
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・107.4 Two approaches have tended ...

2015-05-29 | 出題英文讀解


     If we’re going to avoid ecological destruction, we need to not only do things differently, rather we need to do different things. We need to build dense neighborhoods where people can do more walking, composed of “green” buildings, well-planned bicycle pathways with adequate bicycle parking, and public transportation served by bicycle. We also need good design choices and smart technologies that let us live in a different set of relationships with the things we own. By accepting innovation in technology, design, planning, and policy, we can transform the systems around us, and provide ourselves with much more sustainable choices. “Green” lives will not look like the lives we live today. That doesn’t mean that they’ll be less attractive. On the contrary, both our quality of life and our prosperity may increase dramatically.


   Complete the following sentences in English.

(4)  Three different facilities the author recommends to be created in planning new neighborhoods are:       ,        and       .







“green” buildings / well-planned bicycle pathways with adequate bicycle parking / public transportation served by bicycle



4.3        a set of ~                   一連の~

4.4       provide ~ with …       ~に…を供給する

4.4       much                             比較級を強調してゐる

4.5       lives                              life の複數形 發音注意 [laivz]

4.7        on the contrary              それどころか

4.7       both ~ and …            ~も…も兩方とも







・英文讀解のヒント (26) 《助動詞の過去形③》

2015-05-27 | 英文讀解のヒント

・英文讀解のヒント (26) 《助動詞の過去形③》

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

   So what should companies do?  They could just remove the temptation entirely and shut down access to most Web sites.   After all, if the people in the Copenhagen experiment hadn’t known there was a video they could have been watching, they would presumably have counted the passes just fine.  There are companies that try to do this, but it creates a tyrannical work environment, and, besides, the spread of smartphones renders such a policy increasingly unenforceable.  A more interesting solution, proposed by the Copenhagen experimenters, would be to create “Internet breaks,” allowing workers to periodically spend a few minutes online.  This may sound like a solution straight out of *Oscar Wilde, who said, “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”  But it’s actually a logical evolution of one of the great inventions of the twentieth century: the coffee break.   In the nineteenth century, letting wage-earners stand around drinking coffee would have seemed outrageous.  But, in the early nineteen-hundreds, a company introduced the idea of short breaks in the workday, and by mid-century it had become an accepted office custom.  The basic insight – that giving people some relief from difficult tasks, along with the chance to let their minds wander, will make them more productive – remains true.  Sometimes, it turns out, you have to take your eye off the target in order to hit it.

(※筆者注)the Copenhagen experiment: 單純作業における作業の精度を氣晴しとの關聯で計測・實證する實驗。インターネットによる氣晴しの是非を論ずる過程で引用されてゐる。

(16 九州大學 2012 4パラ; 2012年4月30日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  下線部①は假定法過去完了を用ゐた文です。≪if had過去分詞, would*have過去分詞.≫のかたちで、過去形の事實とは異なつた假定を條件として、その結果を推量したり後悔や殘念に思ふ氣持や非難などを表はす(「もし~した(であつた)ならば、…だつたのに」)文體です。

* would のほか could / might / should が使はれることがあります。

・could have 過去分詞 = would have been able to … (できたのだが)

・might have 過去分詞 = would perhaps have …/ would possibly have …(かもしれなかつたのだが)

・should: 主にイギリス英語で、主語が I ,we のとき、would と同意で。

※ should have 過去分詞のかたちは、過去の行爲や状態に對する非難や後悔を表はして、「~すべきだつたのに」「~であつたらよかつたのに」といふ意味で使はれることがあります。また過去のことに對する推定で、「~したはずだ」といふ意味を表はすこともあります。いづれかは文脈で判斷します。


S.4  If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.



