
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・センター試驗 2012 (6) 3パラ

2012-01-30 | 出題英文讀解

(3) 【第3パラグラフ】

   In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination.  For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job.  Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them.  It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late.



3.1  In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination.


[意味把握チェック] 3.1 人が目の前の用務をどう感じてゐるかといふことに加へて、用務を遂行する能力に對する自信の多寡も先延ばしに關はりがある。








in addition to




at hand

手近に / 手近な / 間近な


3.2  For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job.


[意味把握チェック] 3.2たとへば、特定の用務について成功の見込みがあまり持てない人は、用務の開始を(見込める人よりも)一層遲らせさうである。





for instance




be likely to-不定詞



3.3  Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them.


[意味把握チェック] 3.3 反對に、うまくやれると信じる人は、骨の折れる用務で(あつて)も、囘避するよりはむしろ引き受ける可能性が一層高い。








take on




rather than



3.4  It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late.


[意味把握チェック] 3.4だが、過剩な自信もまた先延ばしにつながる可能性があると論じるカウンセラーもゐる、といふことに注意すべきである。つまり、特定の用務を容易にやれると過信して(/簡單にできるとを括つて)、開始が遲くなりすぎる人もゐるのである。



preparatory it(形式主語):眞主語はthat some counselors argue~です。





lead to


・センター試驗 2012 (5) 2パラつづき

2012-01-27 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  will傾向や習性を表はすケース


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Wanna look through my magic telescope, Mr. B.?

  wanna=want to

  Mr. B.、ぼくの魔法の望遠鏡のぞいて觀たい?」


1 Sure.



2 I don’t see a thing, Elmo!  This thing is worthless!

  not a (single)~: 強い否定になることがあります。



3 Kids today will fall for anything!

  will: 傾向や習性を表はします

  fall for~: ~にだまされる / 一杯くはされる




3コマめで Bumsteadの目のまはりが黒くなつてゐます(パソコン畫面ではわかりにくいかもしれません)。つまりいたづらで「一杯くはされ」たわけです。

・センター試驗 2012 (4) 2パラ

2012-01-27 | 出題英文讀解

(2) 【第2パラグラフ】

   The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task.  Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant.  Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework.  However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email.  It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual.  For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off.



2.1  The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1第一の要因は、用務の快・不快の程度である(←人々が用務をどれほど快いと思ひ、あるひはどれほど不快と思ふか、である)。



・文全體の構造はSVCで、Cはhowの名詞節です。その名詞節の中はSVOCとなつてをり、Cはhowpleasant or unpleasantです。


2.2  Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant.


[意味把握チェック]   調査研究によれば、不快だと思ふ用務は先に延ばす傾向がある。








put off



2.3  Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework.


[意味把握チェック]   多くの高校生は、自室の清掃とか宿題の取組みを先に延ばすことがある(/かもしれない)。



2.3は、2.12.2についての具體的な例を擧げて讀者に説明する文章です。put offdelayに置き換へ、willmayに置き換へて文章に變化をつけてゐるのでせう。さらに3.2にはpostponeが使はれます。ことばは違ひますが意味は大きくは異なりません。


2.4  However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email.


[意味把握チェック]   しかしながら、多くの高校生は、友人からのメールに返信するといつた用務は先に延ばさないだらう(/かもしれない)。










2.5  It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual.


[意味把握チェック]   用務が快いかさうでないかは人によるのだといふことを念頭に置くことが大切である。



preparatory it(形式主語):眞主語はto remember~です。

whether or not「~かどうか」[既出]





depend on

~にかかつてゐる / ~によつて決まる


2.6  For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off.


[意味把握チェック]   例へば、自轉車が好きな人はパンクしたタイヤの修理を先延ばしにはしないだらうが、(一方、)自轉車が好きでない人は先延ばしにするかもしれない。



・省略:someone who does notのあとにlove bicyclesが省略されてゐます。

・語順について:2.2put off tasks2.6put it offのちがひは、文のリズムによつて生じてゐると考へられます。前者では、副詞offのはうが弱いため、この語順で [--] のリズムができ、後者に於いては、代名詞itが副詞offより弱いため、この語順で [--] のリズムが形成されます。





for example



【この項 (5)へつづく】

・センター試驗 2012 (3) 1パラつづき

2012-01-23 | 出題英文讀解



1.6  Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.


