
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・59.6 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 6

2021-03-01 | 出題英文讀解

Part 6(設問: ポスター完成)


1.1  You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article.

1.2  You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.


1.3  Making Ice Hockey Safer

1 パラ

1.4  Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world.

1.5  The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick.

1.6  Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink.

1.7  Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air.

1.8  At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.


2.1  The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries.

2.2  In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years.

2.3  Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.


2.4  A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness.

2.5  In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears.

2.6  Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.


3.1  In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think.

3.2  In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain.

3.3  In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not.

3.4  Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime.

3.5  People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping.

3.6  Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes.

3.7  In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.


4.1  The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions.

4.2  For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face.

4.3  At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them.

4.4  Since 2013, however, it has been required.

4.5  In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.


5.1  The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015.

5.2  In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game.

5.3  At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena.

5.4  The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added.

5.5  They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York.

5.6  If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor.

5.7  The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.


5.8  The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport.

5.9  As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety.

5.10  Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.



Making Ice Hockey Safer

What is ice hockey?

・Players score by putting a “puck” in the other team’s net

・Six players on each team

・Sport played on ice at a high speed


Main Problem:  A High Rate of Concussions

Definition of a concussion

An injury to the brain that affects the way it functions




・Loss of consciousness

・Difficulty walking straight

・[  39  ]

・Ringing in the ears



・Problems with concentration

・[  40  ]

・Psychological problems

・Smell and taste disorders



National Hockey League (NHL)

・Requires helmets with visors

・Gives severe penalties to dangerous players

・Has introduced concussion spotters to [  41  ]



Ice hockey players have a high risk of suffering from concussions.

Therefore, the NHL has [  42  ].



Making Ice Hockey Safer(アイス・ホッケーをもつと安全にする)

What is ice hockey? (アイス・ホッケーとは?)

・Players score by putting a “puck” in the other team’s net(竸技者は「パック」を相手チームのネットに入れて得點する)

・Six players on each team(それぞれのチームに6人の竸技者)

・Sport played on ice at a high speed(氷上で高速で行なはれるスポーツ)


Main Problem:  A High Rate of Concussions(主な問題: 腦震盪[發症]の高い比率)

Definition of a concussion(腦震盪の定義)

An injury to the brain that affects the way it functions(腦の機能[の仕方]に影響を及ぼす、腦への損傷)




・Loss of consciousness(意識の喪失)

・Difficulty walking straight(直進歩行の困難/まつすぐに歩きにくい)

・[  39  ]

・Ringing in the ears(耳鳴り)



・Problems with concentration(集中力についての問題)

・[  40  ]

・Psychological problems(心理的問題)

・Smell and taste disorders(嗅覺と味覺の異常/不調)



National Hockey League (NHL) (ナショナル・ホッケー・リーグは)

・Requires helmets with visors(ヴァイザーつきのヘルメット[裝着]を必須とする)

・Gives severe penalties to dangerous players(危險な竸技者に嚴しい處罰を課す)

・Has introduced concussion spotters to [  41  ] (~ために腦震盪監視員を導入してゐる)



Ice hockey players have a high risk of suffering from concussions. (アイス・ホッケーの竸技者は腦震盪で苦しむ危險度が高い)

Therefore, the NHL has [  42  ]. (それゆゑにNHLは~)


問1  Choose the best option for [  39  ] on your poster. (ポスターで [ 39 ] に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい ※3パラ 2.4~2.6參照)

  ①  Aggressive behavior(過激な行動)

  ②  Difficulty thinking(思考困難)

  ③  Personality changes(人格變容)

  ④  Unclear vision(視覺不良[/はつきりと見えない]→2.5 )


問2  Choose the best option for [  40  ] on your poster. (ポスターで [ 40 ] に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい ※4パラ 3.4~3.7參照)

  ①  Loss of eyesight(視力喪失)

  ②  Memory problems(記憶力の問題)

  ③  Sleep disorders(睡眠の不調→3.5)

  ④  .Unsteady walking(不確かな歩行)


問3  Choose the best option for [  41  ] on your poster. (ポスターで [ 41 ] に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい ※5パラ~6パラ 4.1~4.5、5.1~5.7參照)

  ①  allow players to return to the game(竸技者が試合に戻るのを許す)

  ②  examine players who have a concussion(腦震盪を起こしてゐる竸技者を檢査する→5.6に by a medical doctorとある)

  ③  fine players who cause concussions(腦震盪を引き起こす竸技者に罰金を課す)

  ④  identify players showing signs of a concussion(腦震盪の徴候のある竸技者を見分ける/特定する→5.6)


問4  Choose the best option for [  42  ] on your poster. (ポスターで [ 42 ] に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい ※下線部が本文と異なります)

  ①  been expecting the players to become tougher(竸技者が一層たくましくなるのを期してきた)

  ②  been implementing new rules and guidelines(新しい規則と指針を履行してきた)

  ③  given medical training to coaches(監督に醫療訓練を施してきた)

  ④  made wearing of visors optional(ヴァイザー裝着を任意としてきた)



[39]  ④

[40]  ③

[41]  ④

[42]  ②

・59.5 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 5

2021-02-22 | 出題英文讀解

Part 5(6、7パラ)

     The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015. In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game. At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena. The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added. They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York. If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor. The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.

     The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety. Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.




5.1 The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015.

5.2 In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game.

5.3 At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena.

5.4 The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added.

5.5 They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York.

5.6 If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor.

5.7 The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.


5.8 The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport.

5.9 As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety.

5.10 Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.



