse is (a fish).

     (/ A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).)



40.2  This ride is no more dangerous than a merry-go-round.


  これに類するかと思はれる例を見かけたことがあります。漫畫 BLONDIE で Blondie が“Our house needs a complete makeover”と言ふと Dagwood が “Not any more than you do, Honey”と應じます(April 2, 2001)。

2.2  これとは逆に肯定的な喩へ・主張を展開するのが<no less ~ than …>です。本ブログではまだ扱つてゐませんが例文を掲げておきます。


40.3      A man is no less capable of feeling compassion than a woman.



3  意味把握チェック

  Huntington のいふところによれば、文化に關はる價値意識がどの程度「輸出」される可能性があるのかについては議論の餘地がある。(←文化的價値が「輸出」される可能性の度合は、討議の主題となる)。すしを食べて日本人に似た考へにならないやうに、コカ・コーラを飲むことで考へ方がアメリカ人に似てくることはない、と彼は論ずる。彼は言ふ、「人間の歴史を通して、流行や物品は、受け手社會の文化の基礎部分を大きく變へることなく、社會から社會へと廣まつてきた。同樣に、globalization は單に表面的な變化をもたらすに過ぎない、と論じる批評家もゐる。ひとりの學者が言及したやうに、「マクドナルドのハンバーガー・レストランはほとんどすべての國にあるだらうが、ドイツではビールを賣り、一方日本では照り焼きバーガーを提供してゐる」。インドのやうに、ハンバーガーがマクドナルドのメニューに載つてさへゐない國もあるのである。かうして、世界的な産品はしばしば姿を變へられ、地域の色合ひを帶びるのである。「glocalizationグロウカリゼイション」といふ言葉は、そのやうな複合的な産品を表はすために、「global(地球の)」と「local(地域の)」といふことばを合體させたものである。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・120.2 There are two big power …

2015-12-21 | 出題英文讀解

・120.2 There are two big power …

2   I call the first of these shifts “power transition” and the second, “power diffusion.”  The issue of power transition is sometimes called the rise of Asia, but it should more properly be called the recovery of Asia.  If one looked at the world in 1750, one would see that Asia had more than half of the world’s population, and represented more than half of the world’s products.  By 1900, Asia still had more than half of the world’s population, [1] (1. but  2. so  3. for) it had declined to only 20 percent of the world’s products.  What we have been seeing, and what we will see in the 21st century, is the recovery of Asia to its normal proportions, with more than half of the world’s population and more than half of the world’s products.  This started, of course, with Japan after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, and it [2] (1. coincided  2. worked  3. continued) with smaller countries like Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and so forth.  Now the trend has spread to China, but it is also going to include India. India now has growth rates of 8 to 9 percent a year.  During the course of the century, we should [3] (1. see  2. understand  3. recognize) Asia as a whole recovering to about what one would think would be normal proportions.  And that is power transition.





[1] (1. but  2. so  3. for)

[2] (1. coincided  2. worked  3. continued)

[3] (1. see  2. understand  3. recognize)




[22]  The phrase “normal proportions” in the 2nd paragraph means more or less the same share of power

 1.  as that of other countries.

 2.  as that of the United States and Europe.

 3.  as was held in the 18th century.

 4.  as was held in the past century.




[1] 1. but(しかし)  2. so(その結果)  3. for(といふのも~からである): 18世紀と19世紀の状況を比べてゐます。生産量については逆接が適切です。

[2] 1. coincided with ~(~と同時に起こつた)  2. worked with ~(~と力を合はせた)  3. continued with ~(~に關して續いた): 文脈から判斷しますと、「日本で始まつた」のに續いたと考へられます。

[3] 1. see ~ …ing(「~が…してゐるところを目にする」)  2. understand ~  …ing(意味が不自然です)  3. recognize(recognize ~ to be/as …「~を…として認める」の誤讀を狙つた選擇肢でせう): ちなみに原文では during the course of the century がsee の直後に置かれてゐたやうに思ひます。受驗生が讀みやすいやうに前に出したものでせうか)

[22]  The phrase “normal proportions” in the 2nd paragraph means more or less the same share of power(第2パラグラフも「正常な比率」といふ語句は~概ね同等の力配分を意味してゐる)

 1.  as that of other countries. (他の諸國の力配分と)

 2.  as that of the United States and Europe. (アメリカ合衆國と歐州の力配分と)

 3.  as was held in the 18th century. (18世紀に持たれてゐたのと)

 4.  as was held in the past century. (前世紀に持たれてゐたのと)

: 第3文の内容を指してゐます。



[1]: 1

[2]: 3

[3]: 1

[22]: 3



 2.1  省略: ( I call ) the second ( of these shifts ) “power diffusion.”

