
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・101.2 Long known for importing ...

2015-04-27 | 出題英文讀解


The fear of losing Japanese identity is ( ア ) the root of most critics of early English education, and Japanese culture can presumably be considered more closely tied to language than (a) others. Yet, many studies have found that a stronger sense of Japanese identity develops through contact with other languages and cultures. Awareness of one’s cultural identity comes as much from comparison as from knowing oneself.



  1. at     2. in     3. of     4. over     5. to     6. under



  前置詞の理解を問ふ設問でせうか。「根源」「根本」「根底」の意味で使はれてゐる the root  に對して、物理的には(廣くはとらへない)「地點」、時間的には(長くはない)「時點」など「點」のイメーヂのある at を置くのが適切であると考へられます。at the root of ~(「~の根底に」)と解せるでせう。


・at the root of the matter (「物事の根本をなして」「物事の眞髓を突いて」)





  (a) others

    1. other cultures    2. other identities    3. other languages    4. other studies



  「比較においては、同種のものを比べる」といふ原則と文脈上の齟齬の有無で判斷します。主部の Japanese culture と同種のものは other cultures で、他の文化と比較して日本文化の特質を論じてゐると解するのが自然でせう。










・101.1 Long known for importing ...

2015-04-24 | 出題英文讀解


     Long known for importing a multitude of ideas and technologies from other countries, Japan’s innovation and creativity have only rarely been applied to language study.  People around the world know they need language skills to perform their increasingly communication-based, internationally-oriented jobs. For most Japanese, though, using English at work or in life remains a romantic daydream, too tough to make real.




問2. 本文中の波線部①の単語を、指定された品詞に変えて書きなさい。ただし -ing 形、-ness 形は除く。

 ① perform(名詞)




 1. -ion: 「状態・過程・行動・結果」; 4 pronunciation / 6 education

 2. -ness: 「状態・性質」; 2 awareness / 6 uniqueness

 3. -ment: 「状態・手段・過程・結果」; judg(e)ment

 4. -ty / -ity / -ety: 「状態・性質」; 2 identity / 6 diversity / 6 ingenuity

 5. -ance / -ence / -ancy / -ency: fluency

 6. -ice / -ise: 「状態・性質・機能」; justice

 7. -ism: 「主義・教養・學説」; pessimism

 8. -hood / -head: 「状態・性質」; likelihood

 9. -age: 「地位・身分」「状態・行爲」「集合・場所」; 4 marriage

10. -acy / -cy: 「性質」; accuracy


11. -ace: menace

12. -cule / -cle / -el: 「小さな~」; molecule

13. -ic / -ics: 「學問・特性・活動」; physics

14. -mony: 「状態・行爲・結果」; testimony

15. -ship: 「状態・性質・資格・地位・關係」; leadership

16. -th -t: 「状態・性質・動作」; growth

17. -itude: 「状態」; magnitude / aptitude / 1 multitude


18. -er / -or / -ar / -yer / -ant / -an / -ian / -ist / -ard / -art / -ate


  perform には 5. -ance か 18. -er が候補になりますが、出題者が求めてゐるのは前者でせう。





1      a multitude of ~          多數の~

1      idea                                  アクセント注意 [aidí(:)ə]

3      tough                               發音注意 [tʌf]







・英文讀解のヒント (24) 《助動詞の過去形》

2015-04-22 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (24) 《助動詞の過去形》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     Unfortunately, for some genetic diseases, there is no treatment, which gives rise to even more complex ethical issues.  ① Would patients want to know that they are going to die young or become very sick if there is no treatment?  Some may want to know so that they can prepare themselves.  ② If there is a chance they could pass the disease to their future children, they may decide not to have children.  ③ For others, however, the news could ruin their lives.  ④ They might prefer not to know about their condition and enjoy their lives while they are healthy.  So, they may decide not to get genetic tests at all.

