
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・56 センター試驗 2018 (3) 2パラ

2018-01-29 | 出題英文讀解

(2)     In the 17th century, a scientist noticed that by holding two lenses together in a certain way he could make an object appear larger.  He used this technique to construct the first simple telescope.  Using these archaic telescopes, early scientists were able to describe the surface of the Moon in detail and to see that Jupiter had at least four such satellites.  Since that time, people have developed various devices that expand our range of sight, thus revealing facts about the universe that lies beyond the Earth.  The telescope continues to offer us new views concerning things beyond our immediate reach.


問1  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of archaic as used in paragraph (2)?  [  46  ]

  ①  advanced

  ②  contemporary

  ③  ordinary

  ④  primitive





2.1  In the 17th century, a scientist noticed that by holding two lenses together in a certain way he could make an object appear larger.

2.2  He used this technique to construct the first simple telescope.

2.3  Using these archaic telescopes, early scientists were able to describe the surface of the Moon in detail and to see that Jupiter had at least four such satellites.

2.4  Since that time, people have developed various devices that expand our range of sight, thus revealing facts about the universe that lies beyond the Earth.

2.5  The telescope continues to offer us new views concerning things beyond our immediate reach.



問1  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of archaic as used in paragraph (2)?  [  46  ] (次のどれが、第2パラグラフで使はれてゐる archaic の意味に最も近いか)

  ①  advanced(using the most modern ideas, equipment, and methods: 最新の考へ、裝備、方法を用ゐてゐる)

  ②  contemporary(belonging to the present time: 現在のものである)

  ③  ordinary(average or usual, and not different or special in any way: 平均的または平凡な、どんな點でも特異、特別でない)

  ④  primitive(very simple, uncomfortable, or without modern features:とても簡素な、快適でない、または現代的な特質の無い)



  語彙問題ですが、文脈の把握も觀點に含まれてゐるのではないかと思ひます。archaic [ɑ:rkéiik] は形容詞で belonging to the past, or old-fashioned and no longer used(過去のものである、または時代遲れでもう使はれてゐない) といつた説明が辭書に見られます[發音注意]。


[解答]  ④



2.3 使役の make: 使役表現については、拙稿「英文讀解のヒント(4)」(2014年5月28日付)に解説と例文を記してをります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。

2.3     in detail                      詳細に

2.3     at least                         少なくとも

2.3     such                             直前の the Moon を踏へて「そのやうな」としたものか。



2.1  17世紀に、ふたつのレンズを一定のやり方で合はせることにより、對象物を一層大きく見えるやうにすることができると、或る科學者が氣づいた。

2.2  彼は最初の單純な望遠鏡を組立てるためにこの手法を用ゐた。

2.3  これら舊式の望遠鏡を用ゐて、初期の科學者たちは月の表面を詳しく述べたり、木星にはそんな衞星が少くとも四つあると言ふことができた。

2.4  その時以來、見える範圍を廣げるさまざまな機器が開發されてきて、かうして地球の彼方に廣がつてゐる宇宙の眞相を明らかになつてゐる。

2.5  望遠鏡は、私たちが直接には接することができない遠くの物體に關して新しい光景を提供しつづけてゐる。

・56 センター試驗 2018 (2) 1パラ

2018-01-22 | 出題英文讀解

(1)     History teaches us that technology and associated discoveries have changed how we understand the world.  Many technological devices provide additional range and power to our natural capacities, such as our five senses.  Among these devices, many enable us to see things that we cannot see with the naked eye.  This change from invisible to visible has led to tremendous growth in our comprehension of the world and has strongly influenced our ways of thinking.




1.1  History teaches us that technology and associated discoveries have changed how we understand the world.

1.2  Many technological devices provide additional range and power to our natural capacities, such as our five senses.

1.3  Among these devices, many enable us to see things that we cannot see with the naked eye.

1.4  This change from invisible to visible has led to tremendous growth in our comprehension of the world and has strongly influenced our ways of thinking.






1.1  この how は文法書では「關係副詞」の項に説明があります。現代英語ではthe way といふ先行詞と共に用ゐられることはなく、how か the way かのいづれかが置かれます。この how については本ブログの「關係詞の讀み方(12)」(2012年8月1日付)に解説や例文を擧げてゐますが、例文の一部を再掲します。



  ① That is how Japan became a world class manufacturer.

