
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・55 センター試驗 2017 (3) 2パラ

2017-01-30 | 出題英文讀解


     One way to help save a friendship in trouble is to keep in touch.  When we think a friend has done something that hurt our feelings, our first response may be to cut off contact.  However, it may be better to swallow our pride and avoid doing that.  For example, Mary watched her friend Susan’s children every week until Susan finished night school and graduated.  But after that, Mary did not hear from Susan for several months.  So, she felt that Susan had been just using her.  She decided not to talk to her any more.  In the end, however, Mary forced herself to ignore her own feelings and told Susan about her disappointment.  Susan immediately apologized and told her that she had been just trying to catch up with things after completing her studies.  Susan would never have known there was a problem if Mary had not mentioned it.  Not cutting off contact, even when we may be angry, is very important for maintaining good relationships.


問2  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of swallow our pride in paragraph (2)?  [  48  ]

  ①  Give our thanks to someone

  ②  Hold back our feelings

  ③  Realize that problems happen

  ④  Stop seeing someone





2.1  One way to help save a friendship in trouble is to keep in touch.

2.2  When we think a friend has done something that hurt our feelings, our first response may be to cut off contact.

2.3  However, it may be better to swallow our pride and avoid doing that.

2.4  For example, Mary watched her friend Susan’s children every week until Susan finished night school and graduated.

2.5  But after that, Mary did not hear from Susan for several months.

2.6  So, she felt that Susan had been just using her.

2.7  She decided not to talk to her any more.

2.8  In the end, however, Mary forced herself to ignore her own feelings and told Susan about her disappointment.

2.9  Susan immediately apologized and told her that she had been just trying to catch up with things after completing her studies.

2.10  Susan would never have known there was a problem if Mary had not mentioned it.

2.11  Not cutting off contact, even when we may be angry, is very important for maintaining good relationships.



問2  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of swallow our pride in paragraph (2)?  [  48  ]

  ①  Give our thanks to someone(誰かに感謝する)

  ②  Hold back our feelings(自分の感情を抑へる)

  ③  Realize that problems happen(問題が發生すると氣づく)

  ④  Stop seeing someone(誰かに會ふのを止める)








2.1      keep in touch (with ~)             (~と)接觸を保つ

2.2      cut off ~                    (關係)を斷つ

2.3      swallow one's pride 自尊心を抑へる

2.4      for example               たとへば

2.5      hear from ~              ~から聯絡をもらふ

2.7      not ~ any more       もはや~ない

2.8      in the end                   結局

2.8     force~to-不定詞(…)  ~に…するやう強要する

2.9      catch up with ~       ~に追ひつく/~に後れずついて行く

2.10  假定法過去完了を用ゐた文です。「もし~した(/であつた)ならば、…であつたらう」といつたやうに、過去の事實とは異なる事態を假定して、その結果を想像する文體です。後悔や殘念に思ふ氣持、避難などを表はすこともあります。この文體については、2011年6月15日付の拙稿(「假定法の讀み方(8)」に解説や例文があります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください

2.11    cut off ~                    (關係)を斷つ

②         hold back one's feelings          感情を抑へる



2.1  もめてゐる友人關係の修復に役立つひとつの方法は接觸を保つことである。

2.2  友人が(私たちの)感情を害ふやうなことをしたと思ふと、私たちの最初の對應は接觸を斷つことかもしれない。

2.3  しかし、私たちの自尊心を抑へ、そんなことをするのを避けるはうが良いかもしれない。

2.4  例へば、Mary が、友達の Susan が夜學を了へて卒業するまで毎週子どもたちを見守つた(としよう)。

2.5  でもその後何ケ月も Susan からは音沙汰なしだつた。

2.6  それで Mary は Susan がただ自分を利用してゐただけだつたのだと感じた。

2.7  Mary はもう彼女と口をきかないことにした。

2.8  しかし、結局 Maryは自身の感情を強ひて顧みず、Susan に自分ががつかりしたことを傳へた。

2.9  Susan はすぐに詫びて、勉強を了へた後の雜用(/あれやこれや)に追ひつかうとしてゐただけだと話した。

2.10  もし Mary が問題があることを述べなかつたなら、Susan にはそのことは決してわからなかつただらう。

2.11  良い友人關係を維持するためには、たとへ怒つてゐる時でも、接觸を斷たないことがとても大切なのである。

・英文讀解のヒント (66) 《either~or…》

2017-01-25 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (66) 《either~or

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     This has given rise to the “compact city” initiative, which, for example, would restructure a municipality of 10,000 people into three core areas.  Within each of the core areas, the people can move either on foot or by bicycle, while the areas are connected with each other by a “light rail transit” system.  This is one proposal for building a society with no need for automobiles.

