
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・英文讀解のヒント (76) 《what+名詞》

2017-06-28 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (76) 《what+名詞》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     When you love something, you have the capacity to bore everyone about why ―― it doesn’t matter why.  Wrestling, like boxing, is a weight-class sport; you get to bump into people your own size.  You can bump into them very hard, but where you land is reasonably soft.  And there are civilized aspects to the sport’s combativeness: I’ve always admired the rule that holds you responsible, if you lift your opponent off the mat, for your opponent’s “safe return.”  But the best answer to why I love wrestling is that it was the very first thing I was any good at.  And what limited success I had in the sport I owe completely to my first coach, Ted Seabrooke.

(40 宮崎大學 2013 2パラ: 2014年4月4日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  《what+名詞》のかたちは疑問文や感嘆文、關係詞節などのケースがありますが、下線部は關係詞節のケースで、動詞 owe の目的語として前に置かれてゐます。主語は I です。

  下線部のやうに關係代名詞 what を形容詞的に用ゐる場合に what が「するすべての~」(=all the~that)、「するどんな~でも」(=any~that)、「するだけの~」(=as much/many~as)の意味になることがあります。(※單獨でもさういふ意味を帶びることがあります。)文脈に注意を拂ひます。


76.2       I gave him what help I could give.

         =  I gave him all the help that I could give.



76.3       I'll give you what help I can.

         =  I'll give you any help that I can.



76.4       Lend me what money you can.

         =  Lend me as much money as you can.


□參考例文: 上記の意味合ひを帶びない場合です。

76.5       What money he has comes from his family.

         =  The money that he has comes from his family.



  名詞の前に little、few、small などを置いて「わづかではあるが」「少ないながらも」といつた意味を加へることがあります。


76          He sent his mother what little money he had saved.



76.6       What few friends I have here have been very kind to me.



  下線部では limited が置かれてゐますから「限られてはゐるが全ての成功は」と解すると良いでせう。やや謙遜の乃至は自嘲的な響きが感じられますから、[意味把握チェック]では「ささやかな成功」としてみました。


  2.2  what が關係詞か疑問詞か見分けにくいケースもありますが、意味が解せればあまり氣にする必要はありません。ask や know などの動詞で判別できる場合もあります。

□參考例文: 疑問詞と思はれるケースです。

76.7       It will all depend on what terms they will offer.


□參考例文: どちらとも解せるケースです。

76.8       His ideas of what would accomplish his aims do not necessarily mesh with reality.



3  意味把握チェック

2.1 何かがとても好きなときには、好きな理由(/どうして好きか)について皆をうんざりさせることができる――(つまり)好きな理由(/どうして好きか)はどうでもいいのだ。

2.2 レスリングは、ボクシング同樣、體重制のスポーツであり、自分と同じ體格の人々にぶつかつてゆくことになる(/ことができる)。

2.3 相手選手にひどくぶつかることもできるが、落ちるところはかなり柔い。

2.4 そしてレスリングの鬪ひには洗煉された面があり、選手が竸技相手を抱へ上げてマットから離したら「安全に戻」す責任が維持されるルールを私は常に稱揚してきた。

2.5 しかし、どうしてレスリングが好きかといふ疑問への最も適切な答は、(程度はどうあれ)自分が得意であつた全くの最初のものだつたといふことである。

2.6 さうしてレスリングでのささやかな成功のすべては完全に最初のコーチ Ted Seabrooke のおかげである。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・115.3 Contemporary psychologists who study human …

2017-06-26 | 出題英文讀解


     Perhaps this is why until the 1980s most researchers focused on negative emotions; they seemed to cause the most suffering and trouble-for both the individual and for society.  An analysis of Psychological Abstracts, a summary of books and articles published in psychology, found that from 1887 to the mid-1990s there were 136,728 titles referring to anger, anxiety, or depression, but only 9,510 referring to joy, satisfaction, or happiness.  And it was not until the late 1990s that a focus on positive emotions began to emerge.



36.  In paragraph 3, the statistics in articles published in the Psychological Abstracts are given to

     a. define the nature of the debate.

     b. narrow the scope of the investigation.

     c. balance negative and positive emotions.

     d. support the claim made in the previous sentence.