(47 北里大學 2014 3パラ: 2014年10月6日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  助動詞の過去形は英文中で頻繁に用ゐられます。would / should / could / might などが過去の推量を述べてゐる場合もありますが、現在のまたは文の進行と同時の推量と解される場合が結構多いものです。後者は假定法(で用ゐられる歸結節)に由來するもので、條件が示されてゐるもの、條件が主部や副詞句などに仄めかされてゐるもの、條件を念頭に筆者の見解や推量を、「控へ目」「婉曲」「弱い」「やはらかい」「ていねい」といつた印象を與へつつ示すものがあります。現實との距離には幅があるやうです。

2.2  下線部①~④は三番目の婉曲表現であるやうに見えます。下線部①②は條件節は直説法の動詞で述べられてゐますから、現實と異なる設定をしてゐるわけではありません。「治療法が無いなら」と端的に條件を提示してゐるだけで、「現實に有るかどうか」に關はりの無い言ひ方です。③④も①の條件下での控へ目な推量を述べてゐるやうに見えます。

  ④の might については見解がわかれるかもしれません。このパラグラフでは may も併せて使はれてゐますから、④で might としたところに筆者の意思や氣持がこめられてゐるのかもしれません。一方、might は may よりは可能性が低いとされるものの、實際にはそれほどの違ひはないと説明する文法書もあります。それほど嚴密に使ひ分けてはをらず、文章に變化を加へてゐるだけ、といつた觀方もできると思ひます。

  筆者の心中にある條件を推察してみることも筆者が婉曲な表現を選んだ気持や意圖をくむのに役立つかもしれません。①では that 節に條件が仄めかされてゐるとも考へられます。例へば、「もし若死するか病氣が重篤化するとしたら」、そんなことを患者は知りたいだらうか。②では、例へば「さういふ遺傳子を保有してゐたなら」といふ條件が考へられます。③では、「もし病氣を引き起す可能性のある遺傳子を保有してゐるといふ知らせがあつたなら」といふ條件が主語にこめられてゐるとも考へられます。


3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。また2011年5月25日付の拙稿では假定法と直説法のちがひに觸れてゐます。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。なほ助動詞の過去形にはさまざまな用法があり注意を要しますから、本稿でも今後とりあげてゆく豫定です。

・101.0 Long known for importing ...

2015-04-20 | 出題英文讀解

次の文章を読み、後の問に答えなさい。 (※下線部の線種がブログ畫面では一様です)

     Long known for importing a multitude of ideas and technologies from other countries, Japan’s innovation and creativity have only rarely been applied to language study.  People around the world know they need language skills to ① perform their increasingly communication-based, internationally-oriented jobs. For most Japanese, though, using English at work or in life remains a romantic daydream, too tough to make real.

     The fear of losing Japanese identity is ( ) the root of most critics of early English education, and Japanese culture can presumably be considered more closely tied to language than (a) others. Yet, many studies have found that a stronger sense of Japanese identity develops through contact with other languages and cultures. Awareness of one’s cultural identity comes as much from comparison as from knowing oneself.

     Japan must learn other languages, then, not only to understand other ways of thinking and feeling, but also to understand herself. Japan has too long remained an island linguistically. Geography is no longer an adequate excuse. Nowadays, language is what leaps borders with the greatest force and speed, and comes back, whether via the Internet or trade policies or popular films.

     The fear of speaking English less than perfectly is a peculiarly Japanese one.  Most of the world speaks English less than perfectly, yet they struggle on regardless ( ) grammar mistakes and bad ② pronunciation. The myth that native speakers speak English perfectly is also ( ) scrutiny. The very ③ definition of a native speaker is slowly collapsing amid international marriages, bilingual education and increasing chances to travel, work and live in other countries.

     If anything, the luxury of speaking only one language will be increasingly rare ( ) the future. Only the poorest, or ironically, the wealthiest countries, will live monolingually.  The poorest countries have trouble accessing the world through other languages, while the wealthiest too confidently assume others will learn (b) their language. Dropping this monolingual myth is the first step to truly make a change.

     Japan surely ranks first in the world in sheer numbers of grammar books and electronic dictionaries, not to mention English lessons, yet how often do these help to better understand how to live in the world? The ④ diversity of languages is a testament ( ) the beauty and ingenuity of the human species, but the future is likely to rest on humankind’s ability to create an international culture of communication. No country can afford to relish her uniqueness at the expense of working with others in a common language. In fact, (c) the two go together.

