
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・122.1 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-07-31 | 出題英文讀解

・122.1 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   In the mid-nineties, two language researchers conducted an interesting experiment with a group of English language students in Japan.  These students were retaking compulsory English courses they had previously failed.  On language tests, these students were far behind the regular university students.  Since most of these students disliked studying English, few expected much 1 improvement.


問1 下線部1 “improvement” の“o” の部分(improvement の下線が引いてある“o” の部分)と同じ発音を持つ単語を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。なお、それぞれの選択肢には、対象となる箇所に下線が引いてあります。

① glove

② program

③ foot

④ roof



improvement  [imprú:vmənt] 

① glove  [glʌv] 

② program  [próugrᴂm] 

③ foot  [fut]

④ roof  [ru:f / ruf]





・regular university students は、「通常一般の學生」。嚴密には、聽講生、選科生などを除いた本科在學生を指してゐると思ひます。

・( a のつかない)few / little は否定的なニュアンスを持つことばですから、nobody / nothing といつた否定語が主語になる場合に準じて解します。日本語にはない文體なので「直讀直解」を心がけませう。







・122.0 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-07-27 | 出題英文讀解

・122.0 In the mid-nineties, two ...


   In the mid-nineties, two language researchers conducted an interesting experiment with a group of English language students in Japan.  These students were retaking compulsory English courses they had previously failed.  On language tests, these students were far behind the regular university students.  Since most of these students disliked studying English, few expected much 1 improvement.

   The researchers put these students in a special class for the second semester of the English course.  The class met for the same amount of time as the regular English courses, but the instruction was very different.  At the end of the semester, the students took another language test and the results were [  1  ].  In just one semester, the students in the special class improved so much that their scores on the new tests were almost as high as the regular English students.  Not only had their English ability improved greatly, but many of these students, who used to 2 dread English study, enjoyed the class.

   What was this “secret method” that produced such dramatic results on these previously 3 reluctant learners?  The class was an extensive reading course.  Extensive reading is simply reading a lot of English (reading almost every day) at a fairly easy level (being able to understand the text without needing a dictionary).  The students in the course mentioned above spent almost all of their class time simply reading enjoyable books.

   In study after study, researchers are finding that extensive reading can play a big role in language learning success.  In fact, one study investigating language-learning strategies found reading for pleasure and seeking opportunities to read in English as the two most strongly related factors to successful language learning.

   It should come as no surprise that extensive reading helps [  2  ] skills.  Several studies have shown that students doing extensive reading for more than one year were almost always better readers than students who did the usual “difficult” readings in the classroom.  Extensive reading also allows students to improve reading speed much more quickly than by reading difficult texts.  In short, people can learn to read well simply by reading a lot at an appropriate level.

   What is more surprising is how much extensive reading improves students’ writing skills.  In one study on extensive reading, students in extensive reading programs were evaluated as 2-3 times better in writing when compared with students who did not read much yet actually practiced writing more!  Many other researchers have come to similar conclusions.  Students who just read a lot can make equal or better progress in writing skills than students who actually practice writing, at least in regards to beginner and intermediate students.

   Surprisingly, extensive reading can also help speaking skills, as well as listening skills to a lesser extent.  One study on learning strategies found reading outside of the classroom to be the most significant predictor of oral communicative ability.  Students who read a lot are more likely to speak well.  Other researchers have found that students just reading graded readers (simplified books especially made for language students) improved in both fluency and accuracy of expression in their speaking, even though the students did very little speaking during the course of the study.

   Do you want to have a good TOEFL or TOEIC score?  Maybe you should start thinking about extensive reading.  Researchers have found that students who often read in English in their free time tend to have high TOEFL scores, while those who do not, tend to have low scores.  They found that reading was a better predictor of TOEFL performance than even the number of years studying English and living in English-speaking countries.  Another study showed that students who only read enjoyable books made consistent [  3  ] on their TOEFL scores, averaging 3-4 points on the test each week.

   How is it that just reading alone can bring all of these benefits?  Extensive reading allows students to see a lot of the language in context over and over again, giving them the exposure they need to understand, organize, remember, and use it.  It builds and strengthens fundamental vocabulary, and grammar knowledge.  In short, extensive reading provides a very strong foundation on [  4  ] to build all language skills.

   Extensive reading is not the only way to learn a language.  Most language scholars would agree that language students still need to spend a lot of time practicing speaking, listening, writing, and so on in order to become advanced in the language.  However, adding extensive reading to your private study can certainly do some great things for your language ability.  Not only is extensive reading effective, but it can be a very enjoyable way to learn a new language.  Give it a try and see what it will do for you!    (※784 words)

(Scott Miles, Essential Reading: Student Book 3. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2008.)