[意味把握チェック]  1.6先延ばしの背後にある理由の全てについて研究者の意見が(必ずしも)一致してゐるわけではないが、先延ばしを明らかにすることができるいくつかの要因についてはおほよその一致がみられる。



・部分否定:否定語(notなど)とともに「すべて」「常に」「必ず」などの意味を表はすことば、たとへばall / always / both / every / necessarily / quiteなどが使はれると、部分否定になります。前に置かれた否定語が、後のallなど全體を表はす語を否定するのが基本ですが、前後逆順もあり、文脈によつては、全體否定であつたり、あいまいだつたりすることもあるため注意が必要です。





agree on




[用例研究]  部分否定: not / everything


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 What did you think of the game, coach?


  What do you think of ( /about) ?「~をどう思ひますか」


1 Great, just great!  Our offense was sharp.



2 Our defense was solid



3 and our reserves were better than I hoped for.


  hope for ~: ~を期待する


4 But, coach, you lost the game by 30 points.


  by ~:~の差で


4 Hey, you can’t have everything.


  you: 「總稱人稱」で、漠然と一般の人を指してゐます。













 ( 讀解力養成の方法は、目的により、人により、置かれた環境條件により、さまざまに工夫する餘地があります。培はれた基礎力をもとにさういつた工夫をこらしてゆかれることを願つてゐます)


・センター試驗 2012 (2) 1パラ

2012-01-23 | 出題英文讀解



   A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night.  This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination.  It has been estimated that up to 95 % of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20 % of them do it too much.  Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true.  Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination.  Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.



1.1  A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1ある高校生は、月曜日に理科(/科学)の試驗があるのだが、週末の大部分(の時間)をテレビ・ゲームをして費やし、日曜日の夜遲くになるまで勉強を始めない(/日曜日の夜遅くになつてやうやく勉強を始める)。



・<否定語(not…など)+until >:「~までは…しない」「~になつて初めて…する」。強調構文では、<It is / was not untilthat…>といつたかたちになります。





spend ing



1.2  This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2しなければならない用務(/仕事/勉強)を避けたり遲らせたりするこの種の行爲はprocrastination(「先延ばし」)と呼ばれる。



1.2  procrastination學術的には「先延ばし」といふ譯語が定着してゐるやうです。(※語源と思はれるラテン語prōcrastĭno to put off till tomorrow といふほどの意味です)


1.3  It has been estimated that up to 95 % of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20 % of them do it too much.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3人々の95%までは少なくとも時々は先延ばしをするし、20%くらゐは先延ばしをし過ぎると推定されてきた。



preparatory it(形式主語):眞主語はthat節です。





up to




at least



1.4  Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4從來から、引き延ばしをする人々は怠け者だと考へられてきたが、研究によれば、さうではない( /これは眞實ではない)。


1.5  Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination.


[意味把握チェック]  1.5引き延ばしの根本原因( /根源)について知れば、どうして大概の人がある程度まで先延ばしをするかがわかりやすくなるし、私たち自身の先延ばしを減らすにも役立つ。





to some extent



【この項 (3)へつづく】

・センター試驗 2012 (1) 全文

2012-01-20 | 出題英文讀解





   A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night.  This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination.  It has been estimated that up to 95 % of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20 % of them do it too much.  Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true.  Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination.  Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.



   The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task.  Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant.  Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework.  However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email.  It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual.  For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off.



   In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination.  For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job.  Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them.  It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late.



   Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control.  Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work.  Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example.  Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.  Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.




   Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort.  For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present.  However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams.  Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away.  This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.



