
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・國際基督教大學 2010 (2) 1パラ

2012-03-30 | 出題英文讀解



   Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.



1.1  Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.


[意味把握チェック] 1.1  進化との關聯で人間の特質を研究する現代の心理學者たちは、私たちの感情のそれぞれは、種としての存續に何らかの貢獻をするから出現したのだと假定する。





make a contribution to





單複同形  發音注意 [spí:ʃi:z]



1.2  Even so-called “negative emotions.”


[意味把握チェック] 1.2  いはゆる「マイナス感情」でさへも(さうである)。



double quotation:  negative emotions がまだ一般的な用語として定着してゐないため、引用符に入れて示してゐます。以下の文で否定的感情の具體例を擧げて説明してゐます。


1.3  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.


[意味把握チェック] 1.3  たとへば、嫉妬心は快いものではないかもしれないが、男女間の關係を強化するといふ前向きのはたらきをしてくれる可能性もある。





for instance



1.4  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.


[意味把握チェック] 1.4  古來の性向として、嫉妬心はおそらく相手を求める競合者を遠ざけておき、カップルが一緒にゐる可能性を上げて、子どもたちが生き殘る可能性を高めたのであらう。



probably: 公算の大きいことを積極的にアピールする副詞です。確信の度合を示す副詞類については、4月6日の記事中3.1で解説する豫定です。

・分詞構文: giving~は説明を追加してゐます。and で續けるほどの意味です。


1.5  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.


[意味把握チェック] 1.5  恐怖心は、未開の諸種族が蛇、深み、暗闇などの危險に近づかないやうにした。





keep ~ away from …




such as ~







1.6  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.


[意味把握チェック] 1.6  怒りは、敵をうまく退ける行動力を彼らに與へるといふ前向きな目的を果たすのに役立つ(てき)たのかもしれない。



・<助動詞+have+過去分詞>: 過去の事柄に對する現在の判斷を表現するかたちです。助動詞が過去形にならないのは判斷は現在のものだからです(※婉曲表現で、たとへば might が使はれて、假定法過去完了の歸結節とまぎらはしいケースもありますが、文脈で判斷できます)。→[用例研究]參照




We may have made a mistake.






We must have taken a wrong turning.






They cannot have gone out because the light's on!






They should have arrived by now. (=ought to have arrived)






He ought to have been more careful. (=should have been)








fight ~ off / fight off ~




[用例研究]  may have+過去分詞


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  I need a six-letter word meaning boss



2  Grumpy…cranky…unjust…crabby…



3  ornery…tyrant…brutal…despot…



4  absurd…stupid…crazed…insane…



4  Oh dear, I may have asked the wrong person.

  ・wrong はここでは「適切でない」といふ意味です。




Brondiecrossword puzzle を解いてゐます。tyrant despot 以外は形容詞を竝べてゐますが、惡口を言ふ時には名詞的にも使はれるでせう。意味は似通つてゐたり、重複するものもあります。

・國際基督教大學 2010 (1) 全文

2012-03-26 | 出題英文讀解

  國際基督教大學 2010年の讀解問題3題のうち1題めの問題文です。設問は、四擇形式が10問です。月曜日と金曜日に1パラグラフづつ解説して參ります。



   Contemporary psychologists who study human traits in the context of evolution assume that each of our emotions emerged because it made some contribution to our survival as a species.  Even so-called “negative emotions.”  For instance, jealousy may not be pleasant but it can serve the positive function of strengthening the relationship between a man and woman.  As an ancient instinct it probably kept competitors for one’s mate at a distance, and increased the chances that a couple would stay together, giving their children a better chance to survive.  Fear kept primitive peoples away from dangers such as snakes, deep water, and darkness.  Anger may have served the positive purpose of giving them the energy to successfully fight off enemies.


   Yet the fact that emotions such as these may have evolved for useful reasons does not mean that they inevitably play a productive role in modern life.  For example, impulsive violence leads to imprisonment, and hostility is bad for one’s health.  In one study, 255 medical students took a personality test measuring their levels of hostility, then twenty-five years later their health was analyzed.  It was found that the most aggressive students had experienced five times more heart problems than those who were less hot-headed.