2.2  下線部②も假定法過去完了の文ですが、條件節がなく歸結節のみのかたちです。條件が示されない場合と、主部・副詞(句)などで示される場合があります。②では副詞句 in the nineteenth century に條件が仄めかされてゐます。

※最近見かけた英作文の問題で「まだぎつくり腰になる年でもないと思つてゐた」の英譯例を I wouldn’t have thought I was old enough to be throwing my back out. と紹介してゐましたが、これも假定法過去完了の歸結節の類例になります。I didn’t think ~とすれば單に事實を述べたことになりますが、假定法を使ふと感慨や氣持をこめた言ひ方になります。


3  意味把握チェック

  で、會社はどうすべきなのだらう?會社はそんな誘惑をすつかり取り除いて、大方のウエブ・サイトへの接續を禁ずることができるだらう。① 結局のところ、コペンハーゲン大學の實驗協力者たちが、觀ることができたであらうビデオ映像があつたことを知らなかつたなら、おそらくパスの數を精確に數へたことであらう。かうしたことを行なはうとする會社があるが、專制的な勞働環境がつくりだされるし、その上、スマートフォンのひろまりによりそのやうな方針は益々強制しがたくなつてゐる。さらに興味深い解決策は、コペンハーゲン大學の實驗者により提案されたものであるが、『インターネット休憩』を創設して、從業員に定期的にネット接續で數分を費やすことを許す、といふものであらう。これは Oscar Wilde から直に引き出された解決策のやうに聞こえるかもしれない。彼は「誘惑を退ける唯一の方法は誘惑に屈することだ」と言つたのであつた。しかしそれは實際のところ、20世紀の偉大な發明のひとつである「コーヒー休憩」が理にかなつた發展を遂げたものである。② 19世紀であつたなら、賃金勞働者がそこらに立つてコーヒーを飮むのを許すなんてけしからぬことと思はれたことであらう。しかし、1900年代初めに、ある會社が就業日に短い休憩の着想をとり入れ、20世紀半ばまでには一般に認められた職場の慣習となつてゐた。難しい仕事からちよつと解放することは、精神をくつろがせる機會を與へることと併せて、生産性を一層上げる、といふ基本的洞察は依然正しい。的を射るためには、時には的から目を離すこともことも必要だ、といふことなのである。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については上記日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・107.3 Two approaches have tended ...

2015-05-25 | 出題英文讀解


     It’s an attractive fantasy ―― instead of driving a big car, living in a big house and shopping at “The Gap,” I can drive a Toyota Prius, live in an eco-home and shop at a “green” online shopping site. However this doesn’t work, because the systems, such as highways and suburbs, that support such choices are unsustainable. For instance, highways are destructive, even when full of hybrid cars, and suburbs are unsustainable, even when the individual houses are ecological.


   Complete the following sentences in English.

(3)  The author feels that        and        are unsustainable systems.





highways / suburbs



3.1        instead of ~                 ~の代はりに / ~でなく

3.2       such as ~                     ~のやうな / ~と同じやうな

3.3       for instance                    例へば

3.1       fantasy                          發音注意 [fǽntəsi]




  魅力ある夢想で(は)ある――私が大きな車を走らせ、大きな家に住み、『The Gap』で買物をするのではなく、Toyota Prius を運轉し、環境に配慮した家に住み、「環境に配慮した」インターネット上の店で買物をすることができる、といふのは。しかしながらこれはうまくいかない。なぜならさういつた選擇を支へる、高速道路や郊外(居住)といつたシステム(/體制)が持續可能ではないからである。たとへば、高速道路は、ハイブリッド車がいつぱい走つてゐても破壞的であり、郊外は、個々の家が生態環境に配慮してゐても持續可能ではない。



・107.2 Two approaches have tended ...

2015-05-22 | 出題英文讀解


     But there is a danger concerning these approaches, in thinking that all we have to do is design better, greener products to replace those we already consume, and then convince people to buy them. I call this idea “the Swap.” It’s sort of a middle stage on the road to a better future, where people have accepted that something must change, but not yet realized that everything must change. Therefore, the Swap is a form of denial.


  Complete the following sentences in English.

(1)  The author considers two current ecological approaches to be a potential danger for the future.  These are:        and       .

(2)  According to the author, the term        indicates that people have “not yet realized that everything must change.”