5.2     watch for                      を待ち構へる

5.3      at first                                最初は

5.4      one to four                       14(の)

5.8      make progress in       において進展する

5.9      take measures to-不定詞()  のため(の)措置を講ずる

5.10    might                                 may よりも婉曲で、可能性が低いことを示唆します。

5.10    lead to                           (事が)(ある結果:)に到る




5.1 NHLは2015年に腦震盪監視員制度(/システム)も導入した。

5.2 この制度(/システム)では、試合の實況映像やその再生を觀ることのできるNHLの職員が、個々の試合中に目に見える間腦震盪の明白な徴候を注視する(/~徴候がないか見張る)。

5.3 當初、二人の腦震盪監視員が、彼らは醫療訓練は受けてゐなかつたのだが、試合會場で試合を監視した。

5.4 翌年、醫療訓練を受けてゐる一人ないしは四人の腦震盪監視員が加へられた。

5.5 彼らはニューヨークのリーグ本部で個々の試合を監視した。

5.6 もしある竸技者が腦震盪を起こしてゐると腦震盪監視員が考へれば、その竸技者は試合から外され、醫師の檢査のため「靜かな部屋」に連れて行かれる。

5.7 その竸技者は、醫師の許可が出るまで試合には戻ることは許されない。


5.8 NHLは、ホッケーを一層安全なスポーツにするのに多大な進展を果してきた。

5.9 腦震盪の原因と結果についての知見が増えるにつれて、NHLは竸技者の安全確保のため更なる措置をきつと講ずるであらう。

5.10 安全性が向上すれば、ホッケーの竸技者やファンの(數の)増加に到るかもしれない。

・59.4 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 4

2021-02-15 | 出題英文讀解

Part 4(5パラ)

     The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions. For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face. At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them. Since 2013, however, it has been required. In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.




4.1 The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions.

4.2 For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face.

4.3 At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them.

4.4 Since 2013, however, it has been required.

4.5 In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.



4.1     consist of~                  ~から成る

4.1     deal with~                   ~を取り扱ふ/~に對處する

4.2     for example                  例へば

4.3     at first                            最初は

4.3     not                            準動詞の直前に置かれ、to wear~を否定してゐます。

4.5     in addition                    さらに/その上

4.5     such as~                       例へば~など

4.5     hit~in the head           hit~の部分がメインで、後から細かい部位を〈前置詞+the+部位〉で補足する文體です。文法書では「定冠詞」の項に解説が載つてゐます。


59.4.1   Jim took his daughter by the hand and left the room.



59.4.2   He kissed the girl on the forehead.



59.4.3   The brick hit John in the face.



59.4.4   The man was shot through the heart.




4.1 ナショナル・ホッケー・リーグ(NHL)は、カナダとアメリカ合衆國のチームで構成されてゐるが、腦震盪に對處するために、一層嚴しい規則と指針を設け續けてきた。

4.2 例を擧げると、2001年に、NHLはヴァイザー―ヘルメットに取りつけられた、顏を守る透明プラスチック片―の裝着を導入した。

4.3 當初は、ヴァイザー裝着は任意であり、多くの竸技者は裝着しないことを選んだ(/裝着を選擇しない竸技者が多數を占めた)。

4.4 しかしながら、2013年以降はヴァイザー裝着が必須となつてゐる。

4.5 さらに、故意に他の竸技者の頭を打つ竸技者に對して、NHLは竸技者の一時竸技停止や罰金など一層嚴しい處罰を課し始めた。

・59.3 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 3

2021-02-08 | 出題英文讀解

Part 3(4パラ)

     In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think. In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain. In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not. Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime. People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping. Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes. In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.




3.1 In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think.

3.2 In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain.

3.3 In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not.

3.4 Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime.

3.5 People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping.

3.6 Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes.

3.7 In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.



3.1     in adition to~             ~に加へて

3.1     not                                   準動詞の直前に置かれ、realizing~を否定してゐます。

3.1     tend to-不定詞(~)  ~しがちである/~する傾向がある

3.1     worry about~             ~を心配する

3.2     in the past                     從來/これまで/過去に

3.2     in spite of~                  ~にも拘らず/~を物ともせず

3.3/3.4 この it はpreparatory it と呼ばれるもので、ここでは形式上の主語のはたらきをしてゐます(形式主語)。この文體では、眞の主語は述部の後に置かれます。3.4 では不定詞の句、3.5ではthat節が眞主語となります。不定詞句の場合は 「英文讀解のヒント(5)」(2014年6月11日付)に、that節の場合は 「英文讀解のヒント(6)」(2014年6月25日付) に解説と例文を掲載してゐます。

3.3     in other words             言ひ換へれば

3.3     while(接續詞)           ~なのに對して/~だけれども/~する一方で


3.3     stop -ing(~)                 stop は -ing form を目的語にとる動詞です。

3.5     have trouble -ing(~)               ~するのに難儀する

3.6     suffer from~               ~に苦しむ/~に惱む

3.6     such as~                       例へば~など



3.1 怪我の深刻さに氣づかないことに加へて、竸技者は監督(/コーチ)の思惑(/がどう思ふか)を氣にする傾向がある(/心配しがちである)。

3.2 從來、監督(/コーチ)は、痛みを物ともせず竸技するたくましい選手を使ひたがつた。

3.3 言ひ換へれば、負傷選手は、負傷後竸技をやめるのが筋(/道理)だと思はれるであらうが、多くの選手は竸技をやめなかつた(のである)。

3.4 しかしながら近年、腦震盪は生涯續く深刻な影響を及ぼす可能性があることがわかつてきてゐる。

3.5 腦震盪歴のある人々は、集中力や睡眠(の面)で苦勞することがある(/かもしれない)。

3.6 さらには、(腦震盪歴のある人々は)、例へば抑うつ状態や氣分變動(/氣分變調)などの心理的な問題に苦しむことがある(/かもしれない)。

3.7 (腦震盪歴のある)竸技者が嗅覺や味覺の異常を起こす場合もあるかもしれない。

・59.2 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 2

2021-02-01 | 出題英文讀解

Part 2(2、3パラ)

     The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries. In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years. Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.

     A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness. In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears. Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.


2 [番號付英文]

2.1 The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries.

2.2 In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years.

2.3 Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.


2.4 A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness.

2.5 In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears.

2.6 Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.



