
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・104.0 The culture of Edo Japan ...

2015-09-28 | 出題英文讀解

・104.0 The culture of Edo Japan ...




  The culture of Edo Japan differed completely from the cultures of mass production and waste typical of modern civilization. The city of Tokyo, then known as Edo, was superior in many ways to London or Paris at that time. One historian has examined the example of water systems, noting that in the mid-eighteenth century, while Londoners had water supplied to their homes only seven hours a day, three days a week, fresh water was available at all times in Edo.

  Yet what was most impressive was the recycling of resources that went on. Japanese in the Edo period wasted very little. The capital’s approximately one million inhabitants skillfully reused energy, kept their environment clean, and did not use up natural resources. Human waste was bought by farmers from the countryside for use as fertilizer*. Prior to the Edo period this waste was usually dumped in rivers, but such practices were prohibited in the seventeenth century, and agricultural communities were required to buy the material.



(1) Aの要旨としてもっとも適切な文を選びなさい。

イ. A lot of water was wasted in Edo Japan in spite of the recycling of resources.

ロ. Edo was a more industrialized city than London and Paris at that time.

ハ. Japanese in the Edo period needed to recycle waste because of the size of the population.

ニ. Japanese in the Edo period were surprisingly advanced in their environmental practices.




  In Edo, not only human waste but all kinds of garbage produced by the city dwellers were used as fertilizer. The ash obtained from burning wood, for instance, was bought by ash collectors who visited each house. This system for recycling organic materials served to drastically reduce the amount of garbage produced. Clothes were resold through second-hand stores and reused any number of times ― the everyday wear of ordinary people was, indeed, used clothing. Even when these clothes could no longer be worn, they were not thrown away, but turned into “Asakusa paper” - toilet tissue made from scraps of paper and cloth.

  Objects were carefully repaired when they became unusable. There were professional menders of every imaginable sort, from knife sharpeners to potters who mended broken earthenware*. There were even wax collectors, who bought drippings from paper lanterns and candlesticks and used them to make new candles. This was all part of the wisdom necessary for Japan’s thirty million people to survive on the country’s limited resources.

*earthenware: 陶器


(2) Bの要旨としてもっとも適切な文を選びなさい。

イ.  “Asakusa paper” is a good example of the wisdom of Edo Japan.

ロ.  Japanese in the Edo period often threw away garbage made of organic materials.

ハ.  Japanese in the Edo period seldom bought things new.

ニ.  Recycling was essential to survival in Edo Japan.




  (3)          For while Japan’s culture was one that gave deep thought to harmonious living with nature, the modern focus on mass production has eaten away at the foundation of that culture. The petroleum-based civilization of the twentieth century has produced vast quantities of products made of plastic and other materials that cannot be naturally recycled. However, by planting trees, harvesting them after they have grown, and making full, appropriate use of the wood obtained, we can enjoy a limited supply of forest resources that takes nothing more than the heat of the sun to produce. This is not the case with oil and coal, which run out as we take them from the earth.


(3)  次の(a)~(c)は、下線部(3)に入れるべき文を順不同に並べたものです。意味の通った文章とするのにもっとも適切な並べかたを選びなさい。

 (a)  The loss of traditions, which began in earnest in the 1960s, was one result of the mass society that developed inJapan’s high growth period.

 (b)  This is not at all like the lives the Japanese people led in the Edo period.

 (c)  Now the lives of the Japanese people are marked strongly by Western trends - by the culture of throwing things away after use.

 イ. (a) - (b) - (c)

 ロ. (b) - (a) - (c)

 ハ. (b) - (c) - (a)

 ニ. (c) - (b) - (a)




  Despite being shut off from the rest of the world during the Edo period, Japan’s thirty million inhabitants (  a  ) the highest standards of welfare and levels of cleanliness of anywhere on earth. This was due to the existence of a society that made efficient use of its resources, provided its people with a tough but healthful lifestyle, and created a culture that made this lifestyle (  b  ).

  Today, though, our lives are such that we cannot live them without relying on the (  c  ) of scientific and technological progress. Modern people would find it difficult to live a life without electricity, for instance. It will not, of course, be possible to return completely to the lifestyles of pre-electric Edo, but we have much to learn from the wisdom and ways of life of that earlier age.  Japan’s (  d  ) vision for the future may well lie in a blending of Edo culture with today’s civilization.