37.  Historically, researchers studied negative emotions more often because

     a. such emotions were easy to measure.

     b. so much was published on such emotions.

     c. such emotions caused the most damage.

     d. such emotions were considered most ancient.





3.1  Perhaps this is why until the 1980s most researchers focused on negative emotions; they seemed to cause the most suffering and trouble-for both the individual and for society.

3.2  An analysis of Psychological Abstracts, a summary of books and articles published in psychology, found that from 1887 to the mid-1990s there were 136,728 titles referring to anger, anxiety, or depression, but only 9,510 referring to joy, satisfaction, or happiness.

3.3  And it was not until the late 1990s that a focus on positive emotions began to emerge.



36.  In paragraph 3, the statistics in articles published in the Psychological Abstracts are given to(第3パラグラフで、Psychological Abstracts に公表された統計は~ために提示されてゐる。  ※3.1と3.2の關係で判斷できます。論説文のパラグラフ構成・組立て方に關する設問とも言へます。)

     a. define the nature of the debate. (討議の本質を明らかにする)

     b. narrow the scope of the investigation. (研究調査の範圍を限定する)

     c. balance negative and positive emotions. (否定的感情と肯定的感情とのバランスをとる)

     d. support the claim made in the previous sentence. (前文の主張を裏づけ[/確證]する)


37.  Historically, researchers studied negative emotions more often because(歴史的には、研究者たちは~といふ理由で、[肯定的感情に比して]否定的感情を研究することが多かつた。  ※冒頭の this は第2パラグラフの内容、つまり否定的な感情が宜しくない結果を引き起こすことを指してゐます。3.1のセミコロンのあとにも同樣のことを一般論として述べ、否定的感情に關する研究が多い事情乃至は理由を説明してゐます。)

     a. such emotions were easy to measure. (そんな[否定的]感情は測定しやすい)

     b. so much was published on such emotions. (そんな[否定的]感情については非常に多くの發表がなされてゐる)

     c. such emotions caused the most damage. (そんな[否定的]感情は最も多大な損害を引き起こす)

     d. such emotions were considered most ancient. (そんな[否定的]感情は極めて古びたことと考へられてゐる)



36.  d

37.  c



3.1  關係副詞<先行詞省略・why(~)>: 先行詞として the reason を補つてみるとわかりやすいと思ひます。this が主語なら「かういふわけで~」。なほ this は第2パラグラフの内容を指してゐます。

3.1  ; (セミコロン): ピリオドとコンマの中間程度に文を切ります。説明を追加することが多いのですが、ここでも關心集中の事情・理由を一般論として述べてゐます。

3.1  most: much の最上級です。suffering、troubleとも不可算名詞としてつかはれてゐます(複數形になつてゐません)。

3.1  perhaps: 「たぶん」「おそらく」といつた意味が辭書に載つてゐますが、確率としては半々くらゐのもので、つよい確信を以て述べてゐるのではありません。不等號を用ゐて確信の強さで竝べてみると、definitely>certainly>probably(=almost certainly  8割がた)>perhaps, maybe(半々)>possibly といつた案配でせうか。[意味把握チェック]では「ことによると」としてみました。

3.1       focus on ~                   (注意・關心などを)~に集中させる

3.1       both ~ and …              ~と…の兩方

3.2  Psychological Abstracts が書名であることを示すために斜字體にしてゐます。

3.2  <there is/are 名詞+現在分詞/過去分詞>: このかたちは、「存在する/しない」の意味がうすれてゐることがあります。名詞部分を主語に、分詞部分を動詞のやうに解するとスムーズに意味が傳はつてきます。(→英文讀解のヒント(22)[2015年3月25日付]參照)

3.2   summaryは abstract を平易な言葉に言ひ換へたものです。

3.2       refer to ~                      ~に言及する / ~に注意を向ける

3.3  preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/was not until ~ that …>「~になつて初めて…」。until ~ を前に出して強調する文體です。(→英文讀解のヒント(7)[2014年7月9日付]參考例文7.4參照)。



