
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・27 甲南大學 2012 (2) 1パラ

2013-02-25 | 出題英文讀解

1 パラ

     Energy plays a (1) fundamental role in shaping human life.  It is essential for survival, and thus energy production and (2) consumption are considered some of the most important activities of human life.  Indeed, it has been argued that energy is the key “to the advance of civilization,” that () the evolution of human societies is dependent on the ability to make use of energy sources.  Few people have questioned the long-held assumption that (3) the standard of living and the quality of civilization are proportional to the quantity of energy a society uses.



1. 下線部 (1), (2) の意味として最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。

(1) fundamental

  A. creative  B. final  C. suitable  D. vital

(2) consumption

  A. choice  B. recycling  C. sale  D. use


2. 下線部 (3) の内容と最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。

 A. A society that uses a large amount of energy should consider lowering the standard of living.

 B. A society that uses a large amount of energy tends to be highly civilized.

 C. In an advanced and civilized society, the standard of living tends to be very high.

 D. In an advanced and civilized society, the energy problems is very serious.


6. 下線部(イ)を和訳せよ。



1.1  Energy plays a fundamental role in shaping human life.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 エネルギーは人間が暮しを營む(/かたち造る)に際して極めて重要な役割を果す。





play a role in



1.2  It is essential for survival, and thus energy production and consumption are considered some of the most important activities of human life.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 エネルギーは生存に缺かせず、したがつてエネルギーの生産(/産出)と消費は人間の暮しで最も重要な活動の一部であると考へられる。


1.3  Indeed, it has been argued that energy is the key “to the advance of civilization,” that the evolution of human societies is dependent on the ability to make use of energy sources.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 確かに、エネルギーは「文明進歩へ」の鍵である、つまり人間社會の發展はエネルギー源の活用能力にかかつてゐる、と論じられてきた。



preparatory it (形式主語): 眞主語は that 節です。

・言換説明(コンマ): that energy is the key “to the advance of civilization” と比喩的に述べた内容について、コンマのあとの that 節で具體的に説明してゐます。





make use of

~を利用する / ~を使用する  [ju:s]


1.4  Few people have questioned the long-held assumption that the standard of living and the quality of civilization are proportional to the quantity of energy a society uses.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 生活水準と文明の質は社會が使ふエネルギーの量に比例するといふ、長いこと抱かれてきた想定を疑ふ人はわづかしか(/あまり)ゐなかつた。



few は否定的な意味合ひで使はれます。(※ a few は「少しはある」と肯定的です)

・同格表現: <名詞+that節>で、that節が名詞の説明として後置されてゐます。1.3の解説⑤に該當します。[既出(2011年4月15日付拙稿)]

・説明後置(接觸節): a society uses は前の the quantity of energy を説明してゐます。關係代名詞を補つて解しても可いでせう。






造語 「(考へ、感情などが)長いこと心に抱かれてゐる」




1. 下線部 (1), (2) の意味として最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。


(1) fundamental

  A. creative (創造力のある) B. final (最終的な) C. suitable (ふさはしい) D. vital (極めて重要な)

※正解は D です。

(2) consumption

  A. choice (選擇) B. recycling (再利用) C. sale (販賣) D. use (使用)

※正解は D です。

2. 下線部 (3) の内容と最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。

 A. A society that uses a large amount of energy should consider lowering the standard of living. (大量のエネルギーを使ふ社會は生活水準を下げることを檢討すべきである)

 B. A society that uses a large amount of energy tends to be highly civilized. (大量のエネルギーを使ふ社會は文明が高い傾向がある)

 C. In an advanced and civilized society, the standard of living tends to be very high. (進歩し文明化した社會では、生活水準はとても高い傾向がある)

 D. In an advanced and civilized society, the energy problems is very serious. (進歩し文明化した社會では、エネルギー問題がとても深刻である)

※正解は B です。

6. 下線部(イ)を和訳せよ。

※解答例は 1.3 項 參照。



  本問題文や設問には、節を導く that19箇所に使はれてゐます。1.3のやうな眞主語となるケース、1.4では同格表現として名詞のあとに置かれるケース、他にも動詞の目的語になつたり、關係代名詞として使はれるケースも出てきます。關係副詞の場合も含めて、このthat 節をどう考へたらスムーズに讀めるのでせうか。