  ② That is the way Japan became a world class manufacturer.

  ③ That is the way that Japan became a world class manufacturer.

  ④ That is the way in which Japan became a world class manufacturer.

  (※ ③④は、主として書きことばとして使はれる表現です)



(※この記事については、畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。)

1.2     such as ~                      たとへば~など

1.3     enable ~ to-不定詞()              ~にできるやうにする/~にする能力を與へる

1.3     naked                             [發音注意] [néikid] 

1.4     lead to ~                       (事が)(ある結果:~)に到る



1.1  歴史の教へるところでは、科學技術とその關聯の發見は世界の捉へ方を變へてきた。

1.2  多くの科學技術機器によつて、五感など生來の能力に更なる幅と力がもたらされてゐる。

1.3  かうした機器のうち、多くが肉眼では見えないものを私たちに見させてくれる。

1.4  かうした不可視から可視への變化は、私たちの世界把握(/理解)に極めて大きな進展をもたらすに到り、私たちの考へ方に強い影響を與へてきた。

・56 センター試驗 2018 (1) 全文

2018-01-15 | 出題英文讀解

第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。


(1)     History teaches us that technology and associated discoveries have changed how we understand the world.  Many technological devices provide additional range and power to our natural capacities, such as our five senses.  Among these devices, many enable us to see things that we cannot see with the naked eye.  This change from invisible to visible has led to tremendous growth in our comprehension of the world and has strongly influenced our ways of thinking.


(2)     In the 17th century, a scientist noticed that by holding two lenses together in a certain way he could make an object appear larger.  He used this technique to construct the first simple telescope.  Using these archaic telescopes, early scientists were able to describe the surface of the Moon in detail and to see that Jupiter had at least four such satellites.  Since that time, people have developed various devices that expand our range of sight, thus revealing facts about the universe that lies beyond the Earth.  The telescope continues to offer us new views concerning things beyond our immediate reach.


(3)     Later, the microscope was developed using principles similar to the telescope.  The microscope allows us to study objects we normally cannot see because they are too small.  Looking through a microscope opened up an entirely new world to scientists.  Before the invention of the microscope, they couldn’t see the structures of human tissues or cells in plants and animals.  When they saw these things, they became aware that some things that they had thought were whole and could not be divided, actually consisted of smaller components.  These were only visible with the assistance of microscopes.  Today, electron microscopes allow us to investigate even smaller items, such as molecules.  These advances have altered our concepts regarding the composition of things in the world.


(4)     The invention of the camera also made the invisible world visible.  In the world, everything is changing.  Some things change faster than we can see.  The camera is a tool that gives us the power to freeze change at different points in time.  Series of pictures have revealed how birds move in flight and athletes run.  The camera can also help us see changes that are so gradual that we usually don’t notice them.  For example, by comparing photos of the same scene taken months or years apart, we can gain insights into how societies change.  There are many other ways besides these in which the camera has changed our perceptions of the world.


(5)     In the late 19th century, machines that used the newly discovered X-rays revolutionized the way in which we looked at things.  Rather than seeing only the surface of an object, we gained the ability to look into it or through it, bringing the inner elements of many things into our range of view.  This capability proved practical in the workplace, useful in laboratories and museums, and instructive in universities.  One of the most important applications was in medicine.  Doctors often had difficulty diagnosing illnesses or finding problems inside the body.  X-rays allowed them to look into their patients, identify where there were problems, and cure them.  This use of X-rays brought new understandings and methods for diagnosis and treatment.


(6)     Different technological devices have made it possible to observe things that we could not see with the naked eye.  This has significantly altered our understandings of the world around us.  Each technological advance changes us in unpredictable ways, and each discovery increases our knowledge about the world.  Just as the devices mentioned above have done, new devices will continue to impact our lives and change our ways of thinking in the future.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の [  46  ]~[  50  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。


問1  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of archaic as used in paragraph (2)?  [  46  ]

  ①  advanced

  ②  contemporary

  ③  ordinary

  ④  primitive


問2  According to paragraph (3), what did people learn by using microscopes?  [  47  ]

  ①  Cells were too small to be seen with microscopes.