2.1 形式目的語 it を用ゐた第五文型の文です。假に目的語を it と置いておき、あとから it の内容を不定詞句や名詞節で述べる文體です(動名詞句のケースは少ないやうです)。文尾に現在分詞の句(resulting~)が添へられ、説明をつけ加へてゐます。

□參考例文: 2.1 と同樣に不定詞の意味上の主語を for~ で示す例です。

59.2.1   The inflammation of his knee made it difficult for him to walk.


□參考例文: 人物評價を表はす形容詞と不定詞が用ゐられる場合は、不定詞の意味上の主語は of~ で示します。

59.2.2   Everyone thought it very foolish of you to climb the mountain without a guide.


拙ブログでは 「英文讀解のヒント(8)」(2014年7月23日付) でこの文體を紹介してゐます。


2.1      fall down                       ころぶ/倒れる

2.1      bump into~                 ~にぶつかる

2.1      result in~                      ~に終る/~に歸着する

2.1      a variety of~               いろいろな~


2.2      such as~                       たとへば~など

2.4    either~or         ~か(それとも)



2.1 この竸技の速度とスケートリンクのよく滑る表面により、竸技者がころんだりお互ひがぶつかりあつたりしやすくなり、結果としていろいろな怪我が生ずる。

2.2 竸技者を守らうと(/守る試みで)、ヘルメット、手袋、肩や肘や脚用の衝撃防止パッドなどの裝具(/用具)が何年にもわたつて導入されてきた。

2.3 かうした努力にも拘らず、アイス・ホッケーは腦震盪を起こす割合が高い(/高率で腦震盪を引き起す)。


2.4 腦震盪とは、腦の働き方に影響を及ぼす腦への損傷である; それは頭部、顏、首その他への直接・間接の衝撃で引き起され、時に一時的な意識喪失(/失神)を引き起すこともある。

2.5 比較的深刻でない場合(であつても)、竸技者がしばらくまっすぐに歩けなかつたり、はつきりものが見えなかつたり、或は耳鳴りを經驗することがある(かもしれない)。

2.6 輕い頭痛がするだけであつて、腦が損傷を受けてゐることに竸技者が氣づかない(/實感しない)、と思ふ人もある。

・59.1 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 1

2021-01-25 | 出題英文讀解

・59.1 大学入学共通テスト2021 英語(リーディング)第6問A

Part 1(前文、1パラ)

    You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article. You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.


Making Ice Hockey Safer


     Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world. The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick. Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink. Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air. At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.



1.1 You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article.

1.2 You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.

1.3 Making Ice Hockey Safer

1.4 Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world.

1.5 The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick.

1.6 Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink.

1.7 Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air.

1.8 At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.



1.1      work on~                     ~に取り組む

1.4      a variety of~               いろいろな~

   great / wide / extraordinaryなどの形容詞がつくことがあります。

1.5 called は過去分詞で、うしろから a hard rubber disk についての説明をつけ加へてゐます(「パックと呼ばれる硬質ゴム製ディスク」)。

1.6      engage in~                   ~に携はる

1.8      both~and…                  ~のみならず…もまた



1.1 あなたは、授業でスポーツにおける安全(性)についての課題に取り組んでをり、次の記事を見つけました。

1.2 あなたはそれを讀みつつ、級友に(調査)結果を發表するため掲示物を作成してゐます。


1.3 (記事のタイトル)アイス・ホッケーを一層安全にする

1.4 アイス・ホッケーは世界中でさまざまな人々が樂しんでゐる團體竸技(/チーム・スポーツ)である。

1.5 この竸技の目指すところは、「パック」と呼ばれる硬質ゴムの平たくて圓形の物(/圓盤)を、ホッケー・スティックで動かして相手チームのネットの中に入れることである(/この竸技は~しようとするものである)。

1.6 それぞれ6人の竸技者から成る2チームが、堅くて滑り易いスケートリンクの上で(/氷上で)この動きの速い竸技を行なふ。

1.7 竸技者は、パックを空中にとばしつつ、時速30キロに達することがある(かもしれない)。

1.8 この速度だと、竸技者達とパックのいづれもが深刻な危險をひき起こす可能性がある。

・59.0 大學入學共通テスト 2021 英語(リーディング)第6問 A

2021-01-18 | 出題英文讀解

・59.0 大學入學共通テスト2021 英語(リーディング)第6問


 You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article. You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.


Making Ice Hockey Safer


     Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world. The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick. Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink. Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air. At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.

     The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries. In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years. Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.

     A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness. In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears. Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.

     In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think. In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain. In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not. Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime. People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping. Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes. In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.

     The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions. For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face. At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them. Since 2013, however, it has been required. In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.

     The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015. In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game. At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena. The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added. They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York. If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor. The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.

     The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety. Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.


問1 Choose the best option for [ 39 ] on your poster.

① Aggressive behavior

② Difficulty thinking

③ Personality changes

④ Unclear vision


問2 Choose the best option for [ 40 ] on your poster.

① Loss of eyesight

② Memory problems

③ Sleep disorders

④ .Unsteady walking


問3 Choose the best option for [ 41 ] on your poster.

① allow players to return to the game

② examine players who have a concussion

③ fine players who cause concussions

④ identify players showing signs of a concussion


問4 Choose the best option for [ 42 ] on your poster.

① been expecting the players to become tougher

② been implementing new rules and guidelines

③ given medical training to coaches

④ made wearing of visors optional

・58 センター試驗 2020 (7) 6パラ

2020-04-20 | 出題英文讀解

(6)     Given the popularity and usefulness of vending machines, it is unlikely that they will disappear anytime in the near future. They provide a place where various goods can be sold without the need for a sales clerk. The next time you want to purchase a hot drink on a cold day, remember that, in Japan at least, there is probably a vending machine just around the next corner.