(06 青山學院大學 2010 10パラ: 2011年9月16日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  《either~or》のかたちは「~か…のいづれか」といふやうに二者擇一を意味します( a choice between two possibilities [and sometimes more than two])。or 單獨の場合よりも二者擇一を強調する表現です。~や…の部分には語(例文66)、句(下線部)、節(例文66.2)が置かれ、同等の語句を竝べるのが原則ですが、變則的な配置も見かけることがあります。主語の位置に置かれる場合には、動詞は…に一致させます。

■諳誦例文: 動詞が she に一致してゐます。上は文語的で、(カッコ)内の方が普通とされます。

66         Either you or she is to go.


             ( Either you are to go or she is. )

□參考例文: 節が置かれる場合です。

66.2      Either you leave this house or I'll call the police.


□參考例文: 變則的な配置の例です。

66.3      You can either pay now or later.


□參考例文: 二つ以上を竝べた例です。

66.4      You can either have soup, fruit juice or melon.


□參考例文: 否定文脈では「~も…もどちらも-ない」といふ意味になります。

66.5      The child will never be either an actor or a singer.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・55 センター試驗 2017 (2) 1パラ

2017-01-23 | 出題英文讀解


     For most people, their friendships are a valuable and important part of who they are.  Psychologists have pointed out that well-established friendships lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.  They have also noted that we might face conflicts not only with acquaintances but even with our good friends, which could result in ends to some of our friendships.  Fortunately, even when such conflicts occur, it is possible to find ways to maintain or save the friendships.


問1  According to paragraph (1), what do psychologists say about friendships?  [  47  ]

  ①  They are frequently compared to one’s possessions.

  ②  They are impossible to fix when they become unstable.

  ③  They can lead us to have conflicts with our acquaintances.

  ④  They help us know about ourselves but can have problems.




1.1  For most people, their friendships are a valuable and important part of who they are.

1.2  Psychologists have pointed out that well-established friendships lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.

1.3  They have also noted that we might face conflicts not only with acquaintances but even with our good friends, which could result in ends to some of our friendships.

1.4  Fortunately, even when such conflicts occur, it is possible to find ways to maintain or save the friendships.



問1  According to paragraph (1), what do psychologists say about friendships?  [  47  ]

  ①  They are frequently compared to one’s possessions. (友人關係はしばしば所有物のやうな扱いを受ける[/財産に擬へられる])

  ②  They are impossible to fix when they become unstable. (友人關係は不安定になると修復不可能である)

  ③  They can lead us to have conflicts with our acquaintances. (友人關係は知合ひとの間でもめごを起こす[/對立を生む]やうになる可能性がある)

  ④  They help us know about ourselves but can have problems. (友人關係は自分自身について知るのに役立つが、問題を生ずる可能性もある)








 1.1   who they are は「自分が何者であるか」→「自分の人となり」と解したら良いかと思ひます。「自己のアイデンティティ」といつたやうな解釋もできさうです。何かで  When languages die, we lose a part of who we are.  といふ文を見かけたことがありますが、類例と言へませう。

1.2     point out ~               ~を指摘する  ※ここではthat 節を置いてゐます。

1.3     not only ~ but also              ~ばかりでなく…も  ※ここでは also がありません。

1.3     result in ~                 ~に終はる / ~に歸着する / ~といふ結果になる

1.3   ... , which のかたちは關係代名詞の繼續用法で、ここでは whichの先行詞は前文の内容の一部、つまり「ただの知合ひとばかりでなく良い友達とさへもめる(/對立する)ことがあるかもしれない」で、それを受けての説明補足です。この用法については、2012年7月4日付の拙稿に解説や例文があります。

