
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・東京經濟大學 2008 (7) 4パラつづき

2011-10-31 | 出題英文讀解

(6) からのつづき】


4.7  So the younger chefs tried to learn by tasting the sauces on the pots before they washed them, and trying to guess the ingredients* that had been used to make them.


[意味] 4.7  それで若いシェフたちは、洗ふ前に鍋のソースの味を見、ソースを作るために使はれた食材を推測しようとすることによつて、(作り方を)學ばうとした。


4.8  From an American’s point of view, this might sound like a very inefficient way to teach someone something.



might sound: 假定法由來で、「婉曲表現」です。「聞こえるかもしれない」と[意味]に記してゐますが、may よりも可能性が低いと解します。(※4.9might も同じです)

・不定詞の形容詞的用法: to teachは前の way を説明してゐます。





a point of view



[意味] 4.8  アメリカ人の見解からすると、これは誰かに何かを教へるにはとても效率の惡い方法のやうに聞こえるかもしれない。


4.9  However, in the traditional Japanese way of thinking, one might say that someone who learned in this way is more likely to remember what they have learned because they have put more into the learning process.





put into

to add to




Put more effort into your work!





[意味] 4.9  しかしながら、傳統的な日本の考へ方では、この方法で學ぶと、學ぶ過程でがんばつてゐるだけに(/ので)、學んだことが一層身につきやすいとはいへるかもしれない。


[用例]  sound like 名詞



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  My doctor told me to concentrate on eating salads.

concentrate on ~: ~に活動(/努力)を集中する



1  That sounds like good advice.

sound like ~: ~のやうに聞こえる

adivice: 助言 / 勸告 / 忠告



2  And I’m going to take it.



3  Give me 10 pounds of that potato salad.

pound1 poundは約450グラム(→發音注意)


・東京經濟大學 2008 (6) 4パラ

2011-10-31 | 出題英文讀解


   Most training and teaching in the United States is very much based on explanation in words. In contrast, traditional Japanese training techniques do not involve a lot of talking by the person doing the teaching. The person who is learning is expected to watch and absorb the teacher’s technique. The Japanese sometimes say that “learning is stealing” because the person teaching is not really offering the information actively. For example, I once read an article in which one of the chefs at a famous hotel recalled his days as a young kitchen assistant. He and his colleagues were eager to learn how to make the special sauces that the senior chefs were famous for, but the senior chefs were unwilling to explain their secrets. So the younger chefs tried to learn by tasting the sauces on the pots before they washed them, and trying to guess the ingredients* that had been used to make them. From an American’s point of view, this might sound like a very inefficient way to teach someone something. However, in the traditional Japanese way of thinking, one might say that someone who learned in this way is more likely to remember what they have learned because they have put more into the learning process.



4.1  Most training and teaching in the United States is very much based on explanation in words.





be based on



[意味] 4.1  アメリカ合衆国での訓練や指導のほとんどは、言葉での説明に基くところが非常に大きい。


4.2  In contrast, traditional Japanese training techniques do not involve a lot of talking by the person doing the teaching.





in contrast




a lot of



[意味] 4.2  對照的に、傳統的な日本の訓練手法は、指導を行ふ人による語りをあまり多くは伴はない。


4.3  The person who is learning is expected to watch and absorb the teacher’s technique.


[意味] 4.3  學ぶ人は指導者の手法を觀察し吸収することが求められるのである。


4.4  The Japanese sometimes say that “learning is stealing” because the person teaching is not really offering the information actively.


[意味] 4.4  日本人は時に「學ぶことは盗むことだ」といふ、なぜなら、指導者が進んで情報を提供することは實際のところないからである。


4.5  For example, I once read an article in which one of the chefs at a famous hotel recalled his days as a young kitchen assistant.





for example







[意味] 4.5  例へば、ある有名なホテルのシェフが若い厨房助手の頃の日々を囘想する記事を以前讀んだ。


4.6  He and his colleagues were eager to learn how to make the special sauces that the senior chefs were famous for, but the senior chefs were unwilling to explain their secrets.





be eager to-不定詞(~)




be unwilling to-不定詞(~)



[意味] 4.6  彼と朋輩は、先輩シェフたちの名高さのゆゑんである特別なソースの作り方を知りたくてたまらなかつたが、先輩シェフたちはその秘訣を説明したがらなかつた。


【この項 (7)へつづく】

・東京經濟大學 2008 (5) 3パラつづき

2011-10-28 | 出題英文讀解



3.6  The expert then corrects any mistakes in the student’s work.



any any は「AでもBでもCでも……何でも選び擇れる」といふ意味を持ちますから、ここはどんな誤りでも見つけた誤りは何でも正す、といふ意味に解します。


[意味] 3.6  熟練者はそれから学習者の仕事のどんな誤りでも直す。


3.7  Such corrections are the Japanese manager’s way of showing how something should be done ―― of helping someone to learn.



