

米地方政府破産申請 ヴァレーホ カリフォルニア州

2008-05-24 22:04:02 | 政府 公的機関

Vallejo Is Largest California City to File Bankruptcy

The Northern California city listed assets of $500 million to $1 billion and debt of $100 million to $500 million in its Chapter 9 filing today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Sacramento. Bankruptcy protection would keep city services running and freeze creditor claims while officials devise a recovery plan.


The purpose of Chapter 9 is to provide a financially distressed municipality protection from its creditors while it develops and negotiates a plan to pay its debts,'' Paul Glassman, a Los Angeles attorney who represented Irvine and four other cities during the Orange County, California, bankruptcy in 1994, said in a May 9 interview.


Vallejo, with a population of 117,000, faces ballooning labor costs and declining housing-related tax revenue. The city expects a $16 million deficit for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

12万人の小さな町ですね。人件費が膨らんだのと住宅関連の税収が落っこちて調子が悪くなった。ブァレーホのホームページには裁判所への提出書類が掲示されてまして、そこでは$17millionになってますけどね・・・。Backgroundの項目にgeneral fundの過去3期の赤字と今期赤字見込み17millionが説明されてます。

いやあ、Gemeral Fund。なつかしい。この言葉見かけたのは試験勉強以来ですな。まあ、一般会計というところですかな。

The 20 largest creditors without collateral backing their claims are owed a total of $321.8 million, court papers show. The California Public Employees' Retirement System, the largest U.S. public pension fund, is owed $135.4 million for retiree health benefits and $83.9 million for unfunded pension plan benefits.


``There are more requirements necessary to be satisfied to file a Chapter 9 case than there are for a Chapter 11 case,'' he said, referring to the court procedure usually used by businesses.


``Once a municipality qualifies for Chapter 9, there are many differences that favor a municipality and the rules are more lax and in a sense the deck is stacked a bit in favor of the municipality,'' Glassman said.


In a Chapter 9 case, creditors can't force the city to liquidate, which is often one of the most ``powerful tools'' available to creditors in a Chapter 11 case,


``It would not be a surprise if there were more filings because it's almost a perfect storm of all the positives becoming negatives,'' Glassman said.

