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・59.5 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 5

2021-02-22 | 出題英文讀解

Part 5(6、7パラ)

     The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015. In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game. At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena. The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added. They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York. If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor. The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.

     The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety. Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.




5.1 The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015.

5.2 In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game.

5.3 At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena.

5.4 The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added.

5.5 They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York.

5.6 If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor.

5.7 The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.


5.8 The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport.

5.9 As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety.

5.10 Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.



5.2     watch for                      を待ち構へる

5.3      at first                                最初は

5.4      one to four                       14(の)

5.8      make progress in       において進展する

5.9      take measures to-不定詞()  のため(の)措置を講ずる

5.10    might                                 may よりも婉曲で、可能性が低いことを示唆します。

5.10    lead to                           (事が)(ある結果:)に到る




5.1 NHLは2015年に腦震盪監視員制度(/システム)も導入した。

5.2 この制度(/システム)では、試合の實況映像やその再生を觀ることのできるNHLの職員が、個々の試合中に目に見える間腦震盪の明白な徴候を注視する(/~徴候がないか見張る)。

5.3 當初、二人の腦震盪監視員が、彼らは醫療訓練は受けてゐなかつたのだが、試合會場で試合を監視した。

5.4 翌年、醫療訓練を受けてゐる一人ないしは四人の腦震盪監視員が加へられた。

5.5 彼らはニューヨークのリーグ本部で個々の試合を監視した。

5.6 もしある竸技者が腦震盪を起こしてゐると腦震盪監視員が考へれば、その竸技者は試合から外され、醫師の檢査のため「靜かな部屋」に連れて行かれる。

5.7 その竸技者は、醫師の許可が出るまで試合には戻ることは許されない。


5.8 NHLは、ホッケーを一層安全なスポーツにするのに多大な進展を果してきた。

5.9 腦震盪の原因と結果についての知見が増えるにつれて、NHLは竸技者の安全確保のため更なる措置をきつと講ずるであらう。

5.10 安全性が向上すれば、ホッケーの竸技者やファンの(數の)増加に到るかもしれない。

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