 2.2  イタリック部分は、その語を地の文から際立たせ、強調してゐます。

 2.3  事實として今見ることは不可能なので、假定法過去で述べてゐます。that節の動詞 had と represented は直説法で、1750年當時の(資料・學説にもとづく)數量(過去の「事實」)を示してゐます。

2.3       more than ~                 ~以上

 2.5  現在完了進行形<have/has been +現在分詞(-ing)>: このかたちは「過去から現在まで動作が繼續してをり、現在も進行中である」ことを示します。「ずつと~し(續け)てゐる」といふ意味になります。

 2.5  proportion は程度や量が相應する大きさであることを示します。ここではアジアのありやうが本來あるべき程度にまで戻ることを指してゐます。

2.6      of course                    勿論

2.6      and so forth                ~など / その他

 2.9  see ~ 現在分詞(…): ~が…してゐるのを目にする

 2.9  插入語句: one would think が關係代名詞 what のあとに插入されてゐます。would think は假定法過去由來の婉曲表現です。would be は頭の中で想定する架空の内容であるため假定法を用ゐて表現してゐます。

2.9      as a whole                  全體として




・120.1 There are two big power …

2015-12-18 | 出題英文讀解

・120.1 There are two big power …

1   There are two big power shifts going on in the 21st century.  One is among countries, from West to East, and the other is from governments to nongovernmental actors, regardless of whether it is East or West.



 1.1 <There is+名詞+分詞>: このかたちは、「有る・無い」の意味が薄れ、名詞を主語やうに、分詞を動詞のやうに解することがあります。[既出(2012年6月8日付拙稿)]

 1.1    shift     a change in position or direction といふ定義が辭書に見えます。後で出てくる transition も類義語ですが、power transition は書籍などで「權力移行」と譯される例があるため、shift については「移動」といふ譯語を用ゐました。實際にはカタカナ表記の「パワーシフト」がよく使はれてゐるやうです。

1.1       go on             先へ進む

 1.2  不定代名詞 one / the other: ふたつのうち「一方は~、他方は…」。ふたつのうち片方を one で指定すると、殘りはひとつに定まることになり、the がつきます。

 1.2  <whether~or…>: 「~か…か」。ここでは whether ~の節が前置詞の目的語になつてゐますから、「~か…か(といふこと)に關はりなく」とつけ加へてゐることになります。

  このかたちには、1.2 の文のやうに名詞節を構成する場合(例文1.2.1)と、讓歩の副詞節を構成する場合(例文1.2.2)とがあります。


1.2.1  Whether we start now or later doesn't matter.


1.2.2  Whether you like the idea or not, I'm going ahead with it.


1.2       regardless of ~           ~に關はりなく / ~にかまはず




・120.0 There are two big power …

2015-12-14 | 出題英文讀解

・120.0 There are two big power …


1   There are two big power shifts going on in the 21st century.  One is among countries, from West to East, and the other is from governments to nongovernmental actors, regardless of whether it is East or West.

2   I call the first of these shifts “power transition” and the second, “power diffusion.”  The issue of power transition is sometimes called the rise of Asia, but it should more properly be called the recovery of Asia.  If one looked at the world in 1750, one would see that Asia had more than half of the world’s population, and represented more than half of the world’s products.  By 1900, Asia still had more than half of the world’s population, [1] (1. but  2. so  3. for) it had declined to only 20 percent of the world’s products.  What we have been seeing, and what we will see in the 21st century, is the recovery of Asia to its normal proportions, with more than half of the world’s population and more than half of the world’s products.  This started, of course, with Japan after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, and it [2] (1. coincided  2. worked  3. continued) with smaller countries like Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and so forth.  Now the trend has spread to China, but it is also going to include India. India now has growth rates of 8 to 9 percent a year.  During the course of the century, we should [3] (1. see  2. understand  3. recognize)Asia as a whole recovering to about what one would think would be normal proportions.  And that is power transition.