・1パラと2パラの兩方にまたがる設問です。ecological approaches については二樣の表現がされてゐますのでどちらを採つても可いかと思ひます。


conscious consumption / ecological technology

[別解] green shopping / green technology




・第3文、第4文により the Swap が該當するとわかります。變化について、「何か」の段階であり、「すべて」までには到らない、「途中」であることを示唆してゐます。


the Swap



2.3      sort of ~                   (意味をぼかして)いくぶん / 多少 / 何だか




  既に消費してゐるものと置き換へるため、より優れてゐて環境を損はない製品を案出して、次いで人々につよく勸めて買はせさへすれば可いのだと考へるところに、これらの手法に關する危險がある。私はこの考へを「the Swap(取り換へ)」と呼ぶ。それはより良い未來に到る道の中間段階といつたもので、その段階では人々は、何かが變はらなくてはいけないといふことを受け容れてはゐるが、すべてが變はらなくてはならないといふところまではまだ認識してゐない。それゆゑ、the Swap(取り換へ)は拒否の一形態なのである。



・107.1 Two approaches have tended ...

2015-05-18 | 出題英文讀解


     Two approaches have tended to define the debate about sustainable prosperity in recent years. The first is conscious consumption, also known as “green shopping.” The second approach, “green technology” (ecological technology) is a topic which covers everything from energy to transportation, housing to product design. These two approaches are mutually supportive, and both have a lot to offer as we try to find our way to a “green future.”



1.4       find one's way to ~         ~へと骨折つて進む




  近年ふたつの手法が、持續可能な繁榮に關する議論を明確にするのに役立つてきた。第一の手法(手だて)は(環境問題などに)自覺ある消費であり、それは「green shopping」(といふ名稱)としても知られてゐる。第二の手法、「green technology(環境技術)」はエネルギーから輸送に到るまで、住宅から製品デザインに到るまですべてを網羅する論題(/主題)となる。これらふたつの手法は相互扶助的であり、兩者は私たちが「 green future(環境が損はれてゐない未來)」へと骨折つて進まうとする際に多くをもたらしてくれる。




・107.0 Two approaches have tended ...

2015-05-15 | 出題英文讀解


     Two approaches have tended to define the debate about sustainable prosperity in recent years. The first is conscious consumption, also known as “green shopping.” The second approach, “green technology” (ecological technology) is a topic which covers everything from energy to transportation, housing to product design. These two approaches are mutually supportive, and both have a lot to offer as we try to find our way to a “green future.”

     But there is a danger concerning these approaches, in thinking that all we have to do is design better, greener products to replace those we already consume, and then convince people to buy them. I call this idea “the Swap.” It’s sort of a middle stage on the road to a better future, where people have accepted that something must change, but not yet realized that everything must change. Therefore, the Swap is a form of denial.

     It’s an attractive fantasy ―― instead of driving a big car, living in a big house and shopping at “The Gap,” I can drive a Toyota Prius, live in an eco-home and shop at a “green” online shopping site. However this doesn’t work, because the systems, such as highways and suburbs, that support such choices are unsustainable. For instance, highways are destructive, even when full of hybrid cars, and suburbs are unsustainable, even when the individual houses are ecological.

     If we’re going to avoid ecological destruction, we need to not only do things differently, rather we need to do different things. We need to build dense neighborhoods where people can do more walking, composed of “green” buildings, well-planned bicycle pathways with adequate bicycle parking, and public transportation served by bicycle. We also need good design choices and smart technologies that let us live in a different set of relationships with the things we own. By accepting innovation in technology, design, planning, and policy, we can transform the systems around us, and provide ourselves with much more sustainable choices. “Green” lives will not look like the lives we live today. That doesn’t mean that they’ll be less attractive. On the contrary, both our quality of life and our prosperity may increase dramatically.

     But there is a side to this change which is more an art than a science: understanding how we can reconnect with one another in our communities. I believe that to ignore the creative, emotional, even spiritual aspects of this transformation is to fail.

     Many of the unsustainable systems we’re trying to change seem to give us individual independence by inserting goods and commercialism between the citizen and his or her community. However, as we change such systems, we will need to enter a new reality ―― one of interdependence. We need to remind people how to be good neighbors, how to build friendships, how to share, how to see their own best interests in public goods. That is, how to be a good citizen.

     So, one of the major design challenges we face is figuring out how to successfully develop architecture, urban planning, the arts, new forms of community engagement, and new forms of commerce. At the same time, I don’t think that when we approach changing the world, we ought to exclude the possibility of changing ourselves.  【534 words】


    sustainable: able to be maintained without destroying the environment


   Complete the following sentences in English.

