

A sense of justice in the Battle of Gaixia ⑴

2021-01-16 10:01:01 | 今そこにあるメディアのリスク



When Chu's Xiang Yu was defeated by Han's high-ranking ancestor and was surrounded by Gaixia, he heard the four-sided Han army singing the song of Chu in the middle of the night, and said that the people of Chu had already surrendered to Han. From the story of the "History" section of "History" that he was despaired, he was isolated surrounded by enemies and had no help. The people around you are all opponents.


President Trump would be in a four-sided battle of Gaixia.


President Trump on the agreement with Mexico, known as the Migrant Protection Protocols







JFK has become a young president, leading the media.

However, Trump is not featured on SNS as well as major mass media. Even if I say something decent. The major Japanese media is terrible, but even worse. War continues in the Democratic era. Trump: No war in the Republican era. There is no doubt that there is a DS behind the Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party behind it. Since there is no end, I am desperate and can lie as much as I want. It must have been cornered to that extent. The invasion of the parliament on January 6 was the work of the Antifa leftist extremists and dug a grave. Trump's approval rating has risen further.


Parler executive speaks out following Google app store ban, threats from Apple


Blocked on Twitter facebook and permanently removed, the Trump camp posted Parler information, but the app was removed from Apple Andoroid (Google). For the past 30 years or so, Mr. Jobs and Brain have taught me what I have now, but even Apple is connected to the underworld. I'm just discouraged.


[cm]Apple Mac 1984


Isn't this the Big Brother side drawn by that masterpiece CM "1984" George Orwell? I feel very lonely.



2021-01-16 00:17:42 | プロパガンダに潜む罠




「epic 2014 は一体何だったんだろう?」

近未来を予測した二都物語を引用した2014年 それから7年自由の国アメリカが言論統制をはじめた。大手メディアが全て左派 民主党裏にはDSそして中国共産党である。リンカーンが暗殺され、国家紙幣を作ると推し進めたJFKも熱いダラスに散った。それから57年周到に準備された正義の計画は、今クライマックスをむかえている。ソーシャルメディアまでもが、裏社会と繋がっていたとは?映画よりも凄い展開となっている。




言論統制への抗議 Twitterユーザー集団でプロフィール写真変更


そして第二のスティーブ・ジョブズ氏と言われたJack Dorseyの内部言論統制が、リークされた。SNSのメインストリームは、左派裏社会であった。
