

エマニュエル勝利 ロンドンエコノミスト

2011-02-27 00:48:22 | ロンドンエコノミスト

Rahm Emanuel Voted Next Mayor of Chicago



Emanuel wins

Nevertheless, the election really did mark the end of an age. Richard Daley senior ruled Chicago from 1955 to 1976; his son has reigned over the city since 1989. Now a new powerbroker will take charge with no Daley in the offing. Mr Emanuel clobbered his opponents by winning 55% of the vote, well above the level needed to avoid a run-off. Mr Emanuel’s effect on the city, of course, has yet to be determined. But the election itself proved just how much Chicago has changed.


The mayoral race was unlike any in recent memory, and not simply because Mr Daley was absent. Chicago’s rules of racial politics have become tangled.


Mr Emanuel, a Jewish former congressman and aide to Barack Obama, was one of four main candidates. The Latino community, in a sign of growing prominence, produced not one but two credible contenders: Gery Chico, once Mr Daley’s chief of staff, and Miguel Del Valle, the city clerk.


After much debate the black community rallied behind Ms Braun, a former senator. “The early assumption,” says Juan Rangel, a Latino leader and supporter of Mr Emanuel, “was that the election would be all about race.” But it wasn’t.



Mr Chico’s most vocal backers were union members. Ms Braun tried and failed to incite class warfare. Mr Emanuel won in part because of his success in wards with high concentrations of black voters.


Meanwhile the notorious Chicago machine is not what it was. Mr Daley’s machine was different than that of his father; his power base included Latinos and executives at global firms, for example. But in recent years the machine had grown rusty too.


Federal investigations disrupted Chicago’s convenient system of rewarding political workers with city jobs and promotions.


Mr Emanuel is hardly an outsider to Chicago’s political establishment―he courted community leaders such as Mr Rangel aggressively. But his tactics were less old Chicago than new Washington. He followed the requirements of any modern campaign: raise cash and deliver a clear message.


By January Mr Emanuel had raised $11.8m, compared with $2.4m for Mr Chico. In the old days a patronage army might have fanned out across an important neighbourhood.


Mr Emanuel’s money let him accost voters through their television sets.


He also campaigned diligently, visiting more than 100 train stops to greet befuddled commuters. He stuck to his message (strong schools, safe streets, stable finances) and kept his famous temper in check.


Winning the election, however, was the easy part. Mr Emanuel is more accustomed to being an aide than the chief. But on May 16th Mr Emanuel will become the executive of America’s third biggest city.


A fiscal mess awaits him. Mr Daley closed recent budget gaps by using cash from asset sales; Mr Emanuel could not repeat this trick even if he wanted to.


A brawl with local unions, who opposed him in the election, seems certain. He may also struggle with the city council. These challenges are formidable. Mr Emanuel’s temper, so controlled in the campaign, is sure to erupt.


But if Mr Emanuel can survive the next few years, he may be the mayor for 20 more.