   Perhaps this is why until the 1980s most researchers focused on negative emotions; they seemed to cause the most suffering and trouble-for both the individual and for society.  An analysis of Psychological Abstracts, a summary of books and articles published in psychology, found that from 1887 to the mid-1990s there were 136,728 titles referring to anger, anxiety, or depression, but only 9,510 referring to joy, satisfaction, or happiness.  And it was not until the late 1990s that a focus on positive emotions began to emerge.


   Today, researchers are finally beginning to study productive mental states to find ways to help people progress from pathology to normalcy and normalcy to optimal functioning.  Among the reasons for this new orientation is the recognition that merely eliminating anger and depression is no guarantee of producing joy and happiness, and the removal of pain does not necessarily lead to the experience of pleasure.  Other justifications for the shift include research, such as Norman Bradburn’s 1969 study, showing that pleasant and unpleasant emotional states are produced by different mechanisms and must therefore be studied separately.   This observation has been underscored by current physiological research that uses CAT scans to identify which parts of the brain are most active when a subject is experiencing a particular emotion; these studies have shown that for the most part different emotions involve different parts of the cerebral cortex.


   As with the negative emotions, one important question is what evolutionary value positive emotions have.  According to one of the founders of positive psychology, Barbara Fredrickson, positive emotions broaden the range of our thoughts and actions.  This results in better personal adaptation to surroundings as well as better problem-solving skills.  Joy, interest, curiosity, and love lead to creativity and innovation, and they also provide a strong basis for community.  All of these confer an indisputable evolutionary advantage, not only helping us to live better but longer.  【520語】

・名古屋市立大學 2007 (8) パート 5

2012-03-23 | 出題英文讀解


Part 5

   Regarding the language abilities of foreign baseball players, Marty Kuehnert, Team Adviser for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles in Sendaiand longtime sports columnist says; “Ball players come here for the money, not for a cultural experience. Japan is almost never home for them. They all want to go back to the Major Leagues, if they could make it there, but some have to be content with the money here."

   “Sumo rikishi, on the other hand, are coming here to enter a new profession. They are committed to learning that profession and staying here as long as they can, without any significant breaks to go home. They have no interpreters and they have to learn Japanese to survive, so they do.”




5.1  Regarding the language abilities of foreign baseball players, Marty Kuehnert, Team Adviser for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles in Sendai and longtime sports columnist says; “Ball players come here for the money, not for a cultural experience.


[意味把握チェック]  外國人野球選手の言葉の力に關しては、仙台の東北楽天イーグルズのチーム・アドバイザーであり、スポーツ・コラムニストを長くやつてゐる Marty Kuehnert が次のやうに言つてゐる。野球選手たちは金を稼ぎに(日本)に來てゐるのであり、文化體驗のため(に來てゐるわけ)ではない。



, not ~: not が ~ を否定してゐます。コンマを打つて、「~ではなく」と付け足す表現です。



5.1   Kuehnert はドイツ系の姓かと思はれます。英語國では [kí::r t] あるひは [kú::r t] といつた音で發聲されてゐるやうです。


5.2  Japanis almost never home for them.


[意味把握チェック]  日本は、彼らにとつて地元(/本據地)とは言ひがたいのである。



5.2   almost never/no/nothing ~   「ほとんど~でない」


5.3  They all want to go back to the Major Leagues, if they could make it there, but some have to be content with the money here.


[意味把握チェック]  彼らはみな、やれるものなら、大リーグに戻りたいのであるが、日本で得られるお金で満足しなければならない者もゐるのである。



・if they could make it there: 條件節に假定法過去が使はれてゐます。時間を現在から遠ざけることにより、現在の事實との距離が遠いことを仄めかします。つまり「(現實には無理であるが)大リーグでやれるものなら」といふ意味になります。



5.3   make it     「うまくやりとげる」「成功する」「(列車などに)間に合ふ」


5.4  “Sumo rikishi, on the other hand, are coming here to enter a new profession.


[意味把握チェック]  他方、相撲力士は新しい職業に就くためにこちらに來てゐる。





on the other hand

他方(※on (the) one hand と對で用ゐることも)


5.5  They are committed to learning that profession and staying here as long as they can, without any significant breaks to go home.