問1 下線部1 “improvement” の“o” の部分(improvement の下線が引いてある“o” の部分)と同じ発音を持つ単語を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。なお、それぞれの選択肢には、対象となる箇所に下線が引いてあります。

① glove

② program

③ foot

④ roof


問2 空欄 [  1  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① surprised

② to be surprised

③ to surprise

④ surprising


問3 下線部 2 “dread” の本文中の意味にもっとも近い表現を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① to be very interested in something

② to be very longing to do something

③ to be very afraid of something

④ to be very sorry about something


問4 下線部 3 “reluctant” の本文中の意味にもっとも近い語を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① unwilling

② unexpected

③ uneasy

④ unreasonable


問5 空欄 [  2  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① to improve reading students

② improve students to read

③ students improve reading

④ students improving to read


問6 空欄 [  3  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① values

② profits

③ gains

④ steps


問7 空欄 [  4  ] に入るもっとも適切な語句を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① which

② who

③ where

④ what


問8 次の英語の質問(1)~(3)にたいしてもっとも適切な解答をそれぞれ①~④より一つずつ選びなさい。

(1)  According to the passage, what was done in the “secret method?”

① The Japanese students were taught how to read a great many English books using dictionaries every day.

② The Japanese students were instructed to read relatively difficult English books every day.

③ The Japanese students were told to read a lot of rather easy English every day.

④ The Japanese students were instructed how to enjoy easy English books.


(2)  According to the passage, which of the following is true?

① Extensive reading helps improve students’ speaking skills but not so much as their listening skills.

② Extensive reading helps students to improve writing skills as well as reading skills.

③ Extensive listening strengthens students’ language ability far more than extensive reading.

④ Extensive reading helps to build students’ self-confidence, but reading for pleasure does not have the same positive effects on them.


(3)  According to the passage, what does the author say as a conclusion?

① The author believes TOEFL or TOEIC can be used to see if extensive reading affects these test scores.

② The author believes there is no other way to improve English than extensive reading.

③ The author believes students who read a lot of simplified English books improve in speaking and listening, but not in writing.

④ The author believes in extensive reading, as well as in training other skills, such as speaking and listening. in order to be advanced learners of English.

118.3 What exactly is happiness?

2015-07-24 | 出題英文讀解

118.3 What exactly is happiness?

   The other far less common meaning of happiness is “living a rich, full, and meaningful life.”  When we take action on the things that truly matter deep in our hearts, move in directions that we consider valuable and worthy, clarify what we stand for in life and act accordingly, then our lives become rich and full and meaningful, and we experience a powerful sense of vitality.  This is not some passing feeling – it is a profound sense of a life well lived.  And although such a life will undoubtedly give us many pleasurable feelings, it will also give us uncomfortable ones, such as sadness, fear, and anger.  This is only to be expected.  If we live a full life, we will feel the full range of human emotions.






・長い文: 主節のまへに接續詞 when に率ゐられた從屬節が置かれた文ですが、やや長めで、動詞を重ねてゐるため讀みづらくなつてをり、さらに關係詞節も3つ入り込んで文をこみいつたものにしてゐます。長い文を讀む時は、前から順に「意味的かたまり(sense group /‘chunk’: 7±2 words)」を頭に放り込むやうに讀み進むのがコツです。一部日本語に譯しても英文のままでも、飽くまで前から順に意味をとつてゆきます。

  語句を列擧するときには、最後の語句の前に and を置くのが原則なので、見分ける手がかりにすることができます。讀みやすいやうにコンマや語句で工夫を凝らすこともあります。(※and を用ゐない例も時に見かけます)

  when 節の動詞は①,②,③ and ④と四つ竝んでゐます。ここではコンマのあとに then を置いて、when 節の範圍をわかりやすくしてゐるやうにも思はれます。

・第五文型: we consider □ valuable and worthy の目的語(directions)がブランクになつてをり、關係代名詞節として先行詞 directions を修飾するかたちになつてゐます。






3.2      take action                  行動をとる / 活溌になる

3.2       stand for ~                   ~を表はす / ~を支持する / ~のために戰ふ



  (前述の幸福の意味に比べて)はるかに一般的でない、もうひとつの幸福の意味は「内容豐かな、充實した、意義深い人生を送ること」である。(下線部)これは一時的な感情といつたものではない - 充實した人生を生きる人のもつ深い生の感覺である。そのやうな人生は疑ひもなく私たちに多くの快い感情を與へてくれるであらうが、それはまた悲しみ、恐れ、怒りなどの不愉快な感情をも私たちに與へるであらう。それは豫想されることである(に過ぎない)。もし私たちが充實した生を送るなら、私たちは人間感情を最大限に味はふことになるだらう。



・英文讀解のヒント (30) 《should》

2015-07-22 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (30) 《should》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

  By then things will probably be out of our hands anyway, says Ray Hammond, another consultant.  At some point, we will create computers far more capable than ourselves.  “What these machines may be able to suggest to us in the way of resource management or in the construction of synthetic resources is wholly unknowable,” he says.