A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問5 What would be the best title for this passage? [ 50 ]

① The Cultural Benefits of Vending Machines in Japanese Society

② The Development of Vending Machines From Historical Perspectives

③ The Economic Impact of Vending Machines by International Comparison

④ The Globalization of Vending Machines Through Modern Technology


B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[ 51 ]~[ 54 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

Paragraph                     Content

     (1)                       Introduction

     (2)                       [ 51 ]

     (3)                       [ 52 ]

     (4)                       [ 53 ]

     (5)                       [ 54 ]

     (6)                       Conclusion


① A certain factor that has allowed vending machines to exist widely in one country

② Creation of one vending machine and a description of how the device was used

③ Difficulties in building vending machines after introducing a different form of money

④ Types of vending machine goods sold at different locations in the past




6.1 Given the popularity and usefulness of vending machines, it is unlikely that they will disappear anytime in the near future.

6.2 They provide a place where various goods can be sold without the need for a sales clerk.

6.3 The next time you want to purchase a hot drink on a cold day, remember that, in Japan at least, there is probably a vending machine just around the next corner.




問5 What would be the best title for this passage? [ 50 ] (この文章に [表題をつけるとしたら] 最もふさはしい表題はどれだらうか。 ※ 問5は下の設問Bの後に取り組んだはうが解き易いでせう)

① The Cultural Benefits of Vending Machines in Japanese Society(日本社會における自動販賣機の文化的利點 [/メリット] ※誤りとは言へませんが、表題とするには不十分です)

② The Development of Vending Machines From Historical Perspectives(歴史的に觀た [/歴史的觀點からの] 自動販賣機の發達)

③ The Economic Impact of Vending Machines by International Comparison(國際竸爭による自動販賣機の經濟的衝撃 [/影響] )

④ The Globalization of Vending Machines Through Modern Technology(現代の科學技術を通じた自動販賣機の世界的擴大 [/國際化] )


B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[ 51 ]~[ 54 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

Paragraph(段落)           Content(内容)

     (1)                       Introduction(導入部)

     (2)                       [ 51 ]

     (3)                       [ 52 ]

     (4)                       [ 53 ]

     (5)                       [ 54 ]

     (6)                       Conclusion(結語)


① A certain factor that has allowed vending machines to exist widely in one country(自動販賣機を一國に廣汎に存在させることになつたひとつの要因)

② Creation of one vending machine and a description of how the device was used(自動販賣機の創造とそ(の裝置)の利用法の記述)

③ Difficulties in building vending machines after introducing a different form of money(さまざまな形態の金錢導入後の自動販賣機建造の難しさ)

④ Types of vending machine goods sold at different locations in the past(過去にさまざまな場所で販賣された自動販賣機商品のタイプ)



[ 50 ] ②

[ 51 ] ②

[ 52 ] ④

[ 53 ] ③

[ 54 ] ①



6.1 given~: 「~を考へれば」。文語的な表現で、ここでは given が前置詞的に使はれてゐます。that節を續ける例は 「英文讀解のヒント(61)」(2016年11月9日付) をご覽ください。

6.1 preparatory it(形式主語): It is unlikely thatの〈It is~that〉のかたちは、主語 it を先に置いて「起こりさうにない」と言つておき、部分で後から何が起こりさうにないかを傳へる文體です。

□參考例文: ~部分に形容詞を置く例です。

58.6      It is unlikely that he will come.


                 = He is unlikely to come.


6.2 a place where~: 「~である場所」。where は關係副詞で、前の名詞(先行詞)の説明をしてゐます。

6.3 (the) next time~: 「今度~するときに」。關係副詞代用の that が脱落したものかと考へられますが、next time が接續詞的なはたらきをしてゐると解するとスムーズに讀めます。last time 「この前~したときに」も同樣です。

6.3 at least: 「少くとも」。at the least となることもあります。

6.3 probably: 「たいてい」「たぶん」。積極的にさうなる公算が大きいことを意味します。確信の程度を表はすさまざまな副詞の違ひについては、拙稿 「用例研究 135」(2018年7月16日付) で紹介してゐます。

6.3 just around the next corner: 「すぐ近くに」。 (just) around the corner が元々の表現でせう。文字通り「(街)角を曲つたところに」を意味することもあります。



6.1 自動販賣機の人氣と便利さを考へると、それらが、いつであれ近い將來に姿を消すことは無ささうである、

6.2 自動販賣機は多樣な商品を店員不要で販賣できる場を與へてくれる。

6.3 今度(/次に)、寒い日に温い飮物を買ひたい折には、少くとも日本では、たいていすぐ近くに自動販賣機がある、といふことを覺えておくことだ(/思ひ出すことだ)。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (6) 5パラ

2020-04-13 | 出題英文讀解

(5)   It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular. Currently, Japan has more than 4.2 million vending machines, with about 55% of them selling beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice. One of the main reasons Japan has become the vending machine capital of the world is its overall level of safety. Unlike many places, where vending machines must be monitored to prevent theft, they can be placed virtually anywhere in Japan. This extraordinary degree of public safety is considered amazing by visitors, as well as the range of products available. Tourists often take pictures of machines that sell unexpected products like bananas, fresh eggs, and bags of rice. It is understandable that visitors see them as one aspect particular to Japanese culture.


A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問4 According to paragraph (5), what is true about vending machines in Japan? [ 49 ]

① Foreign tourists hesitate to make purchases from them.

② Over three quarters of them sell a variety of drinks.

 ③ The highly safe products sold in them attract customers.

④ The variety of items makes them unique in the world.





5.1 It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular.

5.2 Currently, Japan has more than 4.2 million vending machines, with about 55% of them selling beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice.

5.3 One of the main reasons Japan has become the vending machine capital of the world is its overall level of safety.

5.4 Unlike many places, where vending machines must be monitored to prevent theft, they can be placed virtually anywhere in Japan.

5.5 This extraordinary degree of public safety is considered amazing by visitors, as well as the range of products available.