(4)  文中の(a)~(d)までの空欄に入れる語句の組み合わせとして正しいものを選びなさい。

イ.  (a) achieved   (b) unusual   (c) dangers   (d) perfect

ロ.  (a) boasted   (b) a freedom   (c) harvest   (d) probable

ハ.  (a) claimed   (b) a necessity  (c) pleasures   (d) unlikely

ニ.  (a) enjoyed   (b) unique   (c) fruits   (d) ideal


(5)  A~Dまでの文章にもっとも適したタイトルを次の中から選びなさい。

イ. “Healthy Lifestyles for the Twenty-First Century”

ロ. “Learning from Past Failures”

ハ. “Lessons from Edo Japan”

ニ. “Mysteries of Edo Japan”


・125.6 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-25 | 出題英文讀解

125.6 The Japanese are coming into...

     In Japan people can understand the differences between honne and tatemae because they have grown up with these dual concepts.  People switch easily and skillfully between the two and are rarely aware that they can cause misunderstandings and confusion among people who are not accustomed to (5)this way of interacting.


[設問5]  下線部(5)の指す内容を述べなさい。



・下線部の前のはうで、日本人が本音と建前を理解しうまく使ひ分けてゐることが述べられてゐます。さうした關はり合ひの在り樣を短く言ひ換へたわけですから、そこから解答を導くことができます。interact はここでは人と人との關はり合ひを指してゐるのでせう。(※ Longman の Dictionary of American English には to talk to other people and work together with them といふ説明がありましたので、[意味把握チェック]では「やりとり」としてみました)






6.2       be accustomed to ~    ~に慣れてゐる / いつも~してゐる







・英文讀解のヒント (34) 《譲歩の最上級》

2015-09-23 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (34) 《讓歩の最上級》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     For the elites in many highly specialized industries like advertising, it would appear that face-to-face contact with clients and with each other remains essential.  The most digitized and computerized industries ―― media, software, financial services ―― cluster in expensive urban or suburban areas like Silicon Valley and Wall Street.  In central London’s Soho, a small and highly specialized industry of post-production* movie companies continues to cluster.  If you don’t drink with other producers in the pubs in Soho, you miss out on the best work.  New York is the only one out of the sixteen largest cities in the Northeastern or Midwestern states whose population is larger than fifty years ago.

(35 一橋大學 2013 5パラ; 2013年10月21日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  讓歩の最上級: 〈the+最上級+名詞〉のかたちが、時に even の意味がつけ加はり「最も~でも」「どんな~でも」といつた意味を表はすことがあります。主語に置かれる場合が多いやうで、主語がふつうはしないはずの内容が述べられます。文脈から生じる意味合ひですから、文の前後關係に注意を拂ふ必要があります。



32(34.1)          The bravest people sometimes feel afraid.



34.2       The brightest student cannot master English in a month or so.



2.2  下線部でも、ふつうに考へれば digitized and computerized industriesは空間的制約に左右されないものと受けとめられますが、この問題文ではそんな通念に反する議論を展開してゐます。ここで最上級を用ゐた表現 the most digitized and computerized industries により「デヂタル化とコンピュータ化が最も進んでゐる産業でも」といふ意味を傳へてゐるのかと思ひます。


3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・125.5 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-21 | 出題英文讀解

125.5 The Japanese are coming into...

     In Japan, there has also been, since ancient times, a great respect for harmony, called the spirit of waTatemae is used to maintain this harmony and create a comfortable atmosphere.  Thus, (4)honne is used in one’s personal space, but tatemae is used in more public forums such as business meetings, which are often rather ceremonial occasions, because tatemae agrees with commonly accepted societal standards.  Tatemae is, therefore, like lubricating oil* used to maintain harmony among people.