  That suggests we should be worrying about other existential threats in the far future.  “The idea that ‘things will run out’ is to think about the future using today’s concepts,” Hammond says.

(39 中央大學 2013 10, 11パラ; 2014年3月21, 24日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  話し手の確信の度合や意志・能力・義務など表はす法の助動詞は、解釋と使用に際して注意が必要です。今囘は should を扱ひますが、英語による説明と例文による状況把握が理解を助けてくれます。

  Michael Swan の Practical English Usage では should の項に次のやうな説明と例文が載つてゐます(※例文は一部のみの引用です)。

1  obligation

We often use should to talk about obligation, duty and similar ideas. It is less strong than must.

  Everybody should wear car seat belts.

In questions, should is used to ask for advice or instructions, like a less definite form of shall.

  Should I go and see the police, do you think?

2  probability

We can use should to say that we know something is probable (because it is logical or normal in the circumstances).

  She’s away, but she should be back tomorrow. (=I have good reasons to believe that she will be back tomorrow.)


  shall / shall not は「必ずや~するのだ/絶對~してはならぬのだ」といつた強い義務・強制を、嚴しく日常的でない雰圍氣で表はすことができますが、これを過去形 should とすると、現在から遠ざけ、shall の強い調子をぼかして、「~すべきだ/~すべきでない」とソフトな obligation を表はしたり、「~するはずだ」などと probability を表はすことができます。obligation と probability のいづれが適切かは文脈で判斷します。


  助言をする場合は、さらにソフトな表現にするために Maybe / I think / I guess などを添へることもあります。


  Maybe you should not move.



3  意味把握チェック

  いづれにしてもその頃までには事態はおそらく私たちの手を離れてゐるだらう(/私たちの管理監督が及ばぬ状態になつてゐるだらう)、と別の顧問である Ray Hammond は言ふ。どこかの時點で私たちは自身よりはるかに能力のあるコンピュータを生み出すことだらう。「かうした機械(/コンピュータ)が、資源管理の方法や資源合成(/合成資源の構成)で私たちに提起(/提唱)できるかもしれない内容は全く窺ひ知れないものです(/人知を越えてゐます)」と彼は言ふ。

  そのことは、私たちが遠い將來(素材物質不足とは)別の、存續に關はる脅威に惱むことになりさうだ(/惱んでゐるはずだ)といふことを示唆する。「『モノは無くなるものだ』といふ考へは、現在の概念を用ゐて未來について考へることになります」と Hammond は言ふ。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。またこの部分は問題文全體(2014年2月14日付)を眺めないと解しにくいところがあります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

118.1, 2 What exactly is happiness?

2015-07-20 | 出題英文讀解

118.1, 2 What exactly is happiness?

   What exactly is happiness?  We all want it.  We all strive for it.  Even the Dalai Lama has said: “The very purpose of life is to seek happiness.”  But what exactly is it?

   The word “happiness” has two very different meanings.  The common meaning of the word is “feeling good.”  In other words, feeling a sense of pleasure, gladness, or gratification.  We all enjoy these feelings, so it’s no surprise that we chase them.  However, like all human emotions, feelings of happiness don’t last.  No matter how hard we try to hold on to them, they slip away every time.  And a life spent in pursuit of those good feelings is, in the long term, deeply unsatisfying.  In fact, the harder we chase after pleasurable feelings, the more we are likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.