   What are the roots of your procrastination?  Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastinate once in a while.  On the other hand, if you feel that your procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it.  Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.          609語】

・鳥取大學 2007 (10) 6パラつづき

2012-01-16 | 出題英文讀解



6.5  For example, how can we evaluate a moral question such as, “Is free trade good or bad?”





for example




such as



[意味]  6.5 たとへば、「自由貿易はよいか惡いか?」といつた善惡に係る倫理的な問ひについては、どのやうに吟味することができるであらうか。


6.6  Those concerned first and foremost with self-interest will ask, “How does free trade affect me?”



concerned は過去分詞由來の形容詞で、名詞の後に置かれます。ここではwith~ と續けて、「~に關心がある人々」の意味になります。





first and foremost

まつ先に / いの一番に


[意味]  6.6自分の利益をいの一番に考へる人たちは、「自由貿易は自分にどんな風に影響を與へるのか?」と問ふであらう。


6.7  A national point of view will consider one’s country and the effects of free trade on it.





point of view

觀點 / 見地 / 考へ方 / 態度


[意味]  6.7國家的な見地(に立つ人)は自分の國と自由貿易が自分の國に及ぼす影響を考慮するであらう。


6.8  If people identify with a religion, they will ask how their religion would instruct them on this question.



would : 假定法由來の表現で、條件節がありません。主部 their religion に條件が示唆されてゐます。假に想定してみると、「もし信者がその宗教の教義にもとづく見解を求めるとすれば」など。(※かうした「いろいろな條件の示し方」について詳しく知りたい方は、2011817日付の拙稿をご覧ください。Back numbers の當該月をクリックし、Calendar の日付をクリックすると出てきます)





identify with

~と見解を同じくする / ~と意氣投合する


[意味]  6.8 もしある宗教を信仰する人たちなら、その宗教がこの問ひについてどのやうに教へてくれるだらうかと問ふであらう。


6.9  Finally, the global humanitarian view would ask, “What is best for humanity in general?”



・最上級(the なし): 補語の位置にある最上級の形容詞に the がついてゐません。他と比較して「最も~」と述べるのではなく、形容詞の意味を強調してゐるものです。6.10にも同じ表現があります。





in general

一般に / 概して / 普通


[意味]  6.9最後に、世界全體を視野に入れた人道的見地(に立つ人々)は、「人類一般にとつて何が非常に善いのか」を問ふであらう。


6.10  Therefore, people must ask themselves which viewpoint is most important to them when evaluating globalization.



・接續詞+分詞構文: when evaluating globalization は分詞構文に接續詞が添へられたものです。分詞構文(分詞の句)は主文との關はりが曖昧ですが、接續詞により明確になります。ここは when they evaluate globalization といつた意味になります。



[意味]  6.10 それゆゑに、人々は、globalization を吟味する際に、どの見地が自分にとつて非常に重要であるかを自問しなくてはならない。


・鳥取大學 2007 (9) 6パラ

2012-01-16 | 出題英文讀解


   Is globalization improving human capacity to deal with global issues? Or is it making it more difficult?  It is up to each one of us to make our own decisions about this.  Of course, each individual’s perspective will be influenced by whether he or she evaluates these issues based on self-interest, national interest, a religious view or a global humanitarian viewpoint.  For example, how can we evaluate a moral question such as, “Is free trade good or bad?”  Those concerned first and foremost with self-interest will ask, “How does free trade affect me?”  A national point of view will consider one’s country and the effects of free trade on it.  If people identify with a religion, they will ask how their religion would instruct them on this question.  Finally, the global humanitarian view would ask, “What is best for humanity in general?”  Therefore, people must ask themselves which viewpoint is most important to them when evaluating globalization. 


6.1  Is globalization improving human capacity to deal with global issues?





deal with



[意味]  6.1 globalization は世界的な諸問題を扱ふ人間の能力を伸ばしてゐるのか?