  (注) lubricating oil 潤滑油


[設問4]  下線部(4)のような使い分けが日本で行なわれる背景として、どのようなことがあると述べられているか。









5.3       such as ~                      例へば~など

5.3       agree with ~                 [物が主語で]~に一致する / ~に合ふ







・125.4 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-18 | 出題英文讀解

125.4 The Japanese are coming into...

     In trying to understand honne and tatemae and how these contrasting concepts function in Japan, it is important to examine certain Japanese cultural characteristics, such as a dislike of direct expression and the importance of harmony and ceremony in Japanese life.  The Japanese do not like to express themselves in a straightforward manner (    ) fear that it might hurt others’ feelings, so they are usually careful about what they say and often use tatemae in order to get along well (    ) others.  For example, when a person is visiting someone’s house in Japan and it becomes time for supper, people will often say, “(3)Won’t you dine with us?”  But this is not really an invitation; rather it is a subtle hint that it is time to go home.  To those from other countries, this may seem confusing, (    ) for the Japanese, it is a natural way to interact socially.  So the correct response to “Won’t you dine with us?” is “Thank you very much, but I am not hungry.”  This type of behavior is formulaic in Japanese life.


[設問3]  下線部(3)は、ここではどのような意味になると述べられているか。

[設問6]  文中の空欄( ア )~( オ )に入る適切な一語をそれぞれ答えなさい。




・設問の觀點は〈名詞+that 節〉の同格表現の理解でせう。rather 以下の解釋で解答を記すことになります。




・<for fear (that)  S  should / might / would ~>のかたちで「~しないやうに」「~するといけないから」といつた意味を傳へます。ややあらたまつた感じのする文體です。


・get along well with ~「~とうまくやつてゆく」(=get on well with~)


・ふたつの節が接續詞なしで竝んでゐますから、接續詞を入れる必要があります。文脈から「逆接」が自然であると判斷できます。To those from other countries  と for the Japanese  が前に置かれてゐるためややわかりにくくなつてゐます。






(ウ)  for

(エ)  with

(オ)  but



4.1       such as ~                      例へば~など

4.2       get along well with ~      ~とうまくやつてゆく(=get on well with~)







・125.3 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-14 | 出題英文讀解

125.3 The Japanese are coming into...

     For many people, one’s words and actual intentions do not always agree; in these situations in Japan, one’s superficial words are called tatemae, while one’s actual intentions are called honne.  Although this distinction is not only found in Japan but is also prevalent in most other countries, (2)the Japanese people make use of it extensively, taking honne and tatemae for (    ) in daily life because it is considered a virtue not to directly express one’s real feelings and intentions.  In intercultural affairs, however, this dichotomy can be a serious obstacle to communication because it creates confusion and misunderstandings.


[設問2]  下線部(2)で述べられていることの理由を答えなさい。

[設問6]  文中の空欄( ア )~( オ )に入る適切な一語をそれぞれ答えなさい。




・because 以下に記されてゐる箇所が解答になります。「形式主語-眞主語(不定詞)の構文」と「分離不定詞」「不定詞の否定」を正しく讀み取ることが必要です。



・take ~ for granted  「~を當然のことと思ふ」









3.2       make use of ~             ~を使用する / ~を利用する  [ju:s]

3.2       take ~ for granted      ~を當然のことと思ふ







・125.2 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-11 | 出題英文讀解

125.2 The Japanese are coming into...

     In Japan, the terms honne and tatemae are often used in conversation, but the concepts themselves are seldom fully understood.  They can be defined as follows:

   These two words are often considered a dichotomy* contrasting genuinely-held personal feelings and opinions from (1)those that are socially controlledHonne is one’s deep motive or intention, while tatemae refers to motives or intentions that are socially-tuned, those that are shaped, encouraged, or suppressed by majority norms.

(An English Dictionary of Japanese Culture)

  (注) dichotomy  相反する二つのことがら・考え


[設問1]  下線部(1)の”socially controlled” とは、より分かりやすく言えば、どういうことなのか。




  ここでは while tatemae refers to 以下の英文で tatemae が説明されてゐます。socially-tuned と言ひ換へて讀者の理解を進め、さらに motives or intentions を those に置き換へて説明を展開してゐますから、その説明を日本語で記すと解答を得ることができます。

  tatemae は日本人には周知の概念ですから、一般論として、或は自分の受けとめを「分かりやすく」述べることも可能ではありませうが、本問は英語の學力テストですから、英文の説明するところに即して解答を作成するのが適切であると考へます。






2.2      as follows                   次の通りで

 2.3   genuinely-held   造語です。「純粹に保持された」といつた意味の形容詞を作つてゐます。

2.4       refer to ~                      ~に言及する / ~に觸れる

 2.4   socially-tuned   造語です。「社會的に調整された」といつた意味の形容詞を作つてゐますが、前出の socially controlled を言ひ換へて讀者の理解を助けてゐるやうに思はれます。

