

My gratitude for all of members.

2023-12-25 | Weblog
アドラー心理学はどちらかというと臨床心理学として実践するよりも、むしろ共同体において発揮すると思っていますが、人間はその自分の価値を他者によって知らされる存在です。その弱さをおぼえて、互いに支えあい、助け合って、お互いを尊重しあうことで、自分は大事にされている、役に立っているということを知らされ、そこに生きる価値を見出すのではないでしょうか。うちのクラブに来ている人たちの目標もそれぞれちがいますが、ひとりびとりが互いに尊重され、相互関係の中で生かされ、心から満足のいくジムライフをおくっていただきたいと願っています。そしてひとりびとりの個性を大事にみなさんが未来においてどうなっていくのかというベストな選択を描きつつしっかりとサポートしていきたいと思っています。今年もいろいろとまわりには助けられました。私はできることとできないことの差がはげしいので決して能力があるとはいいがたいですが、しかしここまでジムの雰囲気をよくし、みなさんが楽しくトレーニングできたのはまわりに支えられてきたからだと思っています。もうすぐ2023年が終わり、2024年がやって来ます。本当に今年はみなさんにお世話になりました。2024年も感謝の気持ちを忘れずにみなさんに喜ばれるクラブを運営したいと思います。We wish you a happy new year! Bonne et heureuse année !(幸せでよいお年を)새해 복 많이 받으세요(たくさんの福をお受けください)また来年もよろしくお願いします。

"We are surrounded by others, and we exist in some relationship with them. As individuals, we are weak and limited, and we cannot achieve our own ends in isolation. If we live on our own and try to deal with our problems by ourselves alone, we will die out." This is one of Alfred Adler's words and one of my mottos.
I believe that Adlerian psychology is practiced more communal psychology approach than a clinical psychology approach, and I believe that people are informed of their value by others. By recognizing our weaknesses, supporting each other, helping each other, and respecting each other, we are made to know that we are valued and useful, and this is where we find the value of life.
Although the goals of the people who come to our club are different from each other, we hope that each individual will be respected and utilized in a mutual relationship, and that they will enjoy a truly satisfying gymnastic life. We value the individuality of each person, and we want to support them as they make the best choices for their future. I have been helped in many ways this year. I am not a very competent person as there is a big difference between what I can do and what I cannot do, but I believe that it is because of the support of those around me, and it have been able to improve the atmosphere of the gym and make everyone's training enjoyable. The year 2023 will soon be over and the year 2024 will arrive. Thank you very much for all your support this year, and we hope to run a club that will be appreciated by everyone in 2024 as well. Happy and good New Year! 새해 복 받으세요 (Please receive a lot of good fortune) I look forward to seeing you again next year.


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