
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・124.3 Your favorite coffee shop is …

2018-03-26 | 出題英文讀解

     Recent studies have demonstrated that watching an avatar that resembles you can influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which is called the “doppelgänger* effect.”  Doppelgänger avatars allow you to see yourself perform a desired action, live out a fantasy or take on a slimmer, fatter, or older form.  For instance, you can help people make smarter decisions about money.  In a recent study, a psychologist, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, and his colleagues created look-alike avatars of 50 participants whom they had digitally aged to 70 years old.  Each user “went inside” his or her avatar and () peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self.  Thus, researchers made some participants look in a virtual mirror to acquaint themselves with their senior selves while they answered questions known to enhance identification with an avatar, such as “What is your greatest fear?” and “What is your greatest hope?”

[注]  doppelgänger  分身



I-B  波線部(ア)~(エ)の意味・内容をもっとも的確に示すものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(ア)  peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self

  1  checked out the latest digital environment from a technological point of view

  2  glanced at the realistic world of seniors from a young person’s perspective

  3  looked away from the artificially constructed world for strangers

  4  surveyed the virtual setting carefully from the viewpoint of an elderly person




3.1  Recent studies have demonstrated that watching an avatar that resembles you can influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which is called the “doppelgänger effect.”

3.2  Doppelgänger avatars allow you to see yourself perform a desired action, live out a fantasy or take on a slimmer, fatter, or older form.

3.3  For instance, you can help people make smarter decisions about money.

3.4  In a recent study, a psychologist, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, and his colleagues created look-alike avatars of 50 participants whom they had digitally aged to 70 years old.

3.5  Each user “went inside” his or her avatar and peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self.

3.6  Thus, researchers made some participants look in a virtual mirror to acquaint themselves with their senior selves while they answered questions known to enhance identification with an avatar, such as “What is your greatest fear?” and “What is your greatest hope?”



I-B  波線部(ア)~(エ)の意味・内容をもっとも的確に示すものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(ア)  peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self(新しい自己の視點で假想の光景に目を凝らした)

  1  checked out the latest digital environment from a technological point of view(科學技術の觀點から最新のデジタル環境を調べた)

     ※ check out~ 「~を調べる」は主にアメリカでの用法

  2  glanced at the realistic world of seniors from a young person’s perspective(若者の觀方から年長者の現實世界を瞥見した)

  3  looked away from the artificially constructed world for strangers(人工的に築かれた見知らぬ人のための世界から目をそらした)

  4  surveyed the virtual setting carefully from the viewpoint of an elderly person(年輩者の視點から假想の環境を注意深く調査した)



・ここでのa new self は、3.4の記述から年輩者であることがわかります。



I-B (ア)  4


3.1  doppelgänger [dάpəlgæ̀ŋər]: ドイツ語です。英語に置き換へると ‘double-goer’ ほどの意味となります。

3.2  see yourself のあとに原形不定詞の句が3つ(perform~/ live~/ take~)竝んでゐます。

3.2       allow ~ to-不定詞()        ~がさせてくれる/~がするのを許す

3.2       live out a fantasy             夢想を體驗する  ※ act out a fantasy (夢想を實行に移す) ※發音はふつう [fǽntəsi]

3.2       take on ~                             (樣相、色彩など)を呈する/帶びる

3.3      for instance                例へば

3.4  age は他動詞で「~を老けさせる」の意味です。「心理學者たちがデジタル處理して70歳にまで老けさせた、50人の被驗者にそつくりのアバターを」と解します。

3.5  user は被驗者を指します.

3.6  while は接續詞ですが、ここでは and に近い意味で使つてゐます。

3.6       such as ~                      例へば~など



3.1 最近の研究で論證されてきたのは、自分に似たアバター(/動畫像の化身)を觀ると、自分の思考、感情、行動が影響を受ける可能性がある(/ことがある)といふことで、それは「ドッペルゲンガー(/分身)效果」と呼ばれる。

3.2 分身アバターは、自分自身がやりたいことをやつたり、夢想を體驗したり、もつと細身の、もつと太めの、或はもつと年上の姿になるのを見せてくれる。

3.3 例へば、人がお金についてもつと賢明な決斷をするのを手助けできる。

3.4 最近のある研究で、心理學者の Hal Ersner-Hershfield と彼の同僚研究者たちは、50人の協力者(/被驗者)について、70歳にまでデジタル加工で老けさせた(被驗者に)よく似たアバターを創つた。

