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・59.4 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 4

2021-02-15 | 出題英文讀解

Part 4(5パラ)

     The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions. For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face. At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them. Since 2013, however, it has been required. In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.




4.1 The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions.

4.2 For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face.

4.3 At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them.

4.4 Since 2013, however, it has been required.

4.5 In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.



4.1     consist of~                  ~から成る

4.1     deal with~                   ~を取り扱ふ/~に對處する

4.2     for example                  例へば

4.3     at first                            最初は

4.3     not                            準動詞の直前に置かれ、to wear~を否定してゐます。

4.5     in addition                    さらに/その上

4.5     such as~                       例へば~など

4.5     hit~in the head           hit~の部分がメインで、後から細かい部位を〈前置詞+the+部位〉で補足する文體です。文法書では「定冠詞」の項に解説が載つてゐます。


59.4.1   Jim took his daughter by the hand and left the room.



59.4.2   He kissed the girl on the forehead.



59.4.3   The brick hit John in the face.



59.4.4   The man was shot through the heart.




4.1 ナショナル・ホッケー・リーグ(NHL)は、カナダとアメリカ合衆國のチームで構成されてゐるが、腦震盪に對處するために、一層嚴しい規則と指針を設け續けてきた。

4.2 例を擧げると、2001年に、NHLはヴァイザー―ヘルメットに取りつけられた、顏を守る透明プラスチック片―の裝着を導入した。

4.3 當初は、ヴァイザー裝着は任意であり、多くの竸技者は裝着しないことを選んだ(/裝着を選擇しない竸技者が多數を占めた)。

4.4 しかしながら、2013年以降はヴァイザー裝着が必須となつてゐる。

4.5 さらに、故意に他の竸技者の頭を打つ竸技者に對して、NHLは竸技者の一時竸技停止や罰金など一層嚴しい處罰を課し始めた。

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