・――(dash): ここでは、言葉を言ひ換へて説明を追加することにより、讀者の理解を促してゐます。ここでは、より包括的かつ一般的な記述を追加しました。下の[意味]では「つまり」と補つてみましたが、無くてもかまひません。


[意味] 3.7  そのような直しは、(何かの仕事が)どういう風に爲されるべきかを日本人上司が示す方法――つまり、誰かが学ぶのを手助けする方法なのである。


3.8  Rather than just accepting these corrections, workers in Japan are expected to study them carefully, learn from them, and apply the lessons the next time.





rather than


       ※ここでは rather than が文頭に置かれてゐます。


[意味] 3.8  日本の労働者は、これらの直しをただ受け入れるだけといふよりは、むしろ直しを注意深く研究して、それらから學び、學んだことを次囘に應用することが求められる。



[用例]  any  疑問文中


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  This is a really important meeting I’m sending you to! Do you have any questions?

any は、「AでもBでもCでも...何でも選べる」のでした。ここでもanyにより、「どんな質問でもかまはないので、何でも(訊ねてください)」といふ響きが感じられます。

I’m sending you to はうしろから meeting を説明してゐますが、そのままでは自然な日本語になりませんから、下のやうに追加説明のかたちにしてみました。



1  No, I don’t think so, boss.



2  Well, maybe one …



3  What do you think they’ll be serving for lunch?

・疑問詞の次に do you think が插入されて「思ひますか」の意味が加はります。




  無類の食ひしん坊 Dagwood Bumstead にとつては重要な問題なのでせう。

・東京經濟大學 2008 (4) 3パラ

2011-10-28 | 出題英文讀解


   Another situation that confuses many Americans is when a Japanese supervisor* makes a large number of corrections to their work. For most Americans, this seems unreasonable. However, the Japanese see this differently. The corrections are viewed as a training tool. This is in line with the traditional approach to minarai; the expert shows how something should be done, and the student watches and imitates it. The expert then corrects any mistakes in the student’s work. Such corrections are the Japanese manager’s way of showing how something should be done ―― of helping someone to learn. Rather than just accepting these corrections, workers in Japan are expected to study them carefully, learn from them, and apply the lessons the next time.



3.1  Another situation that confuses many Americans is when a Japanese supervisor* makes a large number of corrections to their work.





a large number of



[意味] 3.1  多くのアメリカ人を困惑させる状況をもうひとつ擧げれば、日本人の監督者が(アメリカ人の)仕事について非常に多くの直しを入れるときである。


3.2  For most Americans, this seems unreasonable.


[意味] 3.2  たいていのアメリカ人にとつては、これは納得のゆかないことと思はれる(やうである)。


3.3  However, the Japanese see this differently.


[意味] 3.3  しかしながら、日本人はこれについて異なつた觀方をする。


3.4  The corrections are viewed as a training tool.





view as



[意味] 3.4  直しは訓練の手立てと観られるのである。


3.5  This is in line with the traditional approach to minarai; the expert shows how something should be done, and the student watches and imitates it.





in line with

~と一致して / ~と調和して






[意味] 3.5  これは見習ひ(の人)への傳統的な對し方と一致するものである、つまり熟練者が(何かが)どんなふうに爲されるべきかを示し、指導を受ける者がそれをよく見て眞似るのである。


【この項 (5)へつづく】

・東京經濟大學 2008 (3) 2パラ

2011-10-24 | 出題英文讀解


   It is possible that the factory was short-handed and could not spare anyone to spend time with him, or that the manager’s limited English skills prevented a deeper conversation. However, the more likely explanation of this situation was that the Japanese manager expected the American to learn by watching. In Japanese, this process is called minarai. Having learners soak up knowledge by observation is a very traditional Japanese training technique. The American employee was expected to think carefully about what he was seeing. However, this would not occur to most Americans as an explanation of what was happening in this situation. This is due to the very different training and learning style that is typical in the U.S.