3.5 それぞれの使用者は自分のアバターの中に入り込み、新しい自己の視點で假想の光景に目を凝らした。

3.6 このやうにして研究者たちは被驗者たちに假想の鏡をのぞかせて自分の老いたすがたを知らせ、一方で被驗者たちは、アバターとの一體化を強化する(/一體感を増す)ことが知られてゐる質問、例へば「最も怖いのは何ですか」「最大の望みは何ですか」といつた質問に囘答したのである。

・124.2 Your favorite coffee shop is …

2018-03-19 | 出題英文讀解

     You force yourself to stay, however.  You manage that achievement only because you are not actually there.  You are living this experience through your avatar, an animation that represents you in a virtual environment.  In reality, you have never (a) made it to the counter during the morning rush, but you can get there on a computer.  The experience of watching your digital look-alike smoothly reach the front of the virtual line and order a pretend drink is real enough, research suggests, to help you learn to cope with similar situations in the actual world.

I-A  下線部(a)~(f)の意味・内容にもっとも近いものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(a)  made it to

  1  cleaned up    2  left    3  reached    4  served at




2.1  You force yourself to stay, however.

2.2  You manage that achievement only because you are not actually there.

2.3  You are living this experience through your avatar, an animation that represents you in a virtual environment.

2.4  In reality, you have never made it to the counter during the morning rush, but you can get there on a computer.

2.5  The experience of watching your digital look-alike smoothly reach the front of the virtual line and order a pretend drink is real enough, research suggests, to help you learn to cope with similar situations in the actual world.



I-A  下線部(a)~(f)の意味・内容にもっとも近いものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(a)  made it to(~にうまく辿り着いて[はゐない])

  1  cleaned up(~をかたづけて[はゐない])    2  left(~を離れて[はゐない])    3  reached(~に着いて[はゐない])    4  served at([カウンター]で客の注文を受けたり客に飮物などを供して[はゐない])



  make it には「うまくやりとげる」「(乘物や會合などに)間に合ふ」などの意味があります。ここは to を置いて「~にうまく辿り着く」の意味で用ゐてゐます。



I-A (a)  3



2.1       force ~ to-不定詞()           ~に(強ひて)させる

2.2 only は becauseで始まる節の直前に置かれ、それを修飾してゐます。

2.3 an animation~は your avatar の説明として置かれてゐます。

2.4      in reality                     ところが/實は/實際には

2.4       make it to ~                  ~にうまく辿り着く

2.5 <形容詞/副詞(~) enough to-不定詞()>: 「するほどに~」。enough の程度を to-不定詞説明の句で説明してゐます。ここでは research suggests が插入されてゐるため、つながりがやや見えにくいかもしれません。

2.5       cope with ~                  (問題、仕事など)に(うまく)對處する



2.1 しかしながら、あなたはとどまることにする(/強ひてとどまる)。

2.2 單に自分が實際にそこにゐないから、それをなんとかやつてのけるのである。

2.3 あなたはアバター、つまり假想環境で自分の代はりをする動畫像、を通じてこの體驗をしてゐるのである。

2.4 現實(/實際)には、あなたは朝の混雜時にカウンターに辿りついてはゐないのだが、コンピューター上では辿りつくことができる。

2.5 自分そつくりのデジタル畫像が架空の列の先頭に難なく達し、架空の飮物を注文するのを觀るといふ體驗は、現實の世界で同樣の状況にうまく對處するやうになるのを援けてくれるほどに迫眞性(/現實味)がある、と研究は示唆する。

・124.1 Your favorite coffee shop is …

2018-03-12 | 出題英文讀解



     Your favorite coffee shop is crowded with people who are stressed out, and you are standing shoulder to shoulder with them in a slow-moving line.  The pushing and elbowing of the crowd worsens your severe social anxiety.  You start gasping for air, your heart quickens, and you want to run away.


I-F  以下の[A]~[C]の英語の質問に答える時、もっとも適切なものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

[A]  Why does the author start the first paragraph with an episode about a virtual coffee shop?