6.2  Or is it making it more difficult?



・主語の it globalization を指してゐます。目的語の it は前出の名詞(句)では特定しにくいやうです。「漠然と事態を指し」てゐるとみたはうがいいかもしれません。


[意味]  6.2 あるひは(事態を)一層難しくしてゐるのか?


6.3  It is up to each one of us to make our own decisions about this.



preparatory it (形式主語): 眞主語は to make~です。





up to

~の責任で / ~の義務で / ~まで


It's up to her to decide what to do next.



[意味]  6.3 このことについてわれわれ自身の決斷を下すのはわれわれ個々人にかかつてゐる。


6.4  Of course, each individual’s perspective will be influenced by whether he or she evaluates these issues based on self-interest, national interest, a religious view or a global humanitarian viewpoint.



・<whether or …>: 「~か…か」。ここでは、前置詞 by に續く名詞節を率ゐてゐますが、~や… 部分に①self-interest, national interest, a religious view or a global humanitarian viewpoint。と四つ竝んでゐます。

  一方 he or she or whether or …>の or ではなく、evaluates の主部として使はれてゐるものです。





of course

もちろん / 確かに




to examine and judge


[意味]  6.4 もちろん個々人の觀方は、彼なり彼女なりが、自分の利益か、國(家の利)益か、宗教による見解か、あるひは世界を視野に入れた人道的見地のいづれに基いてこれらの問題を吟味するか、によつて影響を受けるであらう。


【この項 (10)へつづく】

・鳥取大學 2007 (8) 5パラつづき

2012-01-13 | 出題英文讀解



5.4  Similarly, others argue that globalization brings only superficial change.


[意味]  5.4 同樣に、globalization は單に表面的な變化をもたらすに過ぎない、と論じる批評家もゐる。


5.5  As one scholar has noted, “McDonald’s hamburger restaurants may be in nearly every country, but in Germany they sell beer, while in Japan they serve teriyaki burgers.


[意味]  5.5 ひとりの學者が言及したやうに、「マクドナルドのハンバーガー・レストランはほとんどすべての國にあるだらうが、ドイツではビールを賣り、一方日本では照り焼きバーガーを提供してゐる」


5.6  In some countries, such as India, hamburgers are not even on the McDonald’s menu.”





such as



[意味]  5.6 インドのやうに、ハンバーガーがマクドナルドのメニューに載つてさへゐない國もあるのである。


5.7  Thus the global product is often altered to take on a local flavor.



・不定詞の副詞的用法(結果): 不定詞は、漠然と「これからのこと」を指し示して、説明を補ふ、といふはたらきをします。ここでも意味は漠然としてをりますが、變へられて、その結果どうなるかについての説明が添へられたのだと解するとスムーズに讀めます。[既出(201195日付拙稿)]





take on



[意味]  5.7 かうして、世界的な産品はしばしば姿を變へられ、地域の色合ひを帶びるのである。


5.8  The term “glocalization” has combined the words “global” and “local” to describe such hybrid products.


[意味]  5.8 glocalizationグロウカリゼイション」といふ言葉は、そのやうな複合的な産品を表はすために、「global(地球の)」と「local(地域の)」といふことばを合體させたものである。



[用例研究]  according to


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I love this dress!



1  And I’ll love the commission I get from selling it to you!

  commission: 手數料。ここでは、卸元か店主から一定割合で受け取る販賣手數料を指してゐます。



2  But my husband will hate the price.



2  Well, according to the latest rule, three loves can wipe out a hate.

  wipe out: 相殺する / 一掃する

  latest: 最近の / 最新の



3  Well, since I love that new rule, you can wrap up the dress!

  ・英語で見ると、この love が3つめになります。



3  Atta girl!

  atta girlattaboy(「いいぞ」「でかした」)の女性版でせう。ここでは2語に分けて記してゐます。



・鳥取大學 2007 (7) 5パラ

2012-01-13 | 出題英文讀解


   The degree to which cultural values can be “exported” is the subject of some debate, according to Huntington.  He argues that drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese.  “Throughout human history,” he says, “fashions and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly altering the basic culture of the recipient society.”  Similarly, others argue that globalization brings only superficial change.  As one scholar has noted, “McDonald’s hamburger restaurants may be in nearly every country, but in Germany they sell beer, while in Japan they serve teriyaki burgers.  In some countries, such as India, hamburgers are not even on the McDonald’s menu.”  Thus the global product is often altered to take on a local flavor.  The term “glocalization” has combined the words “global” and “local” to describe such hybrid products.



