
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・英文讀解のヒント (58) 《so that~can/willなど》

2016-09-28 | 英文讀解のヒント

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     What Coach Seabrooke taught me was that I should keep the score close through two periods ―― close enough so that one takedown in the third period could win the match.  And I needed to avoid “mix-ups” ―― free-for-all situations that were not in either wrestler’s control.  (The outcome of such a scramble favors the better athlete.)  Controlling the pace of the match ―― a combination of technique, correct position, and physical conditioning ―― was my objective.  I know it sounds boring  ―― I was a boring wrestler.  The pace that worked for me was slow.  I liked a low-scoring match.

(40 宮崎大學 2013 6パラ: 2014年4月18日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  《so that~can/willなど》のかたちは「目的」を表はします。keep the score close で「得點を接近した状態に保つ」→「點差がひらかないやうにしておく」「接戰を續ける」と述べます。close は形容詞で、發音は [klous] です。この close について――を置いてさらに詳しく説明してゐます。「十分に近い状態」……何に「十分に」か……「一囘のテイクダウンをとれば試合に勝てるやうに十分に近くしておく」と述べてゐます。下線部では close を再度記して、その目的「第3ピリオドでの1解のテイクダウンで試合に勝てるやうに」と説明を加へてゐるのでせう。

  私見ですが、主文のあとに置かれる so は「そのやうに」の意味で、ならば「どのやうにであるのか」を、文(/節)を續ける符牒として that(ここでは接續詞のはたらき)を置いて説明するのではないか……さう考へるとわかりやすいのではないかと思ひます。

2.2  「目的」を表はす《so that~can/willなど》のかたちでは、can/could、will/would のほか、willを現在時制で代用するかたち(例文58.5)やformal な文體では may/might(例文58.4)や shall/should も使はれます。

■諳誦例文: 話し言葉では that が省略されることがあります。

58        I'll give you my e-mail address so you can easily contact me.


□參考例文: 助動詞 will の例です。

 58.2   Speak clearly so that the audience will understand you.


□參考例文: 「~しないために(/ように)」と表現される場合です。

58.3     They are hurrying so that they won't miss the train.


□參考例文: may は改まつた印象を與へるとされます。

58.4     These men risk their lives so that we may live more safely.


□參考例文: 助動詞がつかはれないケースです。

58.5     For Zazen it is necessary to sit in a cross-legged position with a straight back so that both knees touch the floor.


□參考例文: in order that ~は more formal とされます。

58.6     We are advertising the course in order that everyone will know about it.


58.7     She spoke loudly in order that the people in the back might hear.



  2.3  似たかたちで「それで」「それゆゑに」「だから」などと、「結果」を表はすことがあります。この場合原則としてコンマを置いて so that の節が續きます。口語體では thatが省略されることがあります。「目的」「結果」のいづれとも見分けにくい場合もありますから、文脈や前後關係に注意すると良いでせう。


58.8     They had me rewrite it several times, so that it began to look much different.


58.9     I was excited, so (that) I couldn’t get to sleep.



  A Practical English Grammar といふ文法書には以下のやうな記述があります。


If that is omitted from purpose clauses with can/could, the idea of purpose may disappear.  The sentence He took my shoes so that I couldn’t leave the house would normally mean ‘He took my shoes to prevent my leaving etc.’ but He took my shoes, so I couldn’t leave the house would normally mean ‘He took my shoes; therefore I wasn’t able to leave’.

(A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, 4th ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986], p. 296.)


3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・105.3 The contemporary world is at …

2016-09-26 | 出題英文讀解

     If we are going to survive the catastrophic dangers inherent in global warming and climate change; if we are to protect our prosperity as business is increasingly enmeshed in the global economy; if we are going to combat the spread of international crime and terrorism; if we are going to overcome the desperate poverty of too many people around the world; if we are going to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and dismantle the terrible high-technology of late-modern warfare, then we shall have to learn how to relate amicably and productively across cultures and traditions.  We need, in short, to discover our common global humanity.  Only this can guarantee human security on this earth.  Only when we achieve this shall we begin to discover practical solutions to what are undoubtedly serious and terrifying transnational threats now looming over humanity’s future.


