
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・119.2 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-11-30 | 出題英文讀解

・119.2 Some young people are fleeing …

   No matter how big Japan’s economy is, no matter how much cash it stacks* up, this country will soon be unable to buy so much food from overseas,” Yusuke Miyaji, 31, recently told a crowd of young farmers.

   “I want to make a job in the primary sector* cool, striking and profitable,” Miyaji, dressed in overalls, said to applause.  “Kids should dream of becoming farmers, not baseball players.”

   Miyaji, who comes from a pig farming family, has created a network called Kosegare, a word meaning farmer’s son, that has attracted more than 200 young farmers and supporters who share (c)his sense of crisis.

[注釋] stack  積む  primary sector  第一次産業部門 


問3 下線部(c)の“his sense of crisis”とはどのようなものですか。具体的に日本語で述べなさい。




・「Miyaji氏が抱いてゐる危機感」は、このパートの先頭で述べてゐる「この國、つまり日本がやがて外國から非常に多くの食糧を買ふことができなくなるであらう」といつた推定内容を指してゐるやうに思はれます。解答欄のスペースを勘案しつつこの内容をまとめると解答ができます。もし解答欄がかなり大きければ、問題作成者はその前の部分(No matter~)を解答に含めることを想定してゐるのかもしれません。



  (日本の經濟力がいかに強くとも、日本がどれほどお金を積み重ねやうとも)日本はやがては外國から非常に多くの食糧を買ふことはできなくなるだらうといふ(Yusuke Miyaji が抱いてゐる)危機感。



2.1  讓歩表現<no matter + what / how などの疑問詞>: 「何が(いかに)~しようとも」といつた意味になります。文法書では「接續詞」の項で或は複合関係詞にからめて解説するものがあります。みつからなければ索引で no matter ... をさがしてみると良いでせう。

2.1       be unable to-不定詞(~)         ~できない

2.2  分詞構文(過去分詞による): dressed~が主文に添へられて、状況の説明をしてゐます。ここでは服裝についての情報を提供してゐます。

2.2  said to applause: <動詞+前置詞 to+名詞>といふかたちになつてゐます。ここでは starve to death (飢ゑ死にする)のやうに to が結果を指し示してゐます。

2.3  否定の添加: 文末に< , not ~>のかたちを付けて、「~ではなく」と否定する語句を添へることがあります。

2.4  分詞による説明後置:  called~は a network を、meaning~ は a word をそれぞれ説明してゐます。



  「日本の經濟力がいかに強くとも、日本がどれほどお金を積み重ねやうとも、やがては外國からこんなに多くの食糧を買ふことはできなくなるでせう」と Yusuke Miyaji (31)は最近聽衆の若い農業者たちに語つた。

  「私は第一次産業部門の仕事をかっこよくて、注目を集め、利益を出せるものにしたいんです」と、Miyaji はつなぎ服で語り、拍手(喝采)を受けた。「子どもたちは農業者になることを夢見るべきです、野球選手ではなく」

  Miyaji は養豚農家の出であるが、危機感を共有する200人以上の若い農業者と支援者を抱へる「小倅」(農家の息子を意味することば)と呼ばれるネットワークを創り出した(/てゐる)。

・119.1 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-11-27 | 出題英文讀解

・119.1 Some young people are fleeing …

   (a)Some young people are fleeing the urban jungle for the half-abandoned countryside on a mission to make farming cool again and cut Japan’s frightening food deficit in the process.  Organic farming converts*, rice-growing Tokyo fashionistas* and other young green thumbs* have trickled* back to rural Japan, where many farm towns have been slowly dying amid the fast-graying demographic* crunch*.

  Japan imports 60 percent of its food and many worry about future food security if climate change rocks global food supplies or energy costs swing international grain prices.

   (b)In a high-tech country that grew rich on selling cars and electronics, the young farmers are standing up to reinvent the image of agriculture.