5.6 Tourists often take pictures of machines that sell unexpected products like bananas, fresh eggs, and bags of rice.

5.7 It is understandable that visitors see them as one aspect particular to Japanese culture.





問4 According to paragraph (5), what is true about vending machines in Japan? [ 49 ] (第5パラグラフの言ふところによれば、日本の自動販賣機についてはどれが正しいか)

① Foreign tourists hesitate to make purchases from them. (海外からの觀光客は日本の自動販賣機から購入するのをためらふ ※ 記載がありません)

② Over three quarters of them sell a variety of drinks. (日本の自動販賣機の四分の三以上がいろいろな飮物を販賣する ※ 5.2には55%とあります)

 ③ The highly safe products sold in them attract customers. (日本の自動販賣機で販賣される極めて安全な製品が顧客を引きつける ※ 記載がありません。5.5の safety は「治安の良さ」を説明してゐます)

④ The variety of items makes them unique in the world. (品目の多樣性により、日本の自動販賣機は世界で類のない(すばらしい)ものになつてゐる ※ 5.5、5.6、5.7 の記述により妥當であると判斷できます。 unique = unusually good and special)





5.1 preparatory it(強調構文)It is in Japan that vending: ここの〈It is~that〉のかたちは「強調構文」「強意構文」と呼ばれ、文の一部を前の~部に置き、その意味を強く印象づける文體です。(※例文を 「英文讀解のヒント(7)」(2014年7月9日付) に掲載してゐます)

5.1 most popular: 敍述用法で形容詞を用ゐると最上級でも the をつけないことがあります。most は very の意味にも解せますが、ここは文脈からみて最上級ではないかと思ひます。

5.2 with about 55% of them selling: 〈with~〉「~がである状態で」つまり「自動販賣機の約55%が、たとへば茶、珈琲、果汁などの飮料を販賣してゐる状態で(ある)」と記されてゐます。

5.2 such as~: 「たとへば~など」

5.3 One of the main reasons~: ~部分が前の名詞句を説明してゐます。~部分に關係副詞代用の that が省略されてゐると考へられます。

5.4 ~ , where…: many places がどんな場所なのか、その説明を追加してゐます。關係副詞の繼續用法(非限定用法とも)です。

5.5 ~ , as well asコンマがありますから「、…ばかりでなく」と説明を補足してゐるのでせうか。

5.7 preparatory it(形式主語) It is understandable that: ここの〈It is~that〉のかたちは、假に主語 it を置いて「理解できる」と言つておき、部分で後から何が理解できるかを傳へる文體です。

□參考例文: ~部分に形容詞を置く例です。

58.5      It is understandable that he’s a little afraid.


5.7 understandable = seem reasonable because of the situation you are in

5.7 see~as: 「~をとみなす」「~を…と思ふ」

5.7 one aspect particular to Japanese culture: 「日本文化特有の一側面(/一相)」。one aspect の説明 particular~ が後置されてゐます。



5.1 自動販賣機が最も人氣を博してゐるのは日本(において)である。

5.2 現在、日本420萬臺以上の自動販賣機があり、その約55パーセントで(たとへば)茶、珈琲、ジュースなどの飮料を販賣してゐる。

5.3 日本が、世界の自動販賣機中心地になつてゐる主因のひとつは日本の全般的安全性の水準(の高さ)である。

5.4 多くの場所、そこでは盜難を防ぐ爲に自動販賣機が監視されねばならないのだが、さういふ場所とは異なり、日本ではほとんど(/事實上)どこにでも自動販賣機を設置することができる。

5.5 この無類の公共安全の度合は、觀光客に驚くべきものとみなされる、入手できる品物の幅廣さと同樣に。

5.6 旅行客はしばしば、バナナ、生卵、米袋のやうな思ひがけない品物を賣る自動販賣機の寫眞を撮る。

5.7 觀光客が、自動販賣機を日本文化特有の一側面とみなすのも納得できる(/がゆく)。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (5) 4パラ

2020-04-06 | 出題英文讀解

(4)     The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money. This was a challenge as it proved easy for dishonest individuals to make money that could fool machines. This forced the vending machine industry to establish better detection methods and was one reason countries took steps to develop money that was difficult to counterfeit. Now, vending machines have become technologically advanced, not only to prevent problems with cash but also to accept credit cards and more recent forms of electronic payment.


A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問3 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word counterfeit in paragraph (4)? [ 48 ]

① accept illegal exchanges

② create unauthorized imitations

③ restrict unapproved technology

④ withdraw unnecessary support




4.1 The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money.

4.2 This was a challenge as it proved easy for dishonest individuals to make money that could fool machines.

4.3 This forced the vending machine industry to establish better detection methods and was one reason countries took steps to develop money that was difficult to counterfeit.

4.4 Now, vending machines have become technologically advanced, not only to prevent problems with cash but also to accept credit cards and more recent forms of electronic payment.




問3 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word counterfeit in paragraph (4)? [ 48 ] (次のどれが、第4パラグラフで下線が施された語 counterfeit の意味に最も近いか)

① accept illegal exchanges(違法な[金と物との]交換を受容する)

② create unauthorized imitations(許可されてゐない模造品を作り出す)

③ restrict unapproved technology(認可されてゐない科學技術を制限する)

④ withdraw unnecessary support(不要な支援を撤囘する)

語彙力を問うてゐます。counterfeit はフランス語由來の言葉で、ここでは動詞として「僞造する」といつた意味合ひで使はれてゐます。





4.1 faced~: faced~が前の the greatest problem を説明してゐます。「全世界にまたがる自動販賣機産業が擴大局面で直面する最大の問題」

4.1 ;(セミコロン): 意味上の關聯が強い2つの獨立節の間に置かれてゐます。(※ここでは〈not~but〉の but に近いはたらきをしてゐるやうに思ひます)

4.3 force~to-不定詞(): 「~にするやう強ひる」

4.3 one reason~: ~部が one reason の説明です(※ that または why が省略された關係副詞節のはたらきをしてゐると考へられます)。なほ one を置いてゐるのは、他にも僞造防止策をとる理由があることを念頭に置いた表現であると思ひます。another や the other(s) などと呼應する one ではないでせうか。

4.3 took steps to-不定詞(): 「…するための方策を講ずる」

4.3 counterfeit: = to copy (something) closely in order to deceive

4.4 not only~but also: 「~だけでなくもまた」(このかたちについては 「英文讀解のヒント(54)」(2016年7月27日付) に解説と例文があります)