[設問]  (a)~(d)の中から、本文の内容に一致しているものを1つ選びなさい。


  (a)  Human security cannot guarantee the catastrophic dangers now facing the world.

  (b)  Human security is a catastrophic danger guaranteeing global warming.

  (c)  Nuclear weapons and the high technology of war are necessary for guaranteeing human security.

  (d)  Catastrophic dangers facing the world require cross-cultural cooperation to guarantee human security.



3.1  ①If we are going to survive the catastrophic dangers inherent in global warming and climate change; ②if we are to protect our prosperity as business is increasingly enmeshed in the global economy; ③if we are going to combat the spread of international crime and terrorism; ④if we are going to overcome the desperate poverty of too many people around the world; ⑤if we are going to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and dismantle the terrible high-technology of late-modern warfare, then we shall have to learn how to relate amicably and productively across cultures and traditions.

3.2  We need, in short, to discover our common global humanity.

3.3  Only this can guarantee human security on this earth.

3.4  Only when we achieve this shall we begin to discover practical solutions to what are undoubtedly serious and terrifying transnational threats now looming over humanity’s future.





  (a)  Human security cannot guarantee the catastrophic dangers now facing the world. (人間の安全は、現在世界が直面してゐる破滅的危機を(確かに起こると)保證することはできない)

  (b)  Human security is a catastrophic danger guaranteeing global warming. (人間の安全は、地球温暖化を(確かに起こると)保證する破滅的危機である)

  (c)  Nuclear weapons and the high technology of war are necessary for guaranteeing human security. (核兵器と戰爭で用ゐられる高度科學技術は、人間の安全を保證するのに必要である)

  (d)  Catastrophic dangers facing the world require cross-cultural cooperation to guarantee human security. (世界が直面してゐる破滅的危機により、人間の安全を保證するためには異文化間の協力が必要とされる)




(34)  d が 3.1 /3.3の内容を要約した文と言へませう。a、b は意味をなしませんし、c は3.1⑤ に halt(~を停止させる)の對象として記されてゐます。



(34)  d



3.1  2番目の if 節のみが<be+to-不定詞>になつてゐます。if に續くこのかたちは「意圖」を表はし、「~するつもりなら」「~しようとするなら」の意味です。<be going to-不定詞>も「~するつもり」と「意志・意圖」を表はす場合がありますから、結局ほとんど同じ意味となります。

一般的には、<be+to-不定詞>は「豫定・運命・義務・意圖・可能」といつた意味を表はします。不定詞は、「これから何かをする」場合に使ふのが中心ですから、「~することになつてゐる」などと意味を解してやるとスムーズに讀めるでせう。(※2014年8月13日付の『英文讀解のヒント (9)』で<be+to-不定詞>を採りあげてゐます)

3.1  inherent in ~      ~につきものの

3.2  in short              要約すれば / 手短に言へば

3.3  guarantee           アクセント注意  [gæ̀rəntí:]

3.4  「倒置」-動詞(助動詞)を主語の前に置くことを倒置といひます。疑問文や感嘆文などさまざまなケースがありますが、ここでは<only+time expression (時間表現)>のケースになります。この文體は formal or literary とされます。

なほ第5パラグラフには so が先行する倒置が出てきます。


3.4  Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.


3.4  what は關係代名詞です。

3.4  looming は現在分詞で、後ろから threats を修飾してゐます。



3.1  ①私たちが地球温暖化と氣候變動につきものの破局的危險を乘り切らうとするつもりなら、






3.2  要するに、私たちは全世界に共通する(/普遍的な)地球規模の人間らしさ(/人倫)をみつけだすことが必要なのである。

3.3  これだけがこの地球上で人間の安全を保障することができる。

3.4  これを達成したときのみ、私たちは、人類の未來に今不氣味に迫つてゐる、疑ひもなく深刻で恐ろしい、國境を越えた脅威であるものに對する實效性のある解決策を見出し始めることにならう。

・105.2 The contemporary world is at …

2016-09-19 | 出題英文讀解

     Globalization entails a growing global intimacy.  This is a development that some experts refer to as the growth of world citizenship, or the emergence of a global civil society.  This new form of citizenship transcends conventional citizenship categories: increasingly we find that we are no longer simply American, or British, or Chinese, or Vietnamese.  We also experience our citizenship globally.  We are daily discovering much in common with people who, hitherto, have been geographically, culturally and ethnically foreign to us.  There is a growing awareness that the very survival of the human species depends on the flourishing of this new sense of citizenship, provided it can be nurtured into a higher form of global civilization than we humans have been able to achieve so far in the brief archeological time accorded to us on this planet.


