
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・59.5 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 5

2021-02-22 | 出題英文讀解

Part 5(6、7パラ)

     The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015. In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game. At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena. The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added. They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York. If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor. The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.

     The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety. Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.




5.1 The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015.

5.2 In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game.

5.3 At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena.

5.4 The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added.

5.5 They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York.

5.6 If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor.

5.7 The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.


5.8 The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport.

5.9 As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety.

5.10 Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.



5.2     watch for                      を待ち構へる

5.3      at first                                最初は

5.4      one to four                       14(の)

5.8      make progress in       において進展する

5.9      take measures to-不定詞()  のため(の)措置を講ずる

5.10    might                                 may よりも婉曲で、可能性が低いことを示唆します。

5.10    lead to                           (事が)(ある結果:)に到る




5.1 NHLは2015年に腦震盪監視員制度(/システム)も導入した。

5.2 この制度(/システム)では、試合の實況映像やその再生を觀ることのできるNHLの職員が、個々の試合中に目に見える間腦震盪の明白な徴候を注視する(/~徴候がないか見張る)。

5.3 當初、二人の腦震盪監視員が、彼らは醫療訓練は受けてゐなかつたのだが、試合會場で試合を監視した。

5.4 翌年、醫療訓練を受けてゐる一人ないしは四人の腦震盪監視員が加へられた。

5.5 彼らはニューヨークのリーグ本部で個々の試合を監視した。

5.6 もしある竸技者が腦震盪を起こしてゐると腦震盪監視員が考へれば、その竸技者は試合から外され、醫師の檢査のため「靜かな部屋」に連れて行かれる。

5.7 その竸技者は、醫師の許可が出るまで試合には戻ることは許されない。


5.8 NHLは、ホッケーを一層安全なスポーツにするのに多大な進展を果してきた。

5.9 腦震盪の原因と結果についての知見が増えるにつれて、NHLは竸技者の安全確保のため更なる措置をきつと講ずるであらう。

5.10 安全性が向上すれば、ホッケーの竸技者やファンの(數の)増加に到るかもしれない。

・59.4 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 4

2021-02-15 | 出題英文讀解

Part 4(5パラ)

     The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions. For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face. At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them. Since 2013, however, it has been required. In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.




4.1 The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions.

4.2 For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face.

4.3 At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them.

4.4 Since 2013, however, it has been required.

4.5 In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.



4.1     consist of~                  ~から成る

4.1     deal with~                   ~を取り扱ふ/~に對處する

4.2     for example                  例へば

4.3     at first                            最初は

4.3     not                            準動詞の直前に置かれ、to wear~を否定してゐます。

4.5     in addition                    さらに/その上

4.5     such as~                       例へば~など

4.5     hit~in the head           hit~の部分がメインで、後から細かい部位を〈前置詞+the+部位〉で補足する文體です。文法書では「定冠詞」の項に解説が載つてゐます。


59.4.1   Jim took his daughter by the hand and left the room.



59.4.2   He kissed the girl on the forehead.



59.4.3   The brick hit John in the face.



59.4.4   The man was shot through the heart.




4.1 ナショナル・ホッケー・リーグ(NHL)は、カナダとアメリカ合衆國のチームで構成されてゐるが、腦震盪に對處するために、一層嚴しい規則と指針を設け續けてきた。

4.2 例を擧げると、2001年に、NHLはヴァイザー―ヘルメットに取りつけられた、顏を守る透明プラスチック片―の裝着を導入した。

4.3 當初は、ヴァイザー裝着は任意であり、多くの竸技者は裝着しないことを選んだ(/裝着を選擇しない竸技者が多數を占めた)。

4.4 しかしながら、2013年以降はヴァイザー裝着が必須となつてゐる。

4.5 さらに、故意に他の竸技者の頭を打つ竸技者に對して、NHLは竸技者の一時竸技停止や罰金など一層嚴しい處罰を課し始めた。

・59.3 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 3

2021-02-08 | 出題英文讀解

Part 3(4パラ)

     In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think. In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain. In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not. Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime. People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping. Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes. In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.




3.1 In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think.

3.2 In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain.

3.3 In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not.

3.4 Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime.

3.5 People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping.

3.6 Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes.