[注釋]  convert  転向者  fashionista  最新ファッションを追う人  green thumb  植物をうまく育てる才能(をもつ人)  trickle  少しずつ行く(来る)  demographic  人口の  crunch  危機


問1 下線部(a)を日本語に訳しなさい。

問2 下線部(b)を日本語に訳しなさい。




(a) 觀點は大きくは3つあるやうに思ひます。

・some の捉へ方: some(限定詞)は、數や量をはつきりとは示さない言ひ方であり、意味把握や和譯に際しては母集團の規模を念頭に置くことが大切です。「~もゐる/ある」「~がゐる/ある」「一部の~は」など。母集團が小さい場合は「幾人かの/幾つかの」も可能でせう。

・後置修飾: 不定詞句が後置され前の名詞を説明するかたちが見えます。

・make OC: 「OをCにする」

・その他、造語である half-abandoned の意味、前置詞 for の意味(「~に向つて」と方向を示してゐる)を解することが必要です。

(b)  關係代名詞と不定詞の副詞的用法の理解が鍵となります。



(a)  農業を再びかつこいいものにする(といふ)使命をもつて、都會のジャングルを逃れ、半ば見捨てられた田舍(/過疎の田園地域)を目指す若者たちがゐる。

(b)  車や電子機器を賣つて裕福になつた高度技術國家で、若い農業者たちが農業の印象を新しく作りかへようと立ち上がつてゐる。



1.1  deficit    an amount which is too small in quantity or too low in quality  (※ここでは食糧の供給量が需要に比して too small、つまり食糧供給が少な過ぎる、といふ意味になります)

1.2  fast-graying     造語。fast をつけて高齡化が速く進んでゐることを示してゐます。

1.3       worry about ~            ~のことで心配する / 惱む

1.4       reinvent                      造語。re- はラテン系の接頭辭で「再び」「後に」などの意味。ここでは「再び」から轉じて「改めて」「あらたに」の意味。

1.4       image                         發音注意 アクセント注意  [ímidӡ]







・英文讀解のヒント (38) 《the+比較級, the+比較級》

2015-11-25 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (38) 《the+比較級, the+比較級》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control.  Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work.  Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example.  Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.  Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.

(12 センター試驗 2012 4パラ; 2012年2月3日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  ・<the+比較級(~),  the+比較級(…)>のかたちで「~すればするほど、それだけ一層…になる」といふ意味を表はします。本ブログではこのかたちを4囘扱ひました。そのうちのひとつについては「英文讀解のヒント (6)」でもすこし觸れてゐます。

■諳誦例文: 主語、動詞が省略されてゐます。

38         The sooner, the better.


□參考例文: 副詞の比較級、形容詞のあとに名詞が置かれるケースです。

38.2      The faster a car moves, the more fuel it uses.


□參考例文: 主節と從屬節の順が逆になることがあり、この場合前の the が省略されることが多い、とされます。

38.3      It becomes (the) colder the higher you climb.


□參考例文: more のつく比較級の例です。6.6は「英文讀解のヒント (6)」で紹介した例文です。

38.4      The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually is.


      (※發音注意 [lə́:rnid])

6.6        The more clearly people write, the easier it is for other people to read.



2.2  the less likely they are to delay …: もとは they are likely to delay…ですが、上述の構文を構成するために likely が比較級になつて前に出て、このかたちになつてゐます。

  less は、日本語に該當することばがありませんから、譯出が求められる時は工夫が必要です。形容詞や副詞で述べられる内容について、その程度を一層落して表現します。


3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説や用例研究は上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・119.0 Some young people are fleeing …

2015-11-23 | 出題英文讀解

・119.0 Some young people are fleeing …


   (a)Some young people are fleeing the urban jungle for the half-abandoned countryside on a mission to make farming cool again and cut Japan’s frightening food deficit in the process.  Organic farming converts*, rice-growing Tokyo fashionistas* and other young green thumbs* have trickled* back to rural Japan, where many farm towns have been slowly dying amid the fast-graying demographic* crunch*.

  Japan imports 60 percent of its food and many worry about future food security if climate change rocks global food supplies or energy costs swing international grain prices.

   (b)In a high-tech country that grew rich on selling cars and electronics, the young farmers are standing up to reinvent the image of agriculture.

   No matter how big Japan’s economy is, no matter how much cash it stacks* up, this country will soon be unable to buy so much food from overseas,” Yusuke Miyaji, 31, recently told a crowd of young farmers.

   “I want to make a job in the primary sector* cool, striking and profitable,” Miyaji, dressed in overalls, said to applause.  “Kids should dream of becoming farmers, not baseball players.”

   Miyaji, who comes from a pig farming family, has created a network called Kosegare, a word meaning farmer’s son, that has attracted more than 200 young farmers and supporters who share (c)his sense of crisis.

   “(d)The time left for us to revamp* this industry is probably about five years,” Miyaji warned his squad* of youthful activist farmers.

   Under his program, the produce* is marketed under the network’s Refarm brand.  Members share information on organic farming, and urge supportive consumers to buy directly from them to cut distribution and commission costs.