4.1 全世界にまたがる自動販賣機産業が擴大するにあたつての最大の問題は硬貨の使用ではなく、紙幣の使用である。

4.2 このことは難題であつた、不正直な(/不正をはたらくやうな)個人が機械を瞞せるお金を作ることが容易だと判明したので。

4.3 このことにより自動販賣機産業はさらに優れた探知方法を確立することを強ひられ(/餘儀なくされ)、このことが、諸國が僞造しにくいお金を開發する方策を講ずるひとつの理由であつた。

4.4 今や自動販賣機は科學技術の面で進歩を遂げてをり、(その結果)現金での問題を防ぐばかりでなく、クレジット・カードやもつと新しい電子決裁方式も受け付けるやうになつてゐる。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (4) 3パラ

2020-03-30 | 出題英文讀解

(3)     About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars. When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever. The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up. However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world. In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper. This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries. In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan. In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices. After that, a wider variety of products were sold. When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.


A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? [ 47 ]

① An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices.

② Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared.

③ Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago.

④ Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century.





3.1 About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China.

3.2 Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars.

3.3 When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever.

3.4 The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up.

3.5 However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world.

3.6 In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper.

3.7 This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries.

3.8 In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan.

3.9 In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices.

3.10 After that, a wider variety of products were sold.

3.11 When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.





問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? [ 47 ] (第3パラグラフの言ふところによれば、以下の自動販賣機について述べたもののうちでどれが正しいか)

① An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices. (イギリス人の發明家の自動販賣機はさまざまな價格で(/の)品物を販賣した ※ 3.6の記述と3.9の記述を合せて誤つた選擇肢を作つてゐます)

② Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared. (自動販賣機による販賣は高額硬貨が出現すると増大した ※ 本文に無い内容の選擇肢です)

③ Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago. (自動販賣機の技術は何世紀も前にアジアで見出された ※ 3.1と矛盾しない内容と考へられ、他の選擇肢と比べるとこれが殘ります。many centuries ago はうまく和譯できません)

④ Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century. (自動販賣機は18世紀までには世界に行き渡つてゐた ※ 3.5~の記述によると19世紀から20世紀にかけて世界に廣まつたことがわかります)






3.2 1700s: 讀みは ‘seventeen-hundreds’ など。

3.2 coin-operated~: 「硬貨で動かされる(/硬貨で作動する)~」二語をハイフンでつないだ造語で、形容詞のはたらきをしてゐます。

3.3 the product sold~: 「~によつて販賣される製品(煙草)」。sold~は過去分詞の句で、the product の説明として後置されてゐます

3.5 1880s: 讀みは ‘eighteen-eighties’ 。

3.5 it was not until ~the 1880s that: not と until/till を併用して「~になつて初めて」「~になつてやつと」といつた意味を傳へます。

この文體については  「英文讀解のヒント(72)」(2017年4月26日付) で扱ひましたので、その例文の一部を再掲します。。

■諳誦例文: 3.5と同じ強調構文のかたちです。

h72       It wasn't until I went to work that I discovered how important school is.


□參考例文: 強調構文でない場合です。

h72.2     People do not know the value of health till they lose it.


□參考例文: 否定語句が前に出て「倒置(動詞・助動詞と主語の轉倒)」が起きるケースです。

h72.7     Not until many years later did the whole truth become known.



h72.3     I didn't graduate from university until I was twenty-five.

h72.4     Not until I was twenty-five did I graduate from university.

h72.5    It was not until I was twenty-five that I graduated from university.


3.6 one: 前出の名詞 vending machine の繰り返しを避けて使はれてゐます。

3.7 vending machines selling~: 「~を販賣する自動販賣機」。selling~は現在分詞の句で、vending machines の説明として後置されてゐます。

3.8 come into service: 「~の利用が開始される」

3.9 set~to-不定詞(): 「~にさせる」 。ここは~部が機械ですから「~がするやう設定する」と解してもいいかと思ひます。



3.1 およそ千年前に、鉛筆を販賣する自動販賣機が中國で開發された。

3.2 その後1700年代に、硬貨で作動する煙草の箱がイギリスの酒場に出現した。

3.3 これらの箱(のひとつ)で販賣される製品が欲しいときには、人々は硬貨を投入し、レバーを囘した。

3.4 するとその製品は下に落ちて來て、顧客はそれを手にとつた(/客が手にとるやう下に落ちて來た)。

3.5 しかしながら、自動販賣機が世界に廣まつたのはやうやう1880年代になつてからのことであつた。

3.6 1883年にイギリス人の發明家がはがきと便箋を販賣する自動販賣機を作り出した。

3.7 これが人氣を博し(/評判になり)、ほどなく便箋、切手やその他の品物を販賣する自動販賣機が多くの國に出現した。

3.8 1904年には日本で自動販賣機の利用が始まつた。

3.9 1926年には、科學技術が(すでに)進んでゐて、自動販賣機にさまざまな價格の製品を販賣させることが可能であつた。

3.10 その後さらに多樣な製品が販賣された。

3.11 かうしたことが起こると、自動販賣機産業は急速に擴大した(/發展した)。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (3) 2パラ

2020-03-23 | 出題英文讀解

(2)     While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan. It is generally believed that the first one was constructed by a Greek mathematics teacher about 2,200 years ago. This machine sold special water used in prayers at temples. People who wanted to purchase the water put in a coin, which hit a metal lever attached to a string. Then, the weight of the coin let a specific amount of water pour out until the coin fell off. This ensured that people received an equal portion of the special water.