3.7 In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.



3.1     in adition to~             ~に加へて

3.1     not                                   準動詞の直前に置かれ、realizing~を否定してゐます。

3.1     tend to-不定詞(~)  ~しがちである/~する傾向がある

3.1     worry about~             ~を心配する

3.2     in the past                     從來/これまで/過去に

3.2     in spite of~                  ~にも拘らず/~を物ともせず

3.3/3.4 この it はpreparatory it と呼ばれるもので、ここでは形式上の主語のはたらきをしてゐます(形式主語)。この文體では、眞の主語は述部の後に置かれます。3.4 では不定詞の句、3.5ではthat節が眞主語となります。不定詞句の場合は 「英文讀解のヒント(5)」(2014年6月11日付)に、that節の場合は 「英文讀解のヒント(6)」(2014年6月25日付) に解説と例文を掲載してゐます。

3.3     in other words             言ひ換へれば

3.3     while(接續詞)           ~なのに對して/~だけれども/~する一方で


3.3     stop -ing(~)                 stop は -ing form を目的語にとる動詞です。

3.5     have trouble -ing(~)               ~するのに難儀する

3.6     suffer from~               ~に苦しむ/~に惱む

3.6     such as~                       例へば~など



3.1 怪我の深刻さに氣づかないことに加へて、竸技者は監督(/コーチ)の思惑(/がどう思ふか)を氣にする傾向がある(/心配しがちである)。

3.2 從來、監督(/コーチ)は、痛みを物ともせず竸技するたくましい選手を使ひたがつた。

3.3 言ひ換へれば、負傷選手は、負傷後竸技をやめるのが筋(/道理)だと思はれるであらうが、多くの選手は竸技をやめなかつた(のである)。

3.4 しかしながら近年、腦震盪は生涯續く深刻な影響を及ぼす可能性があることがわかつてきてゐる。

3.5 腦震盪歴のある人々は、集中力や睡眠(の面)で苦勞することがある(/かもしれない)。

3.6 さらには、(腦震盪歴のある人々は)、例へば抑うつ状態や氣分變動(/氣分變調)などの心理的な問題に苦しむことがある(/かもしれない)。

3.7 (腦震盪歴のある)竸技者が嗅覺や味覺の異常を起こす場合もあるかもしれない。

・59.2 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 2

2021-02-01 | 出題英文讀解

Part 2(2、3パラ)

     The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries. In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years. Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.

     A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness. In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears. Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.


2 [番號付英文]

2.1 The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries.

2.2 In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years.

2.3 Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.


2.4 A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness.

2.5 In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears.

2.6 Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.



2.1 形式目的語 it を用ゐた第五文型の文です。假に目的語を it と置いておき、あとから it の内容を不定詞句や名詞節で述べる文體です(動名詞句のケースは少ないやうです)。文尾に現在分詞の句(resulting~)が添へられ、説明をつけ加へてゐます。

□參考例文: 2.1 と同樣に不定詞の意味上の主語を for~ で示す例です。

59.2.1   The inflammation of his knee made it difficult for him to walk.


□參考例文: 人物評價を表はす形容詞と不定詞が用ゐられる場合は、不定詞の意味上の主語は of~ で示します。

59.2.2   Everyone thought it very foolish of you to climb the mountain without a guide.


拙ブログでは 「英文讀解のヒント(8)」(2014年7月23日付) でこの文體を紹介してゐます。


2.1      fall down                       ころぶ/倒れる

2.1      bump into~                 ~にぶつかる

2.1      result in~                      ~に終る/~に歸着する

2.1      a variety of~               いろいろな~


2.2      such as~                       たとへば~など

2.4    either~or         ~か(それとも)



2.1 この竸技の速度とスケートリンクのよく滑る表面により、竸技者がころんだりお互ひがぶつかりあつたりしやすくなり、結果としていろいろな怪我が生ずる。

2.2 竸技者を守らうと(/守る試みで)、ヘルメット、手袋、肩や肘や脚用の衝撃防止パッドなどの裝具(/用具)が何年にもわたつて導入されてきた。

2.3 かうした努力にも拘らず、アイス・ホッケーは腦震盪を起こす割合が高い(/高率で腦震盪を引き起す)。


2.4 腦震盪とは、腦の働き方に影響を及ぼす腦への損傷である; それは頭部、顏、首その他への直接・間接の衝撃で引き起され、時に一時的な意識喪失(/失神)を引き起すこともある。

2.5 比較的深刻でない場合(であつても)、竸技者がしばらくまっすぐに歩けなかつたり、はつきりものが見えなかつたり、或は耳鳴りを經驗することがある(かもしれない)。

2.6 輕い頭痛がするだけであつて、腦が損傷を受けてゐることに竸技者が氣づかない(/實感しない)、と思ふ人もある。