  英語の特徴として、説明が後置されるかたちがありますが、that を置くことにより「説明(の文)が續きますよ」と知らせてゐると考へてはどうでせうか。「あのう」とか「あのですね」と似た、話の接穗のやうなはたらきをする、と考へるとスムーズに讀めるのではないかと思ひます。このタイプの that が使はれるのは大雜把にいふと次のやうなケースです。

  ① 形式主語 it を置いた場合: 英語は原則として主語を置きますので、假に it と置いておき、あとから詳しく説明をするかたちになります。

  →Indeed, it has been argued that energy is the key “to ... (甲南大學 2012 1.3 

    take it for granted that ~のやうに形式目的語をあとから説明するケースもあります。 

  ② 強調構文の場合: it is / was に續けて文の一部を前に置くことによつて強調し、that に續けて殘りの文を補足します。

  →It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago. (上智大學 2009  パート1: 2012年2月17日付拙稿)

  ③ 動詞の目的語を導く場合: 動詞の後にthat 節を置いて、その動作の對象を説明します。

  →However, a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that they could supply ... (甲南大學 2012 5.2

  ④ be動詞の後に置かれ補語を導く場合:  be 動詞の後にthat 節を置いて、主語の説明をします。

  →One of the tenets behind science is that any scientific hypothesis and resultant experimental design must be inherently falsifiable. (廣島大學 2012  1パラ:2013年3月25日解説豫定)

  ⑤ 同格表現の場合: 名詞のあとにその名詞の説明を置きます。

  →Few people have questioned the long-held assumption that ... (甲南大學 2012 1.4

  ⑥ 關係代名詞の場合: 名詞のあとにその名詞の説明を置きますが、この場合あとの節で主語や目的語がブランク(/ギャップ/空白)になつてゐます。

  →However, there is one important aspect that distinguishes fossil fuels from water and wind ... (甲南大學 2012 2.5

  ⑦ 關係副詞の場合: 名詞のあとにその名詞の説明を置きますが、この場合あとの節でその名詞に關はる副詞句がブランクになります。

  →I’ve been sad, I’ve been blue

     Ever since the day that you found someone new (歌詞 King of Clowns2012年7月18日付拙稿)

  ⑧ so / such など他の語句と共に使はれる場合: これらの語句は後に説明がつづく含みを持たせてゐると考へられます。例へば、「そんな(にも)~」と云つて、ぢやあ「どんな…なのか?」と思はせ、その説明を續ける、といつた風です。「結果」「程度」「樣態」「目的」などさまざまな意味・かたちで使はれます。

  →By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it ... (上智大學 2009  パート32012年2月24日付拙稿)


※(追加記載)その他、感情などを述べ、その原因・理由をthat 節が説明する場合があります。


・27 甲南大學 2012 (1) 全文

2013-02-22 | 出題英文讀解

※甲南大學で2012年に出題された 4 題のうち 1 題めの問題です。


     Energy plays a (1) fundamental role in shaping human life.  It is essential for survival, and thus energy production and (2) consumption are considered some of the most important activities of human life.  Indeed, it has been argued that energy is the key “to the advance of civilization,” that () the evolution of human societies is dependent on the ability to make use of energy sources.  Few people have questioned the long-held assumption that (3) the standard of living and the quality of civilization are proportional to the quantity of energy a society uses.

     Before the modern era, people relied for power on their own muscles, on the muscles of domesticated animals, such as horses and oxen, and on water and wind.  These types of energy are obtained by (4) utilizing natural resources.  () Since the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, fossil fuels have instead become the essential resources for energy generation.  Fossil fuels are also natural resources, because they are formed from the remains of dead animals and plants over millions of years.  However, there is one important aspect that (5) distinguishes fossil fuels from water and wind: they are not “renewable,” while wind and water are.

     Renewable resources are so called because they are usually (6) restored within a relatively short time.  They include solar rays, tides, winds, the Earth’s internal heat, and so on.  Non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, on the other hand, cannot be quickly generated again once they are consumed.  Thus energy sources such as gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel and other raw products derived from fossil fuels are considered non-renewable.