A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1 According to paragraph (2), what was the first vending machine capable of doing? [ 46 ]

① Allowing people to acquire a fixed amount of liquid from it

② Offering books of ancient Greek mathematical principles

③ Permitting visitors to enter temples when they wanted to pray

④ Providing a regular income to the person who created it





2.1 While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan.

2.2 It is generally believed that the first one was constructed by a Greek mathematics teacher about 2,200 years ago.

2.3 This machine sold special water used in prayers at temples.

2.4 People who wanted to purchase the water put in a coin, which hit a metal lever attached to a string.

2.5 Then, the weight of the coin let a specific amount of water pour out until the coin fell off.

2.6 This ensured that people received an equal portion of the special water.
















問1 According to paragraph (2), what was the first vending machine capable of doing? [ 46 ] (第2パラグラフの言ふところによれば、最初の自動販賣機は何をすることができたか)

① Allowing people to acquire a fixed amount of liquid from it(人々がそれから一定量の液體を入手すること)

② Offering books of ancient Greek mathematical principles(古代ギリシアの數學原理の書物を提供すること)

③ Permitting visitors to enter temples when they wanted to pray(觀光客が禮拜したいときに寺院に入るのを許すこと)

④ Providing a regular income to the person who created it(それを創り出した人に定收入をもたらすこと)





2.2 preparatory it(形式主語): 主語が長くなることを避けて、假に it を主語として置いて述語部分を先に述べ、後で本來の主語(眞主語)を置いて説明する文體です。眞主語は名詞、不定詞句、分詞句、節などさまざまですが、ここではthat節が置かれてゐます。

□參考例文: 問題文と同樣に受動態で始まりthat節が置かれてゐる例文です。

58.2.1  It is believed that French food is the best in the world.


58.2.2  It is reported that several American motor manufacturers are planning to set up assembly plants overseas.


2.2 one: 前出の名詞 vending machine の繰り返しを避けるために使はれてゐます。「最初の自動販賣機」として特定のものを指すため the first one としてゐます。文法書では「不定代名詞」の項に解説があります。

2.3 prayer: 「祈り」の意味では發音が [prɛər] となります。

2.4 , which は關係代名詞の繼續用法(/非限定用法)です。これについては拙ブログの 「關係代名詞の讀み方(8)」(2012年7月4日付) に解説と例文を掲載してゐます。

2.5 〈let~原形不定詞(…)〉のかたちは使役表現で、「~に…させておく」(~がしたがつてゐることを許して或は自由に…させる)といつた意味です。使役については 「英文讀解のヒント(4)」(2014年5月28日付) に解説と例文を掲載してゐます。



2.1 自動販賣機は今日國中くまなく見つかるけれども、もともと日本で開發されたのではなかつた(/生まれは日本ではなかつた)。

2.2 最初の自動販賣機は、およそ2200年前にギリシアの數學教師によつて建造された(/組立てられた)といふのが通説である(/と廣く信じられてゐる)。

2.3 この機械で、寺院の禮拜で使はれる特別な水が販賣された。

2.4 その水を購入したい人々は硬貨を投入し、それが細紐につなげられた金屬レバーに當たつた。

2.5 それから硬貨が落ちきるまで、硬貨の重量によつて一定量の水が流れ出た。

2.6 この機械によつて、人々は確實に等量の特別な水を受け取れた。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (2) 1パラ

2020-03-16 | 出題英文讀解

 センター試驗の長文問題に取りかかる前に、各パラグラフの先頭文をざつと眺めて、内容の見當をつけてみませう。vending machines について述べてゐる文章みたいですが、どんな機械なんでせうか。


1.1 Vending machines are so common in Japan that you can find one almost anywhere you go. (vending machines はとても common なので日本のどこにでもある)

2.1 While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan. (vending machines は國中にあるが、日本で開發されたのではない)

3.1 About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. (千年前 vending machines が中國で開發された)

4.1 The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money. (vending machinesの問題は硬貨ではなく紙幣の使用)

5.1 It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular. (vending machines の人氣が出てゐるのは日本で)

6.1 Given the popularity and usefulness of vending machines, it is unlikely that they will disappear anytime in the near future. (vending machines がすぐに姿を消すことはなささう)




・58 センター試驗 2020 (2) 1パラ


(1)     Vending machines are so common in Japan that you can find one almost anywhere you go. Some of these machines sell train or meal tickets, and others sell snacks or drinks. They are especially useful for people who want to get something quickly and conveniently.




1.1 Vending machines are so common in Japan that you can find one almost anywhere you go.

1.2 Some of these machines sell train or meal tickets, and others sell snacks or drinks.

1.3 They are especially useful for people who want to get something quickly and conveniently.



1.1 〈so~that〉のかたちは、so で~(形容詞や副詞)を強調し、あとにthat 節(/文)を續けて、so~の結果がどうであるか、so~の程度や樣子がどうであるかといつた説明を加へる文體です。that は省略されることがあります。

1.1 almost: 「ほとんど」。ここでは anywhere を修飾して any の意味合ひを弱めてゐます。

1.1 anywhere 「どこにでも」。ここは後ろに説明が追加され「行くところどこにでも」を意味してゐます。


58.1      In the afternoon, you may go anywhere you like.



1.2 some – others: 全體のうちの一部を漠然と示す表現です。「~のものもあればのものもある」「あるものは~、またあるものは」など。



1.1 自動販賣機(といふもの)は、日本では非常に廣く行き渡つてをり、到るところにあるといつてもいいほどである(/たいてい行くところどこにでもある)。

1.2 かうした自動販賣機のうちには、列車の切符や食券を賣るものがあり、輕食や飮物を賣るものもある。

1.3 それらは、何か(の品)を素早く簡便に入手したい(/買ひたい)人にとくに役立つ(/助けになる)。

・58 センター試驗 2020 (1) 全文

2020-03-09 | 出題英文讀解




第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。


(1)     Vending machines are so common in Japan that you can find one almost anywhere you go. Some of these machines sell train or meal tickets, and others sell snacks or drinks. They are especially useful for people who want to get something quickly and conveniently.


(2)     While vending machines are found throughout the country today, they were not originally developed in Japan. It is generally believed that the first one was constructed by a Greek mathematics teacher about 2,200 years ago. This machine sold special water used in prayers at temples. People who wanted to purchase the water put in a coin, which hit a metal lever attached to a string. Then, the weight of the coin let a specific amount of water pour out until the coin fell off. This ensured that people received an equal portion of the special water.