①       compare ~ to …     ~を…にたとへる



1.1  大概の人々には、友人關係(/友達との關はり)は、有益で重要な自分(の人となり)の一部(分)である。

1.2  ゆるぎない友人關係によつて、私たちは自分のことが一層よくわかるやうになる(/自己理解が一層進む)と、心理學者たちは指摘してゐる。

1.3  心理學者たちはまた、ただの知合ひとばかりでなく良い友達とさへもめる(/對立する)ことがあるかもしれず、それで友人關係が失はれる結果になることもあり得る、と述べてゐる。

1.4  幸ひにも、そんなもめごと(/對立)が起こつても(/起こつたときでさへ)、友人關係を保つたり(毀損から)救ふ方法を見つけることは可能である。

・55 センター試驗 2017 (1) 全文

2017-01-16 | 出題英文讀解

第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。


(1)     For most people, their friendships are a valuable and important part of who they are.  Psychologists have pointed out that well-established friendships lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.  They have also noted that we might face conflicts not only with acquaintances but even with our good friends, which could result in ends to some of our friendships.  Fortunately, even when such conflicts occur, it is possible to find ways to maintain or save the friendships.

(2)     One way to help save a friendship in trouble is to keep in touch.  When we think a friend has done something that hurt our feelings, our first response may be to cut off contact.  However, it may be better to swallow our pride and avoid doing that.  For example, Mary watched her friend Susan’s children every week until Susan finished night school and graduated.  But after that, Mary did not hear from Susan for several months.  So, she felt that Susan had been just using her.  She decided not to talk to her any more.  In the end, however, Mary forced herself to ignore her own feelings and told Susan about her disappointment.  Susan immediately apologized and told her that she had been just trying to catch up with things after completing her studies.  Susan would never have known there was a problem if Mary had not mentioned it.  Not cutting off contact, even when we may be angry, is very important for maintaining good relationships.

(3)     Another way to help a friendship is to see things from our friend’s point of view.  For example, Mark was very upset at his good friend, Kate, because she had not visited him in the hospital.  Later, he learned from Kate’s friend that she had been afraid of hospitals ever since she had been hospitalized as a little girl for a serious illness.  Mark then understood why Kate hadn’t come and, instead of being angry, he felt sympathy for her.

(4)     An important part of dealing with friendships is to recognize and accept that they can change as our needs and lifestyles evolve.  For example, we may have a good friend in high school, but once we graduate, move to a different city for work or study, or get married, we may see that friend less frequently and our feelings may change.  In other words, sometimes a close friendship may alter in nature.  We should keep in mind that we may still be friends but not in the same way as before.

(5)     How do people keep friendships for a long time?  In one study, researchers interviewed many people who had been friends for a long time in order to find out the secret.  They found that those people kept small misunderstandings from growing into large disputes which might cause their friendships to end.  By taking their friends’ viewpoints and not being afraid to express their honest feelings, those who were interviewed were able to keep something minor from growing into a major argument.

(6)     We all know that friendships are precious, but we also understand that friendships are not always stable.  The challenge in maintaining friendships is keeping the connections strong during the ups and downs that happen in all relationships.  When things are going well, we enjoy our friendships.  If things go bad, we should remember the points above.  Sometimes we can get the relationship back on track, but at other times we should accept and appreciate that relationships can change.  However, regardless of the states of our friendships, they will continue to be an important part of our lives.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の [  47  ]~[  51  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問1  According to paragraph (1), what do psychologists say about friendships?  [  47  ]

  ①  They are frequently compared to one’s possessions.

  ②  They are impossible to fix when they become unstable.

  ③  They can lead us to have conflicts with our acquaintances.

  ④  They help us know about ourselves but can have problems.


問2  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of swallow our pride in paragraph (2)?  [  48  ]

  ①  Give our thanks to someone

  ②  Hold back our feelings

  ③  Realize that problems happen

  ④  Stop seeing someone


問3  According to paragraph (5), research found it is important to [  49  ].