  ②  Materials were made up of smaller things.

  ③  Molecules were the smallest components.

  ④  Sets of lenses decreased the size of items.


問3  According to paragraph (4), what do cameras enable us to do? [  48  ]

  ①  To capture moments in time accurately

  ②  To compare rapid social changes

  ③  To make invisible things move faster

  ④  To predict what will happen


問4  According to paragraph (5), how are X-rays used?  [  49  ]

  ①  To find the locations of problems in the body

  ②  To improve visibility of objects’ surfaces

  ③  To learn when paintings were created

  ④  To test the quality of chemical compounds


問5  What is the main idea of this passage?  [  50  ]

  ①  Applications of two lenses can improve people’s sight.

  ②  Development of technology affects our ways of thinking.

  ③  People need to be aware of the dangers of technology.

  ④  Technology plays a vital role in changing our five senses.


B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)の構成と内容をまとめたものである。[  51  ]~[  54  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)                       Introduction

      (2)                        [  51  ]

      (3)                        [  52  ]

      (4)                        [  53  ]

      (5)                        [  54  ]

      (6)                       Conclusion


  ①  Examining the interiors of things

  ②  Exploring the universe of small things

  ③  Looking at instants during a series of changes

  ④  The use of lenses to look out into space

・123.9 It’s the single most famous …

2018-01-08 | 出題英文讀解


     The new focus on grit is part of a larger scientific attempt to study the personality traits that best predict achievement in the real world.  (C) While researchers have long focused on measurements of intelligence, such as the IQ test, as the crucial marker of future success, these scientists point out that most of the variation in individual achievement has nothing to do with being smart.  Instead, it largely depends on personality traits such as grit and conscientiousness.  It’s not that intelligence isn’t really important ―― Newton was clearly a genius ―― but that having a high IQ is not nearly enough.

問3 下線部(C) を日本語に訳しなさい。




9.1  The new focus on grit is part of a larger scientific attempt to study the personality traits that best predict achievement in the real world.

9.2  While researchers have long focused on measurements of intelligence, such as the IQ test, as the crucial marker of future success, these scientists point out that most of the variation in individual achievement has nothing to do with being smart.

9.3  Instead, it largely depends on personality traits such as grit and conscientiousness.

9.4  It’s not that intelligence isn’t really important ―― Newton was clearly a genius ―― but that having a high IQ is not nearly enough.



問3 下線部(C) を日本語に訳しなさい。



  やや長めの文ではありますが、構造はシンプルで、接續詞 while に續く從屬節に、these scientists からの主節が續くかたちです。設問の主な觀點は出題文全體の趣旨を把握できてゐるかどうか、であると思ひます。researchersは從來の研究者一般を指してゐるやうに見えますから、ここは受動態にして主語をぼかしても可いかもしれません(「~に研究者の關心が寄せられてきたが」など)。these scientists はグリットを研究對象とする心理學者たちを指してゐます。






9.1  〈SVC〉ですが、C(補語)の部分が長くなつてゐます。向いてゐる職業などを性格特性により豫想しようとする研究で、グリットがどんなはたらきをするのかが注目されてゐる、といふわけです。

9.2  the variation は、「變化/變動すること」を意味しますが、やや具體性を帶びた譯文にしてみました。抽象的な書き方については、具體化してみるとわかりやすいことがあります。例へば、人は生涯でさまざまなことを成し遂げます。成長し、友達をつくり、學業を修め、部活動に參加したり、やがては仕事を始めたり、家庭を築いたり……多樣な内容が考へられますし、そのそれぞれに變化があり、多くの局面があることでせう。その大部分が being smart とは關係ないと述べてゐるわけです。

  Newton はさまざまな業績を擧げてゐますが、萬有引力の法則提出に即していふなら、成し遂げるまでに、基礎學力を培ふ、着想を得る、實驗・計算を重ねる、シンプルな法則に仕上げる、普遍性を立證するなど、さまざまな局面が考へられます。その大部分は頭のよさと關はりが無い(それとはちがふ要因がものをいふ)と述べてゐるわけで、ちよつと納得しがたい氣もします。そこで次の文(9.3、9.4)で説明を補足してゐるのでせう。

9.2       such as ~                            例へば~など

9.2       point out                         指摘する

9.2       have ~ to do with       と關はりが~ある/ない

9.3       depend on ~                ~にかかつてゐる

9.3       such as ~                      例へば~など

 9.3  conscientiousness   [kn∫ién∫əsnis]

9.4  it:文の體裁を整へるために主語として置かれてをり、續くthat 節が敍述の中心です。ここでは「~といふことではない」といつた意味に解します。it に續く動詞には be のほかに seem / appear / happen / occur / chance / strike / say があります。


I have never carried an umbrella. It is not that I have an antipathy to it.