1 讓歩表現<no matter + what / how など>: 「何が(いかに)~しようとも」といつた意味になります。whatever / however などを使ふ文と似た意味をもちますが、no matter~のはうが口語的で使用頻度も高いとされます。このタイプの文では、what / how のほかさまざまな疑問詞が續きます。(※ この文では≒However hard we try to ~ 。このタイプの英文は、文法書の「複合關係代名詞」「複合關係副詞」の項に解説がみつかります)

  「讓歩」について: 議論などで、或る點で讓ることを「讓歩」と言ひます。「たしかに~ではあるけれども」「たとへ~であつても」といつた風に、自分の主張に反するやうな事態や條件をいつたんは認めるやうな表現をするわけですが、主節でしつかり自分の主張や意嚮を述べ、力點は主節の内容に置かれます。

2 過去分詞の句による後置説明: spent in pursuit of those good feelings は a life の説明です。名詞の説明を後置するかたちは英語に非常に多く見られるものです。分詞や不定詞の句、關係詞節や同格節など代表的なかたちを學び、英文を多く讀んで馴れることが對策になります。

3 <the+比較級~, the +比較級…>: 「~すればするほどそれだけ一層…」。拙稿では、2012年のセンター試驗の解説で扱ひました(2012年2月3日付)。

・「“them”の内容を明らかにする」には前の複數名詞を眺めることになります。前半で論じた feelings を feelings of happiness とまとめてゐるやうに見えますから、この意味を譯文に盛りこみます。






       hold on to ~                ~をしつかり握つてゐる / ~にしがみつく

       slip away                    失はれる / 逃げる

       every time                  いつでも / 常に

       in pursuit of ~            ~を追つて / ~を追及して

       in the long term          長期的には

       in fact                                實のところ

       chase after ~                        ~を追ひかける

       be likely to-不定詞(~)     ~しさうである

       suffer from ~                      ~に苦しむ / ~に惱む




  「happiness 幸福」といふことばは非常に異なるふたつの意味をもつ。そのことばの一般的な意味は「快く感ずること」である。言ひ換へれば、よろこび、うれしさ、あるひは滿足感を覺えることである。私たちは皆かうした氣持を愉しむ、だから私たちがそれらを追ひ求めることは何ら驚くにはあたらない。しかしながら、すべての人間の情緒と同樣に、幸福感は續かない。(下線部)



・英文讀解のヒント (29) 《would/used to》

2015-07-08 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (29) 《would/used to》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

  I won 5-2 when I dominated an opponent; I won 2-1 or 3-2 when I was lucky, and lost 3-2 or 4-3 when I was less lucky. If I got the first takedown, I could usually win; if I lost the first takedown, I was hard-pressed to recover ―― I was not a *come-from-behind man.  I was, as Coach Seabrooke said, “halfway decent” as a counter-wrestler, too. But if my opponent was a superior athlete, I couldn’t afford to rely on my counter-moves to his first shots; my counters weren’t quick enough ―― my reflexes weren’t quick enough.  Against a superior athlete, I would take the first shot; against a superior wrestler, I would try to counter his first move. “Or vice versa, if it’s not working,” Coach Seabrooke used to say.  He had a sense of humor.  “Where the head goes, the body must follow ―― usually,” Ted would add.  And: “An underdog is in a position to take a healthy bite.”

*come-from-behind: 逆転の、逆転が得意な

(40 宮崎大學 2013 8パラ; 2014年4月25日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  would / used to [jú:stə]: would は「過去の習慣(的行爲)」を表はし、「(よく)~したものであつた」の意味。used to は「過去の習慣(的行爲)や過去の(繼續的)状態」を表はし、「以前は(よく)~したものであつた」「以前は~であつた」といつた意味を傳へます。

  would は話し手の主觀で昔を囘想する氣持が強いのに對して、used to は過去のできごとを客觀的に述べるのに適してゐるとされます。would が「過去の不規則で反復される習慣」を表はし、often や sometimes などの副詞を伴ふことが多いのに對して、used to は「規則的」な印象を傳へ、長期にわたる習慣的行爲や状態を表はします。また used to はしばしば現在と過去との對照を示し、「現在はさうではないが」といふ含みが感じられます。(※ used to が a discontinued habit を表はす時には would で置き換へられない、と記す文法書もあります)