  ①  hesitate to express one’s true feelings

  ②  ignore misunderstandings and disputes

  ③  put up with problems whenever one can

  ④  solve problems while they are small


問4  According to paragraph (6), what is difficult about maintaining friendships?  [  50  ]

  ①  Finding new and interesting friends

  ②  Knowing when to change relationships

  ③  Seeing if friends have problems

  ④  Staying close during bad times


問5  What would be the best title for this passage?  [  51  ]

  ①  Advice for Friendships That Will Last

  ②  Defending Yourself and Your Friends

  ③  Strength as the Key to Friendships

  ④  The Changing Nature of Friendships

B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)ごとの内容をまとめたものである。[  52  ]~[  55  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)          The realization that friendships are important

      (2)                        [  52  ]

      (3)                        [  53  ]

      (4)                        [  54  ]

      (5)                        [  55  ]

      (6)              What is important to keep in mind


  ①  A report about the results of a study on long-term friendships

  ②  The importance of looking at a situation from our friend’s perspective

  ③  The significance of understanding that friendships undergo transformations

  ④  The value of staying in contact and interacting with your friends

・英文讀解のヒント (65) 《whether~or…》

2017-01-11 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (65) 《whether~or

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     Is globalization improving human capacity to deal with global issues? Or is it making it more difficult?  It is up to each one of us to make our own decisions about this.  Of course, each individual’s perspective will be influenced by whether he or she evaluates these issues based on self-interest, national interest, a religious view or a global humanitarian viewpoint.  For example, how can we evaluate a moral question such as, “Is free trade good or bad?”  Those concerned first and foremost with self-interest will ask, “How does free trade affect me?”  A national point of view will consider one’s country and the effects of free trade on it.  If people identify with a religion, they will ask how their religion would instruct them on this question.  Finally, the global humanitarian view would ask, “What is best for humanity in general?”  Therefore, people must ask themselves which viewpoint is most important to them when evaluating globalization.

(11 鳥取大學 2007 6パラ: 2012年1月16日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  <whether ~ or /or not>のかたちは、名詞節や「讓歩」の副詞節となりますが、ここは名詞節で前置詞 by の目的語として置かれてゐます。名詞節では「~か…か(といふこと)」を意味しますが、下線部では~や…の部分に①self-interest, ②national interest, ③a religious view or ④a global humanitarian viewpoint。と四つ竝んでゐるため讀みにくくなつてゐます。

  一方 he or she の or は <whether ~ or >の or ではなく、evaluates の主部として使はれてゐるものです。

2.2  <whether ~ or /or not>のかたちが名詞節のはたらきをする場合の例文を擧げます。

■諳誦例文: 名詞節で、動詞の目的語のはたらきをしてゐます。

65         I don't know whether she agrees or disagrees with us.


□參考例文: or not を置くか省略するかは口調などで決まります。or not を後に置くはうが一般的とされます。

65.2     He asked whether I was going (or not).

(65.2)            He asked whether (or not) I was going.


□參考例文: 名詞節で、主語のはたらきをしてゐます。

65.3      Whether we start now or later doesn't matter.


65.4     It makes no difference whether we lose or win.


□參考例文: 名詞節で、前置詞の目的語のはたらきをしてゐます。

65.5     Don't let's worry about whether we'll be in time.


□參考例文: 名詞節で、直前の名詞と同格で置かれてゐます。

65.6     The question whether she should be invited is for you to decide.


  ※その他補語になるケースや doubtful / sure / uncertain など形容詞につづくケースもあります。


2.3  <whether ~ or /or not>が、「讓歩」の副詞節として使はれることがあります。「~であらうと…であらうと/なからうと」といつた意味になります。主節の前後に置かれ、コンマがない場合もあります。