(3)     About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars. When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever. The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up. However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world. In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper. This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries. In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan. In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices. After that, a wider variety of products were sold. When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.


(4)     The greatest problem faced by the global vending machine industry in its expansion was not the use of coins; it was paper money. This was a challenge as it proved easy for dishonest individuals to make money that could fool machines. This forced the vending machine industry to establish better detection methods and was one reason countries took steps to develop money that was difficult to counterfeit. Now, vending machines have become technologically advanced, not only to prevent problems with cash but also to accept credit cards and more recent forms of electronic payment.

(5)  It is in Japan that vending machines have become most popular. Currently, Japan has more than 4.2 million vending machines, with about 55% of them selling beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice. One of the main reasons Japan has become the vending machine capital of the world is its overall level of safety. Unlike many places, where vending machines must be monitored to prevent theft, they can be placed virtually anywhere in Japan. This extraordinary degree of public safety is considered amazing by visitors, as well as the range of products available. Tourists often take pictures of machines that sell unexpected products like bananas, fresh eggs, and bags of rice. It is understandable that visitors see them as one aspect particular to Japanese culture.


(6)     Given the popularity and usefulness of vending machines, it is unlikely that they will disappear anytime in the near future. They provide a place where various goods can be sold without the need for a sales clerk. The next time you want to purchase a hot drink on a cold day, remember that, in Japan at least, there is probably a vending machine just around the next corner.


A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1 According to paragraph (2), what was the first vending machine capable of doing? [ 46 ]

① Allowing people to acquire a fixed amount of liquid from it

② Offering books of ancient Greek mathematical principles

③ Permitting visitors to enter temples when they wanted to pray

④ Providing a regular income to the person who created it


問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? [ 47 ]

① An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices.

② Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared.

③ Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago.

④ Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century.


問3 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word counterfeit in paragraph (4)? [ 48 ]

① accept illegal exchanges

② create unauthorized imitations

③ restrict unapproved technology

④ withdraw unnecessary support


問4 According to paragraph (5), what is true about vending machines in Japan? [ 49 ]

① Foreign tourists hesitate to make purchases from them.

② Over three quarters of them sell a variety of drinks.

 ③ The highly safe products sold in them attract customers.

④ The variety of items makes them unique in the world.


問5 What would be the best title for this passage? [ 50 ]

① The Cultural Benefits of Vending Machines in Japanese Society

② The Development of Vending Machines From Historical Perspectives

③ The Economic Impact of Vending Machines by International Comparison

④ The Globalization of Vending Machines Through Modern Technology


B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[ 51 ]~[ 54 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

Paragraph                     Content

     (1)                       Introduction

     (2)                       [ 51 ]

     (3)                       [ 52 ]

     (4)                      [ 53 ]

     (5)                       [ 54 ]

     (6)                       Conclusion


① A certain factor that has allowed vending machines to exist widely in one country

② Creation of one vending machine and a description of how the device was used

③ Difficulties in building vending machines after introducing a different form of money

④ Types of vending machine goods sold at different locations in the past


・57 センター試驗 2019 (7) 6パラ

2019-03-18 | 出題英文讀解

(6)     As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.  These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures.  Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.  Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.


問5  What is the main point of this article?  [  50  ]

  ①  Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.

  ②  Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.

  ③  Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.

  ④  The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.


B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[  51  ]~[  54  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)                       Introduction

      (2)                        [  51  ]

      (3)                        [  52  ]

      (4)                        [  53  ]

      (5)                        [  54  ]

      (6)                       Conclusion


  ①  Creation of roads used by people, animals, and vehicles

  ②  Developing ways for people to fly from place to place

  ③  Establishment of global paths for information transfer

  ④  Opening of lanes for ships to travel and transport things





6.1  As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.

6.2  These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures.

6.3  Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.

6.4  Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.




問5  What is the main point of this article? (この論説文の主題は何か) [  50  ]

  ①  Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.(人間は最初にさまざまなタイプの便利な(通り)道を陸上に造つた  ※第2パラグラフの記述に照らして誤りとは言へませんが、main point としては不適切です)

  ②  Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.(輸送の改善は多額の經費をかけてもたらされてきた  ※尤もらしい言説ですが、記されてゐません)

  ③  Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.(科學技術は世界中で(通り)道の開設を妨げてきた  ※文の趣旨に矛盾する内容です)

  ④  The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.(人間の進歩は(通り)道の發達に助けられた)


B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[  51  ]~[  54  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)                       Introduction(導入)

      (2)                        [  51  ]

      (3)                        [  52  ]

      (4)                        [  53  ]

      (5)                        [  54  ]

      (6)                       Conclusion(結語)


  ①  Creation of roads used by people, animals, and vehicles(人々、動物、乘物により使はれる道の創設)

  ②  Developing ways for people to fly from place to place(人々が彼此に飛ぶ道の開發)

  ③  Establishment of global paths for information transfer(情報移送のため地球規模の道の確立)

  ④  Opening of lanes for ships to travel and transport things(船舶が移動し物品輸送するための道の開設)

※選擇肢では route の類義語 road / way / path / lane を用ゐてゐますが、便宜上「道」と和譯してゐます。



[  50  ]  ④

[  51  ]  ①

[  52  ]  ④

[  53  ]  ②

[  54  ]  ③



6.1     as long as ~                ~と同じ期間/~である限りは/~だけ長い間

6.2      contribute to ~           ~に寄與する/~の一助となる

6.2      not only ~ but also …          ~ばかりでなく…も

6.3      play a role in ~          ~で役割を果す

6.4      in the future                 將來は



6.1  これまで人間が存在する限りは、彼らをつなぐ(通り)道が存在してきた。

6.2  これらの(通り)道は、人々・物品・情報の移動ばかりでなく私たちの地域社會・經濟・文化の發展にも寄與してきた。

6.3  (通り)道は人類の發展と繁榮に重要な役割を果してきた。

6.4  今は未知の(通り)道が、將來きつと私たちをさらに遠くへと連れて行つてくれる(ことだらう)。