     Humans have been relying on non-renewable fossil fuels as the main energy source since the Industrial Revolution.  However, because such energy resources are not renewable, it is predicted that they will eventually be (  7  ) in the future.  Therefore, humans will need to find other sources of energy, and the significance of renewable resources is becoming greater and greater these days.

     The technology of obtaining energy from renewable resources such as solar and wind is, at present, relatively unstable and inefficient compared with the technology of making use of non-renewable resources.  However, a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that (8) they could supply up to 80 percent of the world’s energy needs by 2050 and play a significant role in fighting global warming and energy crisis.  The report concluded that the use of renewable resources is on the rise, their prices are (9) declining, and with the right policies, they will be an important tool both in tackling climate change and helping poor countries develop their economies.  The report reviewed bio-energy, solar energy, the Earth’s heat, waterpower, ocean energy and wind.  It did not consider nuclear, but the IPCC chairman said that the nuclear accident in Japan was not discussed nor did it have any impact on the report’s conclusions.

     The report shows that from 2009 to 2010, investment in renewable resources has gone from $186 billion to $243 billion with China alone seeing a 30 percent increase, as a result of “record growth.”  The technological possibilities are increasing, the costs are coming down, and the likelihood of investment in renewable energy is gradually getting higher.  The business opportunities are tremendous.

     But the IPCC warns that in order to further develop the technology of renewable resources, much larger investment will be required in the next (10) two decades ―― of as much as $1.5 trillion (=$1,500 billion) by 2020 and up to $7.2 trillion from 2020 to 2030.  In addition to the financial issues, the IPCC also points out that governments will have to introduce policies that combine renewable resources with existing power systems and promote their benefits in terms of reducing air pollution and improving public health.

     注  domesticated  家畜の    fossil  化石


1. 下線部 (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (9), (10) の意味として最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。

(1) fundamental

  A. creative  B. final  C. suitable  D. vital

(2) consumption

  A. choice  B. recycling  C. sale  D. use

(4) utilizing

  A. bringing about  B. making use of  C. purchasing  D. wasting

(5) distinguishes

  A. emphasizes  B. employs  C. produces  D. separates

(6) restored

  A. brought back  B. exhausted  C. reused  D. sold again

(9) declining

  A. denying  B. falling  C. increasing  D. offering

(10) two decades

  A. twelve months  B. twenty years  C. two generations  D. two centuries


2. 下線部(3)の内容と最も近いものを選択肢から選べ。

 A. A society that uses a large amount of energy should consider lowering the standard of living.

 B. A society that uses a large amount of energy tends to be highly civilized.

 C. In an advanced and civilized society, the standard of living tends to be very high.

 D. In an advanced and civilized society, the energy problems is very serious.


3. 空所( 7 )に入る最も適切な語句を選択肢から選べ。

 A. easier to obtain

 B. less available and very costly

 C. less and less renewable

 D. more important and substantial


4. 下線部(8)が何を指すか、選択肢から選べ。

 A. humans

 B. non-renewable resources

 C. IPCC members

 D. renewable resources


5. 本文全体の内容と一致するものを選択肢から四つ選べ。

 A. Before the Industrial Revolution, people used to rely on various types of renewable energy resources.

 B. When the Industrial Revolution happened, people stopped using natural resources and started to use fossil fuels instead.

 C. Fossil fuels are not regarded as renewable, because it would take millions of years for them to be formed again.

 D. The IPCC reported that obtaining energy from renewable resources is not stable and not efficient so that it is too early for us to rely on them.

 E. The IPCC suggested that in about 20 years, renewable resources could replace non-renewable ones.

 F. The IPCC stated that the use of renewable resources should be good for the prevention of global warming and for the development of economies in poor countries.

 G. The IPCC did not consider nuclear power because they thought it was too risky, as proved by the nuclear accident inJapan.

 H. About 186 billion dollars were invested inChina’s renewable resources in 2010 alone.

 I. According to the IPCC, the investment in renewable energy is certain to exceed $1.5 trillion by 2020 and at least $7.2 trillion by 2030.

 J. The IPCC argues that political support from governments is necessary in order to promote the benefits of renewable energy resources.