[意味把握チェック]  彼らはその仕事を學ぶこととできるだけ長くとどまることに專念する、滯在を大きく中斷して故國に歸ることもなく。(※ちょつとした休暇で一時歸國するケースを除外するために significant を置いたのでせう)





be committed to




as ~ as one can

できるだけ~(= as ~ as possible


5.6  They have no interpreters and they have to learn Japanese to survive, so they do.”


[意味把握チェック]  彼らには通譯もゐないし、生き殘るために日本語を習得しなくてはならない、それで彼らは日本語を習得するのである。



so は接續詞、do が表はすのは learn Japanese でせう。

・名古屋市立大學 2007 (7) パート 4

2012-03-19 | 出題英文讀解


Part 4

  Miyazaki also credits the role of the okami-san (stable masters’ wives) in the language acquisition process. As kindly mother figures, they provide a sympathetic ear, looking after the personal needs of young foreign rikishi and helping them to overcome homesickness. Miyazaki also advanced the hypothesis that the higher the sumo rank achieved, the better the fluency.

   “It’s a matter of communication, not fluency per se,” he says. “Their speech shows they know sumo history, and the ‘way’ of sumo. This indicates the degree they can participate according to the role they play in society.”



4.1 Miyazaki also credits the role of the okami-san (stable masters’ wives) in the language acquisition process.


[意味把握チェック]  Miyazaki は、言語習得の過程ではおかみさん(親方の妻)の役割が大きいとも觀てゐる。


4.2  As kindly mother figures, they provide a sympathetic ear, looking after the personal needs of young foreign rikishi and helping them to overcome homesickness.


[意味把握チェック]  やさしい母親像で、おかみさんは思ひやりをもつて話を聞き、若い外國人力士の個人的入用(/必要事物)の面倒をみ、彼らがホームシックを乘り越える手助けをする。



・分詞構文: looking … helping… は分詞構文で、おかみさんの世話の内容を説明してゐます。





look after

~の面倒をみる / ~に注意を拂ふ


4.3  Miyazaki also advanced the hypothesis that the higher the sumo rank achieved, the better the fluency.


[意味把握チェック]  Miyazaki は,相撲の位(番付)が高くなればなるほど、言葉もそれだけ流暢になるといふ假説も提出した。



・同格: the hypothesis that節とが竝べて置かれ、that節が前の the hypothesis の説明をしてゐます。この that はあとに節(S-V)が續くことを豫告する程度のはたらきで、輕く發聲され、會話文ではしばしば省略されます。→[用例研究]

・<the+比較級(~), the+比較級(…)>: 「~すればするほど、それだけ一層…になる」[既出(2012年2月3日付拙稿)]。ここの achieved は過去分詞で、後ろから前の the sumo rank を修飾してゐます。つまり「達成された相撲の位(番付)」です。この that節の中では動詞が省略されてゐます。


4.4  “It’s a matter of communication, not fluency per se,” he says.


[意味把握チェック]  「意思傳達に關はることなのだ、流暢さそれ自體(の問題)ではなく」と彼は言ふ。





per se

それ自體で  [pə(:)r séi]


4.5  “Their speech shows they know sumo history, and the ‘way’ of sumo.


[意味把握チェック]  彼らの話を聞くと、相撲の歴史を知つてをり、相撲「道」も知つてゐることがわかる。



way は「やりかた」「方法」の意味ですが、ここでは single quotation に入れてゐますから、特別な意味で用ゐてゐると考へ、「道」としてみました。


4.6  This indicates the degree they can participate according to the role they play in society.”


[意味把握チェック]  かうしたことが、彼らが社會に於いて果たす役割に應じて加はることが(/參與)できる階層を(暗に)示す。(※必ずしも相撲の強さだけで番付が決まるのではない、といふ意味を暗に含めてゐるのではないかと思ひます)





according to




[用例研究]  同格<名詞+that節>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  There’s Kelly, Alexander’s new girlfriend.