  1  It is because the author aims at encouraging readers to enjoy their morning coffee to reduce their stress.

  2  It is because the author wants to make readers feel as if they were vividly experiencing something through an avatar.

  3  It is because the author wishes to awaken in every reader a feeling of luxury from a simple pleasure in an everyday situation.

  4  It is because the author wishes to introduce in advance the disadvantages of avatars that will be discussed later in this passage.




1.1  Your favorite coffee shop is crowded with people who are stressed out, and you are standing shoulder to shoulder with them in a slow-moving line.

1.2  The pushing and elbowing of the crowd worsens your severe social anxiety.

1.3  You start gasping for air, your heart quickens, and you want to run away.



I-F  以下の[A]~[C]の英語の質問に答える時、もっとも適切なものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

[A]  Why does the author start the first paragraph with an episode about a virtual coffee shop? (なぜ筆者は第一パラグラフを假想(空間)の珈琲店の插話で始めるのか)

  1  It is because the author aims at encouraging readers to enjoy their morning coffee to reduce their stress. (筆者は、讀者のストレス緩和に朝の珈琲を樂しむ氣にさせようと目論んでゐるからである)

  2  It is because the author wants to make readers feel as if they were vividly experiencing something through an avatar. (筆者は、讀者がアバターを通して何かを生々しく體驗してゐるやうに感じさせたいからである)

  3  It is because the author wishes to awaken in every reader a feeling of luxury from a simple pleasure in an everyday situation. (筆者は、日常生活場面でのささやかな喜びから生れるくつろぎを讀者一人々々の心中に呼び覺ましたいからである)

  4  It is because the author wishes to introduce in advance the disadvantages of avatars that will be discussed later in this passage. (筆者は、この一節で後に論じられるアバターの不都合な點をあらかじめ紹介したいからである)



  先囘掲載した問題文の全體に關はる設問です。珈琲の味はひや心理效果が主題ではありませんから、選擇肢1は不適です。選擇肢3は全文の趣旨から外れてゐます。選擇肢4については、⑧ ⑨の内容から可能性が考へられないこともないのですが、導入部に用ゐる理由としては妥當ではありません。2.5(②の第5文)で、(アバターを通した體驗が)real enough to help you learn to cope with similar situations in the actual world と述べてゐますが、ここに問題文の主旨が示唆されてゐるのでせう。選擇肢2が適切と判斷できさうです。



I-F [A]  2



1.1  out   ここでは「すつかり」「徹底的に」といつた意味の副詞として添へられてゐるやうに思はれます。tired out (疲れきつてゐる)の out に近いニュアンスが感じられます。

1.1      shoulder to shoulder       協力して/肩を竝べて/相竝んで

1.2 接尾辭 -en: 名詞や形容詞について「~にする」「~になる」といつた意味の動詞をつくる場合と、名詞について「~の(やうな)」「~から成る/~製の

」といつた意味の形容詞をつくる場合があります。 1.2 worsen / 1.3 quicken は前者の例です。

  後者の例を擧げようと考へてゐたら、1960~61年頃流行つた歌 Wooden Heart を思ひ出しました。「木でできてゐる/木製の」ないしはその比喩的な意味なのでせう。Joe Dowell や Elvis Presley が歌つてゐましたが、もともとはドイツ民謠です。懷かしくなり、書くのを中斷して YouTube の畫面を開き聽いてしまひました。

1.3      run away                    逃げる/家出する



1.1 お氣に入りの珈琲店は重壓に參つてゐる人々で混みあひ、あなたは中々進まない列に一緒に竝んで立つてゐる。

1.2 行列の人混みに押され小突かれて、人中で味はふ堪へ難い不安が一層ひどくなる。

1.3 あなたは息をしようとあへぎ始め、鼓動が速くなり、逃げ出したくなる。

・124.0 Your favorite coffee shop is …

2018-03-05 | 出題英文讀解



     Your favorite coffee shop is crowded with people who are stressed out, and you are standing shoulder to shoulder with them in a slow-moving line.  The pushing and elbowing of the crowd worsens your severe social anxiety.  You start gasping for air, your heart quickens, and you want to run away.