3   Let me say a word about what I mean by power diffusion.  That is best understood in terms of the way technologies, and particularly information technologies, are [4] (1. increasing  2. sustaining  3. affecting) the costs of participating in international affairs.  The price of computing power declined a thousand-fold from 1970 to 2000.  That is an extraordinary number, so big that it is hard to know what it means.  The best way to think of this would be that if the price of an automobile had declined as rapidly as the price of computing power, you should be able to buy an automobile today, for, let’s say, 10,000 yen.  It is [5] (1. just  2. hardly  3. nonetheless) an extraordinary change.  When the price of something declines that much, it removes the barriers to entry.  Now others can do what previously was [6] (1. prepared  2. reserved  3. preserved) for governments or big corporations.  If you wanted to communicate instantaneously from Tokyo to New York to London to Johannesburg in 1970, you could do that.  Technologically you could do it, but it was very, very expensive.  [7] (1. Still  2. Now  3. However), anybody can do it and it is virtually free.  If you have Skype, it is free.

4   So that means that things that were previously restricted to very large organizations like governments or corporations are now [8] (1. meaningful  2. useless  3. available) to anyone.  And this has a significant impact on world politics.  It does not mean that governments are being replaced or that the nation-state is obsolete.  What it [9] (1. does  2. does not  3. could not) mean is that the stage on which governments act is now crowded with many more, smaller actors.  Some of those smaller actors are good ―― let’s take Oxfam International, an NPO which serves to relieve poverty ―― and some of them are bad ―― let’s take Al Qaeda, which is obviously trying to kill people.  But the main point is that it is a new type of international politics and we have [10] (1. already  2. often  3. not yet) come to terms with how to think about this.  So, for example, we need to realize that in an age in which information technology is so powerful and important, it may often be the case that it is not only whose army wins, but whose story wins.  The ability to tell an effective story is [11] (1. persuasive  2. crucial  3. risky).

5   If you think of the problem of terrorism, terrorists have very little military power, but they have a lot of “soft power” ―― the ability to attract and persuade people.  [12] (1. So  2. Nonetheless  3. However), Bin Laden did not point a gun at the head of the people who flew into the World Trade Center.  He did not pay them.  He attracted them by his narrative of “Islam under threat” and the need to purify Islam.  That is interesting because it means that as we then try to [13] (1. come up  2. get away  3. cope) with this, we may make the mistake of thinking that we can solve this by military or economic power alone.  If power means the ability to get the outcomes you want, you could do this through coercion, threats, so-called “sticks.”  You could do it with payments you might call [14] (1. “lemons.”  2. “whips.”  3. “carrots.”)  Or you could do it with attraction and persuasion.  And in an information age, the role of soft power is increasing in its importance.  Now that means that what we need is a new way of thinking about power.  The famous British historian A. J. P. Taylor, who wrote a book about the struggle for mastery of Europe in the 19th century, defined a great power as a country that was able to prevail in war.  But we have to [15] (1. put up with  2. go beyond  3. cling to) that limited way of thinking about what power means in the 21st century, and see it as much more three-dimensional, as including not only military power but also economic power and also soft power.

6   It is very important to have accurate perceptions about the transition of power.  And the reason is that when people are too worried about power, they may overreact or follow strategies that are [16] (1. relevant  2. meaningful  3. dangerous).  When you look back in history, there is the famous case of the Peloponnesian War, in which the Greek city-state system tore itself apart.  Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian, said the reason for this war was the rise in the power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta.  [17] (1. Contrarily  2. Similarly  3. Paradoxically), if you look at World War I, which destroyed the centrality of the European state system in the world, it is often said it was caused by the rise in power of Germany and the fear that it created in Britain.

7   It is equally important not to be too fearful of the diffusion of power.  What we are seeing is that both China and the United States, and of course Japan and Europe and others, will be facing a new set of transnational challenges, including climate change, transnational terrorism, cyber insecurity, and pandemics.  All these issues, which are going to be increasing in the future, are going to require cooperation.  They cannot be solved by any one country alone.  Many of these new transnational issues that we face are areas where we have to get away from just thinking about power over others and think about power [18] (1. with  2. without  3. under) others.