   Encouraged by the movement, Kaori Nukui, 31, who joined her parents last year to grow green tea and shiitake, said that after years in the city she saw a business opportunity in family farming.

   “I had no interest before in taking over (e)this business,” said Nukui, who had worked for Tokyo consulting and public relations companies for seven years, as she drove a pickup truck* to a mushroom house in Iruma, Saitama Prefecture.

   “My mother also wanted me to marry a businessman rather than work the land,” she said. “But when I thought of starting a business myself, I realized my parents had built a good foundation for me.”

   Data show Japan’s farming population is quickly aging, and many farm households have no working heir* as the birthrate has fallen and children leave country towns for the bright city lights.

   More than 70 percent of Japan’s working farmers are aged 60 or older and nearly half are over 70.  Only 8.5 percent are aged 39 or younger.

   About 3,800 sq. km* of farmland have been abandoned and laid waste* throughout the nation.  In 88 percent of the cases, the owners said they were too old to work the fields.

  Japan, which kept its food self-sufficiency ratio above 70 percent in the late 1960s, produces only 40 percent of its food, and buys almost all its wheat, corn and soybeans from overseas.

   Seeing the dire* situation of farmers, even girls with trendy hairstyles and long, painted fingernails in Tokyo’s fashionable Shibuya shopping district have jumped onto the rural bandwagon*.

   Shiho Fujita, a 24-year-od singer, music producer and model, is leading a squad of “gal” farmers who have cultivated rice in the countryside, and dishes out* advice in her blog on growing zucchini* and tomatoes.

   “It may be difficult for gals and young people to start farming instantly,” she writes.  “But if the agro-industry* becomes more exciting by young people joining it, then Japan’s farming will definitely change.  And (f)I think Japan needs it.”

   --- from Harumi Ozawa, “Farming Fashionable for Some Young People,” The Japan Times Weekly (November 7, 2009).

convert  転向者  fashionista  最新ファッションを追う人  green thumb  植物をうまく育てる才能(をもつ人)  trickle  少しずつ行く(来る)  demographic  人口の  crunch  危機  stack  積む  primary sector  第一次産業部門  revamp  改革する、変革する  squad  一団  produce  農産物  pickup truck  小型トラック  heir  後継者  sq. km  平方キロメートル  lay waste  荒廃させる  dire  悲惨な、恐ろしい  jump onto the bandwagon  時流に乗る  dish out  流す、提供する  zucchini  ズッキーニ  angro-industry  農業関連産業 


問1 下線部(a)を日本語に訳しなさい。

問2 下線部(b)を日本語に訳しなさい。

問3 下線部(c)の“his sense of crisis”とはどのようなものですか。具体的に日本語で述べなさい。

問4 下線部(d)には、「農業改革を5年ほどで急いでやる必要がある」と述べられています。Miyajiが農業改革のために実施したことを日本語でまとめなさい。

問5 下線部(e)の“this business”とは何ですか。具体的に日本語で書きなさい。

問6 日本の農作物の自給率はこの40年あまりでどのように変わりましたか。また、その原因は何ですか。日本語で述べなさい。

問7 下線部(f)において、Shiho Fujitaは何が日本に必要だと言っていますか。日本語で簡潔に述べなさい。

・113.5 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-20 | 出題英文讀解

・113.5 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   However, the rescue isn’t a point of pride among the islanders, Oishi says.  “Fishing is dangerous work.  Today you may save someone, but tomorrow it might be you who’s being saved.”

   Nevertheless, the wreck, the rescue and the ensuing return of the survivors to Turkey on Japanese ships laid the ground for more than a century of friendly diplomatic and economic relations.

   “Ertugrul played an important role in establishing a special emotional relationship between the people of Japan and Turkey,” says Bogac Ulker an adviser to the Turkish embassy in Japan.  Official diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1924, following World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.



(30)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  In 1890, Oshima island was a very inaccessible place but the bridge connecting the island to mainland was built nine years after the Ertugrul accident.

  (b)  According to Mr. Oishi, the fishermen of Oshima might have thought that in the future they themselves might be shipwrecked and saved by others.

  (c)  The survivors of the Ertugrul accident were sent home to Turkey aboard Japanese ships.

  (d)  Official diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan started after the Republic of Turkey was established.