  (The Japan Times, “Japan’s Ambivalent English,” 31 March 2007 による)

注: monolingual  単一の言語を用いる



  1. at     2. in     3. of     4. over     5. to     6. under


問2. 本文中の波線部①~④の単語を、指定された品詞に変えて書きなさい。ただし -ing 形、-ness 形は除く。

 ① perform(名詞)  ② pronunciation(動詞)  ③ definition(動詞)  ④ diversity(形容詞)



  (a) others

    1. other cultures    2. other identities    3. other languages    4. other studies

  (b) their language

    1. the language of educated people    2. the language of other people

    3. the language of the poorest countries    4.the language of the wealthiest countries

  (c) the two go together

    1. A native speaker and a non-native speaker of English can communicate with each other smoothly.

    2. The wealthiest countries can support the poorest countries as far  as language is concerned.

    3. Japan can perform internationally-oriented jobs together with the rest of the world.

    4. A country can preserve her identity even when she promotes an international culture of communication.


問4.本文中の下線部 Japan has too long remained an island linguistically.  Geography is no longer an adequate excuse.の意味する内容を、50字程度の日本語でわかりやすく説明しなさい。



  1. Japan is famous for applying creative ideas and new technologies that she has imported to language study.

  2. People who criticize early English education do so because they fear the loss of Japanese identity.

  3. Research has shown that Japanese people can develop a stronger sense of identity by studying the Japanese language.

  4. Not only the Japanese but also most people around the world feel ashamed if they cannot speak English perfectly.

  5. Partly due to international marriages, it has become more difficult to say what a “native speaker” is.

  6. The poorest countries try to remain monolingual because they are against globalization.

  7. More grammar books, electronic dictionaries, and English lessons are found in Japan than in any other country.


2015-04-17 | 出題英文讀解






                                                                                  でゞむ子 拜

・52 上智大學 2014 (9) 8パラ

2015-04-13 | 出題英文讀解

     Likewise, finding ways to improve physical and mental health should be given as high a priority as finding economic stimuli.  The government can also focus on the enrichment of community, family life, education and leisure pursuits.  Those issues should no longer be considered exclusively as individual choices or consumer options, but an essential and basic part  of what government supports for its citizens.  Pumping money into the economy might make economic numbers look good.  However, without greater consideration of noneconomic factors, Japan will never achieve the levels of happiness and life satisfaction it deserves.



(36)  The author of this article states that

 (a)  Americans’ sense of happiness continues to rise as their income level increases.

 (b)  income is not connected to one’s level of satisfaction in life in the U.S.

 (c)  technological advances have raised people’s feelings of life satisfaction in the U.S.

 (d)  Americans do not necessarily find their life more satisfactory with greater income.

(37)  It is suggested in the article that

 (a)  people do not tend to weigh their levels of satisfaction in life simply by absolute gains in income.

 (b)  uneven distribution of wealth has resulted in the increase of unhappy people all over the world.

 (c)  isolated individuals often find greater freedom in life, thus feeling more content with their life.

 (d)  the government should make sure it imposes heavier taxes on wealthy people in the country.

(38)  By “well-being,” the author of this article means

 (a)  a crime-free society where people can live safely.

 (b)  people’s feelings of satisfaction in their lives.

 (c)  the financially prosperous situation to be in.

 (d)  a state in which people exercise their creativity.

(39)  The factor not included in this article for why people feel unsatisfied with their lives is

 (a)  the insufficient amount of employment available in the country.

 (b)  the asymmetrical allocation of money among people.

 (c)  their lack of confidence in organizations in their society.

 (d)  their fear towards natural disasters they may encounter in life.

(40)  The author implies that the levels of happiness that Japan deserves should

 (a)  not be so high considering the current economic situation in the country.

 (b)  not be higher in light of the decreasing population in the country.

 (c)  be higher than they are currently shown in the poll.

 (d)  be equivalent to the level of sophistication in its culture.



8.1  Likewise, finding ways to improve physical and mental health should be given as high a priority as finding economic stimuli.


[意味把握チェック]  8.1 更に加へて(/同樣に)、心身の健康改善策(/健康改善方法を見出すこと)は、經濟活性化策と同じく優先されるべきである。



・同等比較: 〈as~as〉のかたちを用ゐてふたつのものを比べ、形容詞、副詞の原級(~)の程度が等しいことを表はします。



8.1     stimuli                     [stímjəlài]   ※stimulus の複數形


8.2  The government can also focus on the enrichment of community, family life, education and leisure pursuits.


[意味把握チェック]  8.2 (日本)政府は、地域社會、家族生活、教育、餘暇の娯樂の充實(/を豐かにすること)に焦點を當てることも可能である。


8.3  Those issues should no longer be considered exclusively as individual choices or consumer options, but an essential and basic part of what government supports for its citizens.