8   The American president Franklin Roosevelt at the time of the Great Depression said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”  Perhaps as we turn to the 21st century, we should say one of the most worrisome things is fear itself.  If we can keep a balanced [19] (1. assembly  2. assortment  3. assessment) of the overall distribution of power, and figure out ways to deal with these common challenges that we face ―― we, meaning the United States, Japan, China, Europe and others ―― we can indeed have a [20] (1. win-win  2. win-lose  3. lose-lose) situation.

             Based on Joseph Nye (2011). The IHJ Bulletin, 31(1). 1-7.


[21]  The author of the article assumes that

 1.  power transition has never happened in international politics.

 2.  power diffusion has never happened in international politics.

 3.  power transition is now centered in Asia.

 4.  power diffusion is now centered in Asia.

[22]  The phrase “normal proportions” in the 2nd paragraph means more or less the same share of power

 1.  as that of other countries.

 2.  as that of the United States and Europe.

 3.  as was held in the 18th century.

 4.  as was held in the past century.

[23]  The author of the article refers to information technologies in the 3rd paragraph in order to

 1.  demonstrate how their development has been influenced by power diffusion.

 2.  illustrate how their development has facilitated power diffusion.

 3.  criticize the close ties with governments or big corporations.

 4.  celebrate the changes of everyday life brought by their development.

[24]  In the 4th paragraph, the phrase “a new type of international politics” is used in the sense that

 1.  governments or big corporations play a bigger role in world politics.

 2.  smaller actors play a bigger role in world politics.

 3.  information technology has become more important than governments.

 4.  information technology has become more accessible to everyone.

[25]  The author of the article defines “soft power” as the ability to

 1.  win others’ hearts and minds.

 2.  threaten others to make them act in a certain way.

 3.  provide funds to change others’ minds.

 4.  effectively combine military and economic power.

[26]  According to the 6th paragraph, the author seems to believe that

 1.  Thucydides wrongly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece.

 2.  Thucydides correctly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece.

 3.  people in Athens reacted too strongly.

 4.  people in Sparta reacted too strongly.

[27]  According to the article, the author suspects that

 1.  climate change might be worsened by power diffusion.

 2.  transnational terrorism will not be feared in the future.

 3.  cyber insecurity might get worse in the future.

 4.  pandemics will be worsened by power transition.

[28]  It can be inferred from the article that the author is

 1.  equally concerned with power transition and power diffusion.

 2.  more concerned with power transition than power diffusion.

 3.  more concerned with power diffusion than power transition.

 4.  fearful of both power transition and power diffusion.

[29]  Which of the following best reflects the argument of the article?

 1.  More military power is needed in order to speed up power transition.

 2.  More soft power is needed in order to slow down power diffusion.

 3.  Politicians are well-aware of the possible dangers that fear creates in world politics.

 4.  Fear will make both power transition and power diffusion more difficult.

[30]  Which of the following would make the best title of this article?

 1.  The Failings of Power

 2.  The Future of Power

 3.  The Fixation of Power

 4.  The Function of Power

・119.5 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-12-11 | 出題英文讀解

・119.5 Some young people are fleeing …

   Seeing the dire* situation of farmers, even girls with trendy hairstyles and long, painted fingernails in Tokyo’s fashionable Shibuya shopping district have jumped onto the rural bandwagon*.

   Shiho Fujita, a 24-year-od singer, music producer and model, is leading a squad of “gal” farmers who have cultivated rice in the countryside, and dishes out* advice in her blog on growing zucchini* and tomatoes.

   “It may be difficult for gals and young people to start farming instantly,” she writes.  “But if the agro-industry* becomes more exciting by young people joining it, then Japan’s farming will definitely change.  And (f)I think Japan needs it.”

[注釋]  dire  悲惨な、恐ろしい  jump onto the bandwagon  時流に乗る  dish out  流す、提供する  zucchini  ズッキーニ  angro-industry  農業関連産業 


問7 下線部(f)において、Shiho Fujitaは何が日本に必要だと言っていますか。日本語で簡潔に述べなさい。




  直前の文が「漠然と指し示す状況」が解答になると思ひます。直前のit は the agro-industry を指してゐますから解答には不適切です。






5.1  分詞構文: seeing the dire situation of farmers が主文に曖昧につけられてゐます。

5.1  bandwagon    パレードなどで先頭を走る樂隊車を指し、jump/hop などの動詞と共に用ゐられて、「時流に乘る」「流行に乘る」「(政治運動などで)優勢な側につく」といつた意味が出て來ました。