3.1  ことによるとかういふ理由で1980年代までほとんどの研究者が否定的な感情に關心を集中したのであらう。それらは、個人に對しても社會に對しても最大の苦痛と迷惑を引き起すやうに思はれた(からである)。

3.2  Psychological Abstractsつまり心理學の領域で刊行された書籍や記事の概要をまとめたものであるが、その分析により、1887年から1990年代半ばまで、136728の表題が怒り、不安、抑鬱に言及してゐたが、わづか9510の表題しか歡喜、滿足、幸福に言及してゐなかつたことが判明した。

3.3  そして1990年代をはりになつて初めて肯定的な感情への關心集中が現はれ始めた。

・115.2 Contemporary psychologists who study human …

2017-06-19 | 出題英文讀解



     Yet the fact that emotions such as these may have evolved for useful reasons does not mean that they inevitably play a productive role in modern life.  For example, impulsive violence leads to imprisonment, and hostility is bad for one’s health.  In one study, 255 medical students took a personality test measuring their levels of hostility, then twenty-five years later their health was analyzed.  It was found that the most aggressive students had experienced five times more heart problems than those who were less hot-headed.




33.  How is paragraph 2 related to paragraph 1?

     a. It provides contrastive information.

     b. It provides alternative information.

     c. It provides supportive information.

     d. It provides illustrative information.


34.  What does paragraph 2 imply?

     a. Hostility is bad for the heart.

     b. It is good to express natural emotions.

     c. Every evolved trait has a use in modern life.

     d. Aggression is common among medical students.


35.  Referring to the phrase underlined in paragraph 2, people who are “hot-headed”

     a. can easily become ill.

     b. are quick to get angry.

     c. are quick to lose focus.

     d. can easily be satisfied.




2.1  Yet the fact that emotions such as these may have evolved for useful reasons does not mean that they inevitably play a productive role in modern life.

2.2  For example, impulsive violence leads to imprisonment, and hostility is bad for one’s health.

2.3  In one study, 255 medical students took a personality test measuring their levels of hostility, then twenty-five years later their health was analyzed.

2.4  It was found that the most aggressive students had experienced five times more heart problems than those who were less hot-headed.



33.  How is paragraph 2 related to paragraph 1? (第2パラグラフは第1パラグラフとどう關聯してゐるか。  ※パラグラフの趣旨の把握とパラグラフ構成の意圖の把握を問うてゐます。第1パラグラフでは、私たちの感情が種としての存續に貢獻するとし、「マイナス感情/否定的感情」について同様であると述べてゐます。Yet ではじまる第2パラグラフでは、現代生活では必ずしも同樣とは言へない一面があると述べられてゐます。)

     a. It provides contrastive information. (第2パラグラフは、第1パラグラフとは對照的な[/對比的な]情報を提供してゐる。)

     b. It provides alternative information. (第2パラグラフは、第1パラグラフにとつて代はれるやうな[/の代替]情報を提供してゐる。)

     c. It provides supportive information. (第2パラグラフは、第1パラグラフを支持する情報を提供してゐる。)

     d. It provides illustrative information. (第2パラグラフは、第1パラグラフの内容の例證[/説明]となる情報を提供してゐる。)


34.  What does paragraph 2 imply? (第2パラグラフが含意してゐるのは何か。)

     a. Hostility is bad for the heart. (敵意は心臟に惡い。)

     b. It is good to express natural emotions. (自然な感情を表明することは良いことである。)

     c. Every evolved trait has a use in modern life. (あらゆる進化した特質は、現代生活において使ひ道がある[/役立つ]。)

     d. Aggression is common among medical students. (攻撃性向は、醫學生にはよく見られる[/一般的である]。)


35.  Referring to the phrase underlined in paragraph 2, people who are “hot-headed” (第2パラグラフで下線を施した言ひ囘しに關して言へば、「hot-headed」である人は……[人のことである]。  ※語彙力といふよりは、文脈把握にもとづく「類推力」を問うてゐるやうに見えます。また語句や表現をさまざまに變化させて讀者の理解を促してゆく英語の特徴も參考になります。)

     a. can easily become ill. (病氣になりやすい)

     b. are quick to get angry. (短氣な[/我武者らな])

     c. are quick to lose focus. (すぐ氣が散る)

     d. can easily be satisfied. (滿足しやすい)