5.1  The degree to which cultural values can be “exported” is the subject of some debate, according to Huntington.





accorrding to

~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて


[意味]  5.1 Huntington のいふところによれば、文化に關はる價値意識がどの程度「輸出」される可能性があるのかについては議論の餘地がある。(←文化的價値が「輸出」される可能性の度合は、討議の主題となる)。


5.2  He argues that drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese.



・<not any more than …>: このかたちは、明白な否定的な事實を喩へとして引合ひに出すことにより、何かを否定する主張をおこなふための文體です。「~であることは、…でない以上に絶對ない」と強く否定します。<no more than …>のかたちになることもあります。



A whale is no more a fish than a horse is (a fish).

(あるひは A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).)



This ride is no more dangerous than a merry-go-round.



[意味]  5.2 すしを食べて日本人に似た考へにならないやうに、コカ・コーラを飲むことで考へ方がアメリカ人に似てくることはない、と彼は論ずる。


5.3  “Throughout human history,” he says, “fashions and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly altering the basic culture of the recipient society.”


[意味]  5.3 彼は言ふ、「人間の歴史を通して、流行や物品は、受け手社會の文化の基礎部分を大きく變へることなく、社會から社會へと廣まつてきた。


【この項 (8)へつづく】

・鳥取大學 2007 (6) 4パラ

2012-01-09 | 出題英文讀解


   At the cultural level, those who view increased cultural contact as positive say that it gives people more opportunities to learn about (and purchase goods from) other cultures.  But critics of cultural globalization see things differently.  Samuel Huntington has argued that the shrinking world will bring a “clash of civilizations.”  In this scenario, clashes will occur among many civilizations, including the Christian countries in the West against Islam.  Other critics of cultural globalization argue that the wealthy countries are guilty of cultural imperialism that their billion-dollar advertising budgets are destroying the cultures of non-Western areas, as illustrated by the aggressive sales strategy of some cosmetics corporations in the Amazon region.  The fear of cultural imperialism is certainly a key component in the strong negative feelings of some Arabs towards the United States.  Other critics are increasingly fearful that more and more national languages will disappear as foreign languages, especially English, penetrate borders.



4.1  At the cultural level, those who view increased cultural contact as positive say that it gives people more opportunities to learn about (and purchase goods from) other cultures.





view as



[意味]  4.1 文化の面では、増大する文化接觸を肯定的に見る人々は、他國について知る(そして他國からものを買ふ)機會が増えるといふ。


4.2  But critics of cultural globalization see things differently.


[意味]  4.2 しかし、文化の觀點からglobalizationを論ずる評論家たちは(事態について)異なつた觀方をする。


4.3  Samuel Huntington has argued that the shrinking world will bring a “clash of civilizations.”


[意味]  4.3 Samuel Huntingtonは、縮小する世界は「文明の衝突」をもたらすと論じてきた。


4.4  In this scenario, clashes will occur among many civilizations, including the Christian countries in the West against Islam.


