

円高大臣 ロンドンエコノミスト

2009-12-01 07:02:03 | 金融

Time for action

AFTER taking office in September, Hirohisa Fujii, Japan’s finance minister, widely let it be known that he was happy with a strong yen. But he had not anticipated that the currency would so soon become a bolt hole for panicky investors fleeing turmoil in world financial markets.




Mr Fujii, who once said that intervention was only necessary as a result of “outrageously reckless” currency movements, hinted that he was now prepared to discuss it with his G7 counterparts


But there was only a half-hearted belief that Mr Fujii or his G7 counterparts were ready to strike.


Although there are howls of protest from Japanese exporters, currency strategists say the yen is not significantly overvalued. Because of huge differences between Japanese and American inflation over the past 15 years, Tohru Sasaki, chief currency strategist at JPMorgan, calculates that the yen would need to hit 57 per dollar to match its strongest post-war level of 79 yen per dollar reached in 1995.


Until very recently, the authorities have appeared to be relaxed about living with moderate deflation and a strong yen, hoping that over time the economy, which has rebounded faster than expected in recent quarters, would heal itself.


Yet such calculations, however valid, may miss the point. The trouble that Mr Fujii faces is that the steeper the yen’s rise, the greater the risk that Japan degenerates from a situation of mild deflation into a spiral of falling prices and wages, which would cause untold damage to itself and to the world economy.


Intervention to weaken the yen would carry a cost in terms of irritating Japan’s main trading partners. As Mr Fujii has noted, currency interventions can quickly lead to a round of competitive devaluations. But if he does raise the issue with his G7 counterparts, which he should, he should also stress the price impact of an excessively strong yen. If Japan were to fall into a deflationary trap, it would not suffer alone. Markets might quickly worry that over-indebted, slow-growing economies such as those of America and Britain were headed in the same direction.