(30)  Which of the following statements is not true? (次に述べてゐるもののうちどれが正しくないか)

  (a)  In 1890, Oshima island was a very inaccessible place but the bridge connecting the island to mainland was built nine years after the Ertugrul accident. (1890年には大島はとても近づきにくい場所であつたが、エルトゥールル號事故の9年後に島を本州につなぐ橋ができた  ※113.4の第7文により、橋はこの文章の「現在」から9年前にできたことがわかります)

  (b)  According to Mr. Oishi, the fishermen of Oshima might have thought that in the future they themselves might be shipwrecked and saved by others. (Oishi に言ふところによれば、大島の漁師たちはいづれ彼ら自身が難破したり他の人に救助されたりする可能性があると考へたのかもしれない)

  (c)  The survivors of the Ertugrul accident were sent home to Turkey aboard Japanese ships. (エルトゥールル號事故の生存者たちは、日本の船に乘船してトルコに歸國した)

  (d)  Official diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan started after the Republic of Turkey was established. (トルコと日本の間の正式な外交關係はトルコ共和國成立後に始まつた)






5.5       play a role in ~            ~で役割を果す

 5.6   分詞構文: 「付帶状況」で、情報を補足してゐます。

 5.6   World War I の讀み方は [wə́:rld wɔ́:r wʌ́n]、World War II は[wə́:rld wɔ́:r tú:] です。



  しかしながら、その救助が、島民の間で誇りとされてゐる點ではない、と Oishi は言ふ。「漁は危險な仕事です。今日は誰かを救助するかもしれない、でも明日は救助されてゐるのが自分かもしれない」


  「Ertugrul號は、日本とトルコの國民間の、特別で情を伴ふ關係を樹立する上で重要な役割を果たした」と、在日本トルコ大使館の顧問である Bogac Ulker は言ふ。両國の正式な外交關係は、第一次世界大戰とトルコ共和國の成立に續いて、1924年に始まつた。




・113.4 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-16 | 出題英文讀解

・113.4 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.

   “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.

   “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.

   The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.



(28)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  The interest in the Ertugrul accident among the islanders of Oshima was recently renewed thanks to the excavation project.

  (b)  People of Oshima have never lost their memories of the Ertugrul accident that happened more than 100 years ago.

  (c)  Oshima Island has a memorial of the Ertugrul accident and a cemetery for the drowned sailors.

  (d)  The islanders of Oshima hold a ceremony every year to commemorate the accident.


(29)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  On the night of the accident, some surviving sailors washed onto the shore of Oshima.

  (b)  The surviving sailors found the house of a fisherman and asked for food and shelter.

  (c)  The fishermen of Oshima rescued the survivors of the accident, taking care of the injured and giving food to the Turkish sailors.

  (d)  When the sailors had become well enough, they were taken to Kobe.




(28)  Which of the following statements is not true? (次に述べてゐるもののうちどれが正しくないか/正しくないのはどれか)

  (a)  The interest in the Ertugrul accident among the islanders of Oshima was recently renewed thanks to the excavation project. (引揚げ事業のため大島島民の間ではエルトゥールル號への關心が最近復活した)

  (b)  People of Oshima have never lost their memories of the Ertugrul accident that happened more than 100 years ago. (大島の人々は百年以上前に起きたエルトゥールル號事故の記憶を失つたことはなかつた)

  (c)  Oshima Island has a memorial of the Ertugrul accident and a cemetery for the drowned sailors. (大島にはエルトゥールル號事故の記念館と溺れた船員の墓地がある)

  (d)  The islanders of Oshima hold a ceremony every year to commemorate the accident. (大島島民は事故追悼のため毎年祭儀(/式典)を行ふ  ※第2文には「五年毎に」とあります)





(29)  Which of the following statements is not true? (次に述べてゐるもののうちどれが正しくないか)

  (a)  On the night of the accident, some surviving sailors washed onto the shore of Oshima. (事故當夜、生存船員の一部が大島海岸に打ち上げられた)

  (b)  The surviving sailors found the house of a fisherman and asked for food and shelter. (生存船員たちは漁師の家をみつけて食物と(嵐からの)避難を請うた  ※第5文に「地元の漁師が彼らを見つけ」たと記されてゐます)

  (c)  The fishermen of Oshima rescued the survivors of the accident, taking care of the injured and giving food to the Turkish sailors. (大島の漁師たちは事故の生存者を救助し、負傷者の手當をしトルコの船員たちに食物を與へた)

  (d)  When the sailors had become well enough, they were taken to Kobe. (船員たちは十分に囘復したら神戸に移送された)






4.1       next to ~                       ~と竝んで / ~の隣に

4.2       every five years          5年毎に

4.4       by luck                       運よく(= by good luck)

4.4       according to ~          ~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて

 4.5   preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/was ~ that …>のかたちで~の部分を前に置いて強調し、文の殘りの部分を…に置きます。本稿113.1の第3文と同じ構文です。

4.5       care for ~                      ~の世話をする

4.6       in those days              あの頃

4.7       for the first time         初めて

4.8       the injured                  負傷者










・113.3 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-13 | 出題英文讀解

・113.3 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.