[意味把握チェック]  8.3 これらの問題點はもはや專ら個々人の選擇や消費者の選擇の問題(と考へられるべき)ではなく、(日本)政府が市民のために支援することがらの、不可缺にして土臺となる部分と考へられるべきである。



・no longer と but は〈not~but〉(「~ではなく」)に準じて解すると良いでせう。



8.3     no longer ~              もはや~ない

8.3     consider ~ as …    ~をだと考へる  ※ここは受動態になつてゐます。


8.4  Pumping money into the economy might make economic numbers look good.


[意味把握チェック]  8.4 經濟に資金を投入すれば、見かけの經濟數値は良くなるだらう。



・might ~: 假定法由來の婉曲な表現で、條件は主部に仄めかされてゐます。

・使役: 〈make O 原形不定詞〉のかたちで「經濟數値を良く見せる」といふ意味を表はしてゐます。


8.5  However, without greater consideration of noneconomic factors, Japan will never achieve the levels of happiness and life satisfaction it deserves.


[意味把握チェック]  8.5 しかしながら、非經濟的要因に一層大きな配慮をしなければ、日本が受けるにふさはしい幸福と滿足の水準を日本が達成することは決してあるまい。



・it deserves: 接觸節(關係代名詞の省略とも)です。




(36)  The author of this article states that(この記事の執筆者は~と述べてゐる)

 (a)  Americans’ sense of happiness continues to rise as their income level increases. (アメリカ人の幸福感[覺]は、收入レベルが増加するにつれて高まり續ける。×6.1、6.2の「75,000ドルまで」と矛盾)

 (b)  income is not connected to one’s level of satisfaction in life in the U.S. (アメリカ合衆國では、收入は人生の滿足水準と關聯してゐない。×6.1、6.2の「75,000ドルまで」と合致しない)

 (c)  technological advances have raised people’s feelings of life satisfaction in the U.S. (アメリカ合衆國では、科學技術の進歩により人々の人生の滿足感が上昇してきた。×6.3と矛盾)

 (d)  Americans do not necessarily find their life more satisfactory with greater income. (アメリカ人は必ずしも收入が一層多ければ人生が一層滿足だとは思ふとはかぎらない。○6.1~6.3の趣旨に合ふ)



(37)  It is suggested in the article that(記事では~といふことが示唆されてゐる)

 (a)  people do not tend to weigh their levels of satisfaction in life simply by absolute gains in income. (人々は、[他との比較によるのでない]絶對收入額だけで、人生の滿足水準を評價する傾向は持つてゐない。○概ねこの記事の趣旨に合致する)

 (b)  uneven distribution of wealth has resulted in the increase of unhappy people all over the world. (不均等な富の分配により、世界中で不幸な人々が増える結果となつてゐる。×6.5に「一因」の記述はあるが、「世界中」とまでは言へない)

 (c)  isolated individuals often find greater freedom in life, thus feeling more content with their life. (孤立した個人はしばしば人生に一層の自由を見出し、さうして自分の人生に一層の滿足感を味はふ。×6.6で「孤立」は幸福水準を下落させる社會的要因として例示されてゐる。「自由」云々の記述は無い)

 (d)  the government should make sure it imposes heavier taxes on wealthy people in the country. (行政府は國内で裕福な人々に一層重い税を課すやうに(手配)すべきだ。×「課税」の記述は無い)



(38)  By “well-being,” the author of this article means(「well-being」といふことばでこの記事の筆者が意味してゐるのは~である)

 (a)  a crime-free society where people can live safely. (人々が安全に暮せる犯罪のない社會。×犯罪への言及は無く、記事の趣旨にそぐはない)

 (b)  people’s feelings of satisfaction in their lives. (人生における人々の滿足感。○この記事ではさういふ趣旨で用ゐてゐる)

 (c)  the financially prosperous situation to be in. (とどまるべき財政的繁榮状況。×財政的繁榮だけでは well-being は達成できないと説いてゐる)

 (d)  a state in which people exercise their creativity. (人々が創造性を發揮する状態。×創造性發揮の記載が無く、記事の趣旨にそぐはない)



(39)  The factor not included in this article for why people feel unsatisfied with their lives is(人々がなぜ自分の人生に滿足感を味はへないのかに對して、この記事に含まれてゐない要素は~である)