2.1  It is possible that the factory was short-handed and could not spare anyone to spend time with him, or that the manager’s limited English skills prevented a deeper conversation.


・preparatory it: 假に主語 it を置いて、まづ「あり得る / かもしれない」と述べておき、何があり得るかについて、あとから詳しく説明する文體です。ここでは二組の that節を置いてその説明を展開してゐます。


[意味] 2.1  工場が手が足りず、彼につく(/一緒に過ごす)人を充てることができなかつたのかもしれないし、あるひは上役の英語力が足らぬためにもつと内容のある對話ができなかつたのかもしれない。


2.2  However, the more likely explanation of this situation was that the Japanese manager expected the American to learn by watching.





expect to-不定詞(…)



[意味] 2.2  しかしながら、もつと確かだと思はれるこの状況の説明は、アメリカ人(研修生)が観察によつて学ぶことを日本人上司が期待してゐる、といふものであつた。


2.3  In Japanese, this process is called minarai.


[意味] 2.3  日本語では、この過程は「見習ひ」と呼ばれる。


2.4  Having learners soak up knowledge by observation is a very traditional Japanese training technique.



使役 <have +O+ 原形不定詞(C)>: 使役動詞 have の場合は「(當然してもらへることを)~させる / してもらふ」( have は「持つてゐる」の意味ですから、靜的な印象があります)






soak up

(比喩的に)(知識情報など)を吸收する / 理解する






[意味] 2..4  学習者に観察によつて知識を吸収させる、といふのは、非常に伝統的な日本の訓練手法である。


2.5  The American employee was expected to think carefully about what he was seeing.


[意味] 2.5  そのアメリカ人従業員は、觀察内容について注意深く考へることを求められてゐた。


2.6  However, this would not occur to most Americans as an explanation of what was happening in this situation.



・would: ここでは most Americans を出して一般論に切り換へてゐます。「假に、 most Americans がこの状況に置かれたら」といふ條件で、上記の「傳統的な訓練手法だとは氣づかれないだらう」といふ推定を述べてゐます。假定法に由來する wouldが使はれてゐます。


[意味] 2.6  しかしながら、これは、この状況で起きてゐることの説明としては、たいていのアメリカ人には思い浮かばないだらう。


2.7  This is due to the very different training and learning style that is typical in the U.S.



this は2.6の内容を指してゐます。つまり、「觀察云々が日本獨特の訓練法であると氣づかれないこと」です。2.7に記す training and learning はアメリカのものを指してゐます。





due to

~の原因(理由)で / ~のために


[意味] 2.7  このことは、(日本とは)大きく異なるアメリカでの典型的な訓練と学習のやりかた(方法)が原因である。



[用例]  使役表現 <have +O+ 原形不定詞(C)>



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I’d like to have you cater a party for about a hundred people.




1  That’s what we’re here for.

  ・直接の文意は「そのために私たちがここにゐるんですよ」ですが、ここでは、顧客に對する、引き受けの意思と謝意をこめた挨拶程度に讀むと良いのではないかと思ひます。what は關係代名詞です。


2  And I’d like to have you do it on a yacht …if I can find a yacht.


  「で、ヨツトに仕出しをして欲しいんです ... もしヨツトがみつけられれば」


3  and if I can find a hundred friends.



3  You’d better get some money up front for this one!

  you’d better you had better

  up front 前金で


・東京經濟大學 2008 (2) 1パラ

2011-10-21 | 出題英文讀解


   An American employee at a U.S. branch of a Japanese manufacturing firm was sent to one of the company’s factories in Japan for training. Soon after he arrived, his new Japanese manager led him to a spot on the edge of the factory floor. The manager simply said, “Stand here and watch,” and then went away. The American was confused ―― he had traveled all the way to Japan, and was expecting to receive some training. But instead, he had just been left alone with no explanation.



1.1  An American employee at a U.S. branch of a Japanese manufacturing firm was sent to one of the company’s factories in Japan for training.