  ・Alexander: 夫婦の息子の名前です。

  「Kelly がゐるよ、Alexander の新しいガールフレンドの」


1  I have a feeling their relationship is getting serious.

  ・serious: 交際が氣樂なものではない、輕い扱ひでないことを意味します。ここでは交際ひが本氣、眞劍だ、といつた意味でせう。



2  Hi Mom!  Hi Dad!



3  It’s even more serious than I thought.

  ・even: 比較級を強調してゐます。「ずつと」「はるかに」


・名古屋市立大學 2007 (6) パート 3 つづき

2012-03-16 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  疑問詞+不定詞: what to-不定詞


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Have you decided what to give Dagwood for Christmas?

  「クリスマスに Dagwood に何を贈るか決めた?」


1 Yes, a new set of golf clubs.



2 His old ones don’t fit in his golf bag anymore.



2 How could they not fit in his golf bag?  I don’t understand.

  ・could … fit と過去時制を使つてゐるのは假定法過去の歸結節であることを示します。Tootsie は「古いからといふ理由でバッグに入らない」なんてあり得ないといふ意識を持つてをり、その上で、假にさういふことがあるとしたら、「バッグにうまく入らないなんてことがどうしたら(/どういふ風に)起こり得るのだらうか?」と訊ねてゐることになります。



3 Now do you understand?


・名古屋市立大學 2007 (5) パート 3

2012-03-16 | 出題英文讀解

Part 3

   In 2001,Miyazaki published “Gaikokujin Rikishi wa Naze Nihongo ga Umai no ka (Why is the Japanese of Foreign Sumo Wrestlers so Good?),” reissued this year by Meiji Shoin.

   In it, Miyazaki designates nine salient characteristics concerning the environment of foreign rikishi that have been able to achieve Japanese proficiency, including no prior Japanese study experience before coming to Japan; total immersion; strong motivation to learn; adaptability; ability to tap a variety of resources; and no looking up words in the dictionary.

   “To learn the language, they don’t need a teacher or a dictionary,”Miyazakisays. “They just learn through osmosis. Foreign rikishi are not here to learn Japanese, but to learn sumo. But by learning sumo they have to learn Japanese. That’s their motivation. Many students who learn in classroom studies don’t know what to do with the language they learn. So it’s a matter of identity.”



3.1  In 2001, Miyazaki published “Gaikokujin Rikishi wa Naze Nihongo ga Umai no ka (Why is the Japanese of Foreign Sumo Wrestlers so Good?),” reissued this year by Meiji Shoin.


[意味把握チェック] 3.1  2001年に、Miyazaki は「外国人力士はなぜ日本語がうまいのか」を出版し、それは今年明治書院により再刊された。


3.2  In it, Miyazaki designates nine salient characteristics concerning the environment of foreign rikishi that have been able to achieve Japanese proficiency, including no prior Japanese study experience before coming to Japan; total immersion; strong motivation to learn; adaptability; ability to tap a variety of resources; and no looking up words in the dictionary.


[意味把握チェック] 3.2  そのなかで、Miyazaki は、日本語上達を達成し得た外國人力士の環境に關する九つの顕著な特質を指摘してゐるが、その中には來日に先立つ日本語學習の體驗は含まれてゐない。それらは、まつたくの沒頭、強い學習意欲、適應力、さまざまな學習材料の活用能力、そして辭書で調べたりしない、といつたことである。



・英語の特徴: 「説明・情報を後ろに置く」(筆者がこれまで「説明後置」と呼んできたものです)といふ英語の構造的特徴がわかつてゐれば、長い文への對處も、前から順に意味的かたまり毎に頭にはふりこんでゆく讀み方で對處できます。

  主だつた説明の續け方としては、①名詞の後ろに、分詞や不定詞、形容詞、前置詞の句や關係詞節、同格節などを置くパターンがひとつ。それから、②主文に就いて副詞節や分詞構文などで説明・情報を加へるものがあります。さらには、③コンマ、セミコロンなどの符號を置いたり、④ that is / in other words / or  などの語句を用ゐるケースがあります。





a viriety of




look ~ up / look up




3.3  “To learn the language, they don’t need a teacher or a dictionary,” Miyazaki says.