65.7      Whether you're young or old, you can still enjoy sport.


65.8      Whether you like the idea or not, I'm going ahead with it.



3  意味把握チェック

  globalization は世界的な諸問題を扱ふ人間の能力を伸ばしてゐるのか?あるひは(事態を)一層難しくしてゐるのか?このことについてわれわれ自身の決斷を下すのはわれわれ個々人にかかつてゐる。もちろん個々人の觀方は、彼なり彼女なりが、自分の利益か、國(家の利)益か、宗教による見解か、あるひは世界を視野に入れた人道的見地のいづれに基いてこれらの問題を吟味するか、によつて影響を受けるであらう。たとへば、「自由貿易はよいか惡いか?」といつた善惡に係る倫理的な問ひについては、どのやうに吟味することができるであらうか。自分の利益をいの一番に考へる人たちは、「自由貿易は自分にどんな風に影響を與へるのか?」と問ふであらう。國家的な見地(に立つ人)は自分の國と自由貿易が自分の國に及ぼす影響を考慮するであらう。もしある宗教を信仰する人たちなら、その宗教がこの問ひについてどのやうに教へてくれるだらうかと問ふであらう。最後に、世界全體を視野に入れた人道的見地(に立つ人々)は、「人類一般にとつて何が非常に善いのか」を問ふであらう。それゆゑに、人々は、globalization を吟味する際に、どの見地が自分にとつて非常に重要であるかを自問しなくてはならない。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については、英文末尾に掲げた日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・109.01 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解


     The decline in Japan’s youth population looks likely to continue as the total fertility rate(TFR) ― the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime ― reached a new record low of 1.25 in 2005.  The new TFR announced by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry on June 1 was lower than the 1.29 announced in 2003 and 2004, which made headlines as a historic low.  As Tokyo’s figure, seen as the advance indicator for the nation, fell to 0.98, it seems likely the national TFR will drop to below 1.0 someday, unless circumstances surrounding marriage, giving birth and child rearing change dramatically.  Eleven years have passed since the government began measures, including projects called angel plans, to stop the trend.  But why can’t the nation stop the decline in the youth population?

     I was in charge of a series of newspaper articles in March and May about the latest situation surrounding having and raising children.  What I learned from the work was that the nation’s social circumstances, which are said to be an obstacle to having and raising children, have worsened in the past decade.  As the government has taken measures to stop the declining trend, the total capacity of authorized day-care centers for children increased from 1.91 million in 1998 to 1.99 million in 2003.  There also are now more public places where parents and their children can spend time together.

     But such measures to help raise children are still small in scale compared with the total needs.  In addition, the worsened employment situation since the burst of the economic bubble has directly hit the generation that should be currently raising children.  For example, though there are an increasing number of working women, many companies expect employees to sacrifice private life for work, as has been done by male workers who work long hours.  Many working women in such workplaces are worried by the choice of giving up jobs or giving up having children.  Women working as part-timers and as temporary staff are in a more difficult situation, as they cannot take maternity or child-care leave, and may lose their jobs upon having children.  Many women give up hope of having children.

     An increasing number of men have also shared the worry that they cannot balance work and parental care.  Along with company restructuring and streamlining, working hours for men in their 30s, which are the longest for any age group, have further been lengthened.  The percentage of workers who work for more than 60 hours a week increased from 19 percent in 1994 to 23 percent in 2004.

     An increasing number of younger men want to jointly raise children with their wives and put importance on spending time together with their children, a trend against the way of life of middle-aged and elderly workers who have placed priority on work at the expense of family life.  But the gap between reality and the hopes of younger workers has created a lot of distress.  【498語】

(注) day-care center for children  託兒所    maternity leave  出産休暇    child-care leave  育兒休暇    streamlining  合理化  







1.各パラグラフにひとつの point があり(それを示す topic sentence があり)ますから、讀み進めながら、各パラグラフの右餘白につかんだ point をメモします(簡潔に)。ここでは「原因・理由」として擧げてゆくと解答が書きやすくなります。

2.その point をもらさぬやうに注意して、指定された字數に應じて文章にしてゆきます。必要に應じて、文中の説明や擧げられた具體例(餘裕があれば數値など)を簡潔に加へることも考へられます。


第2パラグラフ: 社會環境の惡化

第3パラグラフ: 雇傭状況の惡化  例 女性の條件惡化

第4パラグラフ: 勞働時間の増加

第5パラグラフ: 就勞意識のギャップ








109.1 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解



1.1  The decline inJapan’s youth population looks likely to continue as the total fertility rate(TFR) ― the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime ― reached a new record low of 1.25 in 2005.

1.2  The new TFR announced by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry on June 1 was lower than the 1.29 announced in 2003 and 2004, which made headlines as a historic low.