[意味] 1.1  日本の製造會社のアメリカ支社で働くアメリカ人從業員が、訓練のため日本の工場のひとつに派遣された。


1.2  Soon after he arrived, his new Japanese manager led him to a spot on the edge of the factory floor.



・前置詞 on: ここでは「接觸」を意味します。edge に接觸してゐる場所ですから、工場のフロアの端、壁際、だとわかります。








[意味] 1.2  到着後すぐに、日本人の新しい上役が彼を工場の端に連れて行つた。


1.3  The manager simply said, “Stand here and watch,” and then went away.


[意味] 1.3  上司は「ここに立つてよく観てゐなさい」とだけ言つて、立ち去つた。


1.4  The American was confused ―― he had traveled all the way to Japan, and was expecting to receive some training.





all the way (to )

(~まで)はるばる / わざわざ


[意味] 1.4  そのアメリカ人(研修生)は困惑した――はるばる日本までやつてきており、なにがしかの訓練を受けることを予期してゐたのである(から)。


1.5  But instead, he had just been left alone with no explanation.






leave alone



[意味] 1.5  ところがさうはならないで、彼は説明もないままにそのままにしておかれただけであつた。



[用例]  all the way



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  How’s the boss’ laryngitis?

  laryngitis 咽頭炎



1  He can’t make a sound.

  ・<not + a / an ~>: つよい否定です



2  What about that raise I’ve been asking for?

  what about ~: ~はどうですか

  ask for ~: ~を頼む / ~を要求する



4  He actually shouted at me on paper.

  actually (まさかと思ふかもしれないが)ほんたうに / 事實



4  I know, I heard it all the way out here.


・東京經濟大學 2008 (1) 全文

2011-10-17 | 出題英文讀解




   An American employee at a U.S. branch of a Japanese manufacturing firm was sent to one of the company’s factories in Japan for training. Soon after he arrived, his new Japanese manager led him to a spot on the edge of the factory floor. The manager simply said, “Stand here and watch,” and then went away. The American was confused ―― he had traveled all the way to Japan, and was expecting to receive some training. But instead, he had just been left alone with no explanation.

   It is possible that the factory was short-handed and could not spare anyone to spend time with him, or that the manager’s limited English skills prevented a deeper conversation. However, the more likely explanation of this situation was that the Japanese manager expected the American to learn by watching. In Japanese, this process is called minarai. Having learners soak up knowledge by observation is a very traditional Japanese training technique. The American employee was expected to think carefully about what he was seeing. However, this would not occur to most Americans as an explanation of what was happening in this situation. This is due to the very different training and learning style that is typical in the U.S.

   Another situation that confuses many Americans is when a Japanese supervisor* makes a large number of corrections to their work. For most Americans, this seems unreasonable. However, the Japanese see this differently. The corrections are viewed as a training tool. This is in line with the traditional approach to minarai; the expert shows how something should be done, and the student watches and imitates it. The expert then corrects any mistakes in the student’s work. Such corrections are the Japanese manager’s way of showing how something should be done ―― of helping someone to learn. Rather than just accepting these corrections, workers in Japan are expected to study them carefully, learn from them, and apply the lessons the next time.

   Most training and teaching in the United States is very much based on explanation in words. In contrast, traditional Japanese training techniques do not involve a lot of talking by the person doing the teaching. The person who is learning is expected to watch and absorb the teacher’s technique. The Japanese sometimes say that “learning is stealing” because the person teaching is not really offering the information actively. For example, I once read an article in which one of the chefs at a famous hotel recalled his days as a young kitchen assistant. He and his colleagues were eager to learn how to make the special sauces that the senior chefs were famous for, but the senior chefs were unwilling to explain their secrets. So the younger chefs tried to learn by tasting the sauces on the pots before they washed them, and trying to guess the ingredients* that had been used to make them. From an American’s point of view, this might sound like a very inefficient way to teach someone something. However, in the traditional Japanese way of thinking, one might say that someone who learned in this way is more likely to remember what they have learned because they have put more into the learning process.  532語】

  Notes: supervisor = 監督者  ingredients = 食材


・熊本大學 2009 (8) 7パラ

2011-10-14 | 出題英文讀解


7.1  So, one of the major design challenges we face is figuring out how to successfully develop architecture, urban planning, the arts, new forms of community engagement, and new forms of commerce.



