
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・54 九州大學 2016 (2) 1パラ

2016-03-28 | 出題英文讀解

     The concept of altruism is ready for retirement.

     Not that the phenomenon of helping others and doing good to other people is about to go away ― not at all.  On the contrary, (1) the appreciation of the importance of bonds between individuals is on the rise in the modern understanding of animal and human societies.  What needs to go away is the basic idea behind the concept of altruism ― that there is a conflict of interest between helping yourself and helping others.








・[意味把握チェック]  1.3 の下線部參照。


1.1  The concept of altruism is ready for retirement.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1  利他主義の概念は退場しようとして(/退きかけて)ゐる。






1.1     be ready for ~         まさに~しようとしてゐる


1.2  Not that the phenomenon of helping others and doing good to other people is about to go away ― not at all.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2  他の人々を助けたり、他の人々に善行をほどこすといふ現象が今にも消えやうとしてゐるといふことでは全くない。



・先頭の not はthat 節を否定してをり、最後の not at all で重ねて強く否定してゐます。



1.2     be about to-不定詞(~)   まさに~しようとしてゐる


1.3  On the contrary, (1) the appreciation of the importance of bonds between individuals is on the rise in the modern understanding of animal and human societies.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3  それどころか、個人間の絆の重要性についての評價は、動物社會や人間社會についての現代的理解が進むなかで、上向いて(/高まつて)ゐるのである



1.3     on the contrary         これとは反對に/それどころか

1.3     on the rise                  上昇中で/上向きで/新進の


1.4  What needs to go away is the basic idea behind the concept of altruism ― that there is a conflict of interest between helping yourself and helping others.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4  退場する必要があるのは、自己扶助と他人扶助との間に利益の對立(/衝突)があるといふ、利他主義背後の基本概念(/根本的な考へ方)である。



・同格: that 節が前の名詞句と竝べ置かれ、説明を補つてゐます。

・what: 先行詞を含む關係代名詞です。(※詳しくは2012年6月27日の拙稿を御覽ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください)

・英文讀解のヒント (46) 《最上級+possible》

2016-03-23 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (46) 《最上級+possible》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     In formal studies, professional scientists and other experts need to maintain the highest possible standards.  For research to be accepted as valid, it must not only be thorough, but also objective and accurate.  Some might argue that citizen scientists cannot maintain the necessary attention to detail, or that amateurs will misunderstand the context of the investigation and make mistakes when collecting and organizing information.  In other words, can citizen science be considered truly reliable?

(50 センター試驗 2015 3パラ; 2015年2月2日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  possible は最上級、all、every などを強めて「できる限りの」などの意味を表はします。名詞の後ろに置くはうが強意的とされます。また imaginable や conceivable などを見かけることもあります。



46        This is the best chance possible(/the best possible chance).


□參考例文: all を強めるケースです。

46.2     We tried all means possible(/all possible means)..


□參考例文: imaginable が置かれるケースです。

46.3     He overcame the greatest difficulty imaginable.



2.2  語尾が -able / -ible の形容詞が後置される例は、文法書では「形容詞」「比較・最上級」「強調」などの項に解説がみつかります。下記のやうに形容詞が關係代名詞節のやうな機能を持つ例として、分詞とともに擧げてゐるものもあります。

□參考例文: onlyの後に possible が置かれる例です。( Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. 3rd ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005], p. 484.)

46.4     Tuesday's the only date possible.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・54 九州大學 2016 (1) 全文

2016-03-21 | 出題英文讀解



     The concept of altruism is ready for retirement.

     Not that the phenomenon of helping others and doing good to other people is about to go away ― not at all.  On the contrary, (1) the appreciation of the importance of bonds between individuals is on the rise in the modern understanding of animal and human societies.  What needs to go away is the basic idea behind the concept of altruism ― that there is a conflict of interest between helping yourself and helping others.

     The word “altruism” was (2) coined in the 1850s by the great French sociologist Auguste Comte.  What it means is that you do something for other people (the Old French altrui, from the Latin alter), not just for yourself.  Thus, it opposes egoism or selfishness.  (3) This concept is rooted in the notion that human beings and animals are dominated by selfishness and egoism, so that you need a concept to explain why they sometimes behave unselfishly and kindly to others.

     But the reality is different: Humans are deeply bound to other humans, and most actions are reciprocal and in the interest of both (4) parties (or, in the case of hatred, in the disinterest of both).  The starting point is neither selfishness nor altruism but the state of being bound together.  It’s an illusion to believe that you can be happy when no one else is.  Or that other people will not be affected by your unhappiness.

     Behavioral science and neurobiology have shown how intimately we’re bound.  Phenomena like *mimicry, emotional *contagion, empathy, sympathy, compassion, and *prosocial behavior are evident in humans and animals alike.  (5) We’re influenced by the well-being of others in more ways than we normally care to think of.  Therefore, a simple rule applies: Everyone feels better when you’re well, and you feel better when everyone is well.