[意味]  4.4 この筋書きにおいては、イスラム(教諸國)に對する西歐のキリスト教國を含め、多くの文明間で衝突が起こる。


4.5  Other critics of cultural globalization argue that the wealthy countries are guilty of cultural imperialism that their billion-dollar advertising budgets are destroying the cultures of non-Western areas, as illustrated by the aggressive sales strategy of some cosmetics corporations in the Amazon region.



other critics: 前に出た critics of cultural globalization とは別の論者を指して other critics が使はれてゐます。後述の[意味]では「~もゐる」としました。

・-(ダッシュ): 前の that 節を、-に續くthat 節が詳しくかつ具體的な例を擧げて説明する構造になつてゐます。假にふたつの論述内容を竝べるとすれば、and that~と續けるでせう。

as illustrated~: 接續詞 as の次に(主語+be動詞)が省略されてゐると考へるとわかりやすいと思ひます。拙稿では「アマゾン地域での~」を下のやうに前につけましたが、コンマがありますし、英文のとほりに最後に添へたはうが良いかもしれません。





be guilty of

~の缺點がある / ~の罪を犯した

 4.5   illustrated          アクセント注意


[意味]  4.5 裕福な國家が文化的帝國主義の科をおかすと論ずる(文化的globalization評論家もゐる ― (つまり)アマゾン地域での化粧品會社の過激な販賣戰略で明らかになつてゐるやうに、數十億ドルの宣傳豫算が非西歐圏の文化を破壞してゐる、と論ずるのである。


4.6  The fear of cultural imperialism is certainly a key component in the strong negative feelings of some Arabs towards the United States.


[意味]  4.6 文化的帝國主義に對する恐怖が、アラブ人たちが合衆國に對して抱く強い否定的感情の主たる構成要素であることは確かである。


4.7  Other critics are increasingly fearful that more and more national languages will disappear as foreign languages, especially English, penetrate borders.



・<比較級 and 比較級>: 「ますます~」の意味を表はし、ここでは many が比較級として使はれてゐます。


[意味]  4.7 外國語、特に英語が國境を越えるにつれて、ますます多くの國語が失はれてゆくといふ恐れを次第に募らせる評論家もゐる。


・鳥取大學 2007 (5) 3パラ

2012-01-06 | 出題英文讀解


   In the area of economics, increased globalization has given consumers more choice.  Also, multinational corporations are creating jobs in poor areas where people never before had such opportunities.  Some critics, however, argue that increased foreign investment and trade benefit only a small group of wealthy individuals and that, as a result, the gap between rich and poor grows both within and between countries.  These critics point out that the combined wealth of the fifteen richest people in the world is more than the gross domestic product (GDP)* of southern Africa.  Related to this is the argument that many factory jobs are moving from the richer developed nations to the poor countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia.



3.1  In the area of economics, increased globalization has given consumers more choice.



3.1   choice    不可算名詞として使はれてゐます。ここは「選擇權」や「選擇の自由」と解するのが良いでせう。


[意味]  3.1 経済の領域では、擴大したglobalizationにより、消費者には一層大きい選擇の自由が與へられてきた。


3.2  Also, multinational corporations are creating jobs in poor areas where people never before had such opportunities.


[意味]  3.2 また多國籍企業は、貧しい地域に於いて、これまで(その地域の人々に)機會がなかつたやうな仕事を創出してゐる。


3.3  Some critics, however, argue that increased foreign investment and trade benefit only a small group of wealthy individuals and that, as a result, the gap between rich and poor grows both within and between countries.



somedeterminer としての some については、下に掲げた説明文が參考になるでせう。英文は理解できても、some に正確に該當する日本語がないため、和譯に困ることがありますが、母集團を念頭に置いて、「多からず、少なからず」といつた曖昧な數量を表現するのがコツです。「いくらかの」「多少の」でうまくゆかないときは、「一部の~」としたり「~もある」とするなどの手があります。

  ( some ) often suggests an indefinite quantity or number, and is used when it is not important to say exactly how much / many we are thinking of.( From Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. 3rd ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005], p. 546.)





as a result




both and



[意味]  3.3 しかしながら、増大する海外からの投資や交易により、一部の裕福な個人のみに利益が與へられ、その結果、貧富の差が國内でも國家間でも増大する、と論じる評論家もゐる。


3.4  These critics point out that the combined wealth of the fifteen richest people in the world is more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of southern Africa.





point out



[意味]  3.4 これらの評論家は、世界でもつとも裕福な15人の資産を合はせると、南アフリカ(諸國)の國内総生産を超えると指摘する。


3.5  Related to this / is the argument that many factory jobs are moving from the richer developed nations to the poor countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia.



