karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Jan. 12, 2022

2022-01-12 21:50:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I enjoyed English with three housewives
at the community center.

First, we enjoyed talking in Japanese.

Then we started to do an exercise in English grammar
---Adjective. (形容詞)

Do you try some?

(  )内の語句のうち、正しいものを選びなさい。

1.I have a ( few, little ) money with me now.
2.( Thousand, Thousands ) of people attended the funeral.
3.The ( lone, alone ) traveler kept walking day after day.
4.Every student was ( boring, bored ) with his speech.
5.I am ( convenient, glad ) to see you.

answers ( 1. little 2. Thousands 3. lone 4. bored 5. glad )

We, four ladies, think studying English is very good
to stimulate our brain.

on Jan. 6, 2022

2022-01-06 13:28:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, what a cold day!

Snowflakes were falling lightly,
when I was going to the supermarket this morning.

I reached out for some snowflakes.

I remembered my childhood in the snow district.

How excited I was to try to catch snowflakes!

I wish I could go back to my hometown,
a mountainous area which has a heavy snowfall.

I know it is very hard to live in the snow area
but I do love snow season.


It is six days since New Year's Day.

How quickly time flies!

Did you enjoy your New Year's holidays?

I've been spending an ordinary daily life.

Oh, I miss my granddaughter, Koharu.

She went back to Sapporo on Jan. 3.

How have you been, Koharu?

I wish I were strong enough to visit you
in Sapporo!

Take care
and try your hardest,
dear koharu!

(written at 1:30 pm, today)

on Jan. 1, 2022

2022-01-01 09:58:00 | ノンジャンル
Happy New Year!

I hope you and your family are all fine
and are enjoying happy holidays.

This is the year of Tiger.

I hope Tiger will suppress the spread
of coronavirus.

The Omicron coronavirus is now raging
all over the world.

I'm afraid new variants (変異株) will be born
one after another.

What can we do?


Yesterday I visited our local shrine 熊野宮.

I thanked for my peaceful days in 2021
and prayed for another peaceful year.

Peace on Earth,
Happiness to You All.

on Dec. 26, 2021

2021-12-26 19:57:00 | ノンジャンル
What a cold day!

My limbs are stiff with cold.

But my heart is filled with joy.

My granddaughter, Koharu, came home
from Sapporo yesterday, late at night.

She is a university student.

She is staying at home for a week or so.

Today I went to see her.

It is almost a year since I saw her last.

Do you know
how much I missed you?

Oh, I do love you, Koharu!

(koharu in 2005)

on Dec. 18, 2021

2021-12-18 13:14:00 | ノンジャンル
It's a lovely day again.

The sun is shining brightly.

The sky is so blue.

But what a cold day it is!

I enjoyed walking in the bright sun.

Looking up at the beautiful, blue sky,
I wondered when COVID-19 pandemic
will move a step toward resolution.

Will the day come when we can enjoy
our normal life?

I should say NO.

The new variant, omicron, was discovered,
which means, I'm afraid, we might have
new variants one after another.

I hope it's my needless worry.


Christmas is coming around.

Do you have any plans for Christmas?