   In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.

   By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.




(22)  How many men were on board the Ertugrul when it sank 118 years ago?

  (a)  about 500

  (b)  569

  (c)  600

  (d)  over 600


 (25)  What was the warning given to the crew of the Ertugrul before they set sail for Turkey from Yokohama according to some records?

  (a)  that they should leave Yokohama as soon as possible

  (b)  that it was the time of year for dangerous storms

  (c)  that they should be very careful when they pass by the seacoast of Wakayama

  (d)  that there were too many sailors and officers on board the ship


(26)  How was the weather when the Ertugrul left Yokohama on Sep. 15, 1890?

  (a)  It was fine when they started, but soon turned into a terrible storm.

  (b)  It was fine when they started, and continued to be so for about a day.

  (c)  It was very windy from the beginning and soon it started to rain hard.

  (d)  The wind was very strong and the waves were high but it did not rain.


(27)  When did the Ertugrul finally sink in 1890?

  (a)  soon after it left Yokohama on September 15

  (b)  by the nightfall on September 16

  (c)  during the late hours of September 15

  (d)  late September 16 to early September 17




(22)  How many men were on board the Ertugrul when it sank 118 years ago? (118年前エルトゥールル號が沈沒した時、何人が乘船してゐたか)

  (a)  about 500

  (b)  569

  (c)  600

  (d)  over 600(600人以上 ※113.3先頭文の more than 600 sailors and officers を書き換へた選擇肢です)





(25)  What was the warning given to the crew of the Ertugrul before they set sail for Turkey from Yokohama according to some records? (ある記録によれば、横濱からトルコに向けて出帆する前、エルトゥールル號の乘員に與へられた警告は何だつたか)

  (a)  that they should leave Yokohama as soon as possible(できるだけはやく横濱を發つべきである[といふ警告])

  (b)  that it was the time of year for dangerous storms(現在は一年のうちで危險な嵐の時機である[といふ警告]  ※第3文に合致します)

  (c)  that they should be very careful when they pass by the seacoast of Wakayama(和歌山沿岸を通過するときにはよく注意するやうに[といふ警告])

  (d)  that there were too many sailors and officers on board the ship(乘船してゐる船員や士官が多過ぎる[といふ警告])





(26)  How was the weather when the Ertugrul left Yokohama on Sep. 15, 1890? (1890年9月15日にエルトゥールル號が横濱を發つ折には天候はどうであつたか)

  (a)  It was fine when they started, but soon turned into a terrible storm. (出發時には好天であつたが、ほどなくひどい嵐に變はつた  ※第4文に合致します)

  (b)  It was fine when they started, and continued to be so for about a day. (出發時には好天であり、ほぼ一日の間はさうであり續けた)

  (c)  It was very windy from the beginning and soon it started to rain hard. (最初から風が強く吹いてをり、ほどなく雨が激しく降り始めた)

  (d)  The wind was very strong and the waves were high but it did not rain. (風がとても強く波も高かつたが、雨は降らなかつた)





(27)  When did the Ertugrul finally sink in 1890? (1890年、最終的にはいつエルトゥールル號は沈沒したのか)

  (a)  soon after it left Yokohama on September 15(9月15日に横濱を出發後すぐに)

  (b)  by the nightfall on September 16(9月16日の日暮までに)

  (c)  during the late hours of September 15(9月15日の夜更けに)

  (d)  late September 16 to early September 17(9月16日遅くから9月17日の早い時間にかけて  ※第6文と第7文からこのやうに推測・判斷できます)






3.1       set sail for ~                 ~に向けて出帆する

3.2       on board ~               ~(船、飛行機、列車、バスなど)に乘つて

3.4       in the event                 結局

3.4       start out                      始まる/出發する

3.4       be caught in ~          ~(雨、嵐など)に出くはす

 3.6  <so ~ that …>構文:  「とても~なので…」(結果)