33.  a

34.  a

35.  b



 2.1  同格: that節が直前の名詞 the fact を説明してゐます。

 2.1  部分否定: not は that節の中の inevitably を修飾し、「~となるとは限らない」といつた部分否定的な意味を表はします。

2.1       such as ~                      例へば~など

2.1       play a role in ~            ~で役割を果す

2.2       for example                たとへば

2.2       lead to ~                   (事が)(ある結果:~)に到る

 2.4  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は that節です。

 2.4  言換: hot-headed は「短氣な」「怒りつぽい」「がむしやらな」といつた意味ですが、ここでは aggressive を言ひ換へて使つてゐるやうに思はれます。上記のやうに、讀者の理解を促してゆく一面に加へ、繰り返しを避けて文體に變化をつける修辭的な技巧といふ面もあらうかと思ひます。



2.1  けれどもかうした感情が實用的な理由で徐々に發達したのかもしれないといふ事實により、それらが現代の暮しで生産的な役割を果すとは必ずしも言へない。

2.2  たとへば、一時的な感情に驅られた暴力は投獄につながり、敵意は健康に惡い。

2.3  ある研究では、255人の醫學生が敵意の水準を測定する性格檢査を受け、それから25年後に彼らの健康状態が分析調査された。

2.4  最も攻撃的な(水準の)醫學生たちは、比較的怒りつぽくない(/それほど攻撃的でない)(水準の)醫學生たちに比して5倍多くの心臟問題を經驗してゐたことが判明した。

・英文讀解のヒント (75) 《as~as…》

2017-06-14 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (75) 《as~as

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     The fear of losing Japanese identity is at the root of most critics of early English education, and Japanese culture can presumably be considered more closely tied to language than others.  Yet, many studies have found that a stronger sense of Japanese identity develops through contact with other languages and cultures.  Awareness of one’s cultural identity comes as much from comparison as from knowing oneself.

(01 聖心女子大學 2008 2パラ: 2011年4月8日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  as much ~とあると、あとにまた as が續くかもしれない、「何かと同じくらゐ…」とか「何かと同樣に…」かなと豫感しながら、讀み進めるとわかりやすいかと思ひます。始めの as の後には形容詞や副詞が置かれることが多いのですが、この文では副詞 much の後にさらに副詞句が置かれ、後の as との間が長くなつてやや讀みづらくなつてゐます。まづ、「文化の獨自性の自覺は、比較から(同じくらゐ多く)生れる」と讀み……何と同じくらゐ多くかな、と思ひつつ讀み進めると、その説明が續きます。つまり from knowing oneself と同じくらゐ多く、といふことです。

Awareness comes from knowing oneself は、讀者にはいはば「あたりまへ、當然」のことですが、筆者は、あたりまへでないはう、つまり comparison のもつ效果や重要性を讀者に訴へたいのかと思はれます。そのため、「あたりまへ」つまり明らかなものを持ち出しておいて、それと同樣に……と讀者を説得しようとしてゐるのでせう。



2.2  ふたつのものを比較して、程度が同じことを表現する文體に〈as+原級(~)+as〉「…と同じくらゐ~」とその否定の〈not as/so+原級(~)+as〉「…ほど~ではない」があります。(※否定における so は改まつた感じ、as は口語的とされます)

■諳誦例文: 75b は形容詞 nice が副詞 as に引かれ直後に置かれたもの。

75a       I have as many books as you (do).



75b       He is as nice a person as his father.


□參考例文: 同じ種類のものを比べるのが原則(that=the population)

75.2      The population of London is not as large as that of Tokyo.





75.3      My memory is not as good as it used to be.



75.4      She isn't as young as she looks.



75.5      She is as bright as (she is) beautiful.


75.6      He is not so clever as he is wicked.



  このかたちには、「…のやうに~である」を經て、~部分を強調する Simile(直喩)の表現もあります。


75.7      She was as cool as a cucumber.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・115.1 Contemporary psychologists who study human …

2017-06-12 | 出題英文讀解


     Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.



