
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・57 センター試驗 2019 (1) 全文

2019-01-28 | 出題英文讀解




第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。


(1)     From quiet paths by a stream in a forest to busy roads running through a city, people have created various forms of routes in different places.  These now exist all around us, and their use is imperative for societies.  These routes have enabled people to move, transport things, and send information from one place to another quickly and safely.  Throughout history, they have been important in our daily lives.


(2)     Early routes were often formed naturally on land.  They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.  A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.  Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.  Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.  As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.  The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.


(3)     People have established routes on water, too.  Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.  For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.  People have also opened routes across the sea.  The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, water depths, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.  Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach.  A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.  This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.


(4)     People have gone on to open routes in the sky as well.  Since the invention of the airplane, these routes have made it possible for people to travel long distances easily.  They found the best routes by considering conditions such as winds and air currents.  Eventually, people became able to travel safely and comfortably high in the sky, and going vast distances only took a small amount of time.  In fact, people used to need more than one month to travel to Europe from Japan by ship, whereas today they can travel between them in a single day by airplane.  Owing to the establishment of these sky routes, a great number of people now travel around the world for sightseeing, visiting friends, and doing business.


(5)     Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.  By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication.  They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once.  According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today.  As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.


(6)     As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.  These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures.  Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.  Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の [  46  ]~[  50  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the underlined word imperative in paragraph (1)?  [  46  ]

  ①  accidental

  ②  essential

  ③  industrial

  ④  traditional


問2  According to paragraph (2), which of the following statements is true?  [  47  ]

  ①  Early routes were created by people who traveled by wheeled carts.

  ②  People’s first routes on land followed the growth of towns and cities.

  ③  The development of land routes led to progress in many areas of society.

  ④  The improvement of routes resulted in the invention of the automobile.


問3  Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3)? [  48  ]

  ①  To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water

  ②  To emphasize the fact that it was an important city

  ③  To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines

  ④  To illustrate the important roles of water routes for cities


問4  What does paragraph (5) tell us about routes?  [  49  ]

  ①  Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world.

  ②  Routes that move information can be regarded as dangerous.

  ③  The fundamental functions of routes are declining.

  ④  The importance of different kinds of routes is the same.


問5  What is the main point of this article?  [  50  ]

  ①  Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.

  ②  Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.

  ③  Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.

  ④  The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.


B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[  51  ]~[  54  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)                       Introduction

      (2)                        [  51  ]

      (3)                        [  52  ]

      (4)                        [  53  ]

      (5)                        [  54  ]

      (6)                       Conclusion


  ①  Creation of roads used by people, animals, and vehicles

  ②  Developing ways for people to fly from place to place

  ③  Establishment of global paths for information transfer

  ④  Opening of lanes for ships to travel and transport things

・用例研究 162 <假定法-條件節省略⑦>

2019-01-21 | 用例研究

[用例研究 162] 〈假定法-條件節省略⑦〉


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Sir, I just want you to know I’d sell my soul if it would benefit the J. C. Dithers Company!

1  bam

2  That’s ridiculous!  That’s crazy talk!

3  But just out of curiosity, how much would it cost me?




・just: want を強調してゐます。

・I’d sell~: 「~を賣るだらう」(=I would sell)

・if it would benefit: 假定法の條件節での would のニュアンスは小生にはわかりませんでした。この would のはたらきについて諸兄の御指導をいただけるとありがたいです。

  主語が人稱代名詞の場合は、「もし萬一~するつもりがあれば」といふ意味であり、will に比して假定の意味が強いとされます。しかし、ここでは主語が it であり、このitは「自分の魂を賣ること」「自分の良心に反してでも職務を達成すること」であらうと思はれます。下記の[意味把握チェック]では、would が「話者の推量・豫測を控へめに表はす」はたらきをしてゐると解し、「利益をもたらしさうなら」もしくは「利益をもたらすと豫想されるなら」としてみました。

□參考例文: 人稱代名詞の場合の例文です。

162.1     If you would, you could make it.


162.2     Alexander could have conquered the whole world if he would have done so.


・bam [bæm]: (擬聲語で)「バン」「ドスン」などの音を表現してゐます。


・talk: talk に冠詞がついてゐませんから、不可算名詞の扱ひとしてゐるのでせう。一應「空論/話」としてみました。


・just: out of curiosity を強調してゐます。

・out of curiosity: 「好奇心から」

・how much would it cost me: 「君の魂は(/君の魂を買ふなら)どれくらゐ(費用が)かかるんだらうか」。假定法過去の歸結節のかたちで、條件節が省略されてゐます。條件としては、例へば「もし君が自分の魂を賣るとしたら」「もし私が君の魂を買ふとしたら」などが考へられます。



1 「社長、もし會社(J. C. Dithers Company)に利益をもたらしさうなら(/利益をもたらすと豫想されるなら)、私は自分の魂を(も)賣るだらう、そのことをあなたに是非ともわかつて欲しいんですよ」

1 「バン」

2 「そいつはばかげてる。突拍子もない空論(/話)だな」

3 「ただ好奇心から訊ねるんだがな、君の魂はどれくらゐ(費用が)かかるんだらうか(/君の魂を買ふとすると値はいくらだらう?)」



・利に敏く強慾な Dithers 社長の本音が言譯とともに現出し、言動の矛盾が笑ひを誘ひます。

・用例研究 161 <假定法-條件節省略⑥>

2019-01-14 | 用例研究

[用例研究 161] 〈假定法-條件節省略⑥〉


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Well, folks, do you want to buy one?