 2.4   norm はラテン語 norma に由來することばです。手許のラテン語辭典で調べてみると a carpenter’s square for measuring right angles / any rule, standard とありました。大工の使ふ定規のやうな道具から「規範」「基準」「標準」などの意味が生じたものかと思はれます。ちなみに日本でもよく使はれる「ノルマ」もこの語に由來してゐます。








・英文讀解のヒント (33) 《倒置: So+V+S》

2015-09-09 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (33) 《倒置: So+V+S》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   Such arguments are misconceived.  Latin was once a major international language, despite its many inflectional endings*2  and gender differences.  French, too, has been such a language, despite its nouns being masculine or feminine; and so ―― at different times and places ―― have the heavily inflected Greek, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian.  Ease of learning has nothing to do with it.  Children of all cultures learn to talk over more or less the same period of time, regardless of the differences in the grammar of their languages.

(21 東京大學 2012 4パラ; 2012年8月31日掲載)

※ 冒頭の such arguments は、直前のパラグラフで扱はれた arguments、つまり國際語のポジションはその言語に備はる何らかの特長・美質による、といふ arguments を指してゐます。全文は2012年8月17日付の拙稿に掲載。


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <so+V+S>のかたちは前文をうけて「Sもさうである」と、Sが前文と同樣であることを傳へます。Vの部分は、be動詞ならbe動詞のまま、一般動詞は do/does/did、助動詞+動詞なら助動詞、を置きます。下線部に於いては、Sが複數ですから has been が have に變はつてゐます。

  發聲は「強・弱・強」のリズムに據ります。つまり、so とSを強く發聲します。


33.1  “I hope we’ll meet again.” ― “So do I.”


33.2  “I’ve lost the address.” ― “So have I.”


33.3  “I’ll have whisky.” ― “So will I.”


  前文が否定文の場合は、neither / nor が置かれます。


33.4  “I won’t have any more.” ― “Nor will I.” ( または “Neither will I.”)



2.2 これとまぎらはしいかたちに<So+S+V>がありますが、上述のやうに、發聲が「強・弱・強」のリズムを形成しますから、こちらは So と V とが強く發聲され、動詞の意味が強調されます。


33.5  “I think he is honest.” ― “So he is.”



2.3 上の例文のやうな短いかたち(So do I. など)であれば文構造がわかりやすいのですが、下線部の英文には插入語句があり、動詞部分に省略があり、主部も長いため、文構造が見えにくいかもしれません。



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については2012年8月31日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・125.1 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-07 | 出題英文讀解

125.1 The Japanese are coming into...

     The Japanese are coming into contact with people from other countries more and more these days and have to communicate with those who have cultural values that are markedly different from their own.  In intercultural communication, the Japanese need to be familiar with the customs and attitudes of non-Japanese people, but they need to understand their own cultural values first and foremost, many of (    ) operate at unconscious levels.  One such set of concepts, which is fundamental to Japanese life, is honne and tatemae.


[設問6]  文中の空欄( ア )~( オ )に入る適切な一語をそれぞれ答えなさい。




  S-Vを備へたふたつの文がコンマだけで竝んでゐますから、接續詞または關係詞が必要であると見當がつきます。many of に續けられるのは關係詞でせう。先行詞は their own cultural values と考へられますから、關係代名詞 which を記入するのが適切です。

  文法書では關係代名詞の項にこのかたちの解説がみつかります。「所有格」としての whose と竝べて解説するものが多いやうです。限定用法の例文を擧げてみると、

    1  Hand me the book whose cover is frayed.

    2  Hand me the book the cover of which is frayed.

    3  Hand me the book of which the cover is frayed.

    4  Hand me the book with the frayed cover.



數量を表はす determiner (限定詞/決定詞)が of which の前に置かれるケースでは以下のやうな記述が參考になります。

    In non-identifying clauses, quantifying determiners (e.g. some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many and few) can be used with of whom, of which, and of whose.  The determiner most often comes before of which/whom/whose, but can sometimes come after it in a very formal style.

    They picked up five boat-loads of refugees, some of whom had been at sea for several months.(OR ...of whom some...)


( Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, 3rd ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005], p. 483. )






1.1       come into contact with ~    ~と接觸する/出會ふ

1.1       these days                            この頃は/最近は/當節は

1.1       markedly                             發音注意 [mά:rkidli]

 1.2   the Japanese: <定冠詞+複數名詞または集合名詞>のかたちでその名詞が示すもの全體を總括するものです。Japanese は單複同形ですが、ここは複數形で使はれてゐます。(※文脈によつては、前出のひとりの日本人を指して「その日本人」を意味することもあり得ます)

1.2       be familiar with ~            ~に精通してゐる/よく通じてゐる

1.2       non-Japanese people         foreigner/alien を避けた表現でせう

1.2       first and foremost              何よりもまづ/いの一番に






(※〈比較級and 比較級〉の解説や用例研究は2013年1月7日付の拙稿を參照してください)

・125.0 The Japanese are coming into ...

2015-09-04 | 出題英文讀解

・125.0 The Japanese are coming into ...


     The Japanese are coming into contact with people from other countries more and more these days and have to communicate with those who have cultural values that are markedly different from their own.  In intercultural communication, the Japanese need to be familiar with the customs and attitudes of non-Japanese people, but they need to understand their own cultural values first and foremost, many of (    ) operate at unconscious levels.  One such set of concepts, which is fundamental to Japanese life, is honne and tatemae.

     In Japan, the terms honne and tatemae are often used in conversation, but the concepts themselves are seldom fully understood.  They can be defined as follows:


   These two words are often considered a dichotomy* contrasting genuinely-held personal feelings and opinions from (1)those that are socially controlledHonne is one’s deep motive or intention, while tatemae refers to motives or intentions that are socially-tuned, those that are shaped, encouraged, or suppressed by majority norms.

(An English Dictionary of Japanese Culture)


     For many people, one’s words and actual intentions do not always agree; in these situations in Japan, one’s superficial words are called tatemae, while one’s actual intentions are called honne.  Although this distinction is not only found in Japan but is also prevalent in most other countries, (2)the Japanese people make use of it extensively, taking honne and tatemae for (    ) in daily life because it is considered a virtue not to directly express one’s real feelings and intentions.  In intercultural affairs, however, this dichotomy can be a serious obstacle to communication because it creates confusion and misunderstandings.

     In trying to understand honne and tatemae and how these contrasting concepts function in Japan, it is important to examine certain Japanese cultural characteristics, such as a dislike of direct expression and the importance of harmony and ceremony in Japanese life.  The Japanese do not like to express themselves in a straightforward manner (    ) fear that it might hurt others’ feelings, so they are usually careful about what they say and often use tatemae in order to get along well (    ) others.  For example, when a person is visiting someone’s house in Japan and it becomes time for supper, people will often say, (3)Won’t you dine with us?”  But this is not really an invitation; rather it is a subtle hint that it is time to go home.  To those from other countries, this may seem confusing, (    ) for the Japanese, it is a natural way to interact socially.  So the correct response to “Won’t you dine with us?” is “Thank you very much, but I am not hungry.”  This type of behavior is formulaic in Japanese life.

     In Japan, there has also been, since ancient times, a great respect for harmony, called the spirit of waTatemae is used to maintain this harmony and create a comfortable atmosphere.  Thus, (4)honne is used in one’s personal space, but tatemae is used in more public forums such as business meetings, which are often rather ceremonial occasions, because tatemae agrees with commonly accepted societal standards.  Tatemae is, therefore, like lubricating oil* used to maintain harmony among people.

     In Japanpeople can understand the differences between honne and tatemae because they have grown up with these dual concepts.  People switch easily and skillfully between the two and are rarely aware that they can cause misunderstandings and confusion among people who are not accustomed to (5)this way of interacting 

   出典: Roger J. Davies and Osamu Ikeno, The Japanese Mind(一部省略・改変)

  (注) dichotomy  相反する二つのことがら・考え   lubricating oil 潤滑油


[設問1]  下線部(1)の”socially controlled” とは、より分かりやすく言えば、どういうことなのか。

[設問2]  下線部(2)で述べられていることの理由を答えなさい。

[設問3]  下線部(3)は、ここではどのような意味になると述べられているか。

[設問4]  下線部(4)のような使い分けが日本で行なわれる背景として、どのようなことがあると述べられているか。

[設問5]  下線部(5)の指す内容を述べなさい。

[設問6]  文中の空欄( ア )~( オ )に入る適切な一語をそれぞれ答えなさい。