     You force yourself to stay, however.  You manage that achievement only because you are not actually there.  You are living this experience through your avatar, an animation that represents you in a virtual environment.  In reality, you have never (a) made it to the counter during the morning rush, but you can get there on a computer.  The experience of watching your digital look-alike smoothly reach the front of the virtual line and order a pretend drink is real enough, research suggests, to help you learn to cope with similar situations in the actual world.

     Recent studies have demonstrated that watching an avatar that resembles you can influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which is called the “doppelgänger* effect.”  Doppelgänger avatars allow you to see yourself perform a desired action, live out a fantasy or take on a slimmer, fatter, or older form.  For instance, you can help people make smarter decisions about money.  In a recent study, a psychologist, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, and his colleagues created look-alike avatars of 50 participants whom they had digitally aged to 70 years old.  Each user “went inside” his or her avatar and () peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self.  Thus, researchers made some participants look in a virtual mirror to acquaint themselves with their senior selves while they answered questions known to enhance identification with an avatar, such as “What is your greatest fear?” and “What is your greatest hope?”

     Participants were then told to (b) allocate $1,000 to four purposes: a special occasion, someone else, a short-term savings account, and a retirement savings account.  Those who had seen their older selves opted to put twice as much into their retirement account as those who had not seen their aged selves.  In a similar study, exposure to senior counterparts reduced participants’ prejudices against older people, ( Y ) the attitudes of subjects who did not meet their digitally aged doppelgängers.

     In addition to giving people a new perspective, doppelgänger avatars may be able to modify behavior () by providing substitute reinforcement.  Jesse Fox, a communications researcher atOhioStateUniversity, and her colleagues created avatar doubles for 69 college and graduate students who then watched their artificial selves eat in a virtual-reality environment.  The avatar sat in front of a bowl of carrots and a bowl of chocolates.  When the avatar ate chocolate, it got fat, and when it snacked on carrots, it slimmed down.

     Afterward, participants filled out a survey, which was placed next to a bowl of chocolates.  The female participants who witnessed their avatars gaining and losing weight and felt absorbed in the scenario consumed less of the available chocolate than did those ( Z ) avatars did not change or who did not buy into the virtual experience.  Many of the women thought the visual reinforcement had altered their attitude and behavior.  “Even though I really dislike carrots,” one said, “I liked watching myself get thinner, so watching the weight ( ) take ( ) ( ) me ( ) ( ) eat more healthily.”

     Avatars can also be used for less virtuous purposes, such as making us feel more favorable toward a product than () we might otherwise be.  Already commercials feature actors who look, sound, and act like the people in the community () they target, in order to get consumers to envision themselves as owners or users of a particular product. A doppelgänger avatar might be an even more powerful way to accomplish the same goal.

     In 2010 researchers at StanfordUniversity’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab decided to test the power of avatars to influence consumers.  They asked 80 students to log on to a website and watch virtual (c) endorsements of imaginary soft-drink brands.  Some brands appeared in advertisements with text endorsements only.  Others were shown with a picture of a stranger or a picture of the participant as a spokesperson.  In a survey asking which brand participants preferred, most chose the one that appeared with their own image.  This finding suggests that advertisers might benefit from () appropriating static images of individuals from, for example, social network sites, in order to personalize their marketing.

     The most appealing spokespersons of all, however, might be fully controllable doppelgänger avatars of the type featured in extremely absorbing virtual games.  When Stanford students entered such a virtual setting featuring their doppelgänger in a soft-drink T-shirt, they highly endorsed the product on the shirt, (d) provided they could control and manipulate their digital doubles.  Such studies indicate the degree to which our opinions may be (e) vulnerable to influence by anyone who decides to take and manipulate our digital image and put it before us.  “Our identities are (f) on the verge of becoming that mixture of our physically real and virtual self or selves,” says sociologist Sherry Turkle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

 (Adapted from Samantha Murphy, “Your Avatar, Your Guide,” Scientific American Mind, March / April, 2011)

[注]  doppelgänger  分身


I-A  下線部(a)~(f)の意味・内容にもっとも近いものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(a)  made it to