6. 下線部(イ),(ロ)を和訳せよ。

・センター試驗 2013 (7) 6パラ

2013-02-18 | 出題英文讀解


     The roles of dance discussed here, maintaining traditions and demonstrating group strength or cultural richness, have one shared effect: they unite members of a group.  Dance is not just an artistic expression but a way for groups to strengthen their shared identity.  Though it may not be apparent, this effect may also apply to us.  For example, there might be dances unique to our local regions that we participate in.  Why do we take part in such activities and how did these dances originate?  Considering the role of dance in our lives can lead to interesting discoveries about the history or values of our own society.



6.1  The roles of dance / discussed here, / maintaining traditions / and demonstrating group strength or cultural richness, / have one shared effect: / they unite members of a group.


[意味把握チェック]  6.1 ここで論じられてゐるダンスの役割、つまり傳統を維持し、集團の強さや文化の豐かさを明らかするといつたことにより、ひとつの結果が共有される(/分かちあはれるひとつの效能がもたらされる)。(さういつたことにより)集團の成員が結束する(/ひとつにまとまる)のである。



・主語と動詞の距離が遠い: 主語は roles で、動詞は have ですが、間に前置詞句、さらには準動詞の句がふたつ置かれてゐるため、主語と動詞が離れてしまひ、少々讀みにくくなつてゐます。不定詞・分詞・動名詞など、いはゆる準動詞はすがたが動詞とまぎらはしいため、文構造を見えにくくします。


  この文の maintaining traditions and demonstrating group strength or cultural richnessthe roles of dance discussed here を具體的に述べたものですから、「つまり」で續けてみました。


6.2  Dance is not just an artistic expression but a way for groups to strengthen their shared identity.


[意味把握チェック]  6.2 ダンスはただ藝術的な表現であるだけでなく、諸集團が共有の獨自性を強化する手立てなのである。



・<not justbut…>: <not onlybut also…>に似たかたちで、notbut が呼應してゐます。

・不定詞の意味上の主語: for groups は不定詞 to strengthen の主語を示してゐます。


6.3  Though it may not be apparent, this effect may also apply to us.


[意味把握チェック]  6.3 わかりにくいかもしれないが、この結果(/效能)は私たちにもあてはまるかもしれない。



itthis effect を指してゐるのでせう。接續詞に率ゐられた從屬節が先行する場合に、代名詞が先に使はれることがあります。


6.4  For example, there might be dances unique to our local regions that we participate in.


[意味把握チェック]  6.4 例へば、私たちが參加する地元地域獨自のダンス(の集ひ)があるだらう(/かもしれない)。



・假定法由來の婉曲表現(might): may よりも可能性が低いとされます。





for example




participate in

~に參加する / ~に加はる



6.5  Why do we take part in such activities and how did these dances originate?


[意味把握チェック]  6.5 なぜ私たちはそのやうな活動に參加するのか、またこれらのダンスはどんな經緯で始まつたのか。





take part in

~に參加する / ~に加はる


6.6  Considering the role of dance in our lives can lead to interesting discoveries about the history or values of our own society.


[意味把握チェック]  6.6 私たちの暮しでダンスがもつ役割を考へると、私たちの社會の歴史や價値觀(/價値意識)について興味深い發見をするに到ることがあらう。





lead to




(※設問: 正解は①です)

5  The main idea of this passage is that [ 50 ].



①  dance can bring us together and also help us understand society


②  dance plays a significant role in educating upper-class people


③  the primary purpose of dance is entertainment and exercise


④  understanding the history of dance is important



B 次の表は、本文の段落と内容をまとめたものである。[ 51 ]~[ 55 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~⑤のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。


  Paragraph                Content

     (1)           Typical roles of dance today

     (2)                          [ 51 ]

     (3)                          [ 52 ]

     (4)                          [ 53 ]

     (5)                          [ 54 ]

     (6)                          [ 55 ]


①  Dance for passing down appropriate cultural behavior


②  How dance improves a group’s status


③  The common function of dance and its significance


④  The demonstration of group force through dance


⑤  Using dance to point out unfavorable actions



(※正解は 次の通りです。 [ 51 ] は①、 [ 52 ] は⑤、 [ 53 ] は④、 [ 54 ] は②、 [ 55 ] は③ )