1.3  As Tokyo’s figure, seen as the advance indicator for the nation, fell to 0.98, it seems likely the national TFR will drop to below 1.0 someday, unless circumstances surrounding marriage, giving birth and child rearing change dramatically.

1.4  Eleven years have passed since the government began measures, including projects called angel plans, to stop the trend.

1.5  But why can’t the nation stop the decline in the youth population?



1.1  as については「英文讀解のヒント (64)」(2016年12月28日掲載)をご參照ください。

1.2  announced は過去分詞でうしろから名詞の説明をしてゐます。讀む途中では動詞の過去形と區別がつきませんが、by(~によつて)が續くこと、announced の前にbe動詞がないこと、により過去分詞による説明後置のかたちと判斷できます。次の announced も同じかたちです。

1.2      make (the) headlines (as ~)     (~として)評判になる / 見出しになる

1.3  過去分詞で始まる分詞の句(分詞構文)が插入されたかたちです。

1.3  likely のあとに that を補ふと、<形式主語-眞主語>のかたちが見えてきます。

1.3       see ~ as …                   ~を…とみる

1.3      indicator                     アクセント注意

 1.3   advance            (形容詞)先發の



1.1  人口増加率(TFR)― ひとりの女性が生涯に持つ子供数の平均 ― が2005年に1.25といふ最低記録に達し(たので)、日本の若年者人口の減少は繼續しさうに見える。

1.2  厚生労働省によつて6月1日に發表された新しいTFRは、2003年と2004年に發表された1.29、それは歴史的低率として評判になつたのであるが、それよりもさらに低かつた。

1.3  東京の數値は、それは國の(將來の)姿を先に示すものとみられるが、0.98まで下がり(/下つたので)、國のTFRは、もし結婚、出産、育兒をめぐる環境が劇的に變はるのでなければ、いづれは1.0以下に下がりさうに思はれる。

1.4  政府が、エンジェル・プランと呼ばれる計畫を含め、その傾向を止めるために對策を始めて11年が經つたところである。

1.5  しかし、なぜこの國は若年者人口の減少を止められないのか。

109.2 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解



2.1  I was in charge of a series of newspaper articles in March and May about the latest situation surrounding having and raising children.

2.2  What I learned from the work was that the nation’s social circumstances, which are said to be an obstacle to having and raising children, have worsened in the past decade.

2.3  As the government has taken measures to stop the declining trend, the total capacity of authorized day-care centers for children increased from 1.91 million in 1998 to 1.99 million in 2003.

2.4  There also are now more public places where parents and their children can spend time together.



2.1  -ing: -ing のかたちは、現在分詞、動名詞、さらにはこれらから轉じた他の品詞(形容詞、名詞、前置詞など)が考へられますが、基本的には現在分詞と動名詞のいづれかと考へればいいでせう。ここは surrounding が現在分詞で、説明後置のかたちになつてゐます。having、raising は surrounding の目的語として置かれてゐますから名詞のはたらきをしてゐます(動名詞)。

2.1       in charge of  ~            ~を管理 / 擔當 / 世話してゐる

2.1       a series of ~                 一連の~

2.1      raise                           發音注意

2.3  as 節の動詞は現在完了時制ですから、過去から始めた對策が現在も行なはれてをり、かつ有效に機能してゐるわけで、「講じてをり」「講ずると」など曖昧な意味合ひのままに讀みます。

2.3      take measures      措置を講ずる(通例 measures として「措置」「方策」の意)



2.1  私は3月と5月に、子を持ち、子を育てる營みを取り卷く最新の状況についての一連の新聞記事を擔當してゐた。

2.2  その仕事から知つたのは、この國の社會環境は、(それは)子を持ち育てる營みへの妨げであると言はれてゐるが、過去10年で惡化してしまつてゐるといふことであつた

2.3  政府が減少傾向を止める對策を講ずると、(正式に)認可された託兒所の収容數の合計は1998年の191萬人から2003年の199萬人にまで増加した。

2.4  また現在親子でともに過ごせる公共の場所(/施設)も増えてゐる。

109.3 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解



3.1  But such measures to help raise children are still small in scale compared with the total needs.

3.2  In addition, the worsened employment situation since the burst of the economic bubble has directly hit the generation that should be currently raising children.