1  I can’t decide.

1  Let’s flip a coin.

2  Uh-oh, I don’t have a coin...I’ll have to go get one.

3  What’s keeping him?

3  I’ll go and see.

4  Jeez, what could be taking so long?




・folk [fouk]: 通例 folksとして複數扱ひし、「人々」の意味。

・one: 單獨で用ゐると、不特定の「ひとつ」「ひとり」

・flip a coin: 裏か表を決めるため、指でコインを彈きあげる。


・uh-oh [ʌ́òu]: 「おつと」「あらら」「あれつ」

・go get ~: go get は元々は3コマめのやうに go and ~ として「~しに行く」といふ意味の口語ですが、アメリカ英語ではand が省略されてこのやうな言ひ方になることがあります。

・one: one は 〈a+前出の名詞〉で a coin を意味します。


・keep~: 「~を引き留める」


161.1        I wonder what can be keeping him.



・Jeez [ʤí:z]: 「おや」「まあ」「たまげた」

・take: 「(時間、勞力など)を要する」「~を消費する」


161.2        It took me three days to read through this book.


161.3        You can take your time.


・what could be taking so long: ここでの助動詞 can は「可能性」の意味で使はれてゐます。假定法過去の歸結節のかたちで過去形になつてをり、文脈から  door-to-door salesman の現在の氣持を述べてゐると解せます。背景には條件がひそんでゐて(例へば「もし時間を要する事情があるのなら」)、「いつたいどんな事情がそんな長い時間を要してゐるんだらうか」といつたほどの意味になるのかと思ひます。假定法由來の婉曲表現につながる文體です。

□參考例文: 「可能性」の canが疑問詞の疑問文で使はれてゐる例です。疑問詞で始まる文で can を [kǽn] と強く發聲すると「驚き・苛立ち・當惑」のニュアンスがこめられることになります。

161.4        What can he be doing?


□參考例文: 端的に「過去に可能性があつた」と述べる場合です。「~があり得た」といふ意味を傳へます。

161.5        In those days, a man could be sentenced to death for a small crime.


□參考例文: 過去の行動について現在の話者の推量を述べる場合は〈can+


161.6        He cannot have told a lie.


              =It is not possible that he told a lie.

161.7        Where can John have put the matches?  He can't have thrown them away.




1 「ところであなた方、ひとついかがですか(/購入したいですか)」

1 「決心がつかないね(/きめられないね)」

1 「コインを投げて決めませう」

2 「オヤオヤ、コインが(ひとつも)ないや...(コインを)とりに行かなくちや」

3 「どうして遲いんですかね」

3 「見てくるわ」

4 「おやおや、なんでこんなに遲くなつてるんだらうなあ」

・用例研究 160 <once-假定法過去>

2019-01-07 | 用例研究

[用例研究 160] 〈once-假定法過去〉


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)

1  Poor Herb Woodley.

2  Tootsie really chewed him out because he brought a friend to dinner without telling her.

3  Would you be angry if I did that?

4  Not once we decided which restaurant to go to.




・Herb Woodley: Dagwood の隣家の主人です。


・Tootsie [tútsi]: Herb の奧さんの愛稱です。 Toots [tuts] は「娘さん」「ねえちゃん」「あんた」など女性に對する親しみを表はす呼びかけの米口語ですが、これに愛稱を表はす -ie がついたものでせう)

・chewed out: アメリカのスラングで「(人を)ひどく叱る」「ぼろくそに言ふ」。 out は副詞です。目的語が代名詞でない場合は chewed out~となることが多いのですが、ここでは目的語が代名詞であり、強弱強のリズムの形成から chewed him out となつてゐます。


・Would you be angry if I did that?: 接續詞 if を用ゐる假定法過去の文は 「假定法の讀み方 (2)(3)(4)」 (2011年5月25日掲載)に解説や例文があります(ただし(4)(3)(2)の順に表示されます)。


・先頭の not: not = I would not be angry

・once we decided which restaurant to go to: once は接續詞として使はれてをり「いつたん~すれば」「~するやいなや」の意味。もとは副詞で、例文の下方に=で示した文から if が消えたものではないかと考へられます。once は現在完了時制が續くことが多いとされます。

160        Once you have driven a Rolls Royce, you will always dream of owning one yourself.


                 = If you have driven a Rolls Royce once, you will always dream of owning one yourself.

・once we decided which restaurant to go to: decided と動詞が過去形となつてゐるのは、「決める」のを架空のこととして假定法過去で述べてゐるものと考へられます。「どのレストランに行くかいつたん決まればね」といつた意味合ひでせうか。



1 「可哀さうな Herb Woodley」

2 「Herb が Tootsie に言はずに友達を夕食に連れてきたもんだから、彼女が Herb をこつぴどく叱つたんだよ」

3 「ぼくがそんなことをしたら君は怒るだらうか」

4 「どのレストランに行くかいつたん決まれば怒らないでせうね」