 (a)  the insufficient amount of employment available in the country. (國内で利用できる雇傭量の不足。×7.6で言及してゐる)

 (b)  the asymmetrical allocation of money among people. (人々の間での金錢配分の不均衡。×6.5で言及してゐる)

 (c)  their lack of confidence in organizations in their society. (社會の組織における信頼缺如。6.6で言及してゐる)

 (d)  their fear towards natural disasters they may encounter in life. (人生で見舞はれるかもしれない自然災害への恐怖。○言及が無い)



(40)  The author implies that the levels of happiness that Japan deserves should (日本が受けるに値する幸福水準は~(はずだ)と筆者はほのめかしてゐる)


 (a)  not be so high considering the current economic situation in the country. (日本の現時の經濟状態を考慮すると、さう高くあるはずはない)

 (b)  not be higher in light of the decreasing population in the country. (日本の人口減少を考慮すると、より高くはないはずだ)

 (c)  be higher than they are currently shown in the poll. (現在[ギャラップ]調査で示されてゐるよりは高いはずだ)

 (d)  be equivalent to the level of sophistication in its culture. (日本文化の洗煉度に相應するはずだ/と同等であるべきだ)



・52 上智大學 2014 (8) 7パラ

2015-04-10 | 出題英文讀解

     The government should include issues of well-being into all planning and policies. National happiness can and should be used as a measure of a successful government.  The government so far helped to build a powerful consumer society, but that too failed to achieve life satisfaction for most Japanese.  Decisions about economic policy and social change should incorporate the findings of the aforementioned studies and focus on nonmaterial improvements to Japanese life.  Instead of continuing to focus on numerical economic growth by exploiting ever more resources, both human and natural, other issues should be given greater consideration.  Top of the list to improve Japan’s level of happiness is higher rates of employment and better quality of work.  The focus, though, should be on quality of work, rather than just income.



7.1  The government should include issues of well-being into all planning and policies.


[意味把握チェック]  7.1 日本政府は計畫や政策すべてに(國民の)幸福に關する議論を含めるべきである。



・6パラ後半からの續きで、このパラグラフでは、一般論から入つて、日本政府への政策提言を展開してゐます。the government は日本政府を念頭に置いてゐるものと解されますので「日本政府」としてみました。


7.2  National happiness can and should be used as a measure of a successful government.


[意味把握チェック]  7.2 國民の幸福は、行政府の成功の基準(/尺度)として用ゐることが可能であるし、また用ゐるべきである。


7.3  The government so far helped to build a powerful consumer society, but that too failed to achieve life satisfaction for most Japanese.


[意味把握チェック]  7.3 日本政府はこれまでのところ強い消費社會の建設に助力はしたものの、大方の日本人に人生の滿足感をもたらすこともなかつた。



7.3     so far                           今までのところ/この點まで


7.4  Decisions about economic policy and social change should incorporate the findings of the aforementioned studies and focus on nonmaterial improvements to Japanese life.


[意味把握チェック]  7.4 經濟政策や社會變革に關する決定は、前述の研究結果(/成果)を取り入れ(るべきであり)、日本人の生活に對する非物質的な面での改善に焦點を合はせるべきである。


7.5  Instead of continuing to focus on numerical economic growth by exploiting ever more resources, both human and natural, other issues should be given greater consideration.


[意味把握チェック]  7.5 人的資源と自然資源との更なる利用による、數字で示される經濟成長に焦點を合はせ續けるのではなく、他の諸問題に一層の深慮がなされるべきである。



・both human and natural は、前の (ever more) resources についての説明をコンマを置いて補つたものです。



7.5     instead of ~              ~でなく/~する代はりに/~しないで


7.6  Top of the list to improve Japan’s level of happiness is higher rates of employment and better quality of work.


[意味把握チェック]  7.6 日本の幸福水準を上げるための最優先課題は雇傭率の引上げと勞働の質の改善である(/より高い雇傭率とより良質の勞働である)。


7.7  The focus, though, should be on quality of work, rather than just income.


[意味把握チェック]  7.7 だが、焦點は、ただ收入額よりもむしろ勞働の質に當てるべきである。



7.7      ~ rather than …      …よりはむしろ~

・英文讀解のヒント (23) 《準動詞の完了形》

2015-04-08 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (23) 《準動詞の完了形》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     When I woke up, I had a very strong feeling that I had never lost my mother.  The sense that my mother was still with me was very clear.  I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just that: an idea.  It was obvious in that moment that my mother was still alive in me and always would be.