5.3  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は不定詞句です。

5.3  不定詞の意味上の主語: for gals and young people は續く不定詞 to start の動作の主體を示します。

5.4  動名詞の意味上の主語: young people は動名詞 joining の動作の主體を示します。「若者たちがそれに加はることによつて」の意味になります。




  24歳の歌手、音樂(作)家、モデルである Shiho Fujita は、田園地帶で米つくりをしてきた「ギャル」農業者の一團を率ゐてをり、ズッキーニやトマトの栽培についての助言を彼女のブログで提供する。


・英文讀解のヒント (39) 《比較級 and 比較級》

2015-12-09 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (39) 《比較級 and 比較級》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   At the cultural level, those who view increased cultural contact as positive say that it gives people more opportunities to learn about (and purchase goods from) other cultures.  But critics of cultural globalization see things differently.  Samuel Huntington has argued that the shrinking world will bring a “clash of civilizations.”  In this scenario, clashes will occur among many civilizations, including the Christian countries in the West against Islam.  Other critics of cultural globalization argue that the wealthy countries are guilty of cultural imperialism ― that their billion-dollar advertising budgets are destroying the cultures of non-Western areas, as illustrated by the aggressive sales strategy of some cosmetics corporations in the Amazon region.  The fear of cultural imperialism is certainly a key component in the strong negative feelings of some Arabs towards the United States.  Other critics are increasingly fearful that more and more national languages will disappear as foreign languages, especially English, penetrate borders.

(11 鳥取大學 2007 4パラ; 2012年1月9日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <比較級 and 比較級>のかたちで、「ますます~」「だんだん~」といつたやうに程度が次第に(途切れなく)増してゆくことを表はします。下線部では many が比較級として使はれてゐます。

■諳誦例文:  主部に置かれたケースです。

39           More and more people are traveling abroad these days.


□參考例文: 副詞の比較級のケースです。

39.2       Because he was afraid, he walked faster and faster.


□參考例文: more をつけて比較級をつくる語は例文のやうに more を重ねます。

39.3      The situation is becoming more and more serious.


□參考例文: 程度が徐々に減つて(/落ちて)ゆく場合は less が使はれ「ますます~でなくなる」といふ意味を表はします。

39.4      During the match, the boxer became less and less aggressive.



3  意味把握チェック

  文化の面では、増大する文化接觸を肯定的に見る人々は、他國について知る(そして他國からものを買ふ)機會が増えるといふ。しかし、文化の觀點からglobalizationを論ずる評論家たちは(事態について)異なつた觀方をする。Samuel Huntingtonは、縮小する世界は「文明の衝突」をもたらすと論じてきた。この筋書きにおいては、イスラム(教諸國)に對する西歐のキリスト教國を含め、多くの文明間で衝突が起こる。裕福な國家が文化的帝國主義の科をおかすと論ずる(文化的globalization)評論家もゐる ― (つまり)アマゾン地域での化粧品會社の過激な販賣戰略で明らかになつてゐるやうに、數十億ドルの宣傳豫算が非西歐圏の文化を破壞してゐる、と論ずるのである。文化的帝國主義に對する恐怖が、アラブ人たちが合衆國に對して抱く強い否定的感情の主たる構成要素であることは確かである。外國語が、特に英語が國境を越えるにつれて、ますます多くの國語が失はれてゆくといふ恐れを次第に募らせる評論家もゐる


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。また用例研究(漫畫)は2013年1月7日付の記事に掲載してゐます。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・119.4 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-12-07 | 出題英文讀解

・119.4 Some young people are fleeing …

   Data show Japan’s farming population is quickly aging, and many farm households have no working heir* as the birthrate has fallen and children leave country towns for the bright city lights.

   More than 70 percent of Japan’s working farmers are aged 60 or older and nearly half are over 70.  Only 8.5 percent are aged 39 or younger.

   About 3,800 sq. km* of farmland have been abandoned and laid waste* throughout the nation.  In 88 percent of the cases, the owners said they were too old to work the fields.

  Japan, which kept its food self-sufficiency ratio above 70 percent in the late 1960s, produces only 40 percent of its food, and buys almost all its wheat, corn and soybeans from overseas.