3.6       at the mercy of ~        ~のなすがままに

3.7       to pieces                     粉々に








・英文讀解のヒント (37) 《more~than…》

2015-11-11 | 英文讀解のヒント

英文讀解のヒント (37) 《more~than…》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     Traditionally the first task of the school has been to ensure that children can read and write.  Once a child is literate, it is assumed that he or she can use written language as a tool for learning, in the same way that he or she has always learnt through spoken language.  In fact, until recently it would never have been expressed like that; the spoken language was given little or no recognition in educational thinking, and was certainly not thought of as a vehicle of learning.  Even today, though speech has been given a place in the classroom, it is seen more as a skill desirable in itself (the need to be articulate, or ‘orate’, to get on in life) than as essential equipment for learning other things.

(44 群馬大學 2014 2パラ; 2014年7月18日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  〈more ~ than …〉のかたちで、同一人(物)の性質を比較し、判斷を述べる言ひ方があります。「…といふよりはむしろ~」といふ意味を表はし、會話でもよく使はれます。このとき more は ratherのやうな意味合ひで使はれ、~や…の部分には形容詞、副詞、名詞などが置かれます。下線部では長めの句が置かれてをり than との距離が生じて讀み難くなつてゐます。

■諳誦例文: shy は原級で shyer / shier とはしません。

37         She's more shy than unsocial.



37.2      He is more a journalist than a scholar.


□參考例文: than以下を省略しない場合には -er 形を用ゐることがあります。

37.3      Her typing is neater than it is accurate.



3  意味把握チェック



4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・113.2 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-09 | 出題英文讀解

・113.2 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   Ironically, the tragic shipwreck helped cement a friendly relationship between Turkey and Japan that has continued to this day.

   “Ertugrul is the Titanic of Turkey,” says Tufan Turanli, 56, the director of a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed.

   “It has so much importance [because] it was on a voyage just for the sake of friendship.”

   In 1887, Japan’s Prince and Princess Komatsu visited Istanbul and  presented the Ottoman sultan with the Order of the Chrysanthemum, Japan’s highest award.  Three years later, the Ottoman government dispatched the Ertugrul on a reciprocal mission to bestow the Ottoman Medal of High Honor on Emperor Meiji.  The ship arrived in Yokohama  in June 1890, and its commander, Admiral Osman Pasha, presented the medal and other gifts to the Imperial family.  For the rest of the summer, the ship and its crew remained in Japan.



(23)  What is the purpose of the project led by Tufan Turanli?

  (a)  to retrieve the most significant objects of the wreck of the Ertugrul

  (b)  to establish a museum dedicated to the Ertugrul on Oshima

  (c)  to promote friendly cultural exchanges between Turkey and Japan

  (d)  to investigate the cause of the shipwreck of the Ertugrul


(24) What was the main purpose of the Ertugrul’s visit to Japan in 1890?

  (a)  to receive the Order of the Chrysanthemum presented to the Ottoman sultan

  (b)  to send back Prince and Princess Komatsu who visited Istanbul

  (c)  to bring the Ottoman Emperor to Japan to see the Imperial Family

  (d)  to present the Ottoman Medal of High Honor to Emperor Meiji




(23)  What is the purpose of the project led by Tufan Turanli? (Tufan Turanli に率ゐられたプロジェクトの目的は何か)

  (a)  to retrieve the most significant objects of the wreck of the Ertugrul(エルトゥールル號の難破の最も重要な物を囘收すること  ※ 113.2 第2文の a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed が參考になります)

  (b)  to establish a museum dedicated to the Ertugrul on Oshima(大島にエルトゥールル號のための記念(/博物)館を創設すること)

  (c)  to promote friendly cultural exchanges between Turkey and Japan(トルコと日本の間の友好的文化交流を推進すること)

  (d)  to investigate the cause of the shipwreck of the Ertugrul(エルトゥールル號難破の原因を調査すること)





(24) What was the main purpose of the Ertugrul’s visit to Japan in 1890? (1890年のエルトゥールル號日本訪問の主要目的は何であつたか)

  (a)  to receive the Order of the Chrysanthemum presented to the Ottoman sultan(オスマントルコの皇帝に贈られた菊花章を受け取ること)

  (b)  to send back Prince and Princess Komatsu who visited Istanbul(イスタンブールを訪れた小松宮夫妻を(日本へ)送り屆けること)

  (c)  to bring the Ottoman Emperor to Japan to see the Imperial Family(天皇一家に會ふためにオスマントルコの皇帝を日本に連れて行くこと)