(51 お茶の水女子大學 2014 4パラ; 2015年3月2日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  〈having+過去分詞〉のかたちは、-ing forms(/現在分詞/動名詞)の完了形で、述語動詞より前の時のことや述語動詞の時までのことを表はします。此處では述語動詞が過去時制(understood)ですから、その時までに既に母を喪つてゐたことになります。ここでは、第1文で使はれてゐる過去完了時制(had lost)と同じ時間を表はしてゐることになります。


2.2  普通の -ing forms であれば、述語動詞と同時になりますから、待たせてゐる最中にお詫びを言ふなら、次の文のやうになります。

       I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. /(不定詞を使ふなら) I'm sorry to keep you waiting.



       I'm sorry for having kept you waiting. /(不定詞を使ふなら)I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.



□參考例文: 述語動詞より前の時やその時までのことを示します。

24  1       She is proud of having won a medal at the Olympics.


               =She is proud that she won a medal at the Olympics.

24  2       I'm proud of having been part of this team.


               =I'm proud that I was part of this team.(チームを去つてゐる場合)

         =I'm proud that I have been part of this team.(依然チームの一員である場合)

□參考例文: 述語動詞が過去時制なら、完了不定詞が表はす時はその前ですから、從屬節では過去完了時制で表はすことができます。

24  3           He was proud of having passed the exam two years before.


                 =He was proud that he had passed the exam two years before.


2.3  分詞構文で完了形が使はれるケースは「英文讀解のヒント(19-20)」で參考例文20.7、21.3で示しました。主文の動詞の時制より前の時やその時までのことを表はします。


20.7      Having read the novel, I already knew the ending of the movie.


21.3      (Having been) Born in America, he is proficient in English.



2.4  不定詞の完了形(「完了不定詞」)も基本的には述語動詞以前のことを表はしますが、注意を要する點があります。

24  4           These tourists seem to have lost their way.


                   =It seems that these tourists have lost their way.

24  5           He seemed to have been sick.


                   =It seemed that he had been sick.

□參考例文: 豫定、願望、期待、意圖などが實現されなかつたことを表はすのに完了不定詞が使はれることがあります。

24  6           I was to have left yesterday.


24  7           I meant to have written to you.


                   =I meant to write to you, but I couldn't.

□參考例文: not は準動詞の前に置かれます。

24  8       He regrets not having worked harder at school.


□參考例文: 文脈で時間の前後が明らかな場合は〈having+過去分詞〉のかたちを使はないことがあります。

24  9       He remembered meeting her once before.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・52 上智大學 2014 (7) 6パラ

2015-04-06 | 出題英文讀解

     In another study by Nobel Prize-winning economists Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, Americans felt happier with greater income only up to about $75,000 annually.  After that, more money had little connection to happiness.  Other studies found that rates of happiness in America did not rise at all over the last half-century despite huge economic and technological growth.  In Japan, as in America, it is relative status, not just income that determines much of the feeling of satisfaction in life.  Japanese feel unhappy even with the relative gains they have achieved in the past several decades partially because wealth has become so unevenly distributed.  In addition, social factors such as insecurity, isolation and distrust of institutions contribute to lower levels of happiness.



6.1  In another study by Nobel Prize-winning economists Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, Americans felt happier with greater income only up to about $75,000 annually.


[意味把握チェック]  6.1 ノーベル賞受賞の經濟學者 Daniel Kahneman と Angus Deaton による別の研究では、アメリカ人が收入で一層の幸福感を覺えるのは年收約75,000ドルまでであつた。



・ふたつの比較級 happier / greater が響き合つてゐる印象があります。收入の増大が幸福感と連動するやうな意味合ひを漂はせてゐるのかもしれません。

・副詞 only で後ろの句を強調してゐますので、[意味把握チェック]では強調構文の和譯のやうに語順を變へてみました。「~まででしかなかつた」「~までのみであつた」としても強意は表現できると思ひます。



6.1     up to ~                      ~まで


6.2  After that, more money had little connection to happiness.


[意味把握チェック]  6.2 それを超えると、一層の收入は幸福とはわづかな關はりしか無かつた。



・準否定: little は a little とは異なり、否定的なニュアンスを持つてゐます。


6.3  Other studies found that rates of happiness in America did not rise at all over the last half-century despite huge economic and technological growth.