     This (  6  ) state is the real one.  Egoism and its opposite concept, altruism, are unsubstantial concepts ― shadows or even illusions.  This applies also to the immediate psychological level: If helping others fills you with satisfaction, is it not also in your own interest to help others?  Are you not, then, helping yourself?  Being kind to others means being kind to yourself.

     Likewise, if you feel better and make more money when you’re generous and contribute to the well-being and resources of other people ― as in the welfare societies that, like Scandinavian countries, became rich through sharing equality ― then whoever wants to keep everything for himself or herself, with no gift-giving, no taxpaying, and no generosity, is just an amateur egoist.  (7) Real egoists share.

     It’s not altruistic to be an altruist ― just wise.  Helping others is in your own interest.  We don’t need a concept to explain that behavior.  Auguste Comte’s concept is therefore ready for retirement.  We can all just help each other, without wondering why.



    *mimicry: the activity or art of copying the behavior or speech of other people

    *contagion: the spreading of something bad from person to person

    *prosocial: helpful and beneficial for other people and society



問2.下線部(2)の coined に最も近い意味の語を以下のA~Dの中から一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

    A.  changed

    B.  discovered

    C.  invented

    D.  paid

問3.下線部(3)の This concept の内容を具体的に日本語で説明しなさい。

問4.下線部(4)の parties の単数形 party の意味の説明として最も適切なものを以下のA~Dの中から一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

    A.  a social gathering of guests, usually involving eating, drinking, and entertainment

    B.  a group that shares the same political views and participates in elections and government

    C.  a group of people who go somewhere together or do something together

    D.  a person or a group of people forming one side in an activity


問6.空所(  6  )に入る最も適切なものを以下のA~Dの中から一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

    A.  conflicting

    B.  confusing

    C.  correlated

    D.  corrupt


・53 センター試驗 2016 (7) 6パラ

2016-03-14 | 出題英文讀解

(6)     There are no easy solutions to opera’s problems and there are many different opinions about the value of opera.  However, every year many young people register for music courses with hopes and dreams of developing their talents in this special art form.  The fact that opera has survived many obstacles and continues to attract the rising generation demonstrates that it remains a respected art form full of value.



問5  What would be the best title for this passage?  [  51  ]

  ①  How to Make Money in Opera

  ②  Opera as a Part of Popular Culture

  ③  The Difficulties Facing Opera

  ④  The Historical Context of Opera


B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)ごとの内容をまとめたものである。[  52  ]~[  55  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。


Paragraph               Content

   (1)              Introducing opera

   (2)                 [  52  ]

   (3)                 [  53  ]

   (4)                 [  54  ]

   (5)                 [  55  ]

   (6)              Prospects for opera


①  Effect of world finance on opera

②  Impact of popular culture on opera

③  Opera from the past to the present

④  Problems in money management



問5  What would be the best title for this passage? (この文章に最も適切な表題は何であらうか) [  51  ]

  ①  How to Make Money in Opera(オペラでの稼ぎ方[/オペラでどう稼ぐか])

  ②  Opera as a Part of Popular Culture(大衆文化の一部としてのオペラ)

  ③  The Difficulties Facing Opera(オペラの[/にかかる]難題)

  ④  The Historical Context of Opera(オペラの歴史的背景[/オペラ史の流れ])


B は本文全體に關はる設問です。讀み進む際に各パラグラフ(段落)の内容・主題を簡単なことばで余白にメモしておくと時間が節約できます。


Paragraph               Content

   (1)              Introducing opera(オペラ紹介)

   (2)                 [  52  ]

   (3)                 [  53  ]

   (4)                 [  54  ]

   (5)                 [  55  ]

   (6)              Prospects for opera(オペラの[將來への]展望)


①  Effect of world finance on opera(オペラに及ぶ世界財政の影響)

②  Impact of popular culture on opera(オペラに及ぶ大衆文化の影響)

③  Opera from the past to the present(過去から現在までのオペラ)

④  Problems in money management(資金繰りに於ける諸問題)




[  51  ]  ③


[  52  ]  ③

[  53  ]  ①

[  54  ]  ④

[  55  ]  ②



6.2     register for ~           ~に入學の登録をする/~の履修屆を出す

          register                       [rédʒistər]

6.3     The fact that ~        同格表現で「~といふ事実」と解します。名詞とthat 節が竝べられて that節が the fact の説明をしてゐます。




・英文讀解のヒント (45) 《many more+可算名詞》

2016-03-09 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (45) 《many more +可算名詞》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     In America, the ratio of housing costs to real wages in cities has risen sharply in recent decades.  People, it appears, are choosing to live in cities for reasons other than employment.  Cities like New York and London, and even Washington DC, have managed to redevelop dangerous areas close to the city centre.  Often this has more to do with leisure than with work.  The south bank of the Thames, for example, a lively but unsafe area back when Parliament was in revolt against the king, has recently been revitalized by the opening of the Tate Modern art gallery and the enormous success of Borough Market, now one of London’s most fashionable food markets.  Back in the 1970s, at the low point of its existence, New York’s Times Square was a neglected, crime-ridden wasteland; it has since been reborn.  Even if the populations of these cities sometimes do not change, it does not necessarily mean that they are failing.  City living increasingly means single people living alone, and a continual turnover whereby new urban residents replace those who burn out, or start having children, and head for the suburbs.