[設問]  (a)~(d)の中から、本文の内容に一致しているものを1つ選びなさい。


  (a)  Globalization is producing an uncivilized global society.

  (b)  Globalization is increasing world population.

  (c)  Globalization is helping people to get to understand each other better.

  (d)  Globalization’s intimacy is what characterizes foreigners.


  (a)  Globalization means that the Vietnamese, British and Chinese citizens want to become American citizens.

  (b)  Global citizenship is emerging as a higher form of citizenship.

  (c)  Global citizenship only works for Chinese, British, Vietnamese and American citizens.

  (d)  Local citizenship is replacing global citizenship in China, Britain, Vietnam and America.



2.1  Globalization entails a growing global intimacy.

2.2  This is a development that some experts refer to as the growth of world citizenship, or the emergence of a global civil society.

2.3  This new form of citizenship transcends conventional citizenship categories: increasingly we find that we are no longer simply American, or British, or Chinese, or Vietnamese.

2.4  We also experience our citizenship globally.

2.5  We are daily discovering much in common with people who, hitherto, have been geographically, culturally and ethnically foreign to us.

2.6  There is a growing awareness that the very survival of the human species depends on the flourishing of this new sense of citizenship, provided it can be nurtured into a higher form of global civilization than we humans have been able to achieve so far in the brief archeological time accorded to us on this planet.




  (a)  Globalization is producing an uncivilized global society. (グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)は野蠻な地球社會を生み出してゐる)

  (b)  Globalization is increasing world population. (グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)は世界人口を増大させてゐる)

  (c)  Globalization is helping people to get to understand each other better. (グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)は人々が相互理解を深める助けとなつてゐる)

  (d)  Globalization’s intimacy is what characterizes foreigners. (グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)による親密さが外國人の特徴である  ※ intimacy は close personal relationship がある状態を意味します)



(32)  a/b/d はいづれも本文に記載がありません。2.5(第2パラグラフ第5文)の趣旨に近いのが c と思はれます。


(32)  c



  (a)  Globalization means that the Vietnamese, British and Chinese citizens want to become American citizens. (グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)はベトナム人、イギリス人、中國人がアメリカ人になりたがるといふことを意味する)

  (b)  Global citizenship is emerging as a higher form of citizenship. (地球[規模の]市民意識は一層高度の市民意識の形態として出現中である)

  (c)  Global citizenship only works for Chinese, British, Vietnamese and American citizens. (地球[規模の]市民意識は中國人、イギリス人、ベトナム人、アメリカ人にしか役立たない[/のためにしか機能しない])

  (d)  Local citizenship is replacing global citizenship in China, Britain, Vietnam and America. (中國、イギリス、ベトナム、アメリカ各國[/地域]では、地元[/地域の]市民意識が地球[規模の]市民意識にとつてかはりつつある)



(33)  2.3 では新しい市民意識について述べ、それは從來の市民意識の範疇を越えるものであり、アメリカ人、イギリス人、中國人、ベトナム人を例に擧げて、單にそれらの國民であるだけではないといふことに次第に氣づき始めてゐると指摘してゐます。それを例示なしで表現したのが b であるやう見えます。a、c、d には見當違ひのことが記されてゐます。



(33)  b



2.2  citizenship には文脈に合ふ適切な譯語がみつかりませんでしたので、假に「市民意識」としました。もとになる citizen は歴史的背景を負ふことばであり(ことばは皆さうですが)、單に「ある地域の住民」を指すこともありますが、それ以外に或るニュアンスを伴ふことがあります。定義は私の手に負へませんが、例へば「ある社會において、その一員であることに自覺と責任を有し、主體的に社會の運營・發展に寄與してゆく」といつたイメーヂでせうか。