・倒置: CVSの語順になつてゐます。ここは主語が長いため、頭でつかちの文になるのを嫌つたのではないかと思はれます。

・同格<名詞()that()>: このかたちの同格表現は、名詞の説明がthat節で後置されるもので、「…といふ~」と解します。[既出(2011415日、617日、729日、1118日付拙稿)]


[意味]  3.5 この指摘に關聯するのは、多くの工場業務が、より裕福な先進國から、ラテン・アメリカ、アフリカ、アジアなどの貧しい國々へと移されてゐるのだといふ主張である。



[用例研究]  關係副詞 where


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  We sold our house and we’re moving



1  Where are you going?



2  to find a place where there’s no traffic congestion,

  we’re moving につづくことばと思はれます。



3  where the air is clean

  to find a place につづくことばです。



3  and the water is pure.



4  I hope they’ll enjoy being Eskimos.

  Eskimo アクセント注意



4  Me too.

  ・= I hope so, too.



・鳥取大學 2007 (4) 2パラ

2012-01-02 | 出題英文讀解


   We can identify three main areas that are affected by globalization

politics, economics and culture.  Each of these has aspects which can be considered positive and negative.  A key aspect of political globalization is the weakened ability of the state to control both what crosses its borders and what goes on inside them.  In other words, globalization can reduce the state’s sovereignty ( the state’s ability to govern matters within its borders ).  This can be viewed as good, because undemocratic governments are finding it increasingly difficult to control the flow of information to and from outside democracy groups.  E-mail and the Internet are two examples of technology that have weakened state sovereignty.  But decreased state sovereignty also means that the state has difficulty controlling the entry of illegal drugs and unwanted immigrants, including terrorists.



2.1  We can identify three main areas that are affected by globalization

politics, economics and culture.


[意味]  2.1 globalizationにより影響を受ける3つの主要な領域を認めることができる―――政治、經濟そして文化である。


2.2  Each of these has aspects which can be considered positive and negative.


[意味]  2.2 それぞれに良いと考へられる側面と悪いと考へられる側面とがある。


2.3  A key aspect of political globalization is the weakened ability of the state to control both what crosses its borders and what goes on inside them.





both and




go on



[意味] 政治的なglobalizationの重大な側面は、國境を越える案件と國境の内で起こる案件との兩方を統制する、國家の力が弱まることである。


2.4  In other words, globalization can reduce the state’s sovereignty ( the state’s ability to govern matters within its borders ).



・(カッコ)内は直前の the state’s sovereignty の説明です。





in other words


 2.4   can                 可能性があることを示唆してゐます。


[意味] 換言すれば、globalizationは國家の主權(國境内の案件を統治する國家の力)を弱めることがあるのである。


2.5  This can be viewed as good, because undemocratic governments are finding it increasingly difficult to control the flow of information to and from outside democracy groups.



preparatory it(形式目的語): SVOC(第5文型)で、動詞の目的語を it と假に置いておき、あとで眞の目的語(ここでは to control )を述べます。

・省略: to のあとに outside democracy groups が省略されてゐます。なほ outside はここでは形容詞として用ゐられてゐます。





view as



[意味] このことは善いことと觀ることが可能である。なぜなら、非民主的な國家が、國外の民主國家群との間に出入する情報の流れを制禦することがますます難しくなつてゐるからである。


2.6  E-mail and the Internet are two examples of technology that have weakened state sovereignty.


[意味] 電子メールとインターネットは、國家の主權を弱めてきた科學技術の二例である。


2.7  But decreased state sovereignty also means that the state has difficulty controlling the entry of illegal drugs and unwanted immigrants, including terrorists.





have difficulty (in) -ing(~)



[意味] しかし、弱體化した國家主權により、非合法の麻藥や、テロリストも含めて望ましくない移民の入國を、國家が制禦するのが難しいといふことにもなる。