[意味把握チェック] 3.3  「彼らは、日本語を學ぶために、先生や辭書を必要としない」とMiyazaki は言ふ。


3.4  “They just learn through osmosis.


[意味把握チェック] 3.4  「ただ徐々に染みこむやうに學ぶのである」








3.5  Foreign rikishi are not here to learn Japanese, but to learn sumo.


[意味把握チェック] 3.5  外國人力士たちは、日本語を習得するために(日本にゐるの)ではなく、相撲を習得するために日本にゐるのである。



・<not but …>:「~ではなく…」。この構文に即して3.5を解することができます。


3.6  But by learning sumo they have to learn Japanese.


[意味把握チェック] 3.6  だが相撲を習得することで、彼らはきつと日本語を習得してゐるはずである。



・この have to-不定詞は「~にちがひない」「(きつと)~のはずだ」の意味かと思はれます(おもに米國の用法です)。


3.7  That’s their motivation.


[意味把握チェック] 3.7  それ(相撲を習得すること)が彼らの(日本語を學ぶ)動機なのである。


3.8  Many students who learn in classroom studies don’t know what to do with the language they learn.


[意味把握チェック] 3.8  教室で學ぶ多くの學生は、學ぶ言語をどう役立てるかがわからない。(※机上でことばを學ぶだけで、生活や實務の必要に迫られてゐないやうなケースを念頭に置いて述べてゐます)



・疑問詞+不定詞: 疑問詞で提示された疑問について、後ろに置かれた不定詞が説明を補ふことになります。→[用例研究]參照


3.9  So it’s a matter of identity.”


[意味把握チェック] 3.9  だからそれ(言語習得)は自分が何者であるかの問題なのである。


【この項 (6)へつづく】

・名古屋市立大學 2007 (4) パート 2 つづき

2012-03-12 | 出題英文讀解


[用例研究]  動詞の強調<do/does/did+原形>


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Honey, you’ll have to change your shirt!  You spilled coffee on it!

  「あなた、ワイシャツを着替へなくつちや! 珈琲こぼしたわよ!」


1 I can’t, my car pool’s here.

  ・car pool: 「自動車の相乘り」。エネルギー節約策のひとつで、隣近所の人たちが通勤や買物に車を共同利用します。Bumsteadcar pool では、4人が交代で車を出し、運轉も交代でしてゐます。



2 I’ll just keep my jacket buttoned all day.

  ・keep my jacket (O) buttoned (C): OをCの状態に保つ

  ・all day: 一日中



3 Bumstead, take off that jacket! I’m sweltering! I get hot just looking at you!

  ・take ~ off / take off ~: ~を脱ぐ(→ put on



4 You’re right…that does feel better.

  ・does feel: 動詞を強調してゐます。


・名古屋市立大學 2007 (3) パート 2

2012-03-12 | 出題英文讀解

Part 2

   Frequently appearing in TV interviews, the wrestlers do, of course, make the occasional error ― but when they speak, they sound like sumo rikishi, and they express themselves in a manner remarkably similar to their Japanese counterparts.

   This language proficiency, particularly among foreign grapplers from countries with only tenuous historical and cultural ties toJapan, has become a topic of academic study. Dr. Satoshi Miyazaki, a professor at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics,WasedaUniversity, began his fieldwork in 1997.

   “I asked the Sumo Association about how foreign rikishi were receiving instruction in Japanese, but they had no definitive answer,”Miyazaki relates. So he began visiting the sumo beya (stables), befriending the young wrestlers and talking to the oyakata (stable masters), their wives and people in the neighborhood.



2.1  Frequently appearing in TV interviews, the wrestlers do, of course, make the occasional error ― but when they speak, they sound like sumo rikishi, and they express themselves in a manner remarkably similar to their Japanese counterparts.


[意味把握チェック]  力士たちはたびたびテレビのインタビューに出て、もちろん時に間違ふことは確かにあるのだが、話すときには相撲力士らしい話しぶりだし(/らしく聞こえるし)、日本人力士に非常によく似たやり方で自分を表現する。



・分詞構文: Frequently appearing~は分詞構文で、ふはりと曖昧に主文にかかります。

・強調(動詞): <do/does/did+原形>のかたちで動詞を強調します。2.1では of course が插入されてゐるため見えにくくなつてゐます。




of course




sound like



2.2  This language proficiency, particularly among foreign grapplers from countries with only tenuous historical and cultural ties toJapan, has become a topic of academic study.