(1)  The author considers two current ecological approaches to be a potential danger for the future.  These are:        and       .

(2)  According to the author, the term        indicates that people have “not yet realized that everything must change.”

(3)  The author feels that        and        are unsustainable systems.

(4)  Three different facilities the author recommends to be created in planning new neighborhoods are:       ,        and       .

(5)  According to the author, failure means       .

(6)  In this essay, “interdependence” most directly implies being       .

・英文讀解のヒント (25) 《助動詞の過去形②》

2015-05-13 | 英文讀解のヒント

1  次の英文を音讀または默讀しながら意味をとらへ、下線部については意味を日本語で言つて、または書いてみませう。(※讀み方がわからない語はあとで辭書で調べておきませう)

     In terms of the emission of carbon dioxide, generating one kilowatt-hour of electricity under the prevailing system emits 425 grams of CO2, while 2,320 grams of CO2 are emitted by burning one liter of gasoline.  In other words, a battery car will emit 425 grams of CO2 by running 10 km, compared with 1,497 grams for a gasoline engine vehicle.  It follows, therefore, that should a gasoline engine vehicle be replaced by an electric car, the CO2 emission will be reduced by 72 percent.  Assuming each vehicle is driven for 10,000 kilometers per year, use of a battery car means a reduction of \61,000 in fuel cost and a reduction of 1,072 kg in CO2 emission.  Since privately owned passenger cars today account for 6 percent of the nation’s total CO2 emission, the replacement of all such cars with battery cars would reduce the total emission by 4.3 percent.  It should be noted that all these statistics are based on specification figures given for the mini-size iMiEV.

(06 青山學院大學 2010 4パラ; 2011年8月26日掲載)


2  下線部の解説

2.1  「英文讀解のヒント (24)」の2.1項で言及した「現實との距離」が遠いケースです。主部に條件が示されますが、現實にはまづあり得ない内容です。そんな條件の歸結節に助動詞の過去形が置かれてゐます。


・If all such cars were replaced with battery cars  (, the total emission would be reduced by 4.3 percent.)

□參考例文: 下線部と似た would の用法です。

・It would be difficult to imagine modern life without the telephone.


2.2  主部、副詞(句)、不定詞句、分詞構文などにより假定條件が示される場合については、2011年8月17日付の拙稿(「假定法の讀み方 13 いろいろな條件の示し方」)に解説や例文があります。

2.2  動詞に「確信」の度合や「意志」「可能性」「必然性」の意味合ひを添へる助動詞(いはゆる「法の助動詞」)の過去形のうち would /should / could /might は、假定法の歸結節で使はれてゐることが比較的多いといふ實感があります。時制の一致や過去の推量を述べてゐる場合ももちろんあるのですが、假定法のシステムの代表的なかたちを例文で覺えて馴れると、英文が讀みやすくなるやうに思ひます。


3  意味把握チェック

  二酸化炭素の排出の點では、現行の裝置のもとに1キロワット時の發電をすると425グラムの二酸化炭素が排出されるが、1リットルのガソリンを燃燒させると2320グラムの二酸化炭素が排出される。言ひ換へれば、10キロメートル走ることによりガソリン車は1497グラムの二酸化炭素を排出するのに比べて、電氣自動車は(10キロメートル走ることにより)425グラムの二酸化炭素が排出する。それゆゑに、もしガソリン車が電氣自動車にとつてかはられたとすると、二酸化炭素の排出量は72パーセントほど削減されるといふことになる。それぞれの自動車が年に10000キロメートル走るとすれば、電氣自動車の使用により、燃料費で61000圓、二酸化炭素排出量で1072キログラムの削減になる。今日自家用車は日本の二酸化炭素の總排出量の6パーセントを占めるから、そんな車を電氣自動車と入れ替へるなら、總排出量を4.3パーセント削減することになるだらう。これらの統計數値はすべて小型 iMiEV の仕樣數値に基いてゐることをことわつておく(/~ことに注意が拂はれるべきである)。


4  意味把握チェックの下線部を參考にして、元の英文に戻してみませう。


※下線部以外の解説については2011年8月26日付のブログ記事をご參照ください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

・101.6 Long known for importing ...