31.  What do contemporary psychologists believe about emotions?

     a. Emotional states are responsible for psychological development.

     b. Some emotions evolved to be more useful than others.

     c. Emotions are no longer as useful as they once were.

     d. We have emotions because we needed them.


32.  What is the point made with the examples in paragraph 1?

     a. Negative emotions contributed to survival.

     b. Jealousy, fear and anger are all negative emotions.

     c. Negative emotions emerged earlier than other emotions.

     d. Negative emotions were more important in prehistoric times.





1.1  Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.

1.2  Even so-called “negative emotions.”

1.3  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.

1.4  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.

1.5  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.

1.6  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.



31.  What do contemporary psychologists believe about emotions? (現代の心理學者たちは、感情についてどのやうに考へてゐるのか。  ※1.1のthat 節の讀み取りを問うてゐます。)

     a. Emotional states are responsible for psychological development. (感情のあり方は、心理の發達の原因となつてゐる)

     b. Some emotions evolved to be more useful than others. (感情のうちには、發展進化して他の感情より有益になるものがあつた)

     c. Emotions are no longer as useful as they once were. (感情はもはや以前のやうには有益ではない)

     d. We have emotions because we needed them. (私たちは、感情を必要としたから、感情を持つてゐる)


32.  What is the point made with the examples in paragraph 1? (第一パラグラフの例で以て主張される核心[/要點]は何か。  ※擧げられた具體例から、筆者が訴へようとしてゐる核心をなす idea を讀み取ることができるかを問うてゐます。)

     a. Negative emotions contributed to survival. (否定的感情は生き殘りに貢獻した)

     b. Jealousy, fear and anger are all negative emotions. (嫉妬心、恐怖心や怒りはすべて否定的感情である)

     c. Negative emotions emerged earlier than other emotions. (否定的感情は他の感情より早期に出現した)

     d. Negative emotions were more important in prehistoric times. (先史時代には、否定的感情は一層重要であつた)



31.  d

32.  a



1.1       make a contribution to ~      ~に貢獻する

1.1      species                                  單複同形  發音は [spí:ʃi:z]

 1.2  double quotation:  negative emotions がまだ一般的な用語として定着してゐないため、引用符に入れて示してゐます。以下の文で否定的感情の具體例を擧げて説明してゐます。

1.3      for instance                例へば

 1.4  probably: 公算の大きいことを積極的にアピールする副詞です。八割方の確信が感じられます。

 1.4  分詞構文: giving~は説明を追加してゐます。and で續けるほどの意味です。

1.5       keep ~ away from …    ~を…から遠ざけておく

1.5       such as ~                            例へば~など

1.5      peoples                           ふたつ以上の民族、種族、國民を指す場合

 1.6  <助動詞+have+過去分詞>: 過去の事柄に對する現在の判斷を表現するかたちです。(※2015年8月12日付の英文讀解のヒント(31)及び26日付の英文讀解のヒント(32)に解説や例文があります。)


115.1             We may have made a mistake.


115.2             We must have taken a wrong turning.


115.3             They cannot have gone out because the light's on!


115.4             They should have arrived by now. (=ought to have arrived)


115.5             He ought to have been more careful. (=should have been)


1.6       fight ~ off / fight off ~       ~を(戰つて)退ける



1.1  進化との關聯で人間の特質を研究する現代の心理學者たちは、私たちの感情のそれぞれは、種としての存續に何らかの貢獻をするから出現したのだと假定する。

1.2  いはゆる「マイナス感情/否定的感情」でさへも(さうである)。

1.3  たとへば、嫉妬心は快いものではないかもしれないが、男女間の關係を強化するといふ前向きのはたらきをしてくれる可能性もある。

1.4  古來の性向として、嫉妬心はおそらく相手を求める競合者を遠ざけておき、カップルが一緒にゐる可能性を上げて、子どもたちが生き殘る可能性を高めたのであらう。

1.5  恐怖心は、未開の諸種族が蛇、深み、暗闇などの危險に近づかないやうにした。

1.6  怒りは、敵をうまく退ける行動力を彼らに與へるといふ積極的な意圖を擔つたのかもしれない。

・115.0 Contemporary psychologists who study human …

2017-06-05 | 出題英文讀解




Text 1


     Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.