  1  cleaned up    2  left    3  reached    4  served at

(b)  allocate

  1  assign    2  attribute    3  spare    4  spend

(c)  endorsements

  1  collections    2  judgments

  3  objections    4  recommendations

(d)  provided

  1  in accordance with the ratio that   2  in spite of the fact that

  3  on the condition that            4  reporting the information that

(e)  vulnerable to

  1  beneficial for    2  defenseless against

  3  immune to      4  unaffected by

(f)  on the verge of becoming

  1  about to become      2  accustomed to becoming

  3  similar to becoming   4  unlikely to become


I-B  波線部(ア)~(エ)の意味・内容をもっとも的確に示すものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

(ア)  peered out onto the virtual scenery from the perspective of a new self

  1  checked out the latest digital environment from a technological point of view

  2  glanced at the realistic world of seniors from a young person’s perspective

  3  looked away from the artificially constructed world for strangers

  4  surveyed the virtual setting carefully from the viewpoint of an elderly person

(イ)  by providing substitute reinforcement

  1  by creating a less interesting environment for their digital selves

  2  by demonstrating the value of exercising regularly

  3  by making them excited about controlling others intentionally

  4  by offering positive and negative scenarios through their alternative selves

(ウ)  we might otherwise be

  1  we might be if avatars were not used

  2  we might feel if we had not gone shopping regularly

  3  we would be if we had different avatars

  4  we would feel if avatars were used for more virtuous purposes

(エ)  appropriating static images of individuals

  1  editing motion pictures of customers with their permission

  2  ensuring proper handling of personal data

  3  forming favorable impressions of the target group

  4  using still images of persons without permission


I-C  空所(Y)と(Z)に入るもっとも適切なものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。


  1  as compared with      2  as confused by

  3  in competition with    4  in contact with


  1  among    2  of    3  who    4  whose


I-D  第⑦段落にある太字二重下線部(甲)が指すものを次の1~4の中から一つ選びなさい。

(甲)  they

  1  actors    2  avatars    3  commercials    4  consumers


I-E  破線部の空所(あ)~(お)に次の1~5の単語を入れて文を完成させた時、(い)と(え)に入る単語の番号を記入しなさい。ただし、同じ単語を二度使ってはいけません。

  watching the weight ( あ ) take ( い ) ( う ) me ( え ) ( お ) eat more healthily

  1  loss    2  made    3  place    4  to    5  want


I-F  以下の[A]~[C]の英語の質問に答える時、もっとも適切なものを次の1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。

[A]  Why does the author start the first paragraph with an episode about a virtual coffee shop?

  1  It is because the author aims at encouraging readers to enjoy their morning coffee to reduce their stress.

  2  It is because the author wants to make readers feel as if they were vividly experiencing something through an avatar.

  3  It is because the author wishes to awaken in every reader a feeling of luxury from a simple pleasure in an everyday situation.

  4  It is because the author wishes to introduce in advance the disadvantages of avatars that will be discussed later in this passage.

[B]  In the eighth paragraph, which of the following is NOT mentioned in the three types of advertisements created in the 2010 research at Stanford University?

  1  advertisements only with a sentence or short passage

  2  advertisements with a picture of an unknown person

  3  advertisements with a picture of the participant

  4  advertisements with a picture of the researcher

[C]  In this whole passage, which of the following does NOT describe an avatar?

  1  a digital double of a person

  2  an actual living person

  3  an animated representation of a person

  4  a virtual look-alike of a person


I-G  本文の意味・内容に合致するものを次の1~6の中から二つ選びなさい。

  1  Research suggests that a virtual experience through an avatar is effective in helping those who suffer from social anxiety improve their behavior in the actual world.

  2  Ersner-Hershfield’s study indicates that those who had watched their digitally aged avatars became more carefree with their monetary plans.

  3  The researchers at Ohio State University reported that 69 female subjects who had doubted the virtual reality setting of gaining and losing their weight did not improve their eating habits.

  4  In terms of sales promotion, good-looking strangers featured in commercials are more effective than the doppelgänger avatars of consumers.

  5  According to the research conducted at Stanford University, advertisers have difficulty in influencing people if they exploit the avatars of a target group.

  6  Seeing a digital doppelgänger can change your way of thinking for better or worse.


I-H  本文中の太い下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。

Those who had seen their older selves opted to put twice as much into their retirement account as those who had not seen their aged selves.