[注釋]  heir  後継者  sq. km  平方キロメートル  lay waste  荒廃させる


問6 日本の農作物の自給率はこの40年あまりでどのように変わりましたか。また、その原因は何ですか。日本語で述べなさい。











4.1      heir                             發音注意  [ɛər]

4.4  laid    lay-laid-laid と活用し、ここでは過去分詞です。第5文型で使はれてをり、能動態だと「~を…の状態にする/置く」といふ意味になります。「横たはる」の lie-lay-lain と紛らはしいことがあります。

 4.5・<too ~ to-不定詞(…)>: 「あまりに~で…できない」

4.6      ratio                            發音注意  [réiʃiou]










・119.3 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-12-04 | 出題英文讀解

・119.3 Some young people are fleeing …

   “(d)The time left for us to revamp* this industry is probably about five years,” Miyaji warned his squad* of youthful activist farmers.

   Under his program, the produce* is marketed under the network’s Refarm brand.  Members share information on organic farming, and urge supportive consumers to buy directly from them to cut distribution and commission costs.

   Encouraged by the movement, Kaori Nukui, 31, who joined her parents last year to grow green tea and shiitake, said that after years in the city she saw a business opportunity in family farming.

   “I had no interest before in taking over (e)this business,” said Nukui, who had worked for Tokyo consulting and public relations companies for seven years, as she drove a pickup truck* to a mushroom house in Iruma, Saitama Prefecture.

   “My mother also wanted me to marry a businessman rather than work the land,” she said. “But when I thought of starting a business myself, I realized my parents had built a good foundation for me.”

[注釋]  revamp  改革する、変革する  squad  一団  produce  農産物  pickup truck  小型トラック


問4 下線部(d)には、「農業改革を5年ほどで急いでやる必要がある」と述べられています。Miyajiが農業改革のために実施したことを日本語でまとめなさい。

問5 下線部(e)の“this business”とは何ですか。具体的に日本語で書きなさい。





・問5は Kaori Nukui が引き繼いだ事業・仕事を指しますから、直前に紹介されてゐる兩親の營みを記せば良いのでせう。




Refarm といふブランドで農産物をり賣り出し(/流通させ)、メンバーの農業者たちは有機農業の情報を共有し、流通や仲介の經費を削減するため支援する消費者が直接農産物を購入するやう求めるといつたこと(を、Miyaji は計畫し實施した)。






3.1・過去分詞句による説明後置:  left~が the time の説明をしてゐます。for us は不定詞 to revamp の意味上の主語です。

3.2  Refarm: 造語です。1.4 と同じく re- といふ接頭辭が「再び」から轉じて「改めて」「新たに」の意味で使はれてゐるやうに感じられます。farm は、耕作や家畜飼育を含めてひろく「農業(をする)」と捉へて良いやうに思はれます。

3.3  <urge +人など+ to-不定詞>       「人に~するやうつよく求める」

3.4・分詞構文 Encouraged by the movement は、主文につけられてゐます。「勇氣づけられて、…好機が見えると語つた」といふ構造です。關係詞節は Kaori Nukui の説明として補はれたものです。

3.7・過去完了時制: <had+過去分詞>のかたちで、①過去のある時までの完了、結果、經驗、繼續を表はしたり ②過去のある時より以前の動作を表はしたり(大過去)します。

3.7       think of ~ing (動名詞)    ~しようかなと思ふ



  「私たちがこの産業を改革するのに殘された時間はおそらく5年ほどでせう」と、Miyaji は若い活動家農業者の一團に警告した。

  彼の計畫のもとに、農産物はそのネットワークの Refarm といふ商標(/銘柄/ブランド)で市場に出荷される。メンバーたちは有機農業の情報を共有し、分配の經費と委託手數料削減のため、支援してくれる消費者に(農産物を)メンバーから直接購入するやう熱心にすすめてゐる。

  さうした活動に勇氣づけられて、Kaori Nukui (31歳、昨年兩親と一緒に茶とシイタケを栽培するやうになつた)は、都會で何年も暮した後、家族經營の農業にビジネスの好機が見えると語つた。

  Nukui は7年間東京のコンサルテイング會社や廣告會社に勤務してゐたのであるが、「以前はこのビジネス(農業)を繼ぐことに全く關心はなかつたんです」と語つた、埼玉縣入間のキノコ栽培場へと小型トラックを走らせながら。