[意味把握チェック]  かうした言葉の堪能さは、ことに日本との歴史的、文化的つながりが稀薄でしかない國々出身の力士にあつては、學問研究のテーマとなつてゐる。



2.2  grapple  「(レスリングなどの挌鬪技で)取つ組合ふ」。ここでは grappler として相撲の力士を表現してゐます。


2.3  Dr. Satoshi Miyazaki, a professor at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics,WasedaUniversity, began his fieldwork in 1997.


[意味把握チェック]  早稻田大學の日本應用言語學大學院教授である Dr. Satoshi Miyazakiは、1997年に實地調査を始めた。


2.4  “I asked the Sumo Association about how foreign rikishi were receiving instruction in Japanese, but they had no definitive answer,”Miyazakirelates.


[意味把握チェック]  「外國人力士が、どんな風に日本語の指導を受けてゐるかを相撲協會に訊ねてみたが、なんらはつきりした答へはなかつた」と Miyazaki は述べる。


2.5  So he began visiting the sumo beya (stables), befriending the young wrestlers and talking to the oyakata (stable masters), their wives and people in the neighborhood.


[意味把握チェック]  それで彼は相撲部屋の訪問を始め、若い力士たちの友となり、親方やおかみさん、近所の人たちと話した。



・分詞構文: befriending~は分詞構文で、訪問の内容を説明してゐます。

【この項 (4)へつづく】

・名古屋市立大學 2007 (2) パート 1

2012-03-09 | 出題英文讀解


Part 1

Baseball scoreless in language bout with sumo

When describing efforts by foreigners to gain a foothold in Japan, author / commentator and former president of ASI Market Research (Japan), Inc., George Fields, liked to apply the analogy of pro baseball players and sumo wrestlers. The former, for reasons we shall see, were held up as outsiders who forever remained so; the latter were outsiders who became insiders.

   Twenty years ago, the most prominent foreign rikishi (sumo wrestlers) tended to be from Hawaii, which has a large Japanese-American population and close cultural ties with Japan. More recently, however, most foreign rikishi have hailed from Mongolia(Asashoryu), as well as Bulgaria(Kotooshu), Russia(Rohou) and other former Soviet bloc countries.



1.1  Baseball scoreless in language bout with sumo (タイトル)

[意味把握チェック]1.1  野球は、相撲とのことばの試合で無得点(タイトル)


1.2  When describing efforts by foreigners to gain a foothold inJapan, author / commentator and former president of ASI Market Research (Japan), Inc., George Fields, liked to apply the analogy of pro baseball players and sumo wrestlers.


[意味把握チェック]1.2  外國人による、日本で足がかりを得ようとする努力を説明するとき、作家にして解説者でもあるASIマーケット・リサーチ社(日本)の前社長の George Fields は、プロ野球選手と相撲力士の類比を用ゐることを好んだ。



・分詞構文: When describing~は分詞構文に接續詞がついたものです。分詞構文は主文との關はりが曖昧ですが、接續詞を置くことにより關はりが明確になります。








1.3  The former, for reasons we shall see, were held up as outsiders who forever remained so; the latter were outsiders who became insiders.


[意味把握チェック]1.3  前者は、後でみる理由により、ずつと外部者にとどまる例として擧げられたが、後者は、内部者となる外部者(の例として擧げられるの)であつた。



for reasons we shall see語句を插入して、理由が後述されることを讀者に豫告してゐます。

the latter were:「後者は、内部者になる外部者の例として擧げられた」と述べるところを簡略に記述したやうに見えます。





the former - the latter




hold up ~ /  holdup  (as )



1.4  Twenty years ago, the most prominent foreign rikishi (sumo wrestlers) tended to be from Hawaii, which has a large Japanese-American population and close cultural ties with Japan.