・長い主語(主部): 6.17.1の文が讀みづらかつたのであれば、おそらく主部が長いためかと思はれます。ともに主部が複文になつてをり、しかも關係代名詞がないため、動詞にたどりつくまで、息ながく讀み進まなくてはなりません。かういふ場合は、前から順に、數語づつのかたまり(「センス・グループ」)の意味を頭に放りこみながら讀むのがコツになります。いきなり譯文を拵へようとせず、まづは大雜把にでも意味を掴むやう心がけます。

・分離不定詞: to successfully develop は、to と動詞原形との間に副詞が入りこんだもので、分離不定詞と呼ばれます。[既出(2011年7月4日付拙稿)]





figure out

~を考へ出す / ~を解決する


[意味] 7.1  だから、私たちが直面する企畫上の主要課題のひとつは、建築(技)術、都市計畫、諸技藝、地域における人の關はりやとりきめの新しいかたち、そして商業の新しいかたちをうまく發展させてゆくにはどうしたらいいかを考へ出すことである。



7.2  At the same time, I don’t think that when we approach changing the world, we ought to exclude the possibility of changing ourselves.





at the same time



[意味] 7.2  同時に、世界の變革に取り組む際に、私たち自身の變革の可能性を排除すべきではない、と私は考へる。



[用例]  ought to



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Mr. Dithers caught me sleeping at my desk again …and it really started me thinking

  caught ing ~が-してゐるのをみつける

  started ing ~に-を始めさせる / ~が-するきつかけになる



2  someone ought to design a desk with a built-in head rest for quick naps at work.

  ought to ~すべきである / ~のはずである

  built-in 作りつけの

  at work 仕事中に



3  Always thinking, aren’t you, honey?



3  I can’t help myself.

  cannot help oneself 自分(の感情)を抑へる (このとき helpは「~を避ける」「~をやめる」の意味)


・熊本大學 2009 (7) 6パラ

2011-10-10 | 出題英文讀解


6.1  Many of the unsustainable systems we’re trying to change seem to give us individual independence by inserting goods and commercialism between the citizen and his or her community.



6.1   goods      通例複數扱ひ)商品 / 品物


[意味] 6.1  私たちが變へようとしてゐる持續可能でないシステムの多くは、地域の市民とその地域との間に商品と商業主義を入れ込むことによつて、個々人の自立性をもたらしてゐるやうに思はれる。


6.2  However, as we change such systems, we will need to enter a new reality ―― one of interdependence.



・不定代名詞 one : =<a +前出の名詞>で、ここでは a reality を言ひ換へたものです。


[意味] 6.2  しかしながら、そのやうな(持續可能でない)システムを變へる際に、私たちは新しい眞實(相) ―― (すなはち)相互依存といふ眞實(相)に踏み込むことが必要になるだらう。


6.3  We need to remind people how to be good neighbors, how to build friendships, how to share, how to see their own best interests in public goods.



・<how to-不定詞(~)>の解し方: how はやり方などを問ふ疑問詞で、to-不定詞はこれからの行爲を示すのが基本ですから、「どうやつて~するか」「~にはどうしたらいいか」「~の仕方」「~する方法」などと解します。[※用例參照]



6.3   remind +人+不定詞 / that節 / wh-節など(~)       人に~を氣づかせる / 人に~を思ひ出させる


[意味] 6.3  私たちは人々に氣づいてもらふ必要がある――良き隣人となる方法、友情を培ふ方法、(物や利益などを人と)分かちあふ方法、公共物を最大限に活用する方法(←公共物に自身の最上の利益を見出す方法)に。



6.4  That is, how to be a good citizen.





that is (to say)



[意味] 6.4  すなはち、良き市民となる方法に(氣づいてもらふ必要がある)。


[用例]  how to-不定詞



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I keep a good workshop, if I do say so myself.

  if = even if ~: ~としても

  do は次の動詞(原形)を強調してゐます。



2  A place for each tool and each tool in its place.



3  I may not be perfect but there are some things I know how to do.



4  No clean pajamas?


4  Try looking in your pajama drawer.


・熊本大學 2009 (6) 5パラ

2011-10-07 | 出題英文讀解


5.1  But there is a side to this change which is more an art than a science: understanding how we can reconnect with one another in our communities.