2015-05-11 | 出題英文讀解


   Japansurely ranks first in the world in sheer numbers of grammar books and electronic dictionaries, not to mention English lessons, yet how often do these help to better understand how to live in the world? The ④ diversity of languages is a testament ( オ ) the beauty and ingenuity of the human species, but the future is likely to rest on humankind’s ability to create an international culture of communication. No country can afford to relish her uniqueness at the expense of working with others in a common language. In fact, (c) the two go together.



△1. at   △2. in   △3. of     4. over     5. to   △6. under


問2. 本文中の波線部④の単語を、指定された品詞に変えて書きなさい。ただし -ing 形、-ness 形は除く。

 ④ diversity(形容詞)



  (c) the two go together

    1. A native speaker and a non-native speaker of English can communicate with each other smoothly.

    2. The wealthiest countries can support the poorest countries as far  as language is concerned.

    3. Japan can perform internationally-oriented jobs together with the rest of the world.

    4. A country can preserve her identity even when she promotes an international culture of communication.



  1. Japan is famous for applying creative ideas and new technologies that she has imported to language study.

  2. People who criticize early English education do so because they fear the loss of Japanese identity.

  3. Research has shown that Japanese people can develop a stronger sense of identity by studying the Japanese language.

  4. Not only the Japanese but also most people around the world feel ashamed if they cannot speak English perfectly.

  5. Partly due to international marriages, it has become more difficult to say what a “native speaker” is.

  6. The poorest countries try to remain monolingual because they are against globalization.

  7. More grammar books, electronic dictionaries, and English lessons are found in Japan than in any other country.





・a testament to something として something that shows or proves something else very clearly といふ説明が Dictionary of American English. 4th Edition (Longman, 2008) にあります。「~がはつきりと示される」「~に對する證となる」などと解されます。この辭書に載つてゐる例文は次のやうなものです。

His latest record is a testament to his growing musical abilities.



オ  5




④  diverse



  (c) the two go together

    1. A native speaker and a non-native speaker of English can communicate with each other smoothly. (英語の母國語話者と非母國語話者とが互ひに圓滑に意思疏通できる)

    2. The wealthiest countries can support the poorest countries as far  as language is concerned. (最富國は、言語に關する限りでは、最貧國を支援することができる)

    3. Japan can perform internationally-oriented jobs together with the rest of the world. (日本は、國際志向の仕事を日本以外の國々とともに行ふことができる)

    4. A country can preserve her identity even when she promotes an international culture of communication. (國が國際的コミュニケイション文化を推進する際にも、自國の獨自性を保持できる)


・人類の未來のためには、國をまたぐコミュニケイション文化を生み出し、協働してゆくことが重要だと述べてゐるのでせう。この文脈では、(やや逆接的にですが) uniqueness と working~との兩立を述べるとみるのが自然だと思はれます。





×××1. Japan is famous for applying creative ideas and new technologies that she has imported to language study. (日本は言語學習に持ちこんだ創造的なアイデアや新しいテクノロジーの活用で知られる。  ※1パラ第1文には「多くのアイデアやテクノロジーの導入で知られるものの言語學習にはまれにしか適用されてこなかつた」といつた意味の記載があります)

○○2. People who criticize early English education do so because they fear the loss of Japanese identity. (早期の英語教育を批判する人々は日本の獨自性が失はれることを恐れて批判する。  ※2パラ第1文に合致します)

×××3. Research has shown that Japanese people can develop a stronger sense of identity by studying the Japanese language. (日本人は日本語を學ぶことにより獨自性の伸張させることができる、と研究で明らかになつてゐる。  ※2パラ第2文には「他の言語や文化」とあり、「日本語」ではありません)

×××4. Not only the Japanese but also most people around the world feel ashamed if they cannot speak English perfectly. (日本人だけでなく世界中のほとんどの人々も、英語が完璧に話せないと恥かしく思ふ。  ※4パラ第1、2文と矛盾します)