3.3  For example, though there are an increasing number of working women, many companies expect employees to sacrifice private life for work, as has been done by male workers who work long hours.

3.4  Many working women in such workplaces are worried by the choice of giving up jobs or giving up having children.

3.5  Women working as part-timers and as temporary staff are in a more difficult situation, as they cannot take maternity or child-care leave, and may lose their jobs upon having children.

3.6  Many women give up hope of having children.



3.1  原形不定詞: raise は原形不定詞です。「子どもを育てるのを支援する」といふ意味になります。

3.1  compared with the total needs は、過去分詞の句として、説明が後置されるかたちになつてゐますが、ここは主文全體を説明する、つまり「~と比べると」といつた「條件」の意味でつなぐとスムーズです。


3.2  should: shallを過去形にして意味を弱めてつかつてゐます。「~の筈だ」といふ「確信」の意味を添へます。

3.2      in addition                  さらに / その上

3.3  as: 擬似關係代名詞と呼ばれます。2012年8月22日付の「關係詞の讀み方 (15)」に説明と例文があります。

3.3      employee                    アクセント注意

3.3      private                        アクセント・發音注意

3.4      give up                       やめる / あきらめる

3.5  on (upon)+動名詞(~): 「~した途端に」「~するとすぐに」。on は前置詞で、「接觸してゐる」ことを表はします。ここは曜日などと同じやうに having children を時間的に捉へて、may lose their jobs と接觸してゐると考へます。すると「子どもを持つた時に」となり、上記のやうな意味が出てくることになります。

3.5      take leave                   (有給)休暇をとる

3.6  名詞(hope)を説明する前置詞句が追加されると考へるとスムーズに讀めます。



3.1  しかし、そのやうな子育てを支援する對策は、全體的必要數に比べるとまだ規模が小さい。

3.2  その上、經濟バブルの破裂以來の雇用状況の惡化は、現在子供を育ててゐるはずの世代に直接打撃を與へてゐる。

3.3  たとへば、働く女性が増えてゐるのに、多くの會社は從業員が仕事のために私的生活を犠牲にすることを求めてゐる、さういふことは長時間働く男性就勞者によつてこれまでなされてきてゐるのであるが。

3.4  そのやうな職場の多くの勤勞女性が、仕事を諦めるか、或は子供を持つことを諦めるかの選擇に惱んでゐる。

3.5  パートとして、そして臨時雇ひとして働く女性は、一層困難な状況に置かれてゐる、出産休暇や育兒休暇がとれないし、子供を持つた途端に仕事を失ふ可能性があるから。

3.6  多くの女性が、子供を持つといふ望みを捨てる(/諦める)のである。

109.4 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解



4.1  An increasing number of men have also shared the worry that they cannot balance work and parental care.

4.2  Along with company restructuring and streamlining, working hours for men in their 30s, which are the longest for any age group, have further been lengthened.

4.3  The percentage of workers who work for more than 60 hours a week increased from 19 percent in 1994 to 23 percent in 2004.



4.1  同格<名詞+同格の名詞節>: 名詞の後に、その名詞を説明する節が置かれます。節は「~といふこと」といつた意味の名詞節です。how や whether の節が續く文も見かけることがあります。


fact / evidence / hope / news / chance / idea / opinion / rumor / possibility

  關係代名詞 that に續く節も似たかたちになるのですが、關係代名詞の場合は、續く節に主語や目的語など名詞が拔けてゐるので區別できます( gap、blank などと呼ばれます)。

4.2  for: for は「意識の向ふ範圍」を示してゐると思ひます。時間的な範圍にも空間的範圍にも使へます。4.3 の for more than 60 hours a week は時間的な範圍を示してゐます。any は,AでもBでもCでもDでも……どれでも選べる」ことを意味しますから、どの年齡集團に意識を向けても最長だと言つてゐるのでせう。

4.2       along with ~                ~に加へて / ~といつしよに

4.2       in one's XX's              (年齡が)XX代で

4.3       percentage                  アクセント・發音注意

4.3       more than ~                 ~以上



4.1  仕事と親としての世話とのバランスをとることができないといふ惱みを共有する男性も増加してゐる。

4.2  企業の(構造改革に伴ふ)人員削減や合理化とともに、30代の男性の勤務時間は、それはどの年齡集團と比べても最長なのであるが、さらに長くなつてきてゐる。

4.3  週に60時間以上勤務する就勞者の比率は1994年の19%から2004年には23%へと増大した。

109.5 The decline in Japan’s youth …

2017-01-09 | 出題英文讀解



5.1  An increasing number of younger men want to jointly raise children with their wives and put importance on spending time together with their children, a trend against the way of life of middle-aged and elderly workers who have placed priority on work at the expense of family life.