・センター試驗 2013 (6) 5パラ

2013-02-15 | 出題英文讀解


     Through dance, groups can also exhibit their traditions and, thus, increase their prestige.  An example of this is the world-famous Trinidad Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, a Caribbean island country that was once a European colony.  The roots of this event can be traced to the late 1700s, when the European colonists held a carnival, dancing in elaborate costumes.  People of African origin, many of whom came to the island as slaves, were mostly excluded.  After slavery ended in 1838, they started to participate fully and changed the character of the carnival.  In their dances, they acted out scenes from the slavery period and displayed their own traditions.  Their performances were a way for them to show past injustices and to earn recognition for their customs.



4  Paragraph (5) mentions [ 49 ].


①  how the Trinidad Carnival was transformed

②  when the Caribbean area was first colonized

③  where the African dance tradition started

④  why the Europeans started the Trinidad Carnival



5.1  Through dance, groups can also exhibit their traditions and, thus, increase their prestige.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1 ダンスを通じて、諸集團が傳統を披瀝することもでき、そのやうにしてその威信を高める。


5.2  An example of this is the world-famous Trinidad Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, a Caribbean island country that was once a European colony.


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 この例は、かつては歐州の植民地であつたカリブ海の島國、トリニダード・トバゴの、世界でも有名なトリニダード・カーニバルである。





 5.2  Trinidad and Tobago  發音注意  [trínidæd ənd təbéigou]



5.3  The roots of this event can be traced to the late 1700s, when the European colonists held a carnival, dancing in elaborate costumes.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 この催しの起源は1700年代末にまで遡ることができ、その頃は歐州の入植者たちがカーニバルを催して、凝つたつくりの衣裳で踊つたのである。



・關係副詞の繼續用法/非制限的用法( , when): 「1700年代末には」どうであつたか、その説明を續けます。  (→これについては、2012718日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります)



 5.3  elaborate   [ilǽbərit]  =full of detail / carefully worked out and with a large number of parts


5.4  People of African origin, many of whom came to the island as slaves, were mostly excluded.


[意味把握チェック]  5.4 アフリカ系の(/に起源をもつ)人々は、その多くは奴隸として島にやつて來たのであるが、たいていは(カーニバルから)締め出された。



・關係代名詞の繼續用法/非制限的用法 ( , determiner + of whom): whompeople of African origin の言ひ換へと解するとスムーズに讀み進むことができます。コンマがありますから一息おいて、「アフリカ系の人々の多くは奴隸として島にやつて來たのであるが」を、追加された説明として受けとめれば可いわけです。

  このかたちについては、201317日付の拙稿(滋賀大學 2012 1.2)に解説があります(many of which)。


5.5  After slavery ended in 1838, they started to participate fully and changed the character of the carnival.


[意味把握チェック]  5.5 1838年に奴隸制が廢(/止)された後、彼らはカーニバルに存分に參加し始め、その性格(/性質)を變へた。


5.6  In their dances, they acted out scenes from the slavery period and displayed their own traditions.


[意味把握チェック]  5.6 彼らは、ダンスで奴隸制時代の光景を演じ、自身の傳統を披露した。





act out

實演する / 行動に表はす


5.7  Their performances were a way for them to show past injustices and to earn recognition for their customs.


[意味把握チェック]  5.7 彼らのダンス(上演)は、彼らが過去の不當(な扱ひ)を明らかにし、そのならはし(/慣習)を認知させる手立て(/方法)であつた。



(※設問: 正解は①です)

4  Paragraph (5) mentions [ 49 ].


①  how the Trinidad Carnival was transformed


②  when the Caribbean area was first colonized


③  where the African dance tradition started


④  why the Europeans started the Trinidad Carnival


・センター試驗 2013 (5) 4パラ

2013-02-11 | 出題英文讀解


     In some cultures, dance can be a way of displaying power.  For instance, there is another report from the mid-1900s describing how the Maring people of New Guinea would hold dances to show their military strength and recruit allies for possible battles.  Although battles often occurred after these dances, it is also said that these dances could contribute to peaceful solutions among enemy groups.  Through the dances, a group’s size and strength would become obvious to potential opponents, and this could help avoid a fight.