2.2   refer to ~ ( as … )      ~を(…と)呼ぶ

2.3   no longer ~                  もはや~ない

2.5   in common ( with ~ )       (~と)共通に

2.6  56語で長めの文ではありますが、中心は先頭の There is ~(~がある)です。同格表現が續き、provided に率ゐられた條件節が置かれる文構造になつてゐます。「説明を後から後から竝べてゆく」といふ、いはば英語らしい文章ですが、讀む時は、丁度相手の話に耳を傾けるやうに、前から順にかたまり毎の意味を頭にはふりこんで解します。

  同格は英語では appositionつまり「竝列させること」で、語原的には「近くに置く」の意味です。名詞の説明を後に竝べて示します。ここでは「~(that節)といふ氣づきがある」と述べてゐます。

  名詞にthat節が續くかたちは、「同格」と「関係詞節」の場合が多いのです。It is や It was で始まる文であつたら、「強調構文」や「形式主語-眞主語」の可能性もあるとみます。ここは同格表現です。

2.6  provided は過去分詞由來の接續詞で、條件節を率ゐて、「もし~ならば / ~の條件で」といつた意味になります。

2.6  ( higher~ ) than 以下の節に gap または blank があります。つまり achieve の目的語がありません。than がachieve の目的語の役割を果してゐると考へると、關係代名詞に似た構造としてわかりやすくなります。文法書では、このかたちの than は「擬似關係代名詞」と名づけられ、關係詞の章に解説があります。(拙ブログでは「關係詞の讀み方(15)擬似關係代名詞」 [2012年8月22日投稿]に用例・例文を紹介してゐます。この記事を參照するときは、「Back Numbers」から Aug. 2012 を click して選び、次いで 「Calendar」で該當の日をclickして選びます。)

2.6   depend on ~                ~にかかつてゐる

2.6   so far                          これまでのところ

2.6   accord ~ to …           ~を…に與へる    ※ ここでは accorded は過去分詞で、後ろから前の名詞を説明してゐます。



2.1  グロウバリゼイション(/地球規模化)は、地球的(/全世界的)規模で(諸國民間の)關はりの密接化(/親密化)を伴ふ。

2.2  これは一部の專門家が世界市民意識の成熟と呼ぶ、或ひは地球規模の市民社會の出現と呼ぶひとつの進展である。

2.3  この新しい市民意識の形態は從來の市民意識の範疇を越える。つまり、私たちはもはや單にアメリカ人、イギリス人、中國人、あるひはベトナム人であるのではない、といふことに次第に氣づき始めてゐるのである。

2.4  私たちは市民意識を地球的規模でも經驗する。

2.5  私たちは、これまで地理的、文化的、民族的に馴染のなかつた人々との共通點を日々たくさん發見してゐる。

2.6  人類の生き殘りそのものが、この新しい意味での市民意識の繁育にかかつてゐる、といふ認識が次第に深まつてゐる-この惑星上で私たちに與へられた、考古學的觀點からすれば短い時間にこれまで人類が達成できてゐる以上に高度な形態の地球(規模の)文明へと、この市民意識を育てあげることができるならば、であるが。

・英文讀解のヒント (57) 《so~that…》

2016-09-14 | 英文讀解のヒント

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

  Let me say a word about what I mean by power diffusion.  That is best understood in terms of the way technologies, and particularly information technologies, are affecting the costs of participating in international affairs.  The price of computing power declined a thousand-fold from 1970 to 2000.  That is an extraordinary number, so big that it is hard to know what it means.  The best way to think of this would be that if the price of an automobile had declined as rapidly as the price of computing power, you should be able to buy an automobile today, for, let’s say, 10,000 yen.  It is just an extraordinary change.  When the price of something declines that much, it removes the barriers to entry.  Now others can do what previously was reserved for governments or big corporations.  If you wanted to communicate instantaneously from Tokyo to New York to London to Johannesburg in 1970, you could do that.  Technologically you could do it, but it was very, very expensive.  Now, anybody can do it and it is virtually free.  If you have Skype, it is free.