9.4  <not ~ but >:「~ではなく

9.4       not nearly ~                 ~(に近い)どころではない(far from ~)



9.1 グリットについて新たに注目されてゐるのは、實世界でどんなことを達成するかをうまく豫測する性格特性を、科學的研究で明らかにしようといふ大きな試みの一部である。

9.2 (從來の)研究者たちは長いこと、將來の成功の極めて重要な指標として、知能檢査などによつて知能を測定することに集中してきたが、これらの科學者たちは、個々人の成し遂げることにはさまざまな局面があるもののその大部分は利口であること(/頭が良いこと/知能の高さ)とは關係がないと指摘する。

9.3 さうではなくて、そのほとんどは主としてグリットや眞面目さ(/誠實さ)といつた性格特性にかかつてゐる(/資質次第なのである)。

9.4 知能が實際に重要ではないといふことではなくて――Newton は明らかに天才であつた――高い知能指數で十分とはとても言へないといふことなのである。

・123.8 It’s the single most famous …

2018-01-01 | 出題英文讀解


     The hope among scientists is that a better understanding of grit will allow educators to teach the skill in schools and lead to a generation of grittier children.  Parents, of course, have a big role to play as well, since there’s evidence that even casual comments ―― such as how a child is praised ―― can significantly influence the manner in which kids respond to challenges.  And it’s not just educators and parents who are interested in grit: the United States Army has supported much of the research, as it searches for new methods of identifying who is best suited for the stress of the battlefield.




8.1  The hope among scientists is that a better understanding of grit will allow educators to teach the skill in schools and lead to a generation of grittier children.

8.2  Parents, of course, have a big role to play as well, since there’s evidence that even casual comments ―― such as how a child is praised ―― can significantly influence the manner in which kids respond to challenges.

8.3  And it’s not just educators and parents who are interested in grit: the United States Army has supported much of the research, as it searches for new methods of identifying who is best suited for the stress of the battlefield.






8.1       allow ~ to-不定詞()       ~がさせてくれる/~がするのを許す

8.1       lead to ~                             (事が)(ある結果:~)に到る

8.2  同格<名詞(~)+that節(…)>: 名詞(evidence)の後に、その名詞を説明する名詞節が置かれるかたちで、「…といふ~」といつた解し方になります。拙稿では、2017年3月22日付の記事(「英文讀解のヒント (70)」)で、このかたちについての解説と例文を紹介してゐます。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください

8.2      of course                    もちろん

8.2      as well                        同樣に / (~も)また

8.2       such as ~                      例へば~など

8.3  preparatory it(強調構文 It is ~ that ): ~の部分に強調する語句を置き、文の殘りをに置く構造になつてゐます。ここでは、強調されるのが人間であるため that が who に變はつてゐます。(※このかたちについては、2014年7月9日付の拙稿(「英文讀解のヒント (7)」)に解説や例文を掲載してゐます。)

8.3       search for ~                 ~をさがし求める



8.1 科學者たちの(間の)期待は、グリットについて一層よくわかれば教育者が學校でグリットを身につけるすべを教へることが可能になり、一層のグリットを有する子どもたちの世代を生むに到る、といふものである(/科學者たちの間では~が期待されてゐる)。

8.2 勿論親たちも大きな役割を擔ふ。子どもの襃め方などのやうな、何氣ない一言でさへ、子どもたちが難題に對處するやり方に重大な影響を及ぼすことがあ(り得)るといふ確證があるからである。

8.3 グリットに關心を持つのは教育者や親たちだけではない。(アメリカ)合衆國陸軍は、研究の多くを支援してきた。どんな人間が戰場のストレスに最もうまく適應できるかを明らかにする新しい方法を求めてゐるからである。