3  Paragraph (4) suggests that dance could discourage [ 48 ] among the Maring people.


①  military recruiting

②  peace-making

③  physical conflict

④  power display



4.1  In some cultures, dance can be a way of displaying power.


[意味把握チェック]  4.1 一部の文化では(/文化によつては)、ダンスが力を誇示する手立てとなることがある(/なり得る)。


4.2  For instance, there is another report from the mid-1900s describing how the Maring people of New Guinea would hold dances to show their military strength and recruit allies for possible battles.


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 例へば、1900年代半ばに出た別の報告では、ニューギニアの Maring 族が、兵力の強さを示し、來る(/起こる可能性のある)戰に備へて味方兵(/同盟軍)を募るためにダンスの集ひを開いた樣子(/經過)が述べられてゐる。



・<there is~分詞(…)>: another report の存在を知らせ、現在分詞の句でその説明を續けてゐます。there is の意味はうすれ、「報告が-と述べてゐる」といふのが主要なメッセーヂですから、~を主語に、…を動詞のやうに解して讀み進むとスムーズでせう。上の[意味把握チェック]ではさらに別の文體に變へてゐます。





for instance



4.3  Although battles often occurred after these dances, it is also said that these dances could contribute to peaceful solutions among enemy groups.


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 かうしたダンスの集ひの後でも戰はしばしば起こりはしたものの、それが敵同士の部族間で平和的な解決に貢獻し得たとも言はれてゐる。



preparatory it(形式主語): <it is said that~>「~と言はれてゐる」「~との話だ」


4.4  Through the dances, a group’s size and strength would become obvious to potential opponents, and this could help avoid a fight.


[意味把握チェック]  4.4 そんなダンスの集ひを通して、(部族)集團の規模や強さが、對抗することになるかもしれない相手(/假想對抗者)に明らかとなつたであらうし、このことが戰を囘避するのに役立ち得たらう。






 4.4  opponentenemy の言ひ換へですが、敵意は含みませんから、やや和らげた表現をしてゐることになります。



(※設問: 正解は③です。このパラグラフでは、ダンスが爭ひを防ぐことがあると述べてゐます)

3  Paragraph (4) suggests that dance could discourage [ 48 ] among the Maring people.

   (第4パラグラフでは、ダンスが ~ を防ぐ(/妨げる)ことができたであらうと(やゝ控へめに)述べてゐる)

①  military recruiting


②  peace-making


③  physical conflict


④  power display


・センター試驗 2013 (4) 3パラ

2013-02-08 | 出題英文讀解


     Dance has also been used to make sure that adults follow the rules of their community.  An example comes from research conducted in the mid-1900s on dances performed after hunts by the Mbuti Pygmies, an ethnic group living in parts of Central Africa.  Suppose something had gone wrong in the hunt.  For example, an opportunity to catch an animal was missed because someone neglected to perform their role of hitting the ground to drive the animal towards the hunters.  Later, a dancer would act out the event to show the wrong action and perhaps embarrass that person.  It is easy to imagine that this would discourage behavior that could ruin a future hunt.



2  According to paragraph (3), the Mbuti Pygmies [ 47 ].


①  disciplined careless hunters through dance

②  handed down customs and traditions through dance

③  made lazy members dance after a day’s hunt

④  performed culturally desirable behavior by dance



3.1  Dance has also been used to make sure that adults follow the rules of their community.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 ダンスは、成人が所屬集團(/共同體/地域社會)の決まりに從ふことを確認するためにも使はれてきた。





make sure (that節 / of ~)

(~について)確かめる / 念を押す


3.2  An example comes from research conducted in the mid-1900s on dances performed after hunts by the Mbuti Pygmies, an ethnic group living in parts of Central Africa.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2アフリカ中央部に住む種族である Mbuti Pygmies によつて狩りの後に行なはれるダンスについて、1900年代半ばに實施された調査研究からひとつの例が出てくる。