(20 慶應義塾大學 2012 3パラ: 2012年7月27日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  《so~that…》のかたちは「非常に~なので…」「…ほどに~」などと解します。ここでは「それは途方もない數である」と述べ、續けて「非常に(その數が)大きいのでその意味するところを知ることは困難だ」または「(その數は)その意味するところがわかりにくいほど大きい」と説明を追加してゐます。

2.2  《so~that…》のかたちは次のやうに受けとめるとわかりやすいと思ひます(※私見です)。

  Longman Dictionary of American English は so の項に used in order to emphasize what you are saying といつた説明を記し、《so~that…》の例文(He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. ※拙譯「彼はとても弱つてゐて立上がれさうになかつた/立上がれさうにない程に弱つてゐた」)を掲げてゐます。

  so は very よりもさらに強く形容詞や副詞を強調するといつた感があり、そのため、その結果や程度を節(/文)で説明として附け加へることを促される、と考へるわけです。いはば「そんなにも(すごく)~であり、結局(どんなにかといふと)…であつた」と結果の説明を加へたり、「そんなにも(すごく)~であり、その程度は(どんなにかといふと)…ほどだ」と程度について説明を加へたりします。接續詞の that は、あとに節(/文)を續けるといふ「符牒」程度に考へても可いかと思ひます。輕く發聲されますし、話し言葉では省略されることもあります。



57         This curry is so spicy that I can’t eat it.


  この文を「英文讀解のヒント (1)」で採りあげた《too~to-不定詞》で記すと、

            This curry is too spicy for me to eat.  (※ eat it とはしない)

□參考例文: 副詞を強調する例です。

57.2      He spoke so clearly that we could understand him.


□參考例文: 過去分詞を強調する例です。

57.3     I was so shocked that I couldn’t move.


  この文を「英文讀解のヒント (1)」で採りあげた《too~to-不定詞》で記すと、

            I was too shocked to move.


57.4      He is not so old that he cannot work.


57.5      The explosion was so small that no one even noticed it.


□參考例文: 《such+形容詞+名詞》で同じやうな意味を表はすことがあります。

57.6     She is such a famous singer that almost everyone has heard of her.


  この文を so を用ゐて記すと、famous が so の直後に移動します。

            She is so famous a singer that almost everyone has heard of her.

□參考例文: 過去分詞が續いて「樣態」(…やうに)を表はすことがあります。

57.7      The bridge is so built that it opens when a large ship passes under it.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・105.1 The contemporary world is at …

2016-09-12 | 出題英文讀解

     The contemporary world is at the beginning of a new revolution as significant as the Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe.  Those previous revolutionary epochs utterly transformed the human experience ―― transformations that have been echoing ever since in all societies around the world.  The processes they unleashed have been lumped together under the title of “modernization.”  Because the contemporary revolutionary era is still in its infancy, we cannot be sure where it is taking us.  However, it already has a title: “Globalization.”


[設問]  (a)~(d)の中から、本文の内容に一致しているものを1つ選びなさい。


  (a)  The Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions are as insignificant as the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  (b)  The revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries laid the foundations of modernization.

  (c)  Globalization is not as significant as modernization.

  (d)  Globalization has little in common with modernization.



1.1  The contemporary world is at the beginning of a new revolution as significant as the Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe.

1.2  Those previous revolutionary epochs utterly transformed the human experience ― transformations that have been echoing ever since in all societies around the world.

1.3  The processes they unleashed have been lumped together under the title of “modernization.”

1.4  Because the contemporary revolutionary era is still in its infancy, we cannot be sure where it is taking us.

1.5  However, it already has a title: “Globalization.”




  (a)  The Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions are as insignificant as the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. (農業革命と産業革命は18世紀や19世紀と同樣に重要ではない)

  (b)  The revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries laid the foundations of modernization. (18世紀及び19世紀の兩革命は近代化の基礎を築いた)

  (c)  Globalization is not as significant as modernization. (グロウバリゼイション[/地球規模化] は近代化ほど重要ではない)