  (d)  to present the Ottoman Medal of High Honor to Emperor Meiji(明治天皇にオスマントルコの名譽勲章を授けること ※ 第5文に合致します)






2.1       cement                        發音注意  [simént]  ※ここでは原形不定詞です

2.3       for the sake of ~       ~のためを思つて

2.4       present ~ with …    ~に…を贈呈する

2.5       bestow ~ on …       ~に…を授與する(通例目上から目下に)




  「エルトゥールル號はトルコのタイタニックです」と、まだ海底に殘つてゐる難破(船)の最も重要な殘存物のいくつかを發掘する、つまり掘り出す計畫の責任者であるTufan Turanli(56歳)は言ふ。


  1887年、日本の小松宮夫妻がイスタンブールを訪れ、オスマントルコの皇帝に日本の最高の勲章である菊花章を贈つた。3年後、オスマントルコ政府は明治天皇にオスマントルコの名譽勲章を授けるといふ答禮の使命を與へてエルトゥールル號を派遣した。船は1890年6月に横浜に到着し、司令官のOsman Pasha海軍大將は勲章や他の贈物を天皇一家に贈つた。夏の間(殘りの期間)、船と乘組員は日本にとどまつた。




・113.1 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-06 | 出題英文讀解

・113.1 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   The jagged rocks off Oshima Island break the surface of the ocean like so many knives strewn across the shallow water.  Even on a calm day, they are a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs that surround this island in the Pacific just off the coast of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, in central Honshu.

   It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago.  Thrown against the reefs, the ship split apart and sank, taking with it more than 500 men and leaving just 69 survivors, says Kiyoshi Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum on Oshima.



(21)  What do the jagged rocks around Oshima Island warn us of?

  (a)  a calm day

  (b)  the shallow water

  (c)  hidden rocks

  (d)  the Pacific Ocean



 (21)  What do the jagged rocks around Oshima Island warn us of? (大島周邊のぎざぎざの岩は私たちに何を警告するか)

  (a)  a calm day(あるおだやかな日)

  (b)  the shallow water(淺瀬)

  (c)  hidden rocks(隱れた岩  ※ a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs がヒントになります)

  (d)  the Pacific Ocean(太平洋)



(21)  (c)



1.1      jagged                        發音注意  [dӡǽgid]

1.1      surface                       發音注意

 1.3 preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/was ~ that …>のかたちで~の部分を前に置いて強調し、文の殘りの部分を…に置きます。(※~が人である場合に、that の代はりに who が使はれることがあります)

1.3      frigate                   發音注意  [frígit]

 1.4 分詞構文: 主文(the ship split apart and sank)の前に、過去分詞の句、主文の後ろに、現在分詞の句がふたつ置かれてゐます。主文との關はりは曖昧で、前者は「時」とも「理由」ともとれます。「(波によつて)岩礁に打ちつけられ(て)」といつた曖昧なつけかたができるでせう。後者は「付帶状況」で、説明をつけ足してゐます。and took … and left …と續けるのと同樣の意味になります。


1.4       more than ~                 ~以上




  118年前の嵐の夜、オスマントルコの快速帆船Ertugrul號が風に吹かれて入つて行つたのはこの危險な水域であつた。その船は岩礁にたたきつけられ、こなごなになつて沈没し、500人以上が船と共に沈み、生存者は69人だけであつた、と大島のトルコ記念(/博物)館長の Kiyoshi Oishi は言ふ。




・113.0 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-02 | 出題英文讀解

・113.0 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...


   The jagged rocks off Oshima Island break the surface of the ocean like so many knives strewn across the shallow water.  Even on a calm day, they are a menacing reminder of the maze of reefs that surround this island in the Pacific just off the coast of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, in central Honshu.

   It was into these treacherous waters that the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul was blown one stormy night 118 years ago.  Thrown against the reefs, the ship split apart and sank, taking with it more than 500 men and leaving just 69 survivors, says Kiyoshi Oishi, director of theTurkish Museum on Oshima.

   Ironically, the tragic shipwreck helped cement a friendly relationship betweenTurkey and Japan that has continued to this day.

   “Ertugrul is the Titanic of Turkey,” says Tufan Turanli, 56, the director of a project to excavate, or dig up, some of the most important relics of the wreck still remaining on the seabed.

   “It has so much importance [because] it was on a voyage just for the sake of friendship.”