3.3  Suppose something had gone wrong in the hunt.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3 狩りで何かうまくいかなかつた、としてみよう。



suppose: 命令形で「假に~とすれば」「~と假定せよ」といふ意味で使はれてゐます。續く節に假定法を用ゐることがあり、ここでも假定法過去完了を置いてゐます。過去よりもさらに時間を遠ざけることにより、現實味を減らして、過去の事實ではないことを述べようとしてゐるわけです。(※假定法過去完了については、2011615日付の拙稿2囘に解説や例文があります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください)


3.4  For example, an opportunity to catch an animal was missed because someone neglected to perform their role of hitting the ground to drive the animal towards the hunters.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4 例へば、動物をハンターの方へ追ひやるために地面を叩く役割を果すのを怠つたために、その動物を捕まへる機會を逸した(場合である)。





for example



3.5  Later, a dancer would act out the event to show the wrong action and perhaps embarrass that person.


[意味把握チェック]  3.5 あとで、踊り手は不適切な行爲を示すために事のなりゆきを實演し、おそらくその人(/怠つた人)を當惑させたことであらう。





act out

實演する / 行動に表はす


3.6  It is easy to imagine that this would discourage behavior that could ruin a future hunt.


[意味把握チェック]  3.6 これが、その後の狩りをだいなしにしかねない(/する可能性のある)ふるまひをやめさせたであらうことは想像に難くない。



(※設問: 正解は①です)

2  According to paragraph (3), the Mbuti Pygmies [ 47 ].


①  disciplined careless hunters through dance


②  handed down customs and traditions through dance


③  made lazy members dance after a day’s hunt


④  performed culturally desirable behavior by dance



・センター試驗 2013 (3) 2パラ

2013-02-04 | 出題英文讀解


     Sometimes dance serves to help teach social rules to young members of a community.  A kind of dance called the minuet is a good example.  The minuet originated in France and by the 18th century had become popular among the European elite.  In Britain, debutantes, or upper-class women about to make their entrance into adult society by attending their first dance, were strictly trained for their first minuet.  They usually danced it before a crowd of people who would critically observe their movements and behavior.  This dance taught them how to behave like a member of high society.  One writer, in fact, called the minuet one of the best schools of manners ever invented.



問1  In paragraph (2), the topic of debutantes is introduced to provide an example of [ 46 ].


①  how long it took young people to learn the minuet

②  the kind of schools that the European elite attended

③  the role women played when dancing the minuet

④  young people learning how to act properly



2.1  Sometimes dance serves to help teach social rules to young members of a community.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 時にダンスは所屬集團(/共同體/地域社會)の若者たちに社會的な決まりごとを教へる助けとなつて役立つことがある。


2.2  A kind of dance called the minuet is a good example.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 メヌエットと呼ばれるダンスの種類は好例である。



・説明後置(過去分詞): called the minueta kind of dance の説明として置かれてゐます。






アクセント注意  [minjuét]


2.3  The minuet originated in France and by the 18th century had become popular among the European elite.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 メヌエットはフランスで生れ、18世紀までにはヨーロッパの上流階級の間で人氣を得てゐた。


2.4  In Britain, debutantes, or upper-class women about to make their entrance into adult society by attending their first dance, were strictly trained for their first minuet.


[意味把握チェック]  2.4 イギリスでは、debutantes、つまり初めて舞踏會に出て大人社會に入らうとしてゐる上流階級の婦人たちは、最初のメヌエットのために嚴しい指導を受けた。



・言換説明( , or): debutantes について , or に續けて平易なことばで説明してゐます。





be about to-不定詞




make one's entrance into

~に登場する / ~に入る

 2.4   debutante     debutant の女性形 [débju(:)tɑ:nt] ※ɑに第二アクセント符號。


2.5  They usually danced it before a crowd of people who would critically observe their movements and behavior.


[意味把握チェック]  2.5 彼女らは通例、その身のこなしやふるまひを嚴しい目で(/あら搜しすべく)注視しようとする大勢の人々の前でメヌエットを踊つた。





2.6  This dance taught them how to behave like a member of high society.


[意味把握チェック]  2.6 このダンスは、上流階級の一員らしい振舞ひ方を彼女らに教へた。


2.7  One writer, in fact, called the minuet one of the best schools of manners ever invented.


[意味把握チェック]  2.7 實のところ、ある作家はメヌエットをこれまでにないほど優れた行儀見習ひの場のひとつと稱した。



・強調の表現(ever): 比較級や最上級を後ろの<ever +過去分詞/節>で強調するかたちです。  →[用例研究參照]