     Yet the fact that emotions such as these may have evolved for useful reasons does not mean that they inevitably play a productive role in modern life.  For example, impulsive violence leads to imprisonment, and hostility is bad for one’s health.  In one study, 255 medical students took a personality test measuring their levels of hostility, then twenty-five years later their health was analyzed.  It was found that the most aggressive students had experienced five times more heart problems than those who were less hot-headed.


     Perhaps this is why until the 1980s most researchers focused on negative emotions; they seemed to cause the most suffering and trouble-for both the individual and for society.  An analysis of Psychological Abstracts, a summary of books and articles published in psychology, found that from 1887 to the mid-1990s there were 136,728 titles referring to anger, anxiety, or depression, but only 9,510 referring to joy, satisfaction, or happiness.  And it was not until the late 1990s that a focus on positive emotions began to emerge.


     Today, researchers are finally beginning to study productive mental states to find ways to help people progress from pathology to normalcy and normalcy to optimal functioning.  Among the reasons for this new orientation is the recognition that merely eliminating anger and depression is no guarantee of producing joy and happiness, and the removal of pain does not necessarily lead to the experience of pleasure.  Other justifications for the shift include research, such as Norman Bradburn’s 1969 study, showing that pleasant and unpleasant emotional states are produced by different mechanisms and must therefore be studied separately.   This observation has been underscored by current physiological research that uses CAT scans to identify which parts of the brain are most active when a subject is experiencing a particular emotion; these studies have shown that for the most part different emotions involve different parts of the cerebral cortex.


     As with the negative emotions, one important question is what evolutionary value positive emotions have.  According to one of the founders of positive psychology, Barbara Fredrickson, positive emotions broaden the range of our thoughts and actions.  This results in better personal adaptation to surroundings as well as better problem-solving skills.  Joy, interest, curiosity, and love lead to creativity and innovation, and they also provide a strong basis for community.  All of these confer an indisputable evolutionary advantage, not only helping us to live better but longer.



31.  What do contemporary psychologists believe about emotions?

     a. Emotional states are responsible for psychological development.

     b. Some emotions evolved to be more useful than others.

     c. Emotions are no longer as useful as they once were.

     d. We have emotions because we needed them.


32.  What is the point made with the examples in paragraph 1?

     a. Negative emotions contributed to survival.

     b. Jealousy, fear and anger are all negative emotions.

     c. Negative emotions emerged earlier than other emotions.

     d. Negative emotions were more important in prehistoric times.


33.  How is paragraph 2 related to paragraph 1?

     a. It provides contrastive information.

     b. It provides alternative information.

     c. It provides supportive information.

     d. It provides illustrative information.


34.  What does paragraph 2 imply?

     a. Hostility is bad for the heart.

     b. It is good to express natural emotions.

     c. Every evolved trait has a use in modern life.

     d. Aggression is common among medical students.


35.  Referring to the phrase underlined in paragraph 2, people who are “hot-headed”

     a. can easily become ill.

     b. are quick to get angry.

     c. are quick to lose focus.

     d. can easily be satisfied.


36.  In paragraph 3, the statistics in articles published in the Psychological Abstracts are given to

     a. define the nature of the debate.

     b. narrow the scope of the investigation.

     c. balance negative and positive emotions.

     d. support the claim made in the previous sentence.


37.  Historically, researchers studied negative emotions more often because

     a. such emotions were easy to measure.

     b. so much was published on such emotions.

     c. such emotions caused the most damage.

     d. such emotions were considered most ancient.


38.  What did Bradburn’s study show?

     a. Eliminating anger can cause happiness.

     b. Stopping pain can help increase peace of mind.

     c. CAT scans can be useful in treating emotional problems.

     d. Positive and negative emotions do not originate from the same part of the brain.


39.  The word “underscored” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

     a. concluded

     b. minimized

     c. supported

     d. approved


40.  According to the text, the ultimate evolutionary advantage of positive emotions is that we can

     a. cooperate better.

     b. have longer lives.

     c. become more creative.

     d. solve more difficult problems.