   In 1887, Japan’s Prince and Princess Komatsu visited Istanbul and presented the Ottoman sultan with the Order of the Chrysanthemum, Japan’s highest award.  Three years later, the Ottoman government dispatched the Ertugrul on a reciprocal mission to bestow the Ottoman Medal of High Honor on Emperor Meiji.  The ship arrived in Yokohama in June 1890, and its commander, Admiral Osman Pasha, presented the medal and other gifts to the Imperial family.  For the rest of the summer, the ship and its crew remained in Japan.

   Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.

   In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.

   By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island  and sank.


   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.

   “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.

   “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.

   The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.

   However, the rescue isn’t a point of pride among the islanders, Oishi says.  “Fishing is dangerous work.  Today you may save someone, but tomorrow it might be you who’s being saved.”

   Nevertheless, the wreck, the rescue and the ensuing return of the survivors to Turkey on Japanese ships laid the ground for more than a century of friendly diplomatic and economic relations.

   “Ertugrul played an important role in establishing a special emotional relationship between the people of Japan and Turkey,” says Bogac Ulker an adviser to the Turkish embassy in Japan.  Official diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1924, following World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.  

  “History under the waves: Japan’s tragic “Titanic of Turkey” by Winifred Bird (The Japan Times Sunday, April 13, 2008)


(21)  What do the jagged rocks around Oshima Island warn us of?

  (a)  a calm day

  (b)  the shallow water

  (c)  hidden rocks

  (d)  the Pacific Ocean


(22)  How many men were on board the Ertugrul when it sank 118 years ago?

  (a)  about 500

  (b)  569

  (c)  600

  (d)  over 600


(23)  What is the purpose of the project led by Tufan Turanli?

  (a)  to retrieve the most significant objects of the wreck of the Ertugrul

  (b)  to establish a museum dedicated to the Ertugrul on Oshima

  (c)  to promote friendly cultural exchanges between Turkey and Japan

  (d)  to investigate the cause of the shipwreck of the Ertugrul


(24) What was the main purpose of the Ertugrul’s visit to Japan in 1890?

  (a)  to receive the Order of the Chrysanthemum presented to the Ottoman sultan

  (b)  to send back Prince and Princess Komatsu who visited Istanbul

  (c)  to bring the Ottoman Emperor to Japan to see the Imperial Family

  (d)  to present the Ottoman Medal of High Honor to Emperor Meiji


(25)  What was the warning given to the crew of the Ertugrul before they set sail for Turkey from Yokohama according to some records?

  (a)  that they should leave Yokohama as soon as possible

  (b)  that it was the time of year for dangerous storms

  (c)  that they should be very careful when they pass by the seacoast of Wakayama

  (d)  that there were too many sailors and officers on board the ship


(26)  How was the weather when the Ertugrul left Yokohama on Sep. 15, 1890?

  (a)  It was fine when they started, but soon turned into a terrible storm.

  (b)  It was fine when they started, and continued to be so for about a day.

  (c)  It was very windy from the beginning and soon it started to rain hard.

  (d)  The wind was very strong and the waves were high but it did not rain.


(27)  When did the Ertugrul finally sink in 1890?

  (a)  soon after it left Yokohama on September 15

  (b)  by the nightfall on September 16

  (c)  during the late hours of September 15

  (d)  late September 16 to early September 17


(28)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  The interest in the Ertugrul accident among the islanders of Oshima was recently renewed thanks to the excavation project.

  (b)  People of Oshima have never lost their memories of the Ertugrul accident that happened more than 100 years ago.

  (c)  Oshima Island has a memorial of the Ertugrul accident and a cemetery for the drowned sailors.

  (d)  The islanders of Oshima hold a ceremony every year to commemorate the accident.


(29)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  On the night of the accident, some surviving sailors washed onto the shore of Oshima.

  (b)  The surviving sailors found the house of a fisherman and asked for food and shelter.

  (c)  The fishermen of Oshima rescued the survivors of the accident, taking care of the injured and giving food to the Turkish sailors.

  (d)  When the sailors had become well enough, they were taken to Kobe.


(30)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  In 1890, Oshima island was a very inaccessible place but the bridge connecting the island to mainland was built nine years after the Ertugrul accident.

  (b)  According to Mr. Oishi, the fishermen of Oshima might have thought that in the future they themselves might be shipwrecked and saved by others.

  (c)  The survivors of the Ertugrul accident were sent home to Turkey aboard Japanese ships.

  (d)  Official diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan started after the Republic of Turkey was established.