  (d)  Globalization has little in common with modernization. (グロウバリゼイション[/地球規模化] は近代化との共通點がわづかしかない)




(31)  bは 1.1~1.3で述べてゐる内容を要約してゐます。



(31)  b



1.1  as~は説明後置のかたちで、a new revolution を説明してゐます。

1.1  the Agrarian Revolution は、「農地の所有形態の變革」を指す場合と「農業技術の變革」を指す場合がありますが、ここでは、産業革命と竝んで行はれた「農業技術の變革」を指してゐると思はれます。

1.2  <have been 現在分詞>は「現在完了進行形」と呼ばれ、「繼續」の意味を表はし、「ずつと~し續けてゐる」などと解します。


1.2  ever since          それ以來ずつと ( ever は意味を強調してゐます)

1.2  echo                   こだまのやうに反響が續くことを示唆してゐます。

1.3  <have been 過去分詞>は現在完了時制の受動態です。

1.3  lump together~           ~をひとまとめにする

1.4  in one's infancy       初期の段階に / 幼少の頃



1.1  現代世界では、18、19世紀に西歐で起きた農業革命や産業革命と同樣に重要な新しい革命が始まつたところである。

1.2 さういつた先行する革命の時代は人間の經驗をすつかり變容させた- (それは)以來ずつと世界中の社會でこだまを響かせ續けてゐる變容なのである。

1.3  それらが解き放つた(變容の)過程は、「近代化」の名稱のもとにひとまとめにされてきた。

1.4  現代の革命の時代は依然搖籃期にあるから、その行き着く先は確とはわからない。

1.5  しかしながら、それは既に名稱を持つてゐる、つまり「グロウバリゼイション」(/「地球規模化」)である。

・105.0 The contemporary world is at …

2016-09-05 | 出題英文讀解


     The contemporary world is at the beginning of a new revolution as significant as the Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe.  Those previous revolutionary epochs utterly transformed the human experience ―― transformations that have been echoing ever since in all societies around the world.  The processes they unleashed have been lumped together under the title of “modernization.”  Because the contemporary revolutionary era is still in its infancy, we cannot be sure where it is taking us.  However, it already has a title: “Globalization.”

     Globalization entails a growing global intimacy.  This is a development that some experts refer to as the growth of world citizenship, or the emergence of a global civil society.  This new form of citizenship transcends conventional citizenship categories: increasingly we find that we are no longer simply American, or British, or Chinese, or Vietnamese.  We also experience our citizenship globally.  We are daily discovering much in common with people who, hitherto, have been geographically, culturally and ethnically foreign to us.  There is a growing awareness that the very survival of the human species depends on the flourishing of this new sense of citizenship, provided it can be nurtured into a higher form of global civilization than we humans have been able to achieve so far in the brief archeological time accorded to us on this planet.

     If we are going to survive the catastrophic dangers inherent in global warming and climate change; if we are to protect our prosperity as business is increasingly enmeshed in the global economy; if we are going to combat the spread of international crime and terrorism; if we are going to overcome the desperate poverty of too many people around the world; if we are going to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and dismantle the terrible high-technology of late-modern warfare, then we shall have to learn how to relate amicably and productively across cultures and traditions.  We need, in short, to discover our common global humanity.  Only this can guarantee human security on this earth.  Only when we achieve this shall we begin to discover practical solutions to what are undoubtedly serious and terrifying transnational threats now looming over humanity’s future.

     What role, if any, can Japan play in nurturing a global civil society?  Some observers, inside and outside the country, think that a Japanese role in the shaping of global civilization at best can only be negligible.  They describe Japan as the shokyokuteki kokumin - the passive or disengaged nation.  By this they mean that it has a history of remaining apart from the world, uninterested in global matters, self-preoccupied, unwilling to encounter the outside world in a mature and positive way.  The Tokugawa Era - when foreigners were forbidden entry to the country and Japanese were not allowed to go overseas - is often cited in support of this view of contemporary Japan as remote and aloof nation.  Some Chinese and Koreans hear echoes of Japan’s wartime ultra-nationalism in successive Japanese Governments’ reluctance to apologize for actions of their soldiers during the Pacific War.  They see this as evidence of a Japan that is selfish and inward-looking, not open and reaching out to the world.  Some North American commentators are struck by what they interpret as Japan’s self-centeredness in wanting to shelter beneath the U.S. security umbrella while playing only a minor role in peace-making and peace-keeping operations around the world.  Moreover, not a few Japanese are thought to be uncomfortable in the presence of foreigners and foreigners sometimes are made to feel unwelcome in present-day Japan.

