
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・東京經濟大學 2008 (2) 1パラ

2011-10-21 | 出題英文讀解


   An American employee at a U.S. branch of a Japanese manufacturing firm was sent to one of the company’s factories in Japan for training. Soon after he arrived, his new Japanese manager led him to a spot on the edge of the factory floor. The manager simply said, “Stand here and watch,” and then went away. The American was confused ―― he had traveled all the way to Japan, and was expecting to receive some training. But instead, he had just been left alone with no explanation.



1.1  An American employee at a U.S. branch of a Japanese manufacturing firm was sent to one of the company’s factories in Japan for training.








[意味] 1.1  日本の製造會社のアメリカ支社で働くアメリカ人從業員が、訓練のため日本の工場のひとつに派遣された。


1.2  Soon after he arrived, his new Japanese manager led him to a spot on the edge of the factory floor.



・前置詞 on: ここでは「接觸」を意味します。edge に接觸してゐる場所ですから、工場のフロアの端、壁際、だとわかります。








[意味] 1.2  到着後すぐに、日本人の新しい上役が彼を工場の端に連れて行つた。


1.3  The manager simply said, “Stand here and watch,” and then went away.


[意味] 1.3  上司は「ここに立つてよく観てゐなさい」とだけ言つて、立ち去つた。


1.4  The American was confused ―― he had traveled all the way to Japan, and was expecting to receive some training.





all the way (to )

(~まで)はるばる / わざわざ


[意味] 1.4  そのアメリカ人(研修生)は困惑した――はるばる日本までやつてきており、なにがしかの訓練を受けることを予期してゐたのである(から)。


1.5  But instead, he had just been left alone with no explanation.






leave alone



[意味] 1.5  ところがさうはならないで、彼は説明もないままにそのままにしておかれただけであつた。



[用例]  all the way



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  How’s the boss’ laryngitis?

  laryngitis 咽頭炎



1  He can’t make a sound.

  ・<not + a / an ~>: つよい否定です



2  What about that raise I’ve been asking for?

  what about ~: ~はどうですか

  ask for ~: ~を頼む / ~を要求する



4  He actually shouted at me on paper.

  actually (まさかと思ふかもしれないが)ほんたうに / 事實



4  I know, I heard it all the way out here.


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