     If current trends continue, there will be many more cities but also, quite likely, a bigger contrast between relative winners and losers.  Just as globalization subjects companies to fiercer competition, increasing further the returns to successful businesses and reducing those to failing ones, so the gaps between the cities that are winning and those that are losing will become increasingly obvious.

(35 一橋大學 2013 14、15パラ; 2013年11月22、25日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  〈many more+複數名詞(可算名詞)〉は「ずつと多くの~」を意味し、more を強めて數のひらきがあることを示します。不可算名詞の場合は、〈much more+不可算名詞〉として量が多くてひらきがあることを示します。この場合、〈many more〉も〈much more〉も、far more ~/ a lot more ~で置き換へられます。


45        My brother has many more T-shirts than me.



45.2     You'll need much more money to rent such a house.



2.2    例へば、

  There’s just one more river to cross.(あともうひとつ渡る川がある)

  における one の位置に many が置かれたと考へるとわかりやすいでせう。ちなみに、可算名詞で數について「少し多くの~」は a few more ~、「いくらか多くの~」は some more ~、不可算名詞で量について「少し多くの~」は a little more ~、「いくらか多くの~」は some more ~となります。


3  意味把握チェック

  アメリカでは、都市で實質賃金に占める住宅費の割合がこの數十年で急激に上がつてきた。人々は雇傭(/仕事)以外の理由で都市居住を選んでゐるやうに見える。ニューヨークやロンドンのやうな都市、ワシントンDC(でさへ)も、都(市中)心部に近い危險な地域の再開發を何とかやり遂げてきた。たいていの場合、このことは仕事よりも餘暇に關係がある。例へば、昔國會が國王に逆つてゐた頃には、賑やかだが安全でない地域であつたテムズ川南岸は、近年 Tate Modern 美術館の開館と、今やロンドン最先端の食料品市場である Borough Market の大成功によつて、新しい活力が與へられてきた。1970年代の昔には、すたれてゐた(/衰退した状態にあつた)ニューヨークの Times Square は、放置され、犯罪に惱まされる荒廢地域であつたが、その後(現在までに)再生してきた。これらの都市の人口が時に變化しないことがあるとしても、(そのことで)それらの都市が(必ずしも)うまくいつてゐないとはかぎらないのである。都市生活はますます、獨身者のひとり住まひをもたらし(/生じさせ)、そして新しい都市居住者が、燃え盡きる人々、子どもを持ち始める人々、郊外に向ふ人々にとつてかはる(といふ)絶え間のない移動をもたらす(/生じさせる)のである。



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・53 センター試驗 2016 (6) 5パラ

2016-03-07 | 出題英文讀解

(5)     Another problem faced by opera is how to meet the demands of audiences who are influenced by popular entertainment.  Pop singers are often judged as much on the basis of how they look as how they sound.  Therefore, opera singers, performing to audiences influenced by this popular culture, are now expected to be “models who sing.”  These demands may be unrealistic and possibly harmful.  Opera singers simply cannot make a sound big enough to fill a large theater or concert hall without a microphone if their body weight is too low.  Emphasizing physical appearance over singing ability may cause audiences to miss out on the human voice at its best.



問4  Which statement best expresses the author’s opinion in paragraph (5)?  [  50  ]

  ①  Audiences know best how opera should be performed.

  ②  Microphones should be used to make opera more enjoyable.

  ③  Opera singers’ voices should be valued more than their looks.

  ④  Popular culture has had a positive influence on opera.



問4  Which statement best expresses the author’s opinion in paragraph (5)? (どの陳述が、5パラでの筆者の見解を最も良く表はしてゐるか) [  50  ]

  ①  Audiences know best how opera should be performed. (オペラがどのやうに演じられるべきかを、聽衆が一番良く知つてゐる)

  ②  Microphones should be used to make opera more enjoyable. (オペラををもつと樂しめるやうにするためマイク(/擴聲裝置)を使ふべきである)

  ③  Opera singers’ voices should be valued more than their looks. (オペラ歌手の外見よりもその聲が重んじられるべきである)

  ④  Popular culture has had a positive influence on opera. (大衆文化はオペラに好影響を及ぼしてきた)



[  50  ]  ③



5.2     on the basis of ~     ~の點から(basis は「原理」「原則」「基準」の意味)

5.3     performing ~           分詞構文。Influenced は過去分詞で audiences を後ろから修飾してゐます。

5.5     simply                         (否定語の前に置いて)「絶對に」「斷じて」「全く」

5.6     miss out on ~          ~のチャンスを逃す/~を手に入れそこなふ