5.2  But the gap between reality and the hopes of younger workers has created a lot of distress.



5.1  分離不定詞: to と raise の間に置かれた副詞 jointly がraiseを修飾します。

5.1  同格<文, 名詞>: 先行する文の内容を名詞がまとめて説明するかたちです。ここでは、, (コンマ)まで文を普通に讀み進めることができますが、そのあとにコンマを打ち、接續詞なしでいきなり名詞 a trend が置かれてゐます。against 以下も a trend を後ろから説明しています。つまり<文, 名詞>のかたちになつてをり、同格表現と見拔くことができます。同格表現は、英語の特徴である「説明後置」の構造のひとつです。

5.1       put importance on ~       ~を重視する

5.1       a way of life                    暮らし方 / 生活流儀

5.1       place priority on ~           ~を優先する

5.1       at the expense of ~          ~の費用で / ~を犧牲にして



5.1  妻と協力して子供を育てたいと願ひ、子供とともに過ごす時間を大切にする若い男性が増えてゐるが、(それは)家庭生活を犠牲にして仕事を優先してきた中高年就勞者の生活流儀に反する流れである。

5.2  しかし若年就勞者の現實と希望の落差は多大な苦惱を生み出してきた。

・109.0 The decline in Japan's youth ...

2017-01-02 | 出題英文讀解




     The decline in Japan’s youth population looks likely to continue as the total fertility rate(TFR) ― the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime ― reached a new record low of 1.25 in 2005.  The new TFR announced by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry on June 1 was lower than the 1.29 announced in 2003 and 2004, which made headlines as a historic low.  As Tokyo’s figure, seen as the advance indicator for the nation, fell to 0.98, it seems likely the national TFR will drop to below 1.0 someday, unless circumstances surrounding marriage, giving birth and child rearing change dramatically.  Eleven years have passed since the government began measures, including projects called angel plans, to stop the trend.  But why can’t the nation stop the decline in the youth population?

     I was in charge of a series of newspaper articles in March and May about the latest situation surrounding having and raising children.  What I learned from the work was that the nation’s social circumstances, which are said to be an obstacle to having and raising children, have worsened in the past decade.  As the government has taken measures to stop the declining trend, the total capacity of authorized day-care centers for children increased from 1.91 million in 1998 to 1.99 million in 2003.  There also are now more public places where parents and their children can spend time together.

     But such measures to help raise children are still small in scale compared with the total needs.  In addition, the worsened employment situation since the burst of the economic bubble has directly hit the generation that should be currently raising children.  For example, though there are an increasing number of working women, many companies expect employees to sacrifice private life for work, as has been done by male workers who work long hours.  Many working women in such workplaces are worried by the choice of giving up jobs or giving up having children.  Women working as part-timers and as temporary staff are in a more difficult situation, as they cannot take maternity or child-care leave, and may lose their jobs upon having children.  Many women give up hope of having children.

     An increasing number of men have also shared the worry that they cannot balance work and parental care.  Along with company restructuring and streamlining, working hours for men in their 30s, which are the longest for any age group, have further been lengthened.  The percentage of workers who work for more than 60 hours a week increased from 19 percent in 1994 to 23 percent in 2004.

     An increasing number of younger men want to jointly raise children with their wives and put importance on spending time together with their children, a trend against the way of life of middle-aged and elderly workers who have placed priority on work at the expense of family life.  But the gap between reality and the hopes of younger workers has created a lot of distress.

(注) day-care center for children  託兒所    maternity leave  出産休暇    child-care leave  育兒休暇    streamlining  合理化