・<more than …>: 「…といふよりはむしろ~」。例文のやうに、more のあとに形容詞や副詞が置かれた場合、比較級に變はることはない、つまり sadder とはならないことに注意します。


The news made me more sad than angry.






one another



[意味] 5.1  だがこの變化には、科學的營みといふよりはむしろひとつの技といつた側面がある。つまり、地域のなかで(孤立してゐる)お互ひをどうやつたら再び結びつけられるかを理解するといふことである。


5.2  I believe that to ignore the creative, emotional, even spiritual aspects of this transformation is to fail.



・不定詞の名詞的用法: 5.2の文では、that節の中の主語と補語が不定詞の句になつてゐます。「~を無視すること」は「失敗すること」であると述べてゐますが、意味内容から考へて、前者は條件、後者はその結果(の推測)を示してゐると判斷できます。

・語の言ひ換へ: 5.1change transformation に言ひ換へ、side aspect に言ひ換へてゐますが、ともに似た趣意で使つてゐます。英語によくある言ひ換へで、文體に關はる美意識に由來するものです。


[意味] 5.2  この變貌の、創造的で、情にまつはり、精神の深いところにも關はる側面を顧慮しないと失敗すると私は思ふ。(※地域住民の絆を再構築する局面を想定するとわかりやすいでせう。)

・熊本大學 2009 (5) 4パラ

2011-10-03 | 出題英文讀解


4.1  If we’re going to avoid ecological destruction, we need to not only do things differently, rather we need to do different things.



・省略: rather の前に but を補つて、<not only but (also) …>の變形とみると筆者の意圖が傳はります。do things differently を必ずしも否定するのではなく、(それでは不十分だから)むしろ do different things の方をを選ぶことが必要だと説いてゐます。


[意味] 4.1  私たちが生態環境の破壞を囘避しようとするのなら,行動の仕方を變へるばかりでなく、むしろ行動の内容を變へる必要がある。


4.2  We need to build dense neighborhoods where people can do more walking, composed of “green” buildings, well-planned bicycle pathways with adequate bicycle parking, and public transportation served by bicycle.



・説明後置のかたち:關係副詞と過去分詞の句により説明が續いてゐます。composed of のあとには“green” buildings, well-planned bicycle pathways with adequate bicycle parking, and public transportation served by bicycleと3組の語句が竝んでゐます。

served by bicycle: 例へば、家から公共交通機關が利用できる地點まで自轉車を役立てられる、といつたケースを考へます。


[意味] 4.2  住人がもつと歩くことができ、「環境に配慮した」建築物と、十分な駐輪場を備へ、うまく設計された自轉車道と、自轉車を併用できる公共交通機關とで構成される人口凝集區域をつくる必要がある。


4.3  We also need good design choices and smart technologies that let us live in a different set of relationships with the things we own.



let us live ~は「使役表現」です。は原形不定詞で、<let+O+C>は「(相手がしたがつてゐることを許して)~させる / ~することを許す」の意味です。



・4.3と4.4の文のやうにやや抽象的な書き方をしてゐる文がわかりづらいときには、具體的な事物を念頭に置くと讀み易いことがあります。例へば、ここでは good design smart technologie に着目して「燃費の良い、空力抵抗の小さい、小型車を、できるだけ乘らないで濟ませる」とか「消費電力が少ないエアコンを高めの温度設定で使ふ」といつたケースを具體的に思ひ浮べながら讀むわけです。





a set of



[意味] 4.3   私たちはまた、持つてゐる物品とこれまでとはちがふ一連の關はりをもつて暮らせるやうな、選べる優れたデザインの物や氣のきいた科學技術をも必要としてゐる。


4.4  By accepting innovation in technology, design, planning, and policy, we can transform the systems around us, and provide ourselves with much more sustainable choices.





provide with







[意味] 4.4  科學技術、デザイン、計畫、方針における刷新を受けいれることにより、私たちは身の周りの(暮らし方、物の使ひ方などの)方式を變へて、はるかに持續可能な選擇(を私たち自身にもたらすこと)ができる。



4.5  “Green” lives will not look like the lives we live today.






life の複數形  發音注意


[意味] 4.5  「環境に配慮した」生活は、今日私たちが送つてゐる生活とは違つて見えるだらう。


4.6  That doesn’t mean that they’ll be less attractive.


[意味] 4.6  (違つて見えるからといつて)「環境し配慮した」生活がより魅力の乏しいものであるといふことではない。


4.7  On the contrary, both our quality of life and our prosperity may increase dramatically.





on the contrary




both and



[意味] 4.7  それどころか、生活の質も豐かさも兩方とも劇的に増進するかもしれないのである。


[用例]  使役表現 let+O+C>



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  My new computer is the very latest in high-tech.

  very 最上級を強調してゐます。



1  Let me give it a try.






3  Wow, it’s even more high-tech than I thought.

  even 比較級を強調してゐます。