[意味把握チェック]1.4  20年前、もつとも卓越した外國人力士はハワイ出身である傾向にあつたが、ハワイには日系アメリカ人の人口が多いし、日本との緊密な文化的つながりがある。




・關係代名詞の非制限用法: ここでは , which Hawaii についての説明・情報を追加してゐます。この用法では、固有名詞に關係詞節を續けることができます。







發音注意 ここでは [klous]


1.5  More recently, however, most foreign rikishi have hailed from Mongolia(Asashoryu), as well as Bulgaria(Kotooshu), Russia(Rohou) and other former Soviet bloc countries.


[意味把握チェック]1.5  しかしながらさらに近年となると、ほとんどの外國人力士は、モンゴル(朝昇龍)や、他にもブルガリア(琴欧州)、ロシア(露鵬)や、他の舊ソビエト連邦の國々の出身である。





hail from

の出身である(≒come from ~)



as well as

ばかりでなく / 同樣に




・名古屋市立大學 2007 (1) 全文

2012-03-05 | 出題英文讀解



Baseball scoreless in language bout* with sumo

When describing efforts by foreigners to gain a foothold in Japan, author / commentator and former president of ASI Market Research (Japan), Inc., George Fields, liked to apply the analogy* of pro baseball players and sumo wrestlers. The former, for reasons we shall see, were held up as outsiders who forever remained so; the latter were outsiders who became insiders.

   Twenty years ago, the most prominent foreign rikishi (sumo wrestlers) tended to be from Hawaii, which has a large Japanese-American population and close cultural ties with Japan. More recently, however, most foreign rikishi have hailed* from Mongolia (Asashoryu), as well as Bulgaria (Kotooshu), Russia (Rohou) and other former Soviet bloc countries.

   Frequently appearing in TV interviews, the wrestlers do, of course, make the occasional error ― but when they speak, they sound like sumo rikishi, and they express themselves in a manner remarkably similar to their Japanese counterparts.

   This language proficiency, particularly among foreign grapplers* from countries with only tenuous historical and cultural ties to Japan, has become a topic of academic study. Dr. Satoshi Miyazaki, a professor at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University, began his fieldwork in 1997.

   “I asked the Sumo Association about how foreign rikishi were receiving instruction in Japanese, but they had no definitive answer,” Miyazaki relates*. So he began visiting the sumo beya (stables), befriending the young wrestlers and talking to the oyakata (stable masters), their wives and people in the neighborhood.

   In 2001, Miyazaki published “Gaikokujin Rikishi wa Naze Nihongo ga Umai no ka (Why is the Japanese of Foreign Sumo Wrestlers so Good?),” reissued this year by Meiji Shoin.

   In it, Miyazaki designates nine salient characteristics concerning the environment of foreign rikishi that have been able to achieve Japanese proficiency, including no prior Japanese study experience before coming to Japan; total immersion*; strong motivation to learn; adaptability; ability to tap* a variety of resources; and no looking up words in the dictionary.

   “To learn the language, they don’t need a teacher or a dictionary,” Miyazaki says. “They just learn through osmosis*. Foreign rikishi are not here to learn Japanese, but to learn sumo. But by learning sumo they have to learn Japanese. That’s their motivation. Many students who learn in classroom studies don’t know what to do with the language they learn. So it’s  a matter of identity.”

   Miyazaki also credits* the role of the okami-san (stable masters’ wives) in the language acquisition process. As kindly mother figures, they provide a  sympathetic ear, looking after the personal needs of young foreign rikishi and helping them to overcome homesickness. Miyazaki also advanced the hypothesis that the higher the sumo rank achieved, the better the fluency.

   “It’s a matter of communication, not fluency per se,” he says. “Their speech shows they know sumo history, and the ‘way’ of sumo. This indicates the degree they can participate according to the role they play in society.”

   Regarding the language abilities of foreign baseball players, Marty Kuehnert, Team Adviser for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles in Sendai and longtime sports columnist says; “Ball players come here for the money, not for a cultural experience. Japan is almost never home for them. They all want to go back to the Major Leagues, if they could make it there, but some have to be content with the money here.

