

大阪居酒屋紀行 - 四ッ橋『チョイチョイ』

2008-06-20 | 京滋阪神居酒屋



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SNL Skit - Morning Drive

2008-06-20 | テレビ番組、気になるCM


 米国でも社会問題になっているガソリン価格上昇をネタにした時事ネタのスキットを発見。NBCの人気番組『サタデーナイトライブ』の一昨年のコント"Morning Drive"から。残念ながらYouTubeではアップする直前で削除されてしまいましたが、画面は添付の写真のような車内を写した状態がずっと続くだけです。


 内容を知れば知るほど世にも恐ろしい二人の会話の内容を正確に知りたければ教えてくれる"SNL Transcripts"という便利なサイトもあります。役者の生きた会話の妙が聞けないのは残念ですけど。以下はそのサイトから。

<Morning Drive written by: Kristen Wiig and Jim Cashman >

Driver.....Kristen Wiig Passenger.....Alec Baldwin

[FADE IN on a shot looking into a car through the windshield. A woman is behind a wheel, with a man in a business suit in the passenger seat.]
Driver: Y' know, in some places, the prices are still almost three dollars a gallon, it's crazy.
Passenger: Well, carpooling was definitely a good idea. At least now I don't feel like I'm losing money going to work.
[both chuckle]
Driver: I know--plus having someone else in the car makes the drive go faster.
Passenger: Yeah, this is a nice car.
Driver: Thank you.
[awkward pause]
Driver: Oh, so it looked like you were having some words with your neighbor back there.
Passenger: I'm sorry?
Driver: Oh, when I drove up, he was ranting and raving--that must be fun, living next to a crazy old man. [snickers]
Passenger: [stiffly] That's my dad. He actually lives with us.
Driver: Oh. I'm sorry.
Passenger: He's not quite right anymore. He had wandered into the neighbor's yard, I was trying to get him back to the house to, uh... put some clothes on him.
Driver: I'm sorry, that must be really hard.
Passenger: [softly] It is. Especially on the kids. So where do you guys live?
Driver: Oh, no, no, it's just me, I'm by myself, I have an apartment.
Passenger: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were married.
Driver: I am. He ran away.
Passenger: Oh.
Driver: It's okay, um, he left a note. Um... it was nice... But, uh, he can't live with me anymore. But it's okay.
Passenger: So what happened to those bonuses we were supposed to get this summer?
Driver: [laughing] Oh, yeah, those bonuses. Honestly, I don't even think they exist, y'know? It's like, it's a big myth. It's like Bigfoot.
Passenger: I believe in Bigfoot.
Passenger: I've seen him twice, so he's real.
Driver: [nervously] I didn't mean to offend you.
Passenger: It's all right, you weren't there.
Driver: [after a pause] Do you want to listen to some music or something?
Passenger: [quickly] Sure, that'd be great.
[She turns on the stereo. "Where Does My Heart Beat Now?" by Celine Dion starts playing.]
Passenger: Ugh, Celine Dion. Anything but that, I cannot stand her. You mind if we change the station?
Driver: It's a CD.
Passenger: Sorry. Do you mind if we put in a different CD?
Driver: They're all Celine.
Passenger: Big fan, huh?
Driver: [turns off music] When I was 17, I was kidnapped and taken to Peru. After four months, I managed to escape, but couldn't get back to the U.S. I begged for money to buy a piece of paper and a pencil so I could write a letter. I wrote that letter to Celine Dion to come and rescue me, and she did.
[laughter and applause]
Driver: [tightly] She's an amazing person. She's an amazing person.
Passenger: I'm sorry, I should have known.
Driver: It's okay, I'm, I'm just sensitive about it, y'know, she's always been there for me, y'know--she's, she's my rock.
Passenger: [incredulous] Your rock?
Driver: Yeah... what?
Passenger: It's just that last summer my dentist and I were rock climbing, and he fell into a crevasse where he got his foot stuck. The coyotes were circling, so I did what I had to do, and I chewed his foot off with my teeth.
Passenger: So you should be a little more careful with the words you throw around.
Driver: [growing angry] What words I throw around.
Passenger: Yeah.
Driver: [in a brittle voice] Someone threw a box full of dictionaries out of a fourth-story window, crushing everything below my waist. No one came to help me for so long, I started reading one of the dictionaries and got halfway through "C"--so I think I know a little something about people throwing words around.
Passenger: I'm sorry, that must've been awful for you.
Driver: I'm metal from the waist down.
[Her passenger glances over to her and then looks down at her legs.]
Passenger: I'm sorry.
Driver: Y'know, it's fine. You know what they say: "Don't worry, be happy."
Passenger: Bobby McFerrin raped my grandmother.
[He presses his fist to his mouth in anguish for a long moment as they drive on over cheers and applause.]
Driver: Let's just, uh, let's just listen to the radio.
[She switches the stereo back on, only to hear "Don't Worry, Be Happy" coming from the speakers. The passenger covers his eyes with his hand while the song continues for a few seconds. FADE to black over cheers and applause.]

テレビでは "I'm metal from the waist down." というセリフのところでキコキコっという金属のきしむような音がします。

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