
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・金澤大學 2011 (5) 4パラ

2011-12-09 | 出題英文讀解


   Nevertheless, strengths persist: Japan remains unparalleled for the quality of its service, its excellent public transport, advanced technology, safe streets, and cleanliness. The work ethic, ingenuity, and craftsmanship of its people and the depth and range of their culture is impressive, as is the beauty and diversity of the land. Japan’s citizens enjoy universal health care. And with a 99 percent literacy rate, it has as good a starting point as any for educational reform.



4.1  Nevertheless, strengths persist: Japan remains unparalleled for the quality of its service, its excellent public transport, advanced technology, safe streets, and cleanliness.







 4.1  transport = transportation


[意味]  4.1 然うは言つても、力強さは持續してゐる。サービスの質(の高さ)、優れた公共交通機關、先進的科學技術、安全な街(路)、清潔さで、日本は拔きん出た状態を保つてゐる。


4.2  The work ethic, ingenuity, and craftsmanship of its people and the depth and range of their culture is impressive, as is the beauty and diversity of the land.



as: 擬似關係代名詞のやうに、先行する文の一部を受けてゐるものと考へると讀みやすいでせう。たとへば、

  as is often the case (with ) (~には)よくあることだが



[意味]  4.2 日本人の勞働倫理、發明工夫の能力、職人の技藝といつた日本文化の深さと連なりは感銘を與へるものであるし、國土の美しさと多樣さも同樣である。


4.3  Japan’s citizens enjoy universal health care.


[意味]  4.3 日本國民は行き屆いた健康管理(體制)を享受してゐる。


4.4  And with a 99 percent literacy rate, it has as good a starting point as any for educational reform.



・<asas any>のかたちは、「(他の)どれにも劣らず~」といふ意味です。ここでは他のどの國にも劣らず良いのだと述べてゐます。

・語順の變化: asが修飾する goodがすぐ傍に置かれるため、語順の變化が起こつてゐます。本來の語順は a good starting pointです。


[意味]  4.4 そして、99%の識字率があり、教育改革を行なふには、どこ(の國)にも劣らぬほど有利な出發點に立つてゐるのである。



[用例研究]   asas any


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I think you should take dancing lessons.



1  What are you talking about?




2  I’m a good dancer! I can dance as well as any husband on this street.



2  Take me out dancing tonight and prove it!



3  Okay, maybe I’m not that good!