○○5. Partly due to international marriages, it has become more difficult to say what a “native speaker” is. (ひとつには國際結婚のために、「母國語話者」[とは何か]がさらにわかりにくくなつてゐる。  ※4パラ第3、4文に合致します)

××6. The poorest countries try to remain monolingual because they are against globalization. (最貧國はグロウバリゼイションに反對なので單一言語にとどまらうとする[/言語をひとつのままにしておかうとする]。  ※「グロウバリゼイションに反對なので」といふ記述はありません)

○○○7. More grammar books, electronic dictionaries, and English lessons are found in Japan than in any other country. (日本には、他のどの國よりも多くの文法書、電子辭書と英語指導がある。  ※6パラ第1文に合致します)







1       not to mention ~             ~は言ふまでもなく

2       be likely to-不定詞             ~しさうである

2       rest on ~                          ~にかかつてゐる

3       at the expense of ~           ~を犧牲にして

4       in fact                                實のところ







・101.5 Long known for importing ...

2015-05-08 | 出題英文讀解


   If anything, the luxury of speaking only one language will be increasingly rare ( エ ) the future. Only the poorest, or ironically, the wealthiest countries, will live monolingually.  The poorest countries have trouble accessing the world through other languages, while the wealthiest too confidently assume others will learn (b) their language. Dropping this monolingual myth is the first step to truly make a change.



△1. at     2. in     △3. of     4. over     5. to     △6. under



  (b) their language

    1. the language of educated people    2. the language of other people

    3. the language of the poorest countries    4.the language of the wealthiest countries





・in (the) future  今後は/將來は/將來に關しては(=for the future)


(エ)  2






(b)  4







・101.4 Long known for importing ...

2015-05-04 | 出題英文讀解



The fear of speaking English less than perfectly is a peculiarly Japanese one.  Most of the world speaks English less than perfectly, yet they struggle on regardless ( イ ) grammar mistakes and bad ② pronunciation. The myth that native speakers speak English perfectly is also ( ウ ) scrutiny. The very ③ definition of a native speaker is slowly collapsing amid international marriages, bilingual education and increasing chances to travel, work and live in other countries.



  △1. at     2. in     3. of     4. over     5. to     6. under

問2. 本文中の波線部②、③の単語を、指定された品詞に変えて書きなさい。ただし -ing 形、-ness 形は除く。

 ② pronunciation(動詞)  ③ definition(動詞)





・regardless of ~       ~にかまはず

・under scrutiny 精査のもとに置かれて


イ  3

ウ  6



②  pronounce

③  define







(※本文の解説は2011年4月15日付の拙稿を參照してください。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください)

・101.3 Long known for importing ...

2015-05-01 | 出題英文讀解


Japanmust learn other languages, then, not only to understand other ways of thinking and feeling, but also to understand herself.  Japan has too long remained an island linguistically.  Geography is no longer an adequate excuse.  Nowadays, language is what leaps borders with the greatest force and speed, and comes back, whether via the Internet or trade policies or popular films.


問4.本文中の下線部 Japan has too long remained an island linguistically.  Geography is no longer an adequate excuse.の意味する内容を、50字程度の日本語でわかりやすく説明しなさい。






  第一文: Japan has too long remained an island linguistically.「日本は、(地理的にもさうであるが)言語の面でも、あまりに長い間島國のままであつた」。「島國」とは、周りを海に圍まれてゐて他國との交流が少ない或は外の世界と隔絶状態である(ため、外の世界や自國を理解してゐない)ことを指すのでせう。それが「言語面で」といふことは、日本人が(生活や仕事に於いて日本語ですませることができ、)外國語を用ゐることは少ない事情を指してゐるのかと思はれます。

  第二文: Geography is no longer an adequate excuse.「地勢はもはや十分な口實ではない」。パラグラフ先頭のJapanmust learn other languages といふ言明に對しての「口實」ですから、地理的には外國と離れてゐるものの、日本人は外國語を習得する必要がある、と主張してゐるのでせう。直後に、言語はインターネット・通商・文化を介して容易に國境を跳び越えると記してゐます。諸外國と意思疏通を行ふためには、もはや島國だからとの言ひわけで外國語を學ばずにゐることはむつかしい、といふわけでせう。