  ・He is the best student I have ever taught.あんな素晴らしい學生はこれまで教へたことがない)





in fact




(※設問: 正解は④です)

問1  In paragraph (2), the topic of debutantes is introduced to provide an example of [ 46 ].


  how long it took young people to learn the minuet


②  the kind of schools that the European elite attended


③  the role women played when dancing the minuet


④  young people learning how to act properly





[用例研究 120ever+過去分詞


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  This is the finest product ever made!




2  and if it isn’t, may lightning strike me right here where I stand.

  ・may lightning strike me: 祈願文です。「雷が私を打ちますやうに」と祈ることになります。


  ・May he rest in peace!  (彼の靈が安らかに眠りますやうに)

  ・righthere を強調してゐます。



3  crash

  ・crash: 擬聲語で、激しい衝突音、落雷の音などを表現します。コンピューターのプログラム上の停止を指して使はれることもあります。


4  Hey, close don’t count!  C’mon, get back out here and buy it!

  ・close don’t countclose 「近く」「接近してゐる」ことを表はしてゐます。發音は [klous] 。count は「勘定に入れる」から轉じて「價値がある」「重要である」といつた意味で使つてゐます。やや拙い文ながら close don’t count はこのままで使はれてをり、歌詞にも使はれます(※ Close doesn’t count. といふこともあります)。辭書では確認できませんでしたが、おそらく「近くてもダメ(なものがある)」といつたほどの意味かと思はれます。例へば、野球で 1 點差で敗れた場合、惜しくても負けは負けです。勝負について云へば、僅少差つまり近くても意味はないことになります。一方、手榴彈は近くだと有效といへます。


  ・c’moncome on を發音に似せて表記したものです。

  ・get back: 歸る / 戻る




・あり得ないことを起こして笑ひを誘ひ、また上記の double meaning によつても笑はせます。

・センター試驗 2013 (2) 1パラ

2013-02-01 | 出題英文讀解


     Dance is one of the oldest forms of art, and it is seen in every culture and performed for a variety of purposes.  In modern society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment: many people enjoy dancing for fun or watching their favorite artists dance on stage or screen.  It can also be a form of sport: there are dance competitions of various types.  In addition to these obvious functions, however, there are other more complex roles dance can play in a society.



1.1  Dance is one of the oldest forms of art, and it is seen in every culture and performed for a variety of purposes.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 ダンス(/踊り/舞踏)は最古の藝術形式のひとつであり、どの文化にも見られ、さまざまな目的で演じられる。


1.2  In modern society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment: many people enjoy dancing for fun or watching their favorite artists dance on stage or screen.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 現代社會では、ダンスは演藝の一形式としてひろく認知されてゐる。多くの人が樂しみでダンスをしたり、お氣に入りの藝能人が舞臺や映畫で踊るのを觀たりして樂しむ。



1.2   enjoy は目的語として、不定詞ではなく動名詞を置く動詞です。この類でよく使はれる動詞(句)を擧げてみると、put off / admit / mind / postpone / avoid / stop / suggest / practice / enjoy / escape / deny / give up / advise / miss / excuse /  finish などがあります。各動詞の頭を竝べて Pampas speed game  finished ……といふ記憶法を考へてみました……實際にアルゼンチンの大草原でそんなゲームが行なはれてゐるかどうかは承知してをりません。


1.3  It can also be a form of sport: there are dance competitions of various types.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 ダンスはスポーツの一種目になることもあり、さまざまなタイプのダンス竸技會がある。


1.4  In addition to these obvious functions, however, there are other more complex roles dance can play in a society.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 しかしながら、かうしたはつきりとした役割/はたらき)に加へて、ダンスには社會で果せるもつと複雜な役割がある。



・説明後置(接觸節): dance can play in a societyother more complex roles の説明として置かれてゐます。(※關係代名詞の省略とも解せます)






in addition to




play a role in