27  I would cycle to school on fine days.


28  I used to smoke.


29  There used to be a green field here.


※would は行爲者の意志を感じさせるところがありますから、状態の變化を傳へる時にはふつう使はれません。


3  意味把握チェック

  相手を壓倒してゐる(/相手より優勢のとき)には5對2で勝つた。運が良いときには2對1か3對2で勝ち、それほど運が良くないときには3對2か4對3で敗れた。私が最初のテイクダウンをとれば、たいてい勝てた。最初のテイクダウンをとられると、それを取り戻さうとして苦しんだ――私は逆轉が得意な選手ではなかつたのだ。Seabrooke コーチが言ふやうに、私はレスリングの對戰者としては「halfway decent(まあまあ/そこそこ/中途半端に良い)」なのでもあつた。しかし對戰相手が優れた竸技者であれば、相手の最初の一撃に對して迎へ撃つ動きをあてにする(/に頼る)ほどの餘裕はなかつた。私の反撃はすばやさが足りなかつた――反射的な動きが十分にすばやくなかつたのだ。(運動能力の高い)優れた竸技者に對しては、私は最初の一撃を加へようとしたし、レスリング巧者に對しては、相手の最初の一撃に反撃しようとした。Seabrookeコーチは「效きめがなければ、逆にするんだな」と言ふのが常だつた。彼はユーモアを解する心の持ち主だつた。「頭が行くところには身體がついていくはず――普通はな」と Tedは附け加へたものだつた。それに、「弱い犬はからだに良い餌を食へる立場にあるんだ」とも。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。


※私用により7月17日までブログ掲載を休みます。 でゞむ子拜

・118.0 What exactly is happiness?

2015-07-06 | 出題英文讀解

118.0 What exactly is happiness?


   What exactly is happiness?  We all want it.  We all strive for it.  Even the Dalai Lama has said: “The very purpose of life is to seek happiness.”  But what exactly is it?

   The word “happiness” has two very different meanings.  The common meaning of the word is “feeling good.”  In other words, feeling a sense of pleasure, gladness, or gratification.  We all enjoy these feelings, so it’s no surprise that we chase them.  However, like all human emotions, feelings of happiness don’t last.  No matter how hard we try to hold on to them, they slip away every time.  And a life spent in pursuit of those good feelings is, in the long term, deeply unsatisfying.  In fact, the harder we chase after pleasurable feelings, the more we are likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

   The other far less common meaning of happiness is “living a rich, full, and meaningful life.”  When we take action on the things that truly matter deep in our hearts, move in directions that we consider valuable and worthy, clarify what we stand for in life and act accordingly, then our lives become rich and full and meaningful, and we experience a powerful sense of vitality.  This is not some passing feeling – it is a profound sense of a life well lived.  And although such a life will undoubtedly give us many pleasurable feelings, it will also give us uncomfortable ones, such as sadness, fear, and anger.  This is only to be expected.  If we live a full life, we will feel the full range of human emotions.

(Adapted from Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living, 2008)


・112.6 A high school student…

2015-07-03 | 出題英文讀解

・112.6 A high school student…


   What are the roots of your procrastination?  Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastinate once in a while.  On the other hand, if you feel that your procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it.  Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の[  46  ]~[  50  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問 5  The author’s main argument is that [  50  ].

①  many people agree about the four explanations of procrastination

②  people who procrastinate are no longer thought of as lazy

③  procrastination has become problematic in our society

④  we can manage our procrastination by understanding its sources


B 次の表は、本文の段落と内容を表すものである。[  51  ]~[  54  ] に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

Paragraph           Content

   (1)               [  51  ]

   (2)               [  52  ]

   (3)         The belief in your abilities

   (4)         The ability to keep to a task

   (5)               [  53  ]

   (6)               [  54  ]


①  The appeal of a task

②  The phenomenon of procrastination

③  The timing of realizing future gains

④  The way to deal with procrastination



A 問5


① 「多くの人が先延ばしについての4つの説明に同意する」  ※ 記されてゐません。

② 「先延ばしする人はもう怠慢だとは考へられない」  ※ 1パラ第4文は現在完了時制ですから、現状も「怠慢である」と考へられてゐることがわかります。第5文でそのことは眞實ではないと主張し、あとで先延ばし防止の方法を提唱してゐます。

③ 「先延ばしは私たちの社會で問題になつてゐる」  ※ 尤もらしい記述ですが、本文には無い内容です。6パラ第3文は「問題だと感じるなら」といふ條件を示してゐます。

④ 「私たちは先延ばしの源を理解することにより、先延ばしに對處できる」  ※ 1パラ第5、6文で議論を提起し、以下のパラグラフで事情をさぐり、6パラ第3、4文で「原因を見定めて、理解すること」を對處法として結論してゐます。





① 「用務の魅力」  ※ 2パラで、用務について快不快の程度に言及してゐます。

② 「先延ばしといふ現象」  ※ 1パラで、「先延ばし」について説明してゐます。

③ 「將來の利得實現の頃合」  ※ 5パラで、努力が實るまでの時間と先延ばしとの關はりについて述べてゐます。

④ 「先延ばしへの對處法」  ※ 6パラで、根本原因を理解して解決方法を選ぶ手法が記されてゐます。









6.2       once in a while              時たま / まれに

6.3       on the other hand          他方(※on (the) one hand と對で用ゐることも)

6.4       for oneself                     自分のために / 獨力で