     Does this mean that Japan has no role to play in the contemporary Globalization Revolution?  The answer to this question is an unequivocal “No!”  While it is true that Japan has a tendency to cultural insularity, so too do many societies around the world. But any foreign observer who spends time in  Japan soon becomes aware that many young Japanese today are wonderfully enthusiastic about engaging with the wider world.  They are impressively ambitious for their country to play a leadership role in helping to construct a meaningful form of global citizenship.   They are justifiably proud of their country’s moral authority as a peace power, its successful modern economic history (the “Japanese miracles”), the unequalled efficiency of its service industries, its low rates of social conflict and crime, the elegance of its humanism, and the beauty of Japanese aesthetics. They rightly believe that these things should be providing cultural leadership to the nascent global civilization.



  (a)  The Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions are as insignificant as the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  (b)  The revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries laid the foundations of modernization.

  (c)  Globalization is not as significant as modernization.

  (d)  Globalization has little in common with modernization.


  (a)  Globalization is producing an uncivilized global society.

  (b)  Globalization is increasing world population.

  (c)  Globalization is helping people to get to understand each other better.

  (d)  Globalization’s intimacy is what characterizes foreigners.


  (a)  Globalization means that the Vietnamese, British and Chinese citizens want to become American citizens.

  (b)  Global citizenship is emerging as a higher form of citizenship.

  (c)  Global citizenship only works for Chinese, British, Vietnamese and American citizens.

  (d)  Local citizenship is replacing global citizenship in China, Britain, Vietnam and America.


  (a)  Human security cannot guarantee the catastrophic dangers now facing the world.

  (b)  Human security is a catastrophic danger guaranteeing global warming.

  (c)  Nuclear weapons and the high technology of war are necessary for guaranteeing human security.

  (d)  Catastrophic dangers facing the world require cross-cultural cooperation to guarantee human security.


  (a)  Japan is thought by some people to be disengaged from the globalizing world.

  (b)  Japan’s civil society is selfish when it comes to contributing to the growth of global civilization.

  (c)  Tokugawa history is not associated with Japan’s aloof stance.

  (d)  Japanese culture has nothing to contribute to the growth of global civilization.


  (a)  Cultural exclusiveness is not a problem for Japanese society.

  (b)  Japan suffers from cultural insularity like other societies.

  (c)  The cultural insularity of other societies is a problem for Japan.

  (d)  Globalization is increasing Japan’s cultural insularity.


  (a)  Japan should not try to influence the emerging global civilization.

  (b)  Japan has good reasons to influence the emerging global civilization.

  (c)  Japan can have no influence over the emerging global civilization.

  (d)  Japan’s influence is strong in the emerging global civilization.


  (a)  Japan’s moral authority as a peace power is relevant to global civil society.

  (b)  Young Japanese today pay less respect to the moral authority of the past.

  (c)  Global civil society will have the moral authority of a peace power.

  (d)  A moral peace power will have global authority over Japan.


  (a)  Japan’s modern economic history is justifiably proud of young Japanese.

  (b)  Young Japanese are justifiably proud of their country’s modern economic history.

  (c)  Japan’s modern economic history is all about justifiable pride in economic miracles.

  (d)  Young Japanese justify economic miracles because they are proud of their country’s modern history.


  (a)  Japan’s low levels of crime and conflict are a result of its elegance in humanism and the beauty of its aesthetics.

  (b)  Japan is famous for its low levels of crime and social conflict and its elegance in humanism and the beauty of its aesthetics.

  (c)  Japan’s elegance in humanism and the beauty of its aesthetics has nothing to do with the country’s low levels of crime and social conflict.

  (d)  Crime and social conflict in Japan are caused by the elegance of its humanism and the beauty of its aesthetics.