[意味把握チェック]  6.3 他の諸研究でも、アメリカにおける幸福度は、經濟と科學技術の高度成長にも拘らず、この半世紀にわたつて全く上昇してゐないことが明らかになつた。



・強い否定: not ~ at all は強い否定を表はします。


6.4  In Japan, as in America, it is relative status, not just income that determines much of the feeling of satisfaction in life.


[意味把握チェック]  6.4 アメリカと同樣に、日本で人生の滿足感の多くを決定するのは、ただ收入だけでなく、他と比べての位置づけである。



・preparatory it(強調構文): it is の後に relative status, not just income を置いて強調してゐます。


6.5  Japanese feel unhappy even with the relative gains they have achieved in the past several decades partially because wealth has become so unevenly distributed.


[意味把握チェック]  6.5ひとつには富の分配が非常に片寄つてきてゐるために、過去數十年に比較的増えてきた收益をもつてしても日本人は不滿を覺えるのである。


6.6  In addition, social factors such as insecurity, isolation and distrust of institutions contribute to lower levels of happiness.


[意味把握チェック]  6.6 その上、(社會の)安定缺如、孤立、制度不信といつた社會的要因が幸福水準下落の一因となつてゐる。



6.6     in addition                 さらに / その上

6.6     such as ~                  たとへば~など


・52 上智大學 2014 (6) 5パラ

2015-04-03 | 出題英文讀解

     Like Singapore, last on the Gallup Poll, Japan’s relatively high economic level has been achieved through high pressure, tight schedules and a work-life balance tipped very far toward work.  What most Latin American interviewees cited as the source of their daily happiness ― taking pleasure in friends, family, nature and religion ― have been neglected in many economically developed countries.  (  35  ).


△ (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

△ (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

△ (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

△ (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure




5.1  Like Singapore, last on the Gallup Poll, Japan’s relatively high economic level has been achieved through high pressure, tight schedules and a work-life balance tipped very far toward work.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1シンガポールと同樣に(シンガポールはギャラップ調査で最下位であつた)、日本の比較的高度の經濟水準は、高い切迫感(/プレッシャー)、ぎつしりつまつた豫定(/きついスケジュール)、仕事の方にひどく傾いたワーク・ライフ・バランスを通して達成されてきた。


・過去分詞の句(tipped very far toward work「仕事のはうにはるかに傾けられた」)が前の a work-life balance (仕事と生活の調和)を修飾してゐます。



5.1     Singapore               [síŋɡəpɔ̀:r]


※シンガポールの最下位には意外の感を覺えます。この時の調査(“positive emotions”の測定)では、各國約1000人に對し、前日を思ひ返して「前向きのこと(positive experiences)があつたか」「よく休めたか」「周圍に配慮があつ(treated with respect)たか」「よく笑つたか」「興味深いことをしたり聞いたりしたか」といふ質問を行ひ、シンガポールは46パーセントに人が「yes」と囘答したと報告されてゐます。

  ちなみにトップのパナマは85パーセントの人が「yes」でした。シンガポールに次ぐ下位國は、「yes」の少ないはうから Armenia、Iraq、Georgia、Yemen、Serbia、Belarus、Lithuania と續いてゐました。


5.2  What most Latin American interviewees cited as the source of their daily happiness ― taking pleasure in friends, family, nature and religion ― have been neglected in many economically developed countries.


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 インタビューを受けたラテン・アメリカの人々のほとんどが日々の幸福感の源として引いた事柄-友人、家族、自然、宗教に喜びを見出してゐる-は、多くの經濟先進國では蔑ろにされてきた。



・what は關係代名詞です。what については2012年6月27日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります。



5.2     interviewee             [ìntərvju:í:]


5.3  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 政府が日本の將來をじつくり考へるに際して、より高い所得は、他のタイプの非物質的利得なしでは、ほとんど意味がない(といふ)ことは明らかであるはずだ。



・preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語はthat 節です。




・5.1により、このパラグラフでは日本について論じてゐるとわかります(5.2では many economically developed countries に日本が含められてゐると考へられます)。選擇肢の(b)か(d)が候補となりますが、(d)でパラグラフを閉ぢるのは不自然でせう。


(35) - (b)