   “Sumo rikishi, on the other hand, are coming here to enter a new profession. They are committed to learning that profession and staying here as long as they can, without any significant breaks to go home. They have no interpreters and they have to learn Japanese to survive, so they do.”


出典: The Japan Times 2006年5月16日掲載の記事より部分転載

* bout: 試合  analogy: 類推、例え  hailed form : (人が)~の出身である   grapplers: 力士  relate: 述べる  immersion: 没入することtap: (資源を)開発〔利用〕する  osmosis: (知識などが)徐々に染み込むこと  credit: 評価する



パート1  When describingから

パート2  Frequently appearingから

パート3  In 2001から

パート4  Miyazaki also creditsから

パート5  Regarding theから

・上智大學 2009 (7) パート 5

2012-03-02 | 出題英文讀解

Part 5

   However, the rescue isn’t a point of pride among the islanders, Oishi says.  “Fishing is dangerous work.  Today you may save someone, but tomorrow it might be you who’s being saved.”

   Nevertheless, the wreck, the rescue and the ensuing return of the survivors to Turkey on Japanese ships laid the ground for more than a century of friendly diplomatic and economic relations.

   “Ertugrul played an important role in establishing a special emotional relationship between the people of Japan and Turkey,” says Bogac Ulker an adviser to the Turkish embassy in Japan.  Official diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1924, following World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. 




5.1  However, the rescue isn’t a point of pride among the islanders, Oishi says.


[意味把握チェック] 5.1  しかしながら、その救助が、島民の間で誇りとされてゐる點ではない、と Oishi は言ふ。


5.2  “Fishing is dangerous work.


[意味把握チェック] 5.2  「漁は危險な仕事です。


5.3  Today you may save someone, but tomorrow it might be you who’s being saved.”


[意味把握チェック] 5.3  今日は誰かを救助するかもしれない、でも明日は救助されてゐるのが自分かもしれない」



mightは假定法由來の婉曲表現で、嚴密に云へば mayより可能性が低いことになります。5.3をそのやうに讀んでもいいのでせうが、筆者には、文體に變化をつける修辭的な技巧として maymightを併用したやうに思はれます。可能性の高低についてあまり神經質になる必要はないでせう。

preparatory it: 強調構文だと思はれますが、變則で、動詞が isになつてゐます。youは不特定一般の人(々)を指す總稱人稱です。[意味把握チェック]ではぼかした表現にしてゐますが、相手も含めて不特定一般の人を指します。そんな意識から變則が生じたものでせうか。


5.4  Nevertheless, the wreck, the rescue and the ensuing return of the survivors to Turkey on Japanese ships laid the ground for more than a century of friendly diplomatic and economic relations.


[意味把握チェック] 5.4  とはいへ、難破、救助、そしてそれに續く生存者の日本船でのトルコ歸還が、1世紀以上にわたる外交と經濟の友好的關係の地歩を築いたのである。



・英文では、of friendly diplomatic and economic relationsmore than a centuryの説明として置かれてゐます。つまり「外交面と經濟面での友好關係を持した1世紀以上の期間(の基盤を築いた)」といふ文章構造になつてゐます。


5.5  “Ertugrul played an important role in establishing a special emotional relationship between the people of Japan and Turkey,” says Bogac Ulker an adviser to the Turkish embassy in Japan.


[意味把握チェック] 5.5  Ertugrul號は、日本とトルコの國民間の、特別で情を伴ふ關係を樹立する上で重要な役割を果たした」と、在日本トルコ大使館の顧問である Bogac Ulker は言ふ。





play a role in



5.6  Official diplomatic relations between the two countries began in 1924, following World War I and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.


[意味把握チェック] 5.6  両國の正式な外交關係は、第一次世界大戰とトルコ共和國の成立に續いて、1924年に始まつた。



・分詞構文: 「付帶状況」で、情報を補足してゐます。



 5.6   World War I の讀み方は […wʌn]World War II […tu:]です。



  後年のイラン・イラク戰爭の際に、テヘランから邦人215人を救出したのはトルコでした。1985年のことでした。この折に Ertugrul號への言及があつたといひますから、九十餘年を經てなほ此の件を忘れずにゐて